EH :: Volume #18

#39: Dim place

Unobstructive, Bronya is far from reaching the limit.” As the executor of plan, Bronya knows itself from Mei Kou in the importance that the earth's surface lays down consciousness the switch . Moreover the plum and Mei two people appearance is quite similar, the plum has also had the help to Mei, loves it and everything that comes along with it, her impression to the plum is also excellent. “无碍,布洛妮娅远没有到达极限。”作为计划的执行人,布洛妮娅从梅口中知晓自己在地球表面铺设意识转换器的重要性,而且梅与芽衣两人长相极为相似,梅也对芽衣有过帮助,爱屋及乌,她对梅的观感也是极好的。 Gives her the small-scale Honkai furnace, accelerates the Honkai Energy restoration.” The supplies ship logistics and in the Bronya ear presents the voice of man simultaneously, that frailty that Herrscher Core you have not imagined, all take completing to lay down Quest for the premise.” “给她小型崩坏熔炉,加速崩坏能恢复。”补给舰后勤与布洛妮娅耳中同时出现男人的声音,“律者核心没有你们想象的那名脆弱,一切以完成铺设任务为前提。” Yes, special envoy Sir.” The logistics was not insisting. “是,特使大人。”后勤不在坚持。 Bronya has not spoken, but the revolution within the body core, the reply of acceleration energy, the vision looks into the distance silently to mainland Southern District of not far away. 布洛妮娅没有说话,而是默默运转体内核心,加速能量的回复,目光眺望向不远处的姆大陆南区。 With special envoy who two people exchange, is first Anti-Entropy hegemon Walter, observes the evil god follower spread degree not controllable person as the earliest possible time, this time he is accompanying in 015 bases in the side of plum. 与两人交流的特使,正是前逆熵盟主瓦尔特,作为第一时间观察到邪神信徒蔓延程度不可控的人,此时的他正在015基地中陪在梅的身边。 015 bases are the vestige reconstruction of Previous Civilization Era to come, at the underground 300 meters position, as the product that the old base reconditioning transforms, is not naturally able with the base comparison of brand-new construction. Here air quality is bad, is necessity-deficient, the most people day can only receive a relief meal to have a full stomach. 015基地属于上个文明纪元的遗迹改建而来,处在地下三百米的位置,作为老基地翻修改造的产物,自然无法和全新建造的基地比拟。这里的空气质量糟糕,物资匮乏,大多数人一天仅能领取到一份救济餐果腹。 The short half a month time, in the people eye in base then writes all over wearily. Under the pressure of such big, the development of evil god follower achieves one type nearly not the degree that is possible to prevent. 短短半月时光,基地内的人们眼中便写满疲倦。在如此之大的压力下,邪神信徒的发展达到一种近乎不可能阻止的程度。 The plum in corridor catches the eye to see light that the top of the head turns yellow dimly, some parts even are on the product of era, cultivates to be operational casually, the electric cable in alloy wall is chaotic, some also electric cables extend to the corridor ground in smoothly, all sorts of environment showed that the base that the environment and parliaments of 015 bases formulate requests to be far. 走廊中的梅抬眼看到头顶昏暗发黄的灯光,这其中部分元件甚至是上个纪元的产物,随便修修就投入使用,合金墙体内的电缆杂乱无章,还有些电缆光溜溜地延伸到走廊地面上,种种环境表明,015基地的环境和议会制定的基地要求相差甚远。 Other aspect wall is built by the glass all over the body, at this time has broken to pieces less than half, above can also see some doodles that believes the evil god. Here can see under not far away inhabited area directly, on the dirty , noisy and disorder street is only left over also Valkyrie in patrol, not general public. 另一面墙通体由玻璃打造,此时已碎了小半,其上还能看到部分信仰邪神的涂鸦。在这里能直接看到不远处下方的居民区,脏乱差的街道上仅剩下还在巡逻中的女武神,并无普通民众。 Bastard! Why must catch my mother!” “坏蛋!为什么要抓我妈妈!” The spacious silent street suddenly resounds together the infant voice, iron pot that simultaneously also has eaten pounds toward patrol Valkyrie. 空旷寂静的街道突然响起一道童音,同时还有一个已食用完的铁罐头朝巡逻的女武神砸去。 The sound, lead Valkyrie holds the iron pot that throws, frowns to look to hiding in the little girl of street corridor included angle. 啪的声,领头的女武神抓住扔来的铁罐,蹙眉看向躲在街边过道夹角的小女孩。 Girl both eyes are red, the appearance of clenching jaws unexpectedly seems fierce, the small fist gets hold, wishes one could to throw to beat the patrol now Valkyrie. 女孩双目通红,咬牙切齿的模样居然显得狰狞,小拳头握紧,恨不得现在就扑上去殴打巡逻的女武神 Lead Valkyrie looks calmly in the direction of corridor, sees the unemotional plum, in the heart slightly cold. 领头的女武神不动声色地朝走廊的方向看去,见到面无表情的梅,心中微凛。 Gives back to me mother!” The little girls angry roar to clash toward Valkyrie, turns the small fist to call toward lead Valkyrie on. “把妈妈还给我!”小女孩怒吼着朝女武神冲来,轮起小拳头往领头的女武神身上招呼。 The armor that the alloy makes is harder than the steel, first that the small fist brandishes, skin tearing of phalanx place damages, hidden has slightly red seeps out, the girl as if forgot the ache, when continues to brandish the second fist, was stopped by Valkyrie single-handed. 合金制成的装甲比钢铁还硬,小拳头挥舞的第一下,指骨处的皮肤撕裂破损,隐有微红从中渗出,女孩仿佛忘了疼痛,继续挥舞第二拳时,被女武神单手制止。 Captain...” Rear age small Valkyrie cannot bear the opens the mouth. 队长...”后方一名年龄偏小的女武神忍不住开口。 The team leader has not spoken, puts out the test tube shape metal stick body, in the above dense and numerous circular gaps emits the mist, swamps into the brain from girl's nasal cavity, the nerve paralysis, making the girl fall into the stupor. 领队没吭声,拿出试管状的金属棍体,上方密密麻麻的圆形缺口中冒出雾气,从女孩的鼻腔涌入大脑,麻痹神经,使得女孩陷入昏迷。 Completes these, the team leader stands up all around the glance, before these dense and numerous peeping at feelings vanished immediately most. 做完这些,领队站起身来扫视四周,之前那些密密麻麻的窥视感顿时消失大半。 Takes care of her well.” “好好照顾她。” Glass corridor place. 玻璃走廊处。 Walter is unemotional, does not look askance, calmly follows in the side of front leader, again after that is some administrators in 015 base, another part believes the evil god, already the Valkyrie arrest that by dispatching to come. 瓦尔特面无表情,目不斜视,静静跟在前方这位领袖的身边,再其后,是015基地中的部分管理人员,另外一部分信仰邪神的,早已由调遣而来的女武神逮捕。 The other three administrators atmosphere do not dare to breathe, from time to time looks secretly frontline selects the female high, female Warframe is sending out the light fluctuation of energy toward all around, the depressing air makes three people not gasp for breath. 余下的三名管理人员大气也不敢喘一下,时而偷瞄最前方的高挑女子,女子身上的战甲正朝四周散发淡淡的能量波动,压抑的空气使得三人喘不过气来。 They know that the present person is in the Earth parliament the extraordinary great person, 015 bases so display, they feared that is the future is worrying, is good has not attended that anything follower meeting because of them, 他们知道眼前之人是地球议会中了不得的大人物,015基地这般表现,他们怕是前途堪忧,好在他们没有参加那什么信徒会, Otherwise already one and grasped, who knows that in the future is what appearance. Dr. MEI,” Walter opens the mouth a opens the mouth, the line of sight of people also shifts to him on, 015 bases are transformed by the mainland union industry reconditioning, they at present the capital construction work that is responsible for No. 26 world soaking.” 不然早就被一并抓进去,谁知道未来是什么样子。“梅博士,”瓦尔特开口一开口,众人的视线随之转移到他身上,“015基地由姆大陆联合工业翻修改造,他们目前在负责26号世界泡的基建工作。” The sweat of rear three people of foreheads infiltrated immediately, unites the industry on Earth, but extraordinary colossus, has the United States shadow, front man easily said unexpectedly. Although these things can check to obtain momentarily, but the above great person checks, said with yourself, may be completely two matters. 后方三人额头的汗水立马渗了出来,联合工业在地球上可是了不得的庞然大物,其中更有合众国的影子,面前的男人居然就那么轻易地说了出来。虽然这些事情随时都能查得到,但上面的大人物查出来,与你自己说出来,可完全是两码事。 In Mei heart does not have the fluctuation, the epoch and old civilization fuses, the scientific and technological standard reaches the unprecedented altitude, consciousness extending of domain, making the ideological quality of people further promote, may be unable to support the population base to be big, in several billions population, would presenting the clothes eating insect, they multiply to grow in the gloomy moist corner recklessly, gnaw is eating named human civilization the foundation of the building. 梅心中毫无波动,新纪元与旧文明融合,科技水平达到前所未有的高度,意识领域的延伸,使人们的思想素质进一步提升,可架不住人口基数大,数十亿人口中,总会出现蛀虫,它们在阴暗潮湿的角落肆意繁衍生长,啃食着名为“人类文明”的这座大厦的根基。 These matters she will process sooner or later, is actually not now, matter as numerous as the hairs of an ox development levels that a slight move in one part that may affect the whole situation, outside the human civilization interior must process now also completely. 这些事她迟早都会处理,却不是现在,牵一发而动全身,如今人类文明内部外部要处理的事情多如牛毛重要程度也全然不等。 She needs a template, a template of nearly perfect civilization. 她需要一个模板,一个近乎完美文明的模板。 Perhaps a civilization that believes the gods, is good?’ ‘兴许一个信仰神明的文明,也不错?’ Mei Bojing moves slightly, the line of sight passes through the base alloy and quantum sea, has looked to that place deep blue world bubble, there, Theiler civilization is. 梅脖颈微动,视线贯穿基地合金、量子之海,一直望向那处蔚蓝的世界泡内,那里,正是泰莱雅文明所在。 ...... ...... Dezzi, putting up a last-ditch struggle is not meaningful, the little darling confessed all that you know, the highest parliament will perhaps be discussing reduces indefinite from the death penalty for you.” “奥德齐,垂死挣扎没有任何意义,乖乖交代你所知的一切,也许最高议会会商量着为你从死刑减免成无期。” The Dezzi's gloomy and cold look stares on front middle-aged bald person fatty, that is Theiler Federal Security Agency chief, before placing half a month, opposite party before him one dog that wags the tail the desire. 奥德齐阴冷的眼神盯在面前的中年秃顶胖子身上,那是泰莱雅联邦安全局局长,放在半月前,对方在他面前不过一只摇尾乞求的狗。 „The god of great honor will arrive finally side he most faithful follower, by that time It will carry off my soul to go to the township of eternal life, but you!” Dezzi said: Will die under the divine punishment eventually!” “伟大荣光的神终会降临在他最忠实的信徒身边,到那时祂将带走我的灵魂前往永生之乡,而你们!”奥德齐道:“终究会死在神罚之下!” Hē~ Baud disdains saying: Acrobatics that Dezzi, you are still doing that set of follower? Outside Theiler star has the alien to exist, even if really has god to exist, is still the powerful individual, awakes! Your War God glowing countenance taught not to have! The followers are wished one could to eat your meat to drink your blood by you have deceived! We close you, you have made that group of people frustrate the bone to raise the ash.” 呵~”伯特不屑道:“奥德齐,你还在搞那套信徒的把戏?泰莱雅星外是有外星人存在,就算真的有‘神’存在,也不过是强大些的个体,醒醒吧!你的战神容光教已经没了!那些被你欺骗过的信徒们恨不得吃你的肉喝你的血!要不是我们把你关起来,你早就让那群人挫骨扬灰了。” Ignorant person.” Dezzi closes the eyes, is not speaking, in the heart worries slightly. “愚昧之人。”奥德齐闭上双眼,不在说话,心中却微微着急。 He obtained was not fake by the support of hot civilized Ambassador, crashing that but the War God honor taught was too quick, before these he has offended the person backlashed... 他获得了逐火文明娅大使的支持不假,可战神荣光教的崩盘实在太快,以前那些他得罪过的人纷纷反噬... My lord, if you really exist, under asks to surrender the god graciousness, lets the lambs of these wrong paths, feels your kindness!’ ‘我的主,若您真的存在,请降下神恩,让那些迷途的羔羊,感受您的恩典!’ ...... ...... Please remember this book first round domain name:. Tang three Chinese net cell phone version reading websites: 请记住本书首发域名:。唐三中文网手机版阅读网址:
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