EH :: Volume #18

#38: Angel restructuring: Bronya

" Without that group of evil god followers, we are not thinking starts the consciousness switch. " 「没有那群邪神信徒,我们也不会想着去启动意识转换器。」 " The scale of evil god follower has gone beyond the controllable range, " Yae Ji points at the material on desktop saying: " If these contents are real, the evil god followers have controlled 015 bases thoroughly, Fusion Warriors that in the base is stationed in cannot escape the corrosion of evil god aura. " 「不过邪神信徒的规模已超出可控范围,」八重霁指着桌面上的资料道:「如果这些内容真实可靠,邪神信徒们已彻底控制015基地,基地中驻扎的融合战士也没能逃过邪神气息的侵蚀。」 " Solving evil god follower matter is urgent. " 「解决邪神信徒这件事刻不容缓。」 Sits in nearby bell stiff upper part, two small hands place the underbelly alternately, the both legs tight , the calf puts toward the one side slantingly, a virtuous young woman sitting posture. 坐在一旁的铃挺直上半身,两只小手交叉放在腹下,双腿紧并,小腿朝一旁斜放,一副淑女坐姿。 " Consciousness the switch? Before that is not very long, carries out the reincarnation the instrument that plans to invent? " In bell heart curious, she knows that thing, can extract outside the body the consciousness of human, then chose the appropriate parent body transmission in the past, realized the reincarnation by this. 「意识转换器?那不是很久以前执行转生计划发明的仪器吗?」铃心中好奇,她知晓那玩意,可以将人类的意识抽出体外,然后选择合适的母体传输过去,以此实现转生。 This plans the present not to de-archive, but the elder sister of bell but in Fire Moth famous Fusion Warriors, she also once did some work in the branch of this plan, more or less understands some. 这个计划到现在也没有解封,但铃的姐姐可是逐火之蛾内鼎鼎有名的融合战士,她本人也曾在这个计划的分支中做些工作,或多或少对此了解一些。 " Probably Thea is final of this plan. " Bell quietly *** looked at a whole face seriously " Thea " , in the innermost feelings is thinking " evil god follower " , these followers she listened to oneself elder sister saying that seemingly the management to some bases caused the enormous harm. 「好像小西娅辛就是这个计划的最终品。」铃悄***地瞄了眼满脸严肃的「西娅辛」,内心中又在想着「邪神信徒」,这些信徒她听自家姐姐说过,貌似给部分基地的管理造成极大危害。 But these two matters put together, really made the bell unable to find out exactly had anything. 只不过这两件事放在一起,实在让铃想不出到底发生了什么。 " Does the brother they want to pull out this group of evil god followers' consciousness? Also is not right... " 「难道老哥他们想把这群邪神信徒的意识抽出来?也不对啊...」 " The consciousness switch of No. 015 base absorbed person's of elapsing some consciousness, or can be said as the soul, this is only a base, the absorption region will not be big, I think that group of evil god followers have not clarified the actual usage of consciousness the switch. " Mei say/way: " The souls of these people have not gone to the reincarnation, the big probability drew in the sea of quantum to be related with Earth. " 「015号基地的意识转换器吸收了部分逝去之人的意识,或者可以说是灵魂,这只是其中一个基地,吸收范围不会太大,我想那群邪神信徒也没有搞清意识转换器的实际用法。」梅道:「这些人的灵魂没有去转生,大概率与地球被拖入量子之海有关。」 " On Earth likely has the life souls of lots of not reincarnation. " Yae Ji and plum looking at each other, sees the bright in opposite party eyes, understood the idea of opposite party. 「地球上很可能存在大量未转生的生灵灵魂。」八重霁与梅对视,都看到对方眼中的亮光,理解了对方的想法。 What does the human civilization most lack now? First is the time, second, is the population. The world bubble that the human civilization reclaims has reached dozens, after the first several catastrophes, population loss on Earth is very big one batch. The loss of catastrophe is most serious by this evil god war, has not thought that has a unexpected happiness. 人类文明现在最缺少什么?第一是时间,第二呢,是人口。人类文明开垦的世界泡已达数十,经过前几次大灾难,地球上的人口损失很大一批。大灾难的损失以这次邪神战争最为严重,没想到却有意外之喜。 Now the Fire Moth cloning technology reaches a high degree of proficiency, in the world bubble the rich resources support a lot of human body clones sufficiently, but was realized the batch of souls that the switch catches... 如今逐火之蛾的克隆技术已炉火纯青,世界泡内丰富的资源足以支撑大量人体克隆,而被意识转换器捕捉的这批灵魂... " This matter I come personally. " The plum sets out. 「这件事我亲自来。」梅起身。 " I... " Yae Ji also follows to set out. 「那我...」八重霁也跟着起身。 " You continue to monitor Theiler civilization, the name that War God honor teaches can first change, told the name of Dezzi Shuguang, advanced Theiler civilized belief as soon as possible, I will assign the manpower from No. 03 world bubble to you. " 「你继续监控泰莱雅文明,那个战神荣光教的名字可以先改改,告诉奥德齐「曙光」之名,尽快推进泰莱雅文明的信仰一事,我会从03号世界泡内调派人手给你。」 The words of plum have not said, the key of blank actual equipment in body, chest place Herrscher Core of emptying has been sending out the light fluctuation of energy, making the surrounding space tremble the fold. 梅的话还未说完,空白之键已然实装于身,胸口处的空之律者核心正散发淡淡的能量波动,使得周围的空间震颤出褶皱来。 Buzz ~ 嗡~ The dark gold/metal flashes through, the familiar space crack opens, Mei Chaoling beckons, " follows me. " 暗金闪过,熟悉的空间裂缝开启,梅朝铃招手,「跟我走。」 The bell looked at " Thea " subconsciously. 铃下意识看了「西娅辛」一眼。 " Goes. " Yae Ji nods, " remembers that makes your older sister coordinate the plum action. " 「去吧。」八重霁颔首,「记得让你姐配合梅行动。」 " Oh. " 哦。 " And other meetings, " Yae Ji pondered, does not feel right, " you were needless to speak these words, your older sister understand. " 「等会,」八重霁思考了下,觉得不对,「你不用说这句话,你姐自己会明白。」 " ? " In the small head of bell could not have understood in the words the meaning. 「啊?」铃的小脑袋里还理解不了话内含义。 " You also as soon as possible, " Mei say/way: " Embodiment godship incident, when I report the news to you. " 「你也尽快,」梅道:「具象神格一事,等我给你发消息。」 " Un. " Yae Ji nods, the front obscure ray flashes past, the space ripples restore gradually gently, until the space fluctuation is normal. 「恩。」八重霁点头,面前暗光一闪而过,空间涟漪渐渐恢复平缓,直至空间波动正常。 " For these days passed, does not know Dezzi did how, we hadn't sent the manpower at that time to him? " 「这几天过去,也不知道奥德齐做的怎么样,我们当时没有派遣人手给他吧?」 " No, " within the four seas of consciousness, Thea shakes the head, " do we pass now? " 「没有,」意识之海内,西娅辛摇头,「我们现在过去?」 " Un, now passes, the Dezzi's strategic value promotes, we must provide some help for him right amount. " 「恩,现在过去,奥德齐的战略价值暂时提升了,我们得适量为他提供些帮助。」 " That... clearing weather elder sister... " 「那个...霁姐姐...」 " What's wrong? " 「怎么了?」 " Can you... really fuse with Sister Mei's consciousness? " Thea small sound said: " Had the consciousness domain expert told me, 「你...真的要与梅姐姐的意识融合吗?」西娅辛小声道:「曾经有意识领域的专家和我说过, Except for being the consciousness of source, otherwise two completely different consciousness melt might cause the consciousness to be confused. " " Haha, is similar to this kind of experiment, without a danger, is the unreliable matter. " 除了属于本源的意识,否则两个完全不同的意识相融很可能会造成意识错乱。」「哈哈,类似于这类实验,若是没有一点危险可言,才是不可靠的事。」 " Oh. " Thea lowers the head does not speak, in the heart does not know that is thinking anything. 「喔。」西娅辛低下头不说话,心中不知道在想些什么。 Yae Ji naturally understands the train of thought of opposite party, even if cannot be completely transparent, can still roughly feel that the mood of opposite party fluctuates, that light grievance lets his sympathize. 八重霁当然了解对方的思绪,即使不能完全明了,也能大致感到对方的情绪波动,那股淡淡的委屈让他感同身受。 Said that is own beloved thing must apportion others does not abandon. 说起来不过是自己的心爱之物要分给他人的不舍罢了。 " In any event, we are always a body, others eventually are others. " Yae Ji holds the Thea small face with both hands, looks straight ahead the opposite party, " not? " 「不论如何,我们才是始终一体的,他人终究是他人。」八重霁用双手捧起西娅辛的小脸,直视对方,「不是吗?」 Thea blinks the eye, probably replied the inquiry of Yae Ji, probably anything had not replied. 西娅辛眨巴眨巴眼睛,好像是回答了八重霁的询问,又好像什么也没回答。 ...... ...... Deep blue Earth changed an appearance, the original vastness flows to another place, has trillion years of unjust sea bed earth's crust, once mainland degenerated into the burned black dead territory, occasionally can see the magma of eruption from the above, depressed Cong the forest is not , the earth's surface except for planet's movement, did not have its sound again. 蔚蓝的地球变了个模样,原本的汪洋流向他处,出亿万年不见天日的海床地壳,曾经的大陆沦为焦黑死域,偶尔能从上方看到喷发的岩浆,郁葱的森林早已不在,地球表面除了行星本身的运动,再无它声。 " Restructuring! " 「重构!」 Fills the black salt above the sky to reappear the blue light, the huge instruments of several hundred modeling science fictions gradually appear, under the instrument of great round shape has triangle that but actually appears the eruption shape, all around the white light involvement, seems to be absorbing what material. 弥漫黑灰的天空之上重现蓝光,数百架造型科幻的庞大仪器逐渐浮现,巨圆形态的仪器下方有呈喷发状的倒三角,白光勾连四周,似乎在吸收什么物质。 " Buzz ~ " 「嗡~」 The response of high-energy energy blows off the black salt in all around air, the white light of instrument transfers gloomily blue, imitates, if really absorbed anything. 高能能量的反应吹散四周的空气中的黑灰,仪器的白光转为幽蓝,仿若真吸收到了什么东西。 " Hū~ " Bronya exhales the one breath, scratches the sweat that on the fair and clear forehead did not have, Herrscher Core in within the body is absorbing the imaginary number space Honkai Energy to make the supplement crazily. 呼~布洛妮娅呼出一口气,擦了擦白净额头上并不存在的汗水,体内的律者核心正疯狂汲取虚数空间的崩坏能做补充。 " Mainland east district consciousness switch lays down, was laborious you, angel Sir. " The supplies ship that the rear area follows transmits the message toward the petite young girl of front flight, hints the young girl landing to take a rest slightly. 「姆大陆东区意识转换器铺设完毕,辛苦您了,天使大人。」后方跟着的补给舰朝前方飞行的娇小少女传送消息,示意少女着舰稍作休息。 " Southern District lays down the position to issue me specifically. " The chest cavity that Bronya fluctuates returns gently, promptly under requests to go to a region. 「把南区的具体铺设位置发给我。」布洛妮娅起伏的胸腔重归平缓,立即要求前往下个区域。 She in Herrscher Core of evil god war late perfect integration principle, becomes the new human civilization pillar/backbone level strength. Her ability with not resisting Honkai and evil god, but is the reconstruction after the disaster, therefore the sensitometry is extremely high, broadly by the people high praise, because of the petite slender body and fine busy cheek, was called Gabriel. 她是在邪神战争后期完美融合理之律者核心,成为新的人类文明支柱级战力。她的能力并未用对对抗崩坏与邪神,而是灾后重建,因此曝光度极高,广受民众好评,又因娇小纤细的身躯和精致无暇的脸蛋,被人们称之为「天使」。 " Do you also want to continue? " The logistic personnel of supplies ship spread the news: " According to the observation showed, your Herrscher Core overdraws the number of times to reach three times, the words that continues, might cause the irreversible damage. As your logistics supply personnel, I requested earnestly you to rest a meeting. " 「您还要继续吗?」补给舰的后勤人员传来消息:「根据观测显示,您的律者核心透支次数已达三次,继续下去的话,很可能会造成不可逆的损伤。作为您的后勤补给人员,我恳请您休息一会。」 ...... ...... Please remember this book first round domain name:. Tang three Chinese net cell phone version reading websites: 请记住本书首发域名:。唐三中文网手机版阅读网址:
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