EH :: Volume #18

#37: I am your elder brother

" I? " 「我?」 " Yes, " plum said naturally: " You are only one by one can with the person who the consciousness finds out by secret inquiry the embodiment godship, this godship is also you takes. " 「是的,」梅理所当然道:「你是唯一一个能用意识探知到具象神格的人,这枚神格也是你拿出来的。」 The plum and Yae Ji look in the eyes, in that gloomily blue pupil, Yae Ji saw clearly reflecting that is the Thea elegant face. 梅与八重霁四目相对,在那幽蓝的眸中,八重霁清晰地看到了属于西娅辛俏颜的倒映。 " Clearing weather, " looks is the Thea immature appearance at present, Mei say/way: " I know that you have many secrets, initially in Previous Civilization Era your information, in the evil god battlefield, the place of War God falling from the sky has not been is away from our 1 million kilometers, at that time I side you, you did not have the opportunity to take the embodiment godship who so-called War God fell. " 「霁,」看着眼前属于西娅辛的稚嫩容颜,梅道:「我知道你有许多秘密,当初上个文明纪元中并没有你的信息,邪神战场上,战神陨落之地更是距离我们百万千米,那时我在你身边,你没有机会去拿所谓的战神掉落的具象神格。」 Sees Yae Ji to frown, the plum continues saying: " I said that these meanings, is I believes you unconditionally, regardless of you make anything, I think you all for the human civilization. 见到八重霁蹙眉,梅继续道:「我说这些的意思,是我无条件的相信你,无论你做什么,我认为你全是为了人类文明。 Therefore, you said that I selfishly also good, selfless, except for you, I do not want to take a lot of care to seek for one to be able again the person of adaptive embodiment godship, even that person really can the perfect adaptive embodiment godship, his character and thought? Is the perfect conjunction human civilization? 所以,你说我自私也好,无私也罢,除了你,我不想再费心思去寻找一个能适配具象神格的人,即便那个人真能完美适配具象神格,他的性格、思想呢?是不是完美契合人类文明? These I do not know, I do not dare to bet. We must create, is one dominates the super individual thoroughly above human civilization all life, the attitude of this individual decided the future of human civilization. 这些我不知道,我也不敢赌。我们要创造的,是一个彻底凌驾于人类文明全体生灵之上的超级个体,这个个体的态度决定了人类文明的未来。 Except for you, I do not trust others. " 除了你,我不信任其他人。」 Yae Ji turns away slightly, in his field of vision, presents purgatory Quest that " cell phone " once issued. 八重霁微微移开视线,在他的视野中,又出现了「手机」曾发布的炼狱任务 Purgatory Quest two: Gains hundred civilized beliefs 炼狱任务二:获取百种文明的信仰 " Originally is this meaning. " 「原来是这个意思。」 " I understood. " Yae Ji sets out, " how needs to coordinate, we cannot waste the time again. " 「我明白了。」八重霁起身,「需要怎么配合,我们不能再浪费时间。」 " Instrument is unable to observe the embodiment godship, my consciousness cannot, take risk except for you voluntarily, fuses together with the godship directly outside... " Metten. 「仪器无法观测到具象神格,我的意识也不能,除了你自愿冒险,与神格直接融为一体外...」梅顿了顿。 " I believe that you have the means. " 「我相信你有办法的。」 " In addition, needs me and your consciousness melts, may spy on the mystery of embodiment godship. " 「除此之外,需要我和你的意识相融,才有可能窥探到具象神格的奥秘。」 Hears the consciousness to melt, in the Yae Ji heart does not have the resistance voluntarily, he and Thea consciousness Telepathy in the same place, he has returned to the main body to spend the enormous price at this moment, if adds on a plum again... 听到意识相融,八重霁心中不自觉产生抵抗,他和西娅辛的意识已经纠缠在一起,此时此刻他连回归本体都需花费极大代价,若是再加上一个梅... " I must first separate with the Thea consciousness. " 「我得先与西娅辛的意识分开。」 " Waits for meetings. " In the lifeform pupil of plum springs an information. 「等会。」梅的生物瞳中弹出一条信息。 " You have the new visit application. " 「您有新的访问申请。」 The top left-hand corner picture is brightly smiling powder sends the young girl, before the volume , the bangs a handful also dyed the white, the whole person was seemingly sporty. 左上角的照片是一名笑容灿烂的粉发少女,额前刘海的一小撮还染成了白色,整个人看起来活力十足。 " Passes, making her come. " 「通过,让她进来吧。」 Outside world. 外界。 Holds the bell of document to size up all in building curiously, in the mind thinks suddenly own elder sister's urging. 抱着文件的铃好奇地打量建筑物内的一切,脑海中突然想到自家姐姐的叮嘱。 " Silent war star is most important of present stage human civilization, you deliver the document by all means that leaves the casual inquiry news. " 「寂静战星是现阶段人类文明的重中之重,你只管去送文件,别随便打探消息。」 The young girls think person who accepts the document, is that relates not harmonious Dr. MEI with the elder sister... 少女又想到接受文件的人,是那位与自家姐姐关系不怎么融洽的梅博士... The bell made an effort to swing the small head, following the direction of intelligent AI, slightly ran is arriving at the experimental plot. 铃使劲摇了摇小脑袋,顺着智能AI的指引,小跑着来到实验区。 Chī~ 哧~ The alloy gate of experimental plot opens, on the sofa of momentary rest area sits two people. 实验区的合金门打开,临时休息区的沙发上坐着两个人。 Sees Thea also in bell eye slightly bright, in Earth previous for sometime, she and Thea relations are good, she super likes the Thea personality, some topic also many similarities that two people are interested. 看到西娅辛也在的铃眼睛微亮,在地球上有段时间,她和西娅辛的关系不错,她超级喜欢西娅辛的性格,两人感兴趣的话题也有许多相同之处。 " Dr. MEI. " The bell is blinking the eye to Thea, arrives in front of the plum quickly, both hands submit on the dispatch case. 梅博士。」铃对着西娅辛眨巴眨巴眼睛,快步走到梅面前,双手递交上文件袋。 " Who makes you deliver? " The consciousness of plum sweeps, in the dispatch case has the document that the paper records, regarding Fire Moth and even the epoch civilization, this kind of record document way is quite rare, she for a long time very long has not received this kind of entity document very much. 「谁让你送过来的?」梅的意识一扫而过,文件袋中有纸张记载的文件,对于逐火之蛾乃至新纪元文明来说,这类记载文件方式已然极为罕见,她已经很久很久没有收到这类实体文件。 " Is and is... " The bell is not comfortable in the plum side whole body, stammers two saying: " Is Walter ad hoc. " 「是、是...」铃在梅身边浑身不自在,磕巴两声才道:「是瓦尔特特遣员。」 " , Was laborious you. " Regarding Walter, the plum is very familiar, the first Anti-Entropy hegemon, Herrscher of first proxy, has the talent in the scientific research personally extremely. 「哦,辛苦你了。」对于瓦尔特这个人,梅还是很熟悉的,前逆熵的盟主,第一代理之律者,个人在科研上也极有天赋。 " Isn't laborious. " The bell rushes to say. 「不辛苦不辛苦。」铃赶忙道。 Looks at cautiously the bell, 看着小心翼翼地铃, Yae Ji finds it ridiculous, opens the mouth to call: " Here bell, comes. " Was saying also patted sofa. 八重霁觉得好笑,开口招呼道:「铃,来这边。」说着还拍了拍身边的沙发。 The bell shot a look at a plum, saw that this air/Qi field intensity big Dr. MEI is reading the document, had no interest in respond this small sun-dried shelled shrimp, in the heart measured. 铃又瞥了眼梅,见到这位气场强大的梅博士正翻看文件,无心搭理她这个小虾米,心中权衡了番。 " Thea is also the civilized pillar/backbone, has her to support for me, Dr. MEI cannot do to me! " 「西娅辛也是文明支柱,有她为我撑腰,想必梅博士也奈何不了我!」 Thinks of here, the bell slides to Thea side fast, grasped sat the young girl on sofa, used the small face to rub the face of young girl like only the lazy cat. 想到这里,铃快速溜到西娅辛身边,一把抱住了坐在沙发上的少女,像只懒猫一样用小脸蹭着少女的脸庞。 The bell said low voice excitedly: " Thea Thea, I may want dead you ~ " 铃小声激动道:「小西娅辛啊小西娅辛,我可想死你了~」 Thea body slightly stiff, shoves open the warm excessive powder to send the young girl slightly. 西娅辛的身子微僵,略微推开热情过度的粉发少女。 " Coughs cough~ " 「咳咳~ " What's wrong? " The bell said pitifully: " Half a month does not see, were we in so the situation estranged? " 「怎么了?」铃可怜巴巴道:「半月不见,咱俩生分到如此地步了嘛?」 " I am your elder brother. " 「我是你哥。」 " Thea " is showing the whites of the eyes to the bell, " pays attention to some. " 「西娅辛」对着铃翻了个白眼,「注意些。」 " Aiya, Thea you will also crack a joke. " The bell must begin to pinch the Thea small face. 「哎呀,小西娅辛你也会开玩笑了。」铃又要动手去捏西娅辛的小脸。 " I really am your elder brother. " The Yae Ji consciousness finds out, " I and Thea have important Quest, now be at consciousness fusion condition. " 「我真是你哥。」八重霁意识探出,「我和西娅辛有要紧任务,现在处于意识融合状态。」 " Ah?! " the movement of bell stops suddenly, recalled that before played the noisy picture, immediately felt the toothache got up. 啊?!」铃的动作忽地一停,回想之前玩闹的画面,顿时感觉牙疼起来。 " Originally is the brother Hahaha ~ I also think that is Thea. " 「原来是老哥啊哈哈哈~我还以为是小西娅辛呢。」 Looks the bell that front starts to play the fool, Yae Ji shakes the head to say with a smile: " Sits, such big person, but also plays noisily like the child. Recently was doing? In other world bubble on Earth? " 看着面前开始装傻的铃,八重霁摇头笑道:「坐好,这么大的人了,还像个小孩子一样玩闹。最近在干什么?在地球上还是别的世界泡内?」 The elder question makes the bell restless, has to reply well. 长辈般的问话让铃如坐针毡,只得好好回答。 " Does not know that Thea can see, Aaah is good to lose face! " 「也不知道小西娅辛能不能看到,啊啊啊好丢脸啊!」 Another side of the lounge, the plum glances through the document repeatedly, the brow tightens the wrinkle from time to time, from time to time is affable. 休息室另一边,梅反复翻阅文件,眉头时而紧皱,时而舒缓。 " Clearing weather! " The plum delivers to Yae Ji's side the document with the consciousness strength, " you have a look at this. " 「霁!」梅用意识力量将文件送到八重霁身边,「你看看这个。」 Nearby bell rushes to set out, " that I first walked, the brother you and Dr. MEI is busy, I return to base also matter. " 一旁的铃赶忙起身,「那我先走了,老哥你和梅博士忙吧,我回基地还有事哈。」 " You leave anxiously. " Has not waited for Yae Ji to speak, the plum first blocked the bell, " meets me also to return to Earth, I deliver you to go back. " 「你别急着走。」没等八重霁说话,梅先把铃拦了下来,「一会我也回地球,我送你回去。」 " This does not need but actually... " 「这倒不必了吧...」 " Little darling sits. " Yae Ji patted the sofa, he had glanced through with the consciousness thoroughly content. 「乖乖坐着。」八重霁拍了拍沙发,他已然用意识彻底翻阅了其中内容。 Sees Yae Ji to digest information, Mei say/way: " On Earth some lives elapse, the meeting reincarnation to other world bubbles, this we have known. " 八重霁消化完其中信息,梅道:「地球上有些生灵逝去,会转生到其它世界泡内,这点我们早已知晓。」 " Truly, " Yae Ji nods, " is only has not thought that presents Earth this exceptional case, it is draws the sea of quantum by us forcefully, some people of elapsing unexpectedly... " 「确实,」八重霁点头,「只是没想到出现地球这个特例,它是由我们强行拖进量子之海,其中有些逝去的人居然...」 The Yae Ji complexion is complex, drew in the plan in sea of quantum saying that Earth was he and plum formulation, when carrying out this plan, some Earth personnel have shifted the placement to be appropriate, but many lives were still elapsed by the disaster, making in his heart quite uncomfortable. 八重霁脸色复杂,将地球拖入量子之海中的计划可以说就是他和梅制定,在执行这项计划时,地球部分人员已然转移安置妥当,但仍有许多生灵遭受灾难逝去,让他心中极为难受。 " Also must be lucky these evil god followers. " 「还要多亏了那些邪神信徒。」 ...... ...... Please remember this book first round domain name:. Tang three Chinese net cell phone version reading websites: 请记住本书首发域名:。唐三中文网手机版阅读网址:
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