EH :: Volume #18

#36: Makes the god plan: Dawn

Alone and ice-cold, the star land is laid by the unknown alloy all over the body, the bell looks up upwardly, the granule that the silent heart core engine sends out flutters, composes the cobalt blue lattice shape the atmosphere, seems like that the dream, standard exosmosis person. 孤寂、冰冷,星球的大地通体由未知合金铺砌而成,铃抬头向上望去,寂静之心核心引擎散发的粒子飘荡而出,组成钴蓝点阵状的大气,看起来是那么梦幻,又格外渗人。 The bell shivers from coccyx that perspiration hair root root raises up, was this war star was too lonely, except for her own, as well as neighbor several buildings, a ghost did not have. 铃从尾巴骨那打了个冷颤,身上的汗毛根根竖起,实在是这颗战星太冷清了,除了她自己,以及附近的几座建筑,连个鬼影也没有。 Makes her feel to feel at ease only, is extremely the distant place the jump engine of eruption glistening luminous spot. 唯一让她感到心安的,便是极远处正喷发莹莹光点的跃迁引擎。 In order to avoid Decayed The sea of submergence quantum, the jump engine of silent war star has been half start condition, once there is a crisis of force majeure to happen, the silent war star then can bring Earth to jump to the quantum the flower floor. 为了避免【腐朽】下潜量子之海,寂静战星的跃迁引擎一直处在半启动状态,一旦有不可抗力的危机发生,寂静战星便会带着地球跃迁至量子之花底层。 Therefore, jumps engine that also to be stationed in a civilized pillar/backbone, the time for the engine supply energy. 为此,跃迁引擎那还一直驻扎着一位文明支柱,时刻为引擎供应能量。 " Does not know that who that is. " In bell heart curious, looked into the distance toward the distant place of eruption luminous spot again, at once is fast toward the building in moves, in her hand has a special confidential paper, needs to transmit to Dr. MEI. 「不知道那一位是谁。」铃心中好奇,再次朝喷发光点的远处眺望了番,旋即快速朝建筑物内移动,她手中有份特殊的机密文件,需要转交给梅博士 Silent war star experimental plot. 寂静战星实验区。 Several days ago in Theiler federal gold dynasty palace Thea , still had sat in the opposite of plum at this time, but controlled the Thea body, without a doubt was Yae Ji. 数天前还在泰莱雅联邦黄金王朝宫殿的西娅辛,此时已经坐在梅的对面,而操控西娅辛身体的,毫无疑问是八重霁 The plum glances through the data that various instruments are transmitting unemotionally, finally frowns saying: " I do not have the clue to it temporarily, can touch the entity obviously, various instruments cannot inspect, is unable to observe the high-energy reaction. " 梅面无表情地翻阅着各类仪器传来的数据,最终蹙眉道:「我暂时对它没有头绪,明明可以触碰到实体,各类仪器却怎么也检查不出来,也无法观测到高能反应。」 " Without the means that " Yae Ji both hands one, " who lets the first embodiment godship who it is we gains. " 「没办法,」八重霁双手一摊,「谁让它是我们获取的第一个具象神格。」 " Is this really that War God godship? " Even if knows that the clearing weather will not deceive her, but the plum could not bear ask one. 「这真的是那个战神的神格?」即便知道霁不会骗她,但梅还是忍不住问了一句。 Name: Embodiment War God godship 名称:具象化战神神格 Introduced: Has the power of corroded civilization belief, was an equivalent for " red lotus ultimate " great strength. 介绍:拥有侵蚀文明信仰的权能,生前属于一位等阶为「红莲终极」的强大者。 Yae Ji glanced introduction in the Inventory, opens the mouth saying: " Guarantees exchange if not genuine. " 八重霁又瞟了眼背包中的介绍,开口道:「如假包换。」 Mei Ditou takes a fast look around the data, both hands naturally holds the chest, causes under the scientific research shirt full is more prominent. Since Previous Civilization Era, the clearing weather body has then flooded the riddle, even if she has commanded Fire Moth, has not seen clearly opposite party secret, what without a doubt is, the clearing weather stands this side them , to continue the hero who fights for the human civilization. 梅低头扫视数据,双手自然抱胸,使得科研衬衫下的饱满更为突出。从上个文明纪元以来,霁的身上便充斥谜团,哪怕她已统领逐火之蛾,也没有看清对方身上的秘密,毫无疑问的是,霁是站在她们这一边,是为人类文明延续做斗争的英雄。 Since he said that at present this strange thing is the War God godship, that certainly is. 既然他说眼前这个奇怪的东西是战神神格,那就一定是。 The present thing palm of the hand size, under the scarlet semblance gold/metal revolves, outside covers a dim feeling, with the scientific instrument, or the consciousness sensation, the so-called War God godships does not exist. 眼前之物不过巴掌大小,猩红的外表下金芒围绕,外掩一层朦胧感,无论是用科学仪器,亦或者意识感知,所谓的战神神格都不存在。 Nowadays the human civilization is attacked front and rear, Honkai and evil god fang, eye covetously outward, no is good to deal with, under Earth sneaks the sea of quantum, the life casualty is serious, silent war star master control spirit " cobalt blue is silent " resists the evil god to fall from the sky with the silent heart, when the inside and outside are trapped and windy and snowy, matter that in the hand must handle many like stars. 现如今人类文明腹背受敌,崩坏与邪神獠牙向外、虎视眈眈,没有一个好相与,地球下潜入量子之海,星球上生灵死伤惨重,寂静战星主控灵「钴蓝寂静」携寂静之心抵抗邪神陨落,正是内外受困、风雪交加之时,手中要处理的事情多如繁星。 At this time, the clearing weather put out the War God godship. 偏偏这种时候,霁拿出了战神神格。 " Clearing weather, what idea do you have? " 「霁,你有什么想法?」 " Before we never knew human to be able after the gene fusion of Honkai Beast, can Fusion Warriors of birth control strong capability, has not thought Herrscher can use for the human civilization. " Yae Ji looking straight ahead plum: " Fire Moth chief scientist, but also dares to be risky one time? " 「以前我们从不知道人类可以和崩坏兽的基因融合之后,可以诞生驾驭强大能力的融合战士,也没想过律者可以为人类文明所用。」八重霁直视梅:「逐火之蛾的首席科学家,还敢不敢再冒险一次?」 The corners of the mouth of plum raise slightly upwardly, depresses quickly, sinking sound said: " The wartime of evil god, cobalt blue she, although uses the silent heart wide scope to resist the evil god consciousness the invasion, but some lives were affected, becomes the person of evil god follower is also not infrequent. 梅的嘴角微微向上提,很快又压下,沉声道:「邪神之战时,钴蓝她虽然使用寂静之心大范围抵挡邪神意识入侵,但有些生灵还是受到影响,其中变为邪神信徒的人也不在少数。 For these days, the quantity in each base assumed the geometrical form to grow, if no one stopped, perhaps the human civilization will perish before long. " 这几天,他们在各个基地中的数量呈几何形式增长,如果没有人制止,或许人类文明过不了多久就会自我灭亡。」 " Has this matter? " Yae Ji deeply frowned, he knows the hard to deal with places of these evil god followers, Thea has become control who Theiler world soaks, eliminated on the life evil god consciousness still wanted all -out effort full power. But Earth, draws in the planet in sea of quantum forcefully, strange star that even the world bubble and anchor point have not produced, 「有这事?」八重霁眉头紧锁,他可是知道那些邪神信徒的难缠之处,西娅辛已成为泰莱雅世界泡的掌控者,清除生灵身上的邪神意识仍要拼劲全力。而地球,一颗强行拖入量子之海中的行星,连世界泡、锚点都未曾产生的古怪星球, How can also prevent the evil god follower to spread? All massacres? 又怎能阻止邪神信徒蔓延?全杀掉? It is not realistic, that will only let rapidness of human civilization destruction 不现实,那只会让人类文明毁灭的更快 . " Shifts them to Theiler federation does not help matters, they are not in Theiler world bubble the original life, in the anchor point does not have their information, wants to eliminate on them the evil god consciousness is difficult. " Yae Ji pondered that the moment said: " Incorrect words, first send them to have opened in the good independent world bubble, must speed up the world of Earth to soak the line...... " 「把他们转移到泰莱雅联邦也无济于事,他们不是泰莱雅世界泡内原本的生灵,锚点中没有他们的信息,想要清除他们身上的邪神意识更是难上加难。」八重霁思考片刻道:「不行的话,先把他们运送到已经开辟好的单独世界泡中,还是要加快地球的世界泡化才行......」 Yae Ji said that the discovery plum had not spoken from the start, caught the eye to look toward the plum, front female is staring to stare at itself! 八重霁自顾自说了许多,却发现梅压根没有吭声,抬眼朝梅看去,面前的女子正直勾勾盯着自己! " What's wrong? " Yae Ji backward is subconsciously supine. 「怎么?」八重霁下意识向后仰去。 " Still remembers before you, words that spoke? " 「还记得你之前说的话吗?」 " Fire Moth chief scientist, but also dares to be risky one time? " Yae Ji recalls. 逐火之蛾的首席科学家,还敢不敢再冒险一次?」八重霁回忆道。 " With its believes the evil god, might as well create to be our human civilization own god! " Mei Yanshen strengthens. 「与其信仰邪神,不如创造出属于我们人类文明自己的神!」梅眼神坚定。 Yae Ji gawks, he felt that the change of state of plum, then said: " I almost am also this meaning, Theiler federation is a very good testing point, federal vice-chairman Dezzi has sided with us. " 八重霁微楞,他感觉梅的状态变化了般,接着道:「我差不多也是这个意思,泰莱雅联邦就是一个很好的试验地点,联邦的副议长奥德齐已经倒向我们这边。」 " Needs a name. " Mei say/way. 「需要一个名字。」梅道。 Yae Ji somewhat cannot catch up with the thought of plum, inquired: " Plan code name and so on? " 八重霁有些赶不上梅的思维,询问道:「计划代号之类的?」 " Right, " Mei thinks has not thought, spoke thoughtlessly: " Meaning in " Fire Moth " and " clearing weather " on. Fire Moth, likes a moth to the flame, brings upon oneself the blind alley, seeks to perish! Can we not know? For also wasn't in the darkness that only one by one light? Even if civilized falling from the sky in, also showed that we had struggled, is not the ignorant civilization. 「对,」梅想也没想,随口而出:「取意就在「逐火之蛾」与「霁」上。逐火之蛾,飞蛾扑火,自找死路,自寻灭亡!我们能不知道吗?为的还不是黑暗中那唯一一道光?哪怕文明陨落其中,也证明我们曾经奋斗过,并不是浑噩的文明。 The clearing weather, according to me understood to the culture of epoch, should be from Tang poet Wang Bo «Pavilion of Prince Teng Foreword» " cloud Xiaoyu the clearing weather, color penetrating area clear(ly) " , stopped for cloud Xiaoyu, the sunlight shone...... " 霁,按照我对新纪元的文化理解,应取自唐代诗人王勃的《滕王阁序》中的「云销雨霁,彩彻区明」,为云消雨停,阳光普照......」 Listens the words that is speaking, Yae Ji to fall into the recollection gradually, he listens to the father to say probably, " clearing weather " is mother takes to acquire fame for him, is from the classics, hopes his life, even if goes through the stormy times to drift, finally can still result in sees the bright light. 听着梅说的话,八重霁渐渐陷入回忆,他好像听父亲讲过,「霁」是母亲为他取得名,取自经典,希望他这一生即便经历风雨漂泊,最终也会得见明光。 " Father... mother... " The remote memory turns again wells up, causes in the Yae Ji heart bitter and astringent, goal that he starts, but cures younger sister's sickness, then calm and steady this life, has not actually thought that the things follow on somebody's heels, stirs earth-shakingly his life. 「父亲...母亲...」久远的记忆再次翻涌,使得八重霁心中苦涩更甚,他开始的目标,不过是治好妹妹的病,然后安稳的过完这一生,却没想到一件又一件事情接踵而至,把他的生活搅得天翻地覆。 " ...... We for is that bunch of light, that say/way from daybreak dawn. " Said, looks to also Yae Ji in ponder, " plan code-named Shuguang, without issue. " 「......我们为的都是那一束光,那道来自黎明的曙光。」梅说完,看向还在沉思中的八重霁,「计划代号为「曙光」,没问题吧。」 " Without the issue... wait/etc, " Yae Ji recovers, " why can add on my name? " 「没问题...等等,」八重霁回过神来,「为什么要加上我的名?」 " Because you are the only candidate who we make the god. " 「因为你是我们造神的唯一人选啊。」 ...... ...... Please remember this book first round domain name:. Tang three Chinese net cell phone version reading websites: 请记住本书首发域名:。唐三中文网手机版阅读网址:
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