EH :: Volume #18

#35: Belief avalanche

" He? " Dezzi had not understood that the meaning of Yae Ji, then hauled in the universe. 「他?」奥德齐还没理解八重霁的意思,便被拉进宇宙之中。 " ! " 「啊!」 Ice-cold and silent, Dezzi stares the big eyes, waves the four limbs, cannot make a sound, after stiff moment, Dezzi discovered oneself had not been affected, seems like in an extremely real projection. 冰冷、寂静,奥德齐瞪大双眼,舞动四肢,发不出一丝声音,僵硬片刻后,奥德齐发现自己并没有受到影响,反倒像是处在一个极为真实的投影中。 Dezzi who adjusts the good mentality looks out everywhere, he is Theiler federation vice-chairman, the power is astonishing, actually by this angle of view observation universe, does not know the galaxy beyond many light years to be hanging for the first time, an star glow glitters, the star of not far away, toward is sending out its energy in all directions. 调整好心态的奥德齐四处遥望,他是泰莱雅联邦的副议长,权力惊人,却还是第一次以这种视角观察宇宙,不知多少光年外的星河悬挂,点点星芒闪烁,不远处的一颗恒星,正朝四面八方散发着它的能量。 Compared with that dazzling star, Dezzi pays more attention to the front that two stars, because of that two planets, is their observed by the hot civilization! 比起那颗耀眼的恒星,奥德齐更关注前方的那两颗星球,因为那两颗行星,正是他们观测到的逐火文明! The cobalt blue fights on -board alloy to be densely covered, is only passes through star sea to arrive in this stellar system, then makes the satellite of another deep blue planet be intervened by attraction hauling, sufficiently big of proof his qualities. 钴蓝战星上合金密布,仅是穿越星海抵达此恒星系,便让另一颗蔚蓝行星的卫星受到引力牵引干扰,足以证明其自身质量之大。 But that deep blue planet, seeming like similar to Theiler star, but the continental plate scatters in all directions, does not have such as Theiler star like that is an entire mainland. 而那颗蔚蓝行星,看起来和泰莱雅星差不多,不过大陆板块四散开来,没有如泰莱雅星那般是一整块大陆。 As the angle of view moves, Dezzi's breathing rapidly, he saw that a jet black flowing light flashes toward Earth, but the aura that in that flowing light lends is to make his whole body shiver! 随着视角移动,奥德齐的呼吸急促起来,他见到一处漆黑流光朝地球闪去,而那流光上散发的气息更是让他浑身颤抖! As the true War God follower, facing " true " War God, the blood threads crawling full Dezzi's eye socket, the reason collapses in that flash slowly thoroughly, the body kneels to bend down uncontrolled, the mouth is talking over not the well-known words. 作为真正的战神信徒,面对「真正」的战神,血丝慢慢爬满奥德齐的眼眶,理智在那一瞬间彻底崩溃,身子不受控制地跪伏下去,嘴里念叨着不知名的话语。 Similarly by drawing the staff is also the complexion blanch and whole body trembles, he was not frightened by the War God true body, but sees Dezzi's performance... 同样被拉进来的幕僚也是面色发白、浑身发抖,他不是被战神真身吓到,而是见到奥德齐的表现... The staff have thought the War God honor teaches is Dezzi obtains the power the method, when Dezzi really makes the worshipping on bended knees ritual with the stance of crazy follower to " War God " ... 幕僚一直以为战神荣光教不过是奥德齐获得权力的手段罢了,当奥德齐真的以狂信徒的姿态对「战神」做出跪拜礼... The staff corner of the eye twitches, wishes one could to leave here immediately. 幕僚眼角抽搐,恨不得立马离开这里。 " Is nearer. " 「近一些。」 The sound that void in broadcasts pours into the staff ear, when gets back one's composure again, he and Dezzi has arrived at " War God " a front less than hundred meters position. 虚空之中传来的声音灌入幕僚耳中,再次回神时,他和奥德齐已然来到「战神」前方不到百米的位置。 Of Dezzi is more frantic, the black sludge squeezes out from the eye socket, he wanted to abandon once all, bosom of radical naturalization and War God. 奥德齐更为狂热,黑色污泥从眼眶中挤出,他想要抛弃曾经的一切,彻底归化与战神的怀抱。 The staff fall down, does not dare to look at " War God " , even if knows present " War God " projects by the hot civilization, but that atmosphere that constrains the extreme makes him unable to gasp for breath. 幕僚瘫倒在地,不敢去看「战神」,哪怕知道眼前的「战神」是逐火文明投影出来,但那股压抑到极点的氛围还是让他喘不上气来。 , On War God hundred meters away the flame air/Qi rises sharply suddenly, the figure extreme speed crashes toward Earth. 忽地,百米外的战神身上焰气大涨,身形极速朝地球坠落。 Dezzi stares the big eye, he who frantic will cover sanely wishes one could to follow War God to go. 奥德齐瞪大眼睛,狂热将理智遮盖的他恨不得追随战神而去。 The jet black flowing light stops fiercely, assumes the z font to flash through, the extreme speed flashes toward the universe starry sky beyond Earth , the rapidness of speed, wanted the rapid several points compared with before unexpectedly. 漆黑流光猛地停顿,呈z字型闪过,极速朝地球之外的宇宙星空中闪去,速度之快,竟比之前还要迅速几分。 Dezzi's corner of the eye observation wipes the cobalt blue, when he pursued that light, the cobalt blue ray the hit jet black flowing light, does not have the brilliant explosion, all belonged to silent, but in the universe starry sky, the sensation did not arrive at the War God aura again. 奥德齐的眼角似观察到一抹钴蓝,等他追逐那道光时,钴蓝光芒已命中漆黑流光,没有绚烂的爆炸,一切归于寂静,而宇宙星空之中,再也感知不到战神的气息。 " No-! My god! My god! Can you drop out your people?! Has a look at me! Has a look at me! I am your faithful follower Dezzi! " 「不-!我的神!我的神!您难道要抛下您的子民吗?!看看我!看看我!我是您忠实的信徒奥德齐啊!」 Dezzi opens mouth to shout, actually cannot make any sound. Dirt is black thicker, frightens the staff backward to retreat one after another. 奥德齐张嘴嘶吼,却发不出任何声音。身上的污黑愈浓,吓得幕僚接连向后退去。 " The polluting of evil god is really strong, after never expected that he falls from the sky thoroughly the projection scene, but can also make the follower crash into the abyss. " 「邪神的污染性真强,没想到他彻底陨落后的投影场景,还能让信徒坠入深渊。」 The voice is chilly, the staff grabs the last straw to grasp probably, looks suddenly toward the above. 话音清冷,幕僚像是抓住最后一根救命稻草,猛然朝上方看去。 That Ambassador, but the figure is bigger, dazzling golden hair also turns into the powder glow of being puzzled person, the facial features are firmer more and resolute, every action and every movement are valiant. 还是那位娅大使,不过身形更为高大,一头耀眼的金发也变成惑人的粉芒,面容更为坚毅,一举一动英姿飒爽。 The staff make an effort to wave, near his foot already dripping full sludge. 幕僚使劲挥手,他的脚边已然淌满污泥。 " Dezzi. " Yae Ji opens the mouth summon. 「奥德齐。」八重霁张口呼唤。 Sludge also that these flow, under the inexplicable strength, hides in Dezzi within the body competitively, but loses Dezzi who sane, is deeply grieved also to recover after the vacant moment. 那些流淌的污泥随之一顿,在莫名的力量之下,争先恐后地躲回奥德齐体内,而丧失理智、悲痛欲绝的奥德齐也在茫然片刻后回过神来。 Then, Dezzi's body shivers, " that... is that I? Will I... turn into that appearance? War God? No wonder calls it the evil god him by the hot civilization... I... 接着,奥德齐的身体颤抖不已,「那...那是我吗?我...怎么会变成那副模样?战神?怪不得逐火文明将他称之为邪神...我... It is not right, 不对, All these possibly by the conspiracy of hot civilization, false, is false! Great War God honor , can our these tiny ants peep at can it be that? But... but... so powerful civilization... evil god and evil god! He is the evil god! He deceived me! " In the back of Dezzi thought crashing collision, the key of corrosion revolves silently, sends out to fluctuate toward all around, until covering Dezzi and staff's consciousness. 这一切都可能是逐火文明的阴谋,假的,都是假的!伟大战神的荣光,又岂是我们这些渺小的蝼蚁可以窥视?可...可是...如此强大的文明...邪神、邪神!他就是邪神!他欺骗了我!」在奥德齐思想激烈碰撞的背后,侵蚀之键默默旋转,朝四周散发波动,直至覆盖奥德齐与幕僚的意识。 " In universe certain investigates the individual to have the godship extremely, but the god who receives the decayed pollution, was called the evil god. We by the hot civilization are the civilization that to be responsible for hunting and killing the evil god . " The Yae Ji opens the mouth, attracts the line of sight of Dezzi and staff, " after god falls from the sky, godship after years baptism, eventually birth new god, but we are accelerating this process. " 「宇宙中的某些究极个体具有神格,而受到腐朽污染的神,被称之为邪神。我们逐火文明是负责猎杀邪神的文明,。」八重霁开口,吸引来奥德齐与幕僚的视线,「神陨落后,神格经过岁月洗礼,终究会诞生新神,而我们正在加速这一过程。」 " You meant... " Dezzi inquired carefully. 「您的意思是说...」奥德齐小心询问。 Yae Ji continues to trick saying: " War God remains, Theiler federation is also one of the War God belief places, we do not hope that his basic plate loses, after all once War God was also the resistance decayed mainstay. " 八重霁继续忽悠道:「战神依然存在,泰莱雅联邦也是战神的信仰地之一,我们不希望他的基本盘丢失,毕竟曾经的战神也是对抗腐朽的中流砥柱。」 Dezzi said suddenly: " Respectable Ambassador, I know how should do, but the War God altar is not at now, I need to draw support from the expensive/noble civilized the strength. " 奥德齐恍然道:「尊敬的娅大使,我知道该怎么做,但如今战神祭坛不在,我需要借助贵文明的力量。」 " We will not interfere with the civilization development, all are tried hard by yourself. " Yae Ji, added the sentence, " do not forget you are the War God follower. " 「我们不会干涉文明发展,一切由你自己努力。」八重霁顿了顿,又加了句,「别忘了你是战神的信徒。」 Dezzi eyes slightly bright, said respectfully: " Thank your instruction. " 奥德齐眼睛微亮,恭敬道:「感谢您的教诲。」 The Yae Ji slight nod, the next flash, Dezzi and staff have returned to the room. 八重霁微微点头,下一瞬间,奥德齐和幕僚已然回到房间中。 Sits the young girl on sofa is carrying the teacup to taste, Dezzi sets out at once, after saluting again, withdraws from the room with the staff quietly. 坐在沙发上的少女正端起茶杯品尝,奥德齐旋即起身,再次行礼后,和幕僚悄然退出房间。 " Does clearing weather elder sister, why want this? " On the Thea elegant face full is confused. 「霁姐姐,为什么要这样做?」西娅辛的俏脸上满是迷茫。 " Gives him the opportunity of pulling the fierce appearance, if he this skill without , there would be no necessity of existence. " 「给他一个扯虎皮的机会,如果他连这点本事也没有,就没有存在的必要了。」 " Did that kill him is not good simply? " Thea weak say/way. 「那干脆杀了他不好吗?」西娅辛弱弱道。 The Yae Ji smile, looked to the Thea consciousness body, the young girl was saying with the weakest tone strongest words, on the elegant face was the pitiful facial expression. 八重霁微笑,看向西娅辛的意识体,少女用最弱的语气说着最强硬的话,俏脸上还是可怜巴巴的神情。 " Keeps a step idle chess, the actual issue I must discuss with. " Yae Ji routinely rubbed the Thea small head, " may have some not good effect on your Theiler world bubble. " 「留一步闲棋,具体事项我还要和梅讨论。」八重霁习惯性地揉了揉西娅辛的小脑袋,「可能会给你的泰莱雅世界泡造成一些不好的影响。」 The Yae Ji's hand palm that Thea enjoys silently, investigates the correct path: " That is our. So long as the clearing weather elder sister thinks, even if destroys Theiler world to soak are not related. " 西娅辛默默享受的八重霁的手掌,纠正道:「那是我们的。只要霁姐姐想,就算毁灭泰莱雅世界泡也没关系。」 Yae Ji slightly cannot check under the twitch the corners of the mouth, recently comes him and Thea consciousness fusion, two people relations seem like Thea Xinwei to lose recalled before , is close. 八重霁微不可查地抽动下嘴角,近些日子来他与西娅辛的意识融合,两人的关系似乎比西娅辛未失忆前还要密切。 However... Yae Ji tries to pull subconsciously, he and Thea consciousness already within you has me, within me has you. To separate, inevitably is an extremely painful process. 不过...八重霁试着扯动下意识,他和西娅辛的意识已然你中有我,我中有你。想要分开,必然是个极为痛苦的过程。 ...... ...... Please remember this book first round domain name:. Tang three Chinese net cell phone version reading websites: 请记住本书首发域名:。唐三中文网手机版阅读网址:
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