EH :: Volume #18

#34: Arrogant by hot civilization

, Thea and others from " by fire " civilization the temporary residence of diplomat, belongs to Theiler civilized gold dynasty period construction palace, the indoor that Thea lives in has completed the modern era transformation, peaceful, comfortable and succinct. 梅、西娅辛等来自「逐火」文明的外交官的临时住所,属于泰莱雅文明黄金王朝时期建造的宫殿,西娅辛居住的室内已然完成现代化改造,安静、舒适、简洁。 Outside palace sentry of long corridor except for coming from Theiler army, does not have other again. Dezzi and trusted aide staff half step walks into, the sentries are in abundance good with the eye salute. 宫殿外长长的走廊除了来自泰莱雅军队的哨兵,再无其他。奥德齐与心腹幕僚快步走入其中,哨兵们纷纷行以注目礼。 " Vice-chairman mister, " staff lowers the sound saying: " The diplomat of civilization has the self-confidence " " by fire extremely, the ambassadors entrance has not prepared the security. " 「副议长先生,」幕僚压低声音道:「「逐火」文明的外交官极有自信,大使们门口连安保力量也没有准备。」 " Do not guess the higher level civilization the intention, perhaps each of them has the army that the ability destroys Theiler. " Dezzi shoots a look at a trusted aide slantingly, " you have to notice that they drag to entrain the picture of planet, they can draw in the sea of quantum the planet from the real universe, can entrain the real universe Theiler star from the sea of quantum. Never must underestimate the high-level civilized the technical degree. " 「不要揣测更高级文明的意图,兴许她们每一个人都有能力毁灭泰莱雅的军队。」奥德齐斜瞥一眼心腹,「你又不是没有看到她们拖拽行星的画面,她们能将行星从真实宇宙拖入量子之海,也能将泰莱雅星从量子之海中拽回真实宇宙。永远不要低估高级文明的科技程度。」 The staff slight nod, falls behind in the position of Dezzi 1-2 step. 幕僚微微点头,落后在奥德齐一两步的位置。 " Here is the dwelling of that Ambassador. " When arrives at the destination quickly, the staff reported to Dezzi, simultaneously waves to hint the surrounding sentry to depart. 「这里是那位娅大使的住处。」快到目的地时,幕僚向奥德齐介绍,同时挥手示意周围的哨兵离去。 The staff stand before the gate, looks carefully to Dezzi, sees this vice-chairman to nod, according to loud doorbell. 幕僚站在门前,小心看向奥德齐,见这位副议长点头,才按响门铃。 The doorbell has not rung, the staff god, presses down again, is without the sound, immediately the cold sweat braved from the top of the head, by the residence of fire civilized diplomacy delegation, is he arranges single-handedly, now also presents the careless mistake... in the staff heart to greet the family member ancestor of that group of outsourcing personnel this minor matter unexpectedly crazily. 门铃没响,幕僚楞神,再次按下,还是没有响动,顿时冷汗就从头顶冒了出来,逐火文明外交访问团的住所,是他一手安排,如今却连这点小事居然也出现纰漏...幕僚心中疯狂问候那群外包人员的家人祖宗。 Dezzi knits the brows, looked that the look of trusted aide staff was cold immediately, perhaps, when he solves this political crisis, will consider that lets vanish in the person who his side is insatiably greedy. 奥德齐皱眉,看心腹幕僚的眼神顿时冷了下来,或许,等他解决这次政治危机,会考虑让一些在他身边贪得无厌的人消失。 , Departs a large size green dumpling from the gate suddenly, the words that does not pay attention to also think that was a cabbage flew, frightened Dezzi to jump. 忽地,从门中飞出一个大号绿色团子,不注意的话还以为是颗包菜飞了出来,吓了奥德齐两人一跳。 " Do you have the appointment? " The intelligent AI both hands fork waist that Aiyi splits up, smiles facing two people. 「你们有预约吗?」爱衣分化出的智能AI双手叉腰,微笑面对两人。 This time has not waited for the staff opens the mouth, Dezzi then to say respectfully: " Respect by the fire civilized diplomacy ambassador, I am Theiler federal highest parliament vice-chairman Dezzi, some important matter and Ambassador discussed, takes the liberty to visit, cannot make an appointment ahead of time. " 这次没等幕僚开口,奥德齐便恭敬道:「尊敬的逐火文明外交大使,我是泰莱雅联邦最高议会副议长奥德齐,有要事与娅大使商议,冒昧拜访,没能提前预约。」 " ... " The expression on chibi Aiyi big face is lifelike, extremely for: " Excuse me, Sir is resting. " 「唔...」Q版爱衣大脸上的表情惟妙惟肖,极为为难道:「不好意思,娅大人在休息。」 Hears these words, in Dezzi brain pondered rapidly, the tone is humbler: " Is very important matter, concerns life and death that Theiler world soaks, I want to chat with Ambassador personally. " 听到这句话,奥德齐脑中飞速思考,语气更为谦卑:「是很重要的事情,关乎泰莱雅世界泡的生死存亡,我想亲自和娅大使谈谈。」 " But Sir is resting. " Aiyi lets go, a helpless appearance. 「可娅大人在休息啊。」爱衣摊手,一副无能为力的模样。 While Dezzi depresses in the heart depressed, preparing again the opens the mouth is, Aiyi obtains what instruction probably, suddenly also said: " Your luck is good, Sir is willing to sacrifice the relaxation time to see you. " 正当奥德齐压下心中郁闷,准备再次开口是,爱衣像是得到什么指令,忽然又道:「你们运气不错,娅大人愿意牺牲休息时间见你们。」 " Extremely thanked. " Dezzi expressed gratitude by Theiler etiquette, in heart depressed even more was arduous, in Theiler federation, he was the vice-chairman who controls the forces of nature will soon reach, any with dares not to fall any good end with power who he fought. Now is actually chasing the entrance of fire civilized ambassador, is submissive to a little thing of similar intelligence. 「万分感谢。」奥德齐以泰莱雅的礼仪表示感谢,心中的郁闷却愈加繁重,在泰莱雅联邦内,他是呼风唤雨即将登顶的副议长,任何与敢与他交手的权力者都落不到什么好下场。如今却在逐火文明大使的门口,对一个类似智能的小东西低声下气。 " Calm, Dezzi, this should be, do not become confused, does not want when for a long time occupied top forgets once to struggle. Facing high-rank, my performance is more correct. However... this Ambassador, is not very it seems like good to do. " 「冷静,奥德齐,这是应该的,不要冲昏头脑,不要因为久居高位就忘记曾经奋斗时的自己。面对更上位者,我的表现是正确的。不过...这位娅大使,看来也不是很好打交道。」 In the room, a young girl calmly sits on the sofa, sees two people to arrive, the meaning of slightly not having set out. 房间内,一位少女静静坐在沙发上,见到两人到来,丝毫没有起身的意思。 " Originally and we grows almost by the person of hot civilization, universe is the appearance of civilized person mostly the same except for minor differences? " Staff first time real appearance that sees this Ambassador. 「原来逐火文明的人和我们长得差不多,难道宇宙中的文明者的长相大同小异?」幕僚还是第一次见到这位娅大使的真实面貌。 " Ambassador, takes the liberty to disturb, but also please excuse me. " Dezzi is a respectful appearance. 「娅大使,冒昧打扰,还请见谅。」奥德齐还是一副恭敬模样。 Thea nods slightly, " please sit down. " 西娅辛微微颔首,「请坐。」 Dezzi takes a seat joyfully, but the buttocks only sit in sofa half of positions, will once face high-rank the attitude to display the pinnacle. 奥德齐欣然落座,但屁股只坐在沙发一半的位置上,将曾经面对上位者的态度发挥到极致。 The staff stand in Dezzi behind, 幕僚站在奥德齐身后, Does not dare to look straight ahead that Ms . Really is this from chasing Ms. of hot civilization is too young, looked that surface is almost also old with his daughter! Possibly compared with him 不敢直视那位娅女士。实在是这位来自逐火文明的娅女士太年轻,看表面年纪也就和他女儿差不多大!可能比他 The daughter also wants on small some. However since this Ms. can become the diplomatic ambassador of high-level civilization, real age certainly not like surface like that. 女儿还要小上一些。不过这位娅女士既然能成为高级文明的外交大使,想必真实年龄绝不像表面那般。 Dezzi catching the eye visual Thea, does not know that is his misconception, he really sees a feeling of weariness on this Ms. face. 奥德齐抬眼目视西娅辛,也不知道是不是他的错觉,他真的在这位娅女士的脸上看到一丝倦意。 " It seems like that little thing has not lied, Ambassador is willing to see me in the relaxation time, matter also assurance. " 「看来那个小东西没有说谎,娅大使在休息时间肯见我,事情还有把握。」 The elimination evil god aura one after another, especially washes out the evil god aura for each life alone, making the Thea consciousness overdraw excessively, the feeling of weariness on elegant face is not the camouflage. 接连的清除邪神气息,特别是为每个生灵单独冲刷邪神气息,使得西娅辛的意识透支过度,俏脸上的倦意不是伪装。 Has soaked Thea who the ether anchor point fuses with Theiler world, thorough control all in the world bubble, were here only True God, Dezzi's purpose in coming are seen through by her. 已与泰莱雅世界泡以太锚点融合的西娅辛,彻底掌控的这颗世界泡内的一切,是这里唯一的真神,奥德齐的来意早已被她看穿。 " Clearing weather elder sister, what to do? " In the surface seems like wind light cloud Dan Thea, completely without handling the experience of this kind of event, she does not even know how under words should open the mouth. 「霁姐姐,怎么办啊?」表面上看起来风轻云淡的西娅辛,全然没有处理这类事件的经验,她甚至不知道下句话该如何开口。 Rolls spherical Yae Ji to say indifferently: " Is casual you. Does that... erase them? They believe the unstabilizing factor of evil god. Washes out on him the evil god aura? " 团成球状的八重霁无所谓道:「随便你。那...把他们抹除掉?他们是信仰邪神的不稳定因素。还是冲刷他身上的邪神气息?」 " Believes the evil god... and other meetings. " Yae Ji thinks once again the godship in Inventory, " you rests, I came to say with him. " 「信仰邪神...等会。」八重霁又一次想到背包中的神格,「你休息吧,我来跟他说。」 " Good. " 「好。」 The eye winks within, Yae Ji and Thea consciousness has been completed to take turn. 眼睛眨动间,八重霁与西娅辛的意识已然完成交替。 Yae Ji puts down the teacup in hand, looks straight ahead Dezzi. 八重霁放下手中的茶杯,直视奥德齐。 Dezzi was very long had not felt restlessly, he detected vision of this Ambassador profound, as if changed individual incessantly in 1-2 seconds! 奥德齐很久没有坐立不安的感觉了,他察觉到这位娅大使的目光深邃的不止一点,仿佛一两换了个人! " Dezzi, War God follower. " Controlled Yae Ji of Thea body to open the mouth then to destroy Thea quiet and refined, both hands built at will on the sofa arm rest, extremely natural outstanding foot, the back was backward supine, one set of movement formed a coherent whole, big of makings change, let Dezzi and facial skin of trusted aide staff twitches slightly. 「奥德齐,战神信徒。」操控西娅辛身体的八重霁开口便破坏了西娅辛本身的娴静,双手随意搭在沙发扶手上,极为自然地翘脚,后背向后仰去,一套动作一气呵成,气质变化之大,让奥德齐与心腹幕僚的脸皮略微抽搐。 " Yes. " Dezzi nods, puts out books from the bosom, places in front of Yae Ji personally, " Ambassador, this is the doctrine books of our sect, great War God does not look like the legend to fictionalize to come by the predecessor, great that It has. Believes that at the sophistication of expensive/noble civilization, has certainly seen strength that investigates extremely the individual, but great War God is not only...... " 「是。」奥德齐点头,从怀中拿出一本书籍,亲自放在八重霁面前,「娅大使,这是我们教派的教义书籍,伟大战神不是像神话传说等由前人虚构而来,祂是真实存在的伟大。相信以贵文明的发达程度,一定见过究极个体的实力,而伟大战神不仅仅是......」 Consciousness the dispirited Yae Ji to have no interest in listening to Dezzi to ramble on, is placed in his front books about one length and breadth, the middle finger is thick, in the title page is printed with " the War God honor " dark gold/metal inscription. 意识萎靡的八重霁没兴趣听奥德齐瞎扯,摆在他面前的书籍大约一手长宽,三指厚,封面上印有「战神荣光」的暗金字样。 Yae Ji lifts the hand, but also like grasped firmly the duck of nape of the neck in incessant Dezzi, sound, could not say suppresses the complexion to be red. 八重霁抬手,还在滔滔不绝的奥德齐就像被攥住脖颈的鸭子,嘎的声,一口气说不出来憋得脸色通红。 " War God that if you said is he, we do not need of exchange. " 「如果你说的战神是他,那我们没有交流的必要。」 ...... ...... Please remember this book first round domain name:. Tang three Chinese net cell phone version reading websites: 请记住本书首发域名:。唐三中文网手机版阅读网址:
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