EH :: Volume #18

#33: Don't hit a person when he's down Dezzi

Presents the scene in Yae Ji consciousness is magnificent and mysterious, the veins of implication information sources from gather in this in all directions, connects the entire Theiler star, can witness the birth and destruction of life every time here, only needs the fingertip to move gently, then can change the life of some life at will. 出现在八重霁意识中的场景瑰丽而神秘,一条条蕴含信息源泉的脉络从四面八方聚集于此,连接整颗泰莱雅星,每时每刻都能在这里见证生灵的诞生与毁灭,仅需指尖轻轻拨动,便能随意改变某个生灵的一生。 Fuses Theiler world to soak the process unprecedented smoothness of anchor point, Thea even not with the aid of the external force, but finds out the consciousness ignorant, the anchor point then fuses with it completion, becomes completely master who controls Theiler. 融合泰莱雅世界泡锚点的过程前所未有的顺畅,西娅辛甚至没有借助外力,只是懵懂探出意识,锚点便与之完成融合,成为完全掌控泰莱雅的主人。 In the existing fusion world soaks in the sample, Yae Ji also never sees this scene. 在已有的融合世界泡样本中,八重霁还从未见到这种场景。 " Does zé zé, how feel? " Yae Ji is curious. 啧啧,感觉如何?」八重霁好奇。 " It... it is very obedient. " 「它...它很听话。」 " Very obedient? " 「很听话?」 " Is... " Thea does not know how should describe, consciousness the body to wave gently, contains the information source, such as the tree of huge ether anchor point world also shivers. 「就是...」西娅辛不知道该如何形容,意识体轻轻挥手,蕴含信息源泉,如世界之树般庞大的以太锚点随之颤动。 " It is somewhat painful, or I am somewhat uncomfortable. " How Thea is not clear expresses. 「它有些痛苦,或者说,我有些难受。」西娅辛还是不清楚如何表达。 " Is that stretch of evil god battlefield? " 「是那片邪神战场吧?」 " . " Thea selects a small head. 「恩恩。」西娅辛点点小脑袋。 " Now you should be able to erase it at will. " 「现在你应该能随意将它抹除。」 " Ok? " 「可以吗?」 " What's wrong? " 「怎么?」 " Can affect the follow-up plan? " 「会不会影响后续的计划?」 " Unobstructive, you can plenary powers control Theiler world bubble, here, you are the only True God. " 「无碍,你能全权掌控泰莱雅世界泡,在这里,你才是唯一的真神。」 " That... " Thea closes the eyes, next one flickers the consciousness to move to the evil god battlefield horizontally. 「那...」西娅辛闭上双眼,下一瞬意识横挪至邪神战场。 Consciousness friendly Yae Ji with Thea, feels and omnipotent feeling as soon as the law is promulgated it will be enforced. 与西娅辛意识相融的八重霁,也感受到言出法随、无所不能之感。 The thick sludge covers the staying side the city ruins, and toward the four directions dissemination high-energy reaction, pollutes all that can contact continuously. 厚实的污泥掩盖住下方的城市废墟,并持续不断地朝四方散播高能反应,污染着能接触的一切。 Not far away, monitoring plant of also federation establishment, entire day to evil god battlefield... not, entire day to " the War God altar " monitor. 不远处,还有联邦设置的监测装置,全天对邪神战场...不,全天对「战神祭坛」监测。 In the battlefield center, Yae Ji also discovered many whole body sludge package, kneels sends out the monster of strange cry, wants to come that is the polluted follower. But around the contamination, still had the life of Theiler star to gather at this, to center worship, as everyone knows oneself already by evil god aura pollution. 在战场中心处,八重霁还发现了不少浑身污泥包裹,跪地散发奇怪叫声的怪物,想来那是已被污染的信徒。而污秽四周,仍有泰莱雅星的生灵在此聚集,向中心处朝拜,殊不知自身已被邪神气息污染。 " Here, not only under has War God to remain the aura, also part belongs Decayed. " Thea frowns, nowadays she is Theiler, Theiler is also she, all lives in the world bubble all are her people, saw that own people worship toward the evil god, in the heart naturally does not feel better. 「这里不仅有战神残留下的气息,还有一部分属于【腐朽】。」西娅辛蹙眉,现如今她是泰莱雅,泰莱雅也是她,世界泡内的一切生灵皆属于她的子民,见到自己的子民朝邪神朝拜,心中自然不好受。 " Draws out, so as to avoid Decayed Locates we through here. " 「拔出,免得【腐朽】通过这里定位到我们。」 " Un. " 「恩。」 Finishes speaking, the big piece sludge such as the snow and ice melt, reveal the land original color, is less than a half minute, has the evil god aura the sludge completely to draw back, only leaves behind the city ruins that was fought to destroy. 话音刚落,大片污泥如冰雪消融,露出大地原本的颜色,不到半分钟,沾染邪神气息的污泥尽退,仅留下被大战破坏的城市废墟。 Consciousness friendly Yae Ji to feel the dizziness with Thea, this is the omen that the consciousness strength overdraws. 与西娅辛意识相融的八重霁感到眩晕,这是意识力量透支的前兆。 Under overlooks the vacant follower people, Thea transfers the strength of the world again, washes out below follower with the pure strength, evil god aura thorough washout that his body contaminates without. 俯视下方茫然的信徒群众,西娅辛再次调用世界之力,用纯净力量冲刷下方信徒,将其身上沾染的邪神气息彻底冲刷于无。 " Do I do here? " Under kneels in the frontline middle-aged man awakens fiercely, whispers: " War God? Why do I want to believe It? " 「我在这里干什么?」下方跪在最前方的中年男子猛地醒悟,嘀咕道:「战神?我为什么要信仰祂?」 As a person stands up, followers all of worship sets out, on the face more or less reveals the vacant color, they only think one relaxed many, but why they must worship so-called War God... 随着一个人站起,朝拜的信徒们一个皆一个起身,脸上或多或少流露出茫然之色,他们只觉自身轻松了不少,但他们为什么要朝拜所谓的战神... Is War God makes them from the real universe drop to the sea of quantum obviously, making the peaceful auspicious Theiler star into the human purgatory. 明明是战神让他们从真实宇宙中跌落至量子之海,使得安宁祥和的泰莱雅星变成人间炼狱。 " Does the War God honor teach? This is the conspiracy of federal government! " , A person shouted loudly suddenly makes noise, " they restricted our freedom, injected not the well-known medicament to us absolutely, brainwashed about us, making us believe in this so-called War God! " 战神荣光教?这都是联邦政府的阴谋!」忽地,一人高呼出声,「他们限制了我们的自由,绝对给我们注射了不知名的药剂,对我们洗脑,让我们信奉这个所谓的战神!」 " Is Dezzi! Is the method of this bastard centralization! " 「是奥德齐!是这个混蛋集权的手段!」 " Certainly is he! Now our drug efficacy crossed was sober! " 「一定是他!现在我们药效过了才清醒!」 " Right, then the little children do not let off! " The mother who is holding the little girl hand is filled with righteous indignation. 「对,连那么小的孩子都不放过!」一位牵着小女孩手的母亲义愤填膺。 " Mother, I saw a very greatly very big tree, by the tree is also standing a pretty elder sister. " 「妈咪,我看到了一颗很大很大的树,树旁还站着一个漂亮姐姐。」 The sound that the little girls spoke has not brought to the attention of her mother, 小女孩说话的声音并没有引起她母亲的注意, She wants to make the matter noisy, had better be able obtain the economic compensation from federal government that. Yae Ji did not care that below confusion, this is the matter of Theiler federal government, Thea erases the evil god aura, helps these lives restore the intelligence, the consciousness strength of each consumption is magnanimous, consciousness friendly him with Thea, does not feel better. 她想让事情闹大,最好能从联邦政府那获得经济赔偿。八重霁不关心下方的混乱,这是属于泰莱雅联邦政府的事情,西娅辛抹除邪神气息,又帮这些生灵恢复神智,每一项消耗的意识力量都是海量,与西娅辛意识相融的他,也不好受。 " First goes back to rest a meeting. " 「先回去休息一会。」 The consciousness of Yae Ji shrinks one group, even the human form is also disinclined to maintain. 八重霁的意识缩成一团,连人形也懒得维持。 " Good. " Even if there are strength of in addition world to hold, eliminated the evil god aura still to abandon the Thea big strength. 「好。」即便有世界之力加持,消除邪神气息也废了西娅辛好大一番力气。 The dark gold/metal ray flashes past, Thea has returned to the federal government for the room that in she prepares. 暗金光芒一闪而过,西娅辛已然回到联邦政府为她准备的房间中。 ...... ...... " What did you say?! " Dezzi flees the body, on the angry face the body is even shivering, " does the War God altar vanish suddenly does not see? Do these followers make the government give them the view? " 「你说什么?!」奥德齐窜起身子,愤怒的脸上连皮肉都在颤动,「战神祭坛突然消失不见?那些信徒让政府给他们说法?」 The trusted aide staff lowers the head, does not dare to look at Dezzi in anger, " the picture that vice-chairman mister, that side the monitoring facilities transmits is this. " 心腹幕僚低下头,不敢去看愤怒中的奥德齐,「是的,副议长先生,监测设备那边传来的画面是这样。」 " With looks to me! Immediately! " 「拿给我看!马上!」 " Yes. " 「是。」 When Dezzi sees the monitoring picture of War God altar, the monitoring facilities of federal government have throw off by the angry people much in the place, the altars and angry people that at present vanish baseless, making Dezzi top of the head break into sweat. 等到奥德齐看到战神祭坛的监控画面,联邦政府的监测设备已有不少被愤怒的民众们掀翻在地,眼前凭空消失的祭坛与愤怒的民众,让奥德齐头顶直冒冷汗。 His power origin teaches from the War God honor, now does not have the followers of sect, had offended the congressmen, will not let off this good opportunity of beating severely don't hit a person when he's down. Before he taught to obtain many convenience with the aid of the War God honor, later must double also comes back! 他的权力来源自战神荣光教,如今连教派的信徒都没了,曾经得罪过的议员们,可不会放过这个痛打落水狗的好机会。以前他借助战神荣光教获得过多少便利,之后都要加倍还回来! However this is not Dezzi most cares... 不过这不是奥德齐最关心的... " The War God altar... omnipotent great War God, why will his big altar vanish suddenly? Great did War God really abandon Its follower? " In Dezzi mouth muttered, sat down exhausted scared on the chair. 战神祭坛...无所不能的伟大战神,祂那么大一个祭坛为什么会突然消失呢?难道伟大战神真的抛弃了祂的信徒?」奥德齐嘴中喃喃,失魂落魄地瘫坐在椅子上。 " Vice-chairman mister, " Dezzi's trusted aide staff opens the mouth to say in side: " Because of these aliens? They just came Theiler star, the War God altar... " 「副议长先生,」奥德齐的心腹幕僚在旁开口道:「是不是因为那些外星人?他们刚来泰莱雅星,战神祭坛就...」 " Has the possibility... to have the possibility. " In Dezzi brain pondered rapidly, " interrogation is not possible to interrogate, they have compared with we more advanced science and technology..., only if... " 「有可能...有可能。」奥德齐脑中飞速思考,「质问是不可能质问,他们有比我们更先进的科技...除非...」 " Quickly, " Dezzi grabs the last straw to grasp probably, " helps me relate by the ambassador of hot civilization, I must see him now! No, I see personally! " 「快,」奥德齐像是抓住最后一根救命稻草,「帮我联系逐火文明的大使,我现在就要去见他!不,我亲自去见!」 " Is that taking the lead machine armor person? " 「是那个领头的机甲人?」 " No, it is the key personnel of this diplomatic visit is not false, but a also person compares it more important. " 「不,它是这次外交访问的主要人员不假,但还有一个人比它更重要。」 In the staff heart has understood, the coordination asked: " Is that? " 幕僚心中已然明了,却还是配合问道:「那是?」 " Is that madam who puts on half-length armor, by the others of hot civilization, is all respectful to her. " Dezzi restored the self-confidence, " also, to our diplomatic ambassadors politely, machine armor person who what " leads " ? Must call him for " respectable Ambassador Mei " . " 「是那位穿着半身甲的女士,逐火文明的其他人,全对她毕恭毕敬。」奥德齐恢复了自信心,「还有,对我们的外交大使客气点,什么「领头的机甲人」?要称呼他为「尊敬的梅大使」。」 ...... ...... Please remember this book first round domain name:. Tang three Chinese net cell phone version reading websites: 请记住本书首发域名:。唐三中文网手机版阅读网址:
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