EH :: Volume #18

#32: The lord of Theiler

" Here does not have. " 「这里没有。」 Under the dim light of night, controls Yae Ji of Thea body to shake the head slightly, the figure goes into hiding in the dark cloud, has the moonlight illumination occasionally, complements a petite human form outline reluctantly. 夜色下,控制西娅辛身体的八重霁微微摇头,身形隐匿在乌云之中,偶有月色照射,才勉强映衬出一个娇小的人形轮廓来。 Under is the Thea native land, one of the big Honkai flashpoint hotspots, once city ruins transformed sparsely inhabited small towns, economic deterioration of this stretch of local in disasters was serious, is not paid attention by the federation. 下方是西娅辛的故土,大崩坏的爆发点之一,曾经的城市废墟变换成一座座人烟稀少的小镇,这片地区在一次次灾难中经济倒退严重,早已不被联邦所关注。 " Can get down to have a look? " Yae Ji sought information the Thea opinion in the consciousness. 「要下去看看吗?」八重霁在意识中征询西娅辛的意见。 " , Quest was important. " Thea and Yae Ji consciousness to melt, the thing that the opposite party can see, she can also see, once when childhood the hometown that lives by has been planted the encirclement green, among by the moonlight, can see the ruined community faintly, the nightmarish memory wells up, making her not be willing to face. 「不了,任务重要。」西娅辛与八重霁意识相融,对方能看到的东西,她也能看到,曾经幼年时居住的家乡早已由绿植环绕,透过月光,才隐隐能看到其内破败的社区,噩梦般的记忆涌来,让她不愿面对。 " Good. " Yae Ji abandons a miniature detector conveniently, controls the Herrscher power, can only hold a person of tiny space crack to open in the side, the dark gold/metal ray flashes to pass, goes into hiding the human form outline in cloud layer also not to see. 「那好。」八重霁随手扔下一枚小型探测器,驾驭律者权能,仅能容纳一人的细小空间裂缝在身边打开,暗金光芒一闪而逝,隐匿在云层中的人形轮廓也随之不见。 The second stand, the third stand and fourth stand... 第二站、第三站、第四站... Herrscher of principle arrival place and big Honkai Outbreak location... 理之律者的降临地、大崩坏事件发生地点... Yae Ji takes back the consciousness of investigation, the complexion is gradually dignified, the matter that this Quest he most does not want to see is the ether anchor point already by the evil god aura pollution, may investigate several places not to have the anchor point, the probability of pollution anchor point to assume the geometrical percentage one after another to grow. 八重霁收回探查的意识,脸色逐渐凝重,此次任务他最不想看到的事情便是以太锚点已被邪神气息污染,可接连探查了几个地点没有锚点,污染锚点的概率已呈几何倍率增长。 Feels the Yae Ji mood to fluctuate, the Thea Xin'an consoles saying: " Clearing weather elder sister, our also position has not gone. " 感受到八重霁的情绪波动,西娅辛安慰道:「霁姐姐,我们还有一个位置没有去。」 " Oh ~ that position was you once the exuviate turned into the Herrscher place, did you still remember? " 「唉~那个位置是你曾经蜕变成律者的地点,你还记得吗?」 Thea shakes the head at a loss, when her existing cognition, Herrscher birth, the Honkai high-energy reaction of its sending out can destroy an entire area, the economic loss is unquantifiable, the casualty personnel are countless, this/should area ten several years often is not able to revive the ecology..., but has she, handled this matter unexpectedly? 西娅辛茫然摇头,在她现有的认知中,律者诞生之时,其身散发的崩坏高能反应会摧毁一整个地区,经济损失难以估量,死伤人员更是不计其数,该地区往往十数年无法恢复生态...而她,居然也做过这种事情? Thinks because of the innumerable lives that own reason elapses, Thea consciousness to shiver, at once affects the brain, the contraction on nerve makes Thea pale, as control of body, the Yae Ji sympathize, first time realizes the Thea terrified and anxiety. 一想到因自身原因逝去的无数生灵,西娅辛意识颤抖,旋即影响大脑,神经上的紧缩让西娅辛脸色发白,作为身体的操控者,八重霁感同身受,头一次体会到西娅辛的惶恐与不安。 Yae Ji delays the consciousness domain to cover Thea, comforting said: " It seems like you really do not remember, you accepted the space of Honkai god, to create fresh, on the wane and other powers there, originally when Herrscher erupted the energy has been released along with the depressing hatred together, displayed by this on the Honkai Energy level. " 八重霁延展出意识领域覆盖西娅辛,安抚道:「看来你是真的不记得,你在那里接受了崩坏神的空间、创生、凋零等权能,本来律者爆发时的能量会随压抑的仇恨一起得到释放,以此表现在崩坏能级上。」 " I... at that time... " 「我...当时...」 " At that time had a scare us, even thinks that the entire Theiler federation the political center will be finished, never expected that you suppress the strength that the eruption comes forcefully, does not have any innocent person was injured. " 「当时把我们吓了一跳,甚至以为整个泰莱雅联邦的政治中心都会完蛋,没想到你硬生生压制住爆发而来的力量,没有任何无辜的人受到伤害。」 " Really, real? " 「真、真的吗?」 The Thea cautious expression makes Yae Ji depress to polluting the imagination of anchor point, the look said temperately: " Naturally, we had a look to know. " 西娅辛小心翼翼表情让八重霁压下对污染锚点的想象,神色温和道:「当然,我们去看看就知道了。」 Then, the dark gold/metal flowing light flashes past, the Thea form has appeared in Theiler federation empties the Herrscher arrival place. 说罢,暗金流光一闪而过,西娅辛的身影已然出现在泰莱雅联邦空之律者的降临地。 The tall building is close, the vehicles are continuous, the dazzling neon light twinkle, the aura of life is everywhere, even in the air is flooding the numerous noisy aura. Soaks the time in the world, the large concentration of population, as the prosperous region of midcontinental region, this stretch of area also wanted the prosperous several points compared with before unexpectedly. 高楼鳞次栉比,车辆川流不息,耀眼的霓虹灯闪烁,生灵的气息比比皆是,连空气中都充斥着繁闹气息。在世界泡时代,人口高度集中,作为中央区的繁荣地带,这片地区竟比之前还要繁盛几分。 " Really is here? " Thea cannot believe, compared with lonely and ruined of beforehand several big Honkai Outbreak eruption places, here... completely cannot see to erupt the Honkai disaster, even was born Herrscher! 「真的是这里吗?」西娅辛不敢相信,比起之前几处大崩坏事件爆发地的冷清、破败,这里...全然看不出爆发过崩坏灾难,甚至诞生过律者 " Right, " Yae Ji said: " If you had not suppressed the strength at that time, here is also the big 1st ruins. " 「没错,」八重霁道:「如果当时你没有压制力量,这里也不过是大一号的废墟。」 " I... " Thea closes the eye, the scattered memory fragment washout comes, recalled indistinctly becomes the Herrscher picture, probably... really such as the clearing weather elder sister said. 「我...」西娅辛闭上眼睛,零散的记忆碎片冲刷而来,隐约回想起成为律者的画面,好像...真如霁姐姐所说。 Helps Thea restore the memory at the same time, Yae Ji has not stopped the work, the consciousness strength plunges the entire prosperity region like the vastness, countless information racing wells up. 帮助西娅辛恢复记忆的同时,八重霁没有停下工作,意识力量如汪洋般扑向整个繁荣地带,数之不尽的信息奔涌而来。 " Will Honkai also come? " 崩坏还会来吗?」 " We really not in real universe? " 「我们真的不在真实宇宙了?」 " My brother's the base friend of boyfriend in highest parliamentary work, 「我哥的男朋友的基友在最高议会工作, Heard that some aliens visit the federation. " 听说又有外星人访问联邦。」 " Devil, is that repugnant. " 「死鬼,还是那么讨厌。」 " Divorce divorces! The child you carry off! " 「离婚就离婚!孩子你带走!」 " The storage battery of this new car is really difficult to do. " 「这新车的电瓶真难搞。」 " ...... " 「......」 The surface has no trace that the anchor point has, the consciousness of Yae Ji continues thoroughly, quarrelled the mixed sound to be getting fewer and fewer. 地表没有任何锚点存在的痕迹,八重霁的意识继续深入,吵杂的声音越来越少。 Elevator steel wire, engine run, ground-water flow and fossil... 电梯钢索、发动机运转、地下水流、化石... Yae Ji has the patience to search for extremely, if this position had not found the ether anchor point, that may have the position of anchor point is the battlefield of Thea and evil god. 八重霁极有耐心地搜寻,如果这个位置还没有找到以太锚点,那最可能存在锚点的位置将会是西娅辛与邪神的战场。 Searches for in this place carefully for ten several minutes, Yae Ji takes back the consciousness. 在此地细细搜寻十数分钟,八重霁收回意识。 " Also yes, the anchor point liked the concealment erupting the high-energy reaction region generally, Thea became Herrscher initially time has not made the energy erupt thoroughly, how can here. " Yae Ji looks into the vision to the distant place, even if War God falls from the sky, he can in that direction sensation to the light evil god aura. 「也是,锚点一般喜欢隐匿在曾经爆发过高能反应的区域,小西娅辛当初成为律者的时候没让能量彻底爆发,怎么会在这里。」八重霁将目光眺望向远处,即便战神陨落,他还是能在那个方向感知到淡淡的邪神气息。 " That... clearing weather elder sister... " 「那个...霁姐姐...」 " What's wrong? " 「怎么了?」 " What is ether anchor point? " 「以太锚点是什么样的?」 " ... Has not had the build it is used to transmit the world information and stable world bubble, generally the birth will have been having the region of high-energy reaction. " Yae Ji explained. 「呃...也没有具体形它是用来传输世界信息和稳定世界泡的,一般会诞生在曾经发生过高能反应的地带。」八重霁解释。 " That... this is? " 「那...这个是不是?」 " This? " Yae Ji gawks, then felt that Thea consciousness is leading him to break surface rapidly. 「这个?」八重霁微楞,紧接着便感觉小西娅辛的意识在带着他飞速上浮。 To ten thousand meters upper air, an extremely numerous and disorderly information flow washout comes! 一直到万米高空,一股极为庞杂的信息流冲刷而来! The diastrophism and tide attraction and life are born and elapse, the information that if just Yae Ji inquired about is the disorderly thought of Theiler native of Singapore, but now the information of sensation then came from the main body of Theiler star! From maintaining Theiler star stable world bubble! 地壳运动、潮汐引力、生灵诞生与逝去,如果刚刚八重霁探寻的信息是属于泰莱雅星人的杂乱思想,而现在感知的信息便来自泰莱雅星的本体!来自维护泰莱雅星稳定的世界泡! " This sixth child. " In the Yae Ji consciousness reappearing a few words, want not to need to think, then knows is " cell phone " behavior. 「这个老六。」八重霁意识中浮现一句话,想也不用想,便知晓是「手机」所为。 Although does not know " sixth child " the concrete meaning, but in this extremely depressed situation, Yae Ji or the earliest possible time understands its approximate meaning. 虽然不知道「老六」的具体含义,但在这种极为令人郁闷的情况下,八重霁还是第一时间理解其大致含义。 " Sixth child. " 「老六。」 " What? " Thea has doubts to ask: " What did clearing weather elder sister you say? " 「什么?」西娅辛疑惑问:「霁姐姐你说什么?」 " Coughs cough~ to have nothing. " Yae Ji clears throat, said seriously: " Thea did, prepare to become the lord of Theiler? " 「咳咳~没什么。」八重霁清清嗓子,严肃道:「西娅辛,准备好成为泰莱雅之主了吗?」 " ? " In the Thea big eyes full is confused. 「啊?」西娅辛的大眼睛中满是迷茫。 " Prepares to fuse the ether anchor point. " 「准备融合以太锚点。」 " Do I come? " Thea referred to itself. 「我来?」西娅辛指了指自己。 " Yes, my main body here, you do not certainly come. " Yae Ji lets go. 「是啊,我本体又不在这里,当然你来。」八重霁摊手。 " Can I be good? " Thea is anxious, was not been from top to bottom self-confident covers, this is she loses the temper after memory. 「我能行吗?」西娅辛再次紧张,浑身上下被不自信笼罩,这是她失去记忆后的性子。 " You are born in Theiler, grows in Theiler, even maintains Theiler world to soak the stable ether anchor point born because of you, " Yae Ji said naturally: 「你诞生在泰莱雅,成长在泰莱雅,连维护泰莱雅世界泡稳定的以太锚点都是因你而诞生,」八重霁理所当然道: " You are the Theiler inborn master. " 「你就是泰莱雅天生的主人。」 ...... ...... Please remember this book first round domain name:. Tang three Chinese net cell phone version reading websites: 请记住本书首发域名:。唐三中文网手机版阅读网址:
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