EH :: Volume #18

#31: Pollution anchor point

The etiquette team uniform/subdue of Theiler federation is the dark blue, the stature straight soldier hand grasps the ritual sword, the music spreads, to visiting the extraterrestrial friend of Theiler star extends the loftiest regards. 泰莱雅联邦的礼仪队制服为深蓝色,身材笔挺的军人手握礼剑,身后音乐蔓延,向到访泰莱雅星的外星友人致以最崇高的问候。 Siaud is interesting, since has established Theiler federation several hundred years, the function of etiquette team has transformed into the federal celebration special-purpose, is not undertaking the diplomatic visit business, in fact, this is the second time that in his life saw so the scene, naturally, on the television, he was for the first time small at that time, is far from now so the achievement. 西奥对此饶有兴趣,自从确立泰莱雅联邦的数百年以来,礼仪队的作用已经转变为联邦庆典专用,不在承担外交访问工作,事实上,这还是他人生中第二次见到如此场景,当然,第一次是在电视上,那时候他还小,远没有现在这般成就。 Siaud with the corner of the eye split vision observation body week, these Theiler federation most top floor power suit and dress shoes, the face has the sincere smile, but he, is one in this group, thinks of here, the smile on Siaud face sends sincerely. 西奥用眼角余光观察身周,这些泰莱雅联邦最顶层的权力者们一个个西装革履,面部带有真诚微笑,而他,也是这个团体中的一员,想到这里,西奥脸上的笑容更发真诚。 Suddenly, when Siaud line of sight shifts, discovers the second young girl in alien team, " staring " does he, or carefully examine? Then only the flash, Siaud felt the own complete secret does not have to hide, this carefully examining has not brought the pressure on him, but is the warmth of unfathomable mystery. 忽地,当西奥视线转移,才发现外星人队伍中的第二位少女,正「盯」着他,或者是审视?只那么一瞬间,西奥感到自身全部隐秘无所遁形,偏偏这种审视没有给他带来压力,而是莫名其妙的温暖。 Half-length is light the young girl of armor to turn away , Siaud has a familiarity to her, that familiarity takes root in the heart, imitates, if by the kitten flexure lane, being made his whole body uncomfortable. 半身轻着装甲的少女移开视线,恍惚间,西奥对她有股熟悉感,那股熟悉感扎根在心中,仿若被小猫挠弄,令他浑身难受。 Theiler federal highest parliament vice-chairman Dezzi smiles to go forward, with across etiquette team " robot " hugs slightly, each other said that blessing glossary, the information that before the both sides diplomacy visits transmits, Dezzi knows this alien civilization the name is " by fire " , implication to pursue flame, when symbolic most ancient culture, civilized origin, the ancestry pursue and control the flame. 泰莱雅联邦最高议会副议长奥德齐微笑上前,与穿过礼仪队伍的「机器人」略微拥抱,彼此说些祝福词汇,根据双方外交访问前发送的情报,奥德齐知晓这支外星人文明的名字为「逐火」,寓意为追逐火焰,象征最古老文化,文明起源之时,祖辈们追逐、驾驭火焰。 Regardless how the plum thinks, counter- Masaoku Dezzi and his one group of staff then think. 不论梅是怎么想的,反正奥德齐与他的一帮幕僚便是这么想的。 " Do you also know him? " In the Thea consciousness, Yae Ji then pierces Siaud's all, has Aiyi to assist on Hyperion, they to analyze Theiler in a short time recently several years development, these also included Siaud's high-rank history. 「你还认识他吗?」西娅辛的意识中,八重霁一眼便洞穿西奥的一切,有爱衣休伯利安上辅助,他们在短时间内以分析完泰莱雅最近数年的发展,这其中也包括西奥的上位史。 " I... he, is somewhat familiar. " Thea recalled Siaud's childhood appearance faintly, only remembers that this person to oneself good, other matter actually points could not think. 「我...他,有些熟悉。」西娅辛隐隐回忆起西奥小时候的模样,只记得这人对自己不错,其它事情却一点也想不起来。 " Does not worry, the memory will slowly restore. " The Yae Ji comfort, uses the state of mind the strength to help Thea wipe simultaneously unemotionally agitated. 「不着急,记忆会慢慢恢复。」八重霁安慰,同时使用心境的力量帮西娅辛抹平心中烦躁。 In the interior of Yae Ji consciousness body, long blade static revolving of jet black and scarlet Telepathy, above has the class/flow gold/metal to circle indistinctly, is lending the light unclear aura. 八重霁意识体的内部,一把漆黑与赤红纠缠的长刀静静旋转,其上隐约有流金旋绕,散发着淡淡的不详气息。 The Key Jizo Mitama of corrosion, after this blade is Yae Ji and is realized the energy of fusion to be by the evil god pollutes Thea, the two days time, Yae Ji investigated the Thea consciousness domain especially carefully, had evil god aura except for some consciousness fragments of damage on, in addition did not have other again. 侵蚀之键-地藏御魂,这柄刀是八重霁和受邪神污染后的西娅辛意识融合的底气所在,这两天的时间,八重霁格外小心地探查西娅辛的意识领域,除了一些受损的意识碎片上沾染一丝邪神气息,除此之外再无其它。 When Thea and Yae Ji exchange, she has ridden the vehicles of Theiler federation arrangement. 等西娅辛与八重霁交流完,她已经坐上了泰莱雅联邦安排的车辆。 The diplomat who their these chase the fire was broken up by the federation, each person private car at the same time, the also government special commissioners accompany, but accompanies her, is that she feels familiar Siaud by chance. 她们这些逐火的外交官被联邦拆散,每人一辆专车的同时,还有政府专员陪同,而陪同她的,恰巧是那名她觉得熟悉的西奥。 " Ms., Theiler federation is bounteous, the civilization well-established ..... the federal shape exists of nearly millennium...... the ideology to be stable, loves the peace... the history... " 「娅女士,泰莱雅联邦地大物博,文明源远流长.....联邦形态存在近千年之久......意识形态稳固,热爱和平...历史...」 Extreme warm that Siaud shows, explained the cultural history of Theiler civilization for Thea, made one unable to pick up a problem warm-heartedly. 西奥表现的极为热情,为西娅辛讲解泰莱雅文明的历史文化,热心的让人挑不出一点毛病。 Does not blame such warm that Siaud shows, he only thinks that extraterrestrial female is quite unique, sits in that merely, to the words that he spoke is also the slight nod, then can bring the enormous feeling of satisfaction, had this feeling of satisfaction to take the propelling force, he was warmer. 不怪西奥表现的如此热情,他只觉身边的外星女性极为独特,仅仅是在那坐着,对他说的话也是微微点头,便能给人带来极大的满足感,有了这股满足感作为推动力,他更加热情。 " Did clearing weather elder sister, find? " Thea deals with Siaud, while inquired during the consciousness. 「霁姐姐,找到没有?」西娅辛一边应付西奥,一边在意识之中询问。 " Surrounding area in 100 kilometers does not have the issue, has not investigated again outward. " Yae Ji said: " In addition needs to pay attention, only then Dezzi, his body remains young extremely weak evil god aura. " 「方圆一百千米以内没有问题,再往外没有探查到。」八重霁道:「除此之外需要关注的只有奥德齐一人,他身上残留一小股极为微弱的邪神气息。」 " That... " 「那...」 " Gives me. " 「交给我。」 Yae Ji took over control of the control of Thea body, turns the head to look to Nishioku. 八重霁接管了西娅辛身体的控制权,转头看向西奥。 Siaud one startled, then becomes happy, thought that this extraterrestrial female had the interest in his topic finally, when will rack brains to continue to tell... 西奥一惊,转而变喜,心想这个外星女性终于对他的话题有了兴趣,正要绞尽脑汁继续讲述时... " Siaud. " 「西奥。」 " ? I... " Siaud's look is gradually confused, in the mouth is still telling Theiler history like the machine, but the consciousness in mind has blown off. 「啊?我...」西奥的眼神逐渐迷茫,嘴中还在如机器般讲述泰莱雅的历史,但脑海中的意识已然放空。 ...... ...... Walks the diplomatic flow, Thea and the others were admitted to Theiler federation preparation the residence. 走完外交流程,西娅辛等人住进泰莱雅联邦准备的住所。 " What's wrong? " Controls the plum of robot to complete the inspection, after determining has not monitored, toward Thea asks. 「如何?」操控机器人的梅完成检查,确定没有监视后,朝西娅辛问道。 " Waits a bit, I asked the clearing weather elder sister to come out. " Thea is not familiar with facing the present robot, at once in Yae Ji with consciousness completes the connection of body control. 「稍等一下,我叫霁姐姐出来。」西娅辛不习惯面对眼前的机器人,旋即与意识中的八重霁完成身体控制权的交接。 " Siaud, including the congressmen who these War God honors teach, does not have the evil god aura, obtains the believers to support through the sect essentially, completes to control of right, in addition, on the vice- founder Dezzi has the weak evil god aura, it is said obtains through sacrificial offering War God. " 「西奥,包括那些战神荣光教的议员们,没有邪神气息,本质上是通过教派获得信众支持,完成对权利的把控,除此之外,副教主奥德齐身上有微弱邪神气息,据说是通过祭祀战神获得。」 " Anchor point? " 「锚点呢?」 " Currently speaking, Theiler civilization world soaks the anchor point continually is anything is not quite clear, does not know to be able through the anchor point completely whole world bubble. " Yae Ji, said: " Theiler federation after the disaster, the population sharp decline, after we control the ether anchor point, can some demography transitions to Theiler star. " 「目前来看,泰莱雅文明连世界泡锚点是什么还不太清楚,更不知晓能通过锚点完全掌控世界泡。」八重霁顿了顿,又道:「泰莱雅联邦几经灾难,人口锐减,我们掌控以太锚点后,可以将部分人口转移到泰莱雅星。」 " The world that Theiler star is at soaks compared with the common world bubble wants on a big way many, coordinate anchor point control and Herrscher power, could integrate Earth, forms the twin stars system. " The plum puts out a hand to wield, the projection appears, says the idea in her heart. 「泰莱雅星所在的世界泡比一般的世界泡要大上不少,配合锚点掌控者与律者权能,也许能将地球融入进来,形成双子星系统。」梅伸手一挥,投影显现,说出她心中的想法。 " Now has not said this time, the time press, we do not know Decayed Can from falling under the strength sneaks the sea of quantum, controls Theiler anchor point to move to the sea of quantum as soon as possible most is main. " 「现在还不是说这个的时候,时间紧迫,我们不知道【腐朽】会不会自降实力下潜入量子之海,尽快掌控泰莱雅的锚点向量子之海下方移动才最为主要。」 " Forecast after us, Theiler anchor point possibly has the following several places, " in projection presents six highlights, is distributed above Theiler star, the plum is divided into two groups it, slides five luminous spots, said: " These are the production and Herrscher of birthplace big Honkai Outbreak, the anchor point by the high-energy energy influence, likely in surroundings. " 「经过我们预测,泰莱雅的锚点可能存在以下几个地方,」投影上出现六个亮点,分布在泰莱雅星之上,梅将其分为两组,滑开五个光点,道:「这些是大崩坏事件的产生地以及律者诞生地,锚点受高能能量影响,很可能在周围。」 " As for last... " A picture revolution, dirt black place that disseminates hundred in inside appears at present, only projects, then makes Yae Ji feel the gastric disorder. 「至于最后一个...」画面一转,一处散播百于里的污黑之地出现在眼前,仅是投影,便让八重霁感到反胃。 Plum: " When this is Thea loses recalled the battlefield, the War God arrival place, is the place of Dezzi sacrificial offering. The anchor point happens in this, has greatly possibly by the pollution, moreover... is different from the pollution of Honkai Energy, the pollution in evil god, except that the cobalt blue is silent, no one has the means. " 梅:「这是西娅辛失忆时的战场,战神的降临地,也是奥德齐祭祀的地方。锚点一旦出现在这,有很大可能受到污染,而且...不同于崩坏能的污染,邪神方面的污染,除了钴蓝寂静,没人有办法。」 " I can try! But requires the time. " 「我可以试试!但需要时间。」 In two people lifeform pupil jumps out of Aiyi, the chibi villain holds up the small hand high, the fingertip extends to the ear of oneself big end near reluctantly. 两人生物瞳中跳出爱衣,Q版小人高高举起小手,指尖才勉强伸到自己大头的耳边。 ...... ...... Please remember this book first round domain name:. 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