EH :: Volume #18

#30: The consciousness fusion, visits Theiler

The warm current packages the whole body, the unprecedented security sense makes Thea immerse, just like the place of breeding life, the water in soul *** makes the consciousness perish friendly, has flash that she has thought sinks the dormancy is also good. 暖流包裹周身,前所未有的安全感让西娅辛沉醉,宛如孕育生命之地,灵魂上的水***融使得意识沉沦,有那么一瞬间,她想过就这么沉眠也不错。 " Thea ~ " 「西娅辛~」 " Thea ~ " 「西娅辛~」 The familiar shout makes Thea get back one's composure from the comfort fiercely, the pupil enlarges contraction moment, sees clearly the present person's shadow. 熟悉的呼喊声使得西娅辛猛地从舒适中回神,瞳孔放大收缩片刻,才看清眼前的人影。 A purplish black long hair ties high, neat single ponytail, floods the armor that the high-energy energy responded to wrap the critical part of female firmly, was only in that outstandingly beautiful facial features, actually deeply buried a weariness. 一头紫黑长发高高束起,干脆利落的单马尾,充斥高能能量反应的装甲牢牢包裹住女子的要害部位,只是那张绝色面容上,却深埋一丝疲倦。 According to the cobalt blue silent view, the present female is also one of the human civilization leaders, named " plum " . 按照钴蓝寂静的说法,眼前的女子也是人类文明的领袖之一,名为「梅」。 " Sorry, " Thea lowers the head, " I have also never had this feeling. " 「抱歉,」西娅辛低头,「我还从未有过这种感觉。」 Mei Luchu smiles, raised the hand refers to approaching own temples, " is not I am summoning you, careful sensation consciousness deep place. " 梅露出微笑,抬手指向自己的太阳穴,「可不是我在呼唤你,仔细感知意识深处。」 " Thea ~ is I ~ " 「西娅辛~是我啊~」 In the Thea consciousness gradually congeals a familiar form, the subconsciousness said: " Clearing weather elder sister. " 西娅辛的意识中逐渐凝结出一个熟悉的身影,下意识道:「霁姐姐。」 Yae Ji slightly has the helplessness, is smiling the inspiration saying: " Recalled me? " 八重霁略有无奈,还是笑着鼓舞道:「记起我了?」 " Un... " Thea ponders, said hesitant: " Are we a body? " 「嗯...」西娅辛沉思,犹豫道:「我们本是一体的?」 " Right, " Yae Ji comprised of the consciousness strength nods gently, " I am you, you are also I, our itself/Ben is the same person. " 「对,」由意识力量组成的八重霁轻轻点头,「我是你,你亦是我,我们本就是同一个人。」 " I... " Thea also wants to ask anything again, the hesitant moment, said: " How needs me to do? " 「我...」西娅辛还想再问些什么,犹豫片刻,却道:「需要我怎么做?」 " Regarded the normal diplomatic visit then, little says little does, after observing Theiler that side situation, makes the decision. " 「当成正常的外交访问即可,少说少做,观察泰莱雅那边的情况后再做决定。」 " Good. " Simple of Thea answer, she thought in any case at present the person of this being intimate with will not harm himself, obeys the opposite party direction in the strange environment is also the natural matter. 「好。」西娅辛答案的干脆,反正她就是觉得眼前这位亲近之人绝不会害自己,在陌生环境下听从对方指挥也是理所当然的事情。 " I and you visit Theiler federation through intelligent AI together. " Sees two people to exchange, the plum opens the mouth saying: " This time we can borrow other civilized the banners, on is primarily outwardly *** AI that controls, investigated the matter of ether anchor point then to depend on you in secret. " 「我会通过智能AI和你们一起访问泰莱雅联邦。」见两人交流完,梅开口道:「这次我们会以借用其他文明的旗号,明面上以***控的AI为主,私下里调查以太锚点的事情便靠你们了。」 " Un un. " Some Thea nervous place small heads. 「嗯嗯。」西娅辛有些紧张地点点小脑袋。 ...... ...... Theiler federation, behind parliamentary mountain. 泰莱雅联邦,议会山后方。 The clear weather, the blue sky, the breeze is not dry, is the fine weather of journey entertainment, the parliamentary mountain rear parliament park is neighbor one of the resident holiday destinations, now is actually blocked by the army strictly. 天气晴朗,万里无云,微风不燥,正是出行娱乐的好天气,议会山后方的议会公园本是附近居民节假日的去处之一,如今却被军队严格封锁。 Puts before for several years, Theiler star also when the real universe, has not suffered many disasters, there is which government to dare to make the so overbearing action, decides enormously will cause the residents discontented, wishes one could to unite the trade union to start a vast momentum strike ***, but is close to the time of military government at the present infinitely, no individual dares to wave the free flag, clamored is intruding the blockade region. 放到数年以前,泰莱雅星还在真实宇宙,尚未经历诸多灾难之时,有哪个政府敢做出如此霸道的举动,定会引起居民们的极大不满,恨不得联合工会掀起一场声势浩大的罢工***,但在如今无限接近军政府的时代,没有哪个人敢挥舞自由的大旗,叫嚣着闯入封锁地带。 Teaches to support one of high-rank congressmen as the War God honor, Siaud was also selected to attend this and alien's related diplomacy meeting, Siaud looks up to the in the air, deep blue sky is hanging a Sun, the light of sending out and is maintaining Theiler federation ecological environment hotly. 作为战神荣光教支持上位的议员之一,西奥也被选中参加此次与外星人有关的外交会晤,西奥抬头望向空中,湛蓝天空上正挂着一轮太阳,散发的光和热维持着泰莱雅联邦的生态环境。 He does not understand magical thing that the world soaks, even if the federation has the innumerable papers to point out this Sun is " nihility " , but it truly can have the light and heat. Even if the scientist depends upon the Honkai furnace the propeller penetration world bubble that tries to make to arrive in the sea of quantum, but has not mastered this nihility solar energy the origin. 他不明白世界泡的神奇之处,哪怕联邦内部有无数论文指出这颗太阳是「虚无的」,但它确确实实能产生光和热。即便科学家依靠崩坏熔炉试做的推进器穿透世界泡抵达量子之海,可还是没搞懂这颗虚无太阳能量的由来。 Another side beautiful lifted the wrist/skill to look at a time, according to the agreement between them and alien, almost should also see the shadow of spaceship, the bird that but this... the space and passed by except for Sun, did not have its thing except for this again. 另一边的雅里丽抬起手腕看了眼时间,按照他们与外星人之间的约定,差不多也该见到飞船的影子,可这...天上除了太阳和路过的飞鸟,除此以外再无它物。 " Federation contacts the alien is not the first time, can draw the civilization of sea of quantum the planet, has mastered the jump technology absolutely, alien and other meetings can the direct transition to our star in? This is not not possible, or... " 「联邦接触外星人不是第一次,能把行星拖进量子之海的文明,绝对已经掌握跃迁技术,外星人等会会不会直接跃迁到我们星球内部?这也不是不可能,又或者...」 " Buzz ~ " 「嗡~」 When beautiful uses the imagination, a strange trembling feeling appears near the people ear, is the response that the sky wave trembles to have, making in beautiful stomach turn wells up. 就在雅里丽发挥自己想象力的时候,一股怪异的震颤感出现在众人耳边,紧接着便是空间波颤产生的反应,使得雅里丽胃中翻涌。 beautiful suppresses in the stomach ill, 雅里丽强忍住胃中不适, Catches the eye to look, in the kilometer of their welcome team about, the dark gold/metal crack presents above this place space together towering, probably pulls open the space the zipper, one nearly more than thousand meters, hundred meters width, 300 meters high streamline spaceship departs slowly. 抬眼望去,在他们迎宾队伍的千米开外,一道暗金裂纹突兀出现此地空间之上,像是拉开空间的拉链般,一架近乎千余米长,百米宽,三百米高的流线型飞船缓缓从中飞出。 Hyperion changes, this establishes distinguished service battleship for the Earth civilization, " thousand the core in core has ridden " demolition, this time " jump " , depends upon the Thea power to tear the space transmission forcefully. 休伯利安改,这艘为地球文明立下汗马功劳的战舰,早已将核心中的核心「千界一乘」拆除,此番「跃迁」,还是依靠西娅辛的权能强行撕裂空间传送而来。 " Vice speaker, " a security bureau personnel who carry the ear wheat said near beautiful ear in a low voice: " Our technical personnel said that the jump of this alien produces unquantifiable Honkai Energy to respond, compared with the jump technology, is more like the Herrscher power. " 「副议长,」一名携带耳麦的安全局人员在雅里丽耳边低声道:「我们的技术人员说这次外星人的跃迁产生难以估量的崩坏能反应,比起跃迁技术,更像是律者的权能。」 In beautiful heart understands clearly, jump technology that the federal technical personnel do not understand, they also think that the jump technology is the pure boiling water? Perhaps does the civilization of higher level favor Honkai Energy this transmission efficiency ultra-high energy storage? Is the natural law that Honkai Energy causes will make people feel the headache. In extraterrestrial civilization of federal contact, isn't the alien uses Honkai Energy as the principal energy source? 雅里丽心中了然,联邦的技术人员们懂个屁的跃迁技术,他们还以为跃迁技术是单纯的烧开水?或许更高级的文明更加青睐崩坏能这种传动效率超高的能量源呢?就是崩坏能所引起的自然规律会让人感到头疼罢了。在联邦接触的外星文明里,外星人不都是使用崩坏能作为主要能源吗? Used the Honkai Energy civilization to be able the planet to draw in the sea of quantum from the real universe, but the federation after the first alien visited the technology that left behind departed the gravity enormous Theiler star reluctantly, the disparity between both cannot guess by the guess. 使用崩坏能的文明都能将行星从真实宇宙拖入量子之海了,而联邦还是在第一次外星人访问后留下的技术才勉强飞出重力极大的泰莱雅星,两者之间的差距可不是靠猜测就能猜出来的。 " It seems like the mainstream in universe is not the nuclear power or other energies, but is inexpensive and dangerous Honkai Energy. " beautiful heart is fiery, wishes one could this to go forward with the alien to conduct a friendly exchange, quite makes Theiler star have the opportunity of returning to the real universe, but she also as saving the extraordinary personality of Theiler civilization will leave behind the dark ink serious wound in the history. 「看来宇宙中的主流不是核能或者其它能量,而是廉价又危险的崩坏能。」雅里丽心头火热,恨不得这就上前与外星人进行一番友好交流,好让泰莱雅星有重返真实宇宙的机会,而她也将作为挽救泰莱雅文明的伟人在历史中留下浓墨重彩的一笔。 What a pity... 可惜... Saw that Dezzi prepares to go forward, in Li's depresses heart idea, now the War God honor teaches the potential to be big, they must observe again, if possible, she will draw support from the help of alien, teaches to sweep into the garbage heap of history the War God honor! The product of special period, in her opinion, damages! 看到奥德齐准备上前,雅里丽将心中的想法压下,如今战神荣光教势大,她们还得再多观察,如果有可能,她会借助外星人的帮助,将战神荣光教扫进历史的垃圾堆里!特殊时期的产物,在她看来,都是祸害! The Hyperion bottom cabin door opens, Theiler federation people await eagerly, in some people experiences the first alien to visit, but the visit is each time the same as the blind box, no one knows the thing that meets is good is bad, standard of completely no reference. 休伯利安号底部舱门开启,泰莱雅联邦众人望眼欲穿,这部分人中很多经历过第一次外星人访问,但每次访问就跟开盲盒一样,谁也不知道遇到的事物是好是坏,全然没有一个参考的标准。 Siaud fixes the eyes on looks, really unlike the previous alien, but federal person highly similar kind of race. 西奥定睛一瞧,果然与上次来访的外星人不同,但还是和联邦人高度相似的类人种。 What walks in the frontline is a whole body " robot that " is wrapped by the armor, the heavy/thick armor makes one unable to see the sex, after that is a female who wears the half-length armor, wears the half helmet, covers up being quiet lip above facial features, after that comes out " person " mostly mostly the same except for minor differences, at present bright at the same time, makes Siaud and the others think that this alien... does not have previous time to be easy getting along with probably. 走在最前方的是一个全身由装甲包裹的「机器人」,厚重的装甲让人看不出性别,其后是一名身穿半身装甲的女性,头戴半边盔,遮掩住嘴唇以上的面容,其后出来的「人」大多大同小异,给人眼前一亮的同时,又让西奥等人觉得这次来访的外星人...好像没有上次好相处。 ...... ...... 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