EH :: Volume #18

#29: Diplomatic visit

[[ Chapter 29 diplomacy visit [[第29章外交访问 Boss, the silent war star loses the silent heart, conducts the sufficient energy at the energy of Herrscher rank, takes three hours to conduct the short distance jump, if depends upon the weight to dive, needs to arrive in the seabed of section quantum a long time.’ ‘老板,寂静战星失去寂静之心,以律者级别的能量进行充能,也需要三个小时才能进行短距离跃迁,如果是依靠自身重量下潜,需要很长一段时间才能抵达量子之海底部。’ Yae Ji is speechless, without silent, they have possibly changed the entrance, becomes Decayed The puppet, the silent war star remains now, actually lost the most important soul and energy storage, can drag into the sea of quantum Earth from the original track thus and such and such, can be a miracle absolutely. 八重霁无言,如果没有寂静,他们可能早就改换门庭,成为【腐朽】的傀儡,如今寂静战星依然存在,却失去了其中最为重要的灵魂和能量源,如此这般还能将地球从原有轨道上拉入量子之海,绝对算得上是个奇迹。 Makes little especially be able to be quicker in the former guidance?’ ‘让小尤在前引导会不会快些?’ Boss, little especially she crashed into the sea of intermediate level quantum... Su to locate probably reluctantly she, waited to ask to re-enter the singular point condition little especially, in the time also without enough time.’ ‘老板,小尤她大概坠入量子之海中层了...苏勉强能定位到她,等把小尤找回来重新进入奇点状态,时间上也来不及。’ ei?’ chibi Aiyi on lifeform pupil demonstrated suddenly in the top of the head a big exclamation mark, boss, that doubtful and evil god civilization related world bubble sent the message to us!’ ‘欸?’生物瞳上的Q版爱衣突然在头顶显示出一个大大的感叹号,‘老板,那个疑似与邪神文明有关的世界泡向我们发送消息了!’ Trap?’ Sirin suspected. ‘陷阱?’西琳怀疑。 No,’ on the Aiyi face reveals the shock, they are our old acquaintances, Theiler civilization.’ ‘不,’爱衣脸上露出震惊,‘他们是我们的老熟人,泰莱雅文明。’ Theiler?” Is guiding lonesome two star attraction sources Thea to think inexplicably this name is especially familiar-sounding, when controls the power single-handed, cannot bear looks into the distance to hundreds of thousands of kilometers again, at her eyesight, that wipes deep blue then flickers to reflect below, in the pupil the Honkai color circulation, the high-energy reaction floods, wants to pierce the world bubble, sees inside scenery. “泰莱雅?”正在引导地寂两星引力源的西娅辛莫名觉得这个名字格外耳熟,单手操控权能时,忍不住再向数十万公里外眺望,以她的眼力,那抹蔚蓝便在下一瞬倒映,眸中崩坏色彩流转,高能反应充斥其中,想要洞穿世界泡,看到里面的风景。 In the Thea mind turns gushes out the innumerable pictures, Ricker, Siaud, Kevin, more Li... as well as... the god! 恍惚间,西娅辛脑海中翻涌出无数画面,里克、西奥、凯文、艾弥莉...以及...神! The Thea pupil micro, high-energy reaction dissipates, some sudden memories make her especially puzzled, she... seems like Theiler federation person, how can stir with Earth here civilization about in the same place? These have what secret... 西娅辛的瞳孔微缩,高能反应消散,这部分突如其来的记忆让她格外纠结,她...好像是泰莱雅联邦的人啊,怎么会和地球这边的文明搅合在一起?这其中又有什么隐秘... Thea, to this/should azimuth adjustment power, about 150,000 kilometers distance.’ ‘西娅辛,向该方位调整权能,大约十五万千米距离。’ The picture that in the lifeform pupil demonstrates makes the young girl get back one's composure, saw by the lifeform pupil that has 89 similar outstandingly beautiful female with, that by the person who silent calls it the Earth civilized leader... 生物瞳中显示的画面让少女回神,又透过生物瞳看到了那个与自己有八九分相似的绝色女子,那个被‘寂静’称之为地球文明领袖的人... What among us is relates?’ Thea represses in the heart to have doubts, controls the power twinkle, goes to the Quest goal. ‘我们之间又是什么关系?’西娅辛按捺住心中疑惑,驾驭权能闪烁,前往任务目标。 The picture in lifeform pupil switches over again, the Aiyi group a channel, Yae Ji, Sirin, plum and the others resurfaced is one of them. 生物瞳中的画面再次切换,爱衣重新组了个频道,八重霁西琳、梅等人出现在其中。 „The Thea condition is not right.” Aiyi direct said transparent. “西娅辛的状态不对。”爱衣直接明了道。 She escapes from the evil god hand, being damaged position also in Theiler federation.” Sirin said. “她从邪神手中逃出,受创的位置也是在泰莱雅联邦。”西琳道。 The plum is silent, throws the line of sight to Yae Ji on, Thea strips to come from his consciousness, his more or less can the sensation to the Thea condition and mood. 梅沉默,将视线投到八重霁身上,西娅辛是从他的意识中剥离而来,他或多或少的能感知到西娅辛的状态、心情。 She is loses remembers, saw the familiar picture has the emotion to fluctuate, and is not affected much.” Yae Ji sinking sound said: We discussed Theiler federation matter.” “她是失去记忆,看到熟悉的画面有情感波动,并无大碍。”八重霁沉声道:“我们还是谈谈泰莱雅联邦的事。” Theiler federation introduced in detail their local conditions and social customs, also falls into the history before sea of quantum, and said that the peace-loving, hopes and us forms the alliance , to promote the both sides culture and scientific and technological exchange.” Plum introduced: In addition, they also to this civilized ‚the War God honor teaches to have many to introduce, publicizes the doctrine toward us.” “泰莱雅联邦详细介绍了他们那里的风土人情,还有跌入量子之海前的历史,并称他们爱好和平,希望和我们组成联盟,促进双方文化、科技交流。”梅介绍道:“除此之外,他们还对本文明的‘战神荣光教’有诸多介绍,朝我们宣扬教义。” Looks at the information Sirin is a doubts expression, „their ‚the War God honor teaches War God, isn't that we just struck to kill? After War God falls from the sky, believed Its civilization is not completely the self- avalanche destruction? How...” 看完信息的西琳则是一副疑惑表情,“他们这个‘战神荣光教’的‘战神’,不就是我们刚刚击杀的那一位吗?战神陨落后,信仰祂的文明不是全部自我崩塌毁灭了吗?怎么...” The brain of Yae Ji revolves rapidly, consciousness scans in Inventory, that has War God godship just calm static lying down of present to be one of them by cell phone, all powers imitated in those days, if vanishes into thin air. 八重霁的大脑急速运转,意识在背包中扫描一遍,那枚由“手机”具现化的战神神格正安静躺在其中,往日一切权能仿若烟消云散。 ‚Did It really fall from the sky?’ This Yae Ji for a long time cell phone asks to does not have the sound. ‘祂真的殒落了?’这次八重霁向许久没有动静的“手机”发问。 Naturally.’ The writing that in the mind presents has the mood probably, tsundere taste, I said that It died died.’ ‘当然。’脑海中出现的文字像是带有情绪,有一股傲娇味,‘我说祂死了就是死了。’ ‚Does that this War God honor teach?’ ‘那这个战神荣光教?’ Who knows that perhaps is gathers the power the method, after all the strength of evil god is obvious to all, naturally, may be other evil god Oh. ‘谁知道呢,兴许是汇聚权力的手段,毕竟邪神的实力可是有目共睹的,当然咯,也有可能是别的邪神哦。 In the Yae Ji heart understands clearly, opens the mouth saying: Just fell into the civilization of sea of quantum mostly not to know that the anchoring zone is, this perhaps is our opportunities.” 八重霁心中了然,开口道:“刚跌入量子之海的文明大多不知道锚地所在,这或许是我们的机会。” Sirin: That evil god what to do?” 西琳:“那邪神怎么办?” Yae Ji had not replied, said: This visit is conducted by me and Thea, whenever an opportunity presents itself, I and Thea will capture the control of anchor point.” 八重霁没有回答,道:“这次访问由我和西娅辛进行,一旦有机会,我和西娅辛会夺取锚点的控制权。” „It is not good, the risk is too big.” Mei direct rejects the proposition of Yae Ji. “不行,风险太大。”梅直接拒绝八重霁的提议。 Yae Ji: I will attach to the self-awareness on Thea, simultaneously carries the key of corrosion.” 八重霁:“我会将自我意识依附在西娅辛身上,同时携带侵蚀之键。” But...” “可是...” Decided.” “就这么定了。” The plum frowns, she wants to know, is what reason, gave the clearing weather such big self-confidence. 梅蹙眉,她很想知道,到底是什么原因,给了霁这么大的自信心。 ...... ...... Theiler federation, speaker conference room. 泰莱雅联邦,议长会议室。 The War God honor teaches the vice- founder, the highest parliamentary right seat vice-chairman Dezzi whole face smile to drink the coffee, sits opposite of him, is initiator who the alien contacts the proposal, left seat vice-chairman beautiful, is covered with the old age spot as for table first that face on, the drowsy speaker old man, forgot by two people probably completely. 战神荣光教副教主、最高议会右席副议长奥德齐正满脸微笑地喝着咖啡,坐在他对面的,是外星人接触提案的发起人,左席副议长雅里丽,至于桌首处那个脸上长满老年斑,昏昏欲睡的议长老者,像是被两人完全遗忘。 „The opposite party will initiate the official visit three days later, the arrangement of this visit will be prepared by us.” “对方会在三天后发起正式访问,这次访问的安排将由我们来准备。” beautiful catches the eye to sweep to the opposite, the old person whole body of that aquiline nose is full of the self-confidence, he every time is this, the east wind that since teaches with the aid of the War God honor, enjoys the sight and sound of the wind whipping up the water with the highest parliament on the faction, every time when has the political view does not gather, so long as he shows the War God honor to teach this sharp blade, the opponents will often then be at wit's end. 雅里丽抬眼扫向对面,那个鹰钩鼻的老人浑身充满自信心,他每时每刻都是这样,自从借助战神荣光教的东风,在派内与最高议会上可谓是风生水起,每有政见不合之时,只要他出示战神荣光教这把利刃,对手们往往便会无计可施。 I will be responsible for the visit to technical aspect,” beautiful thinks that the fierce place of opposite party, sighed in the heart, continued saying: Culture and local conditions and social customs, but also hopes that you can consider the direction carefully, that concerns the extraterrestrial civilization to our specific views.” “我会负责科技这方面的访问,”雅里丽想到对方的厉害之处,在心中叹息一声,继续道:“文化与风土人情方面,还希望你能审慎斟酌方向,那关乎到外星文明对我们的具体看法。” I understand that what do you mean.” Dezzi sets out, fastens tightly the button of clothing conveniently, I will arrange all.” “我明白你是什么意思。”奥德齐起身,随手扣紧衣装的纽扣,“我会安排好一切。” tàtàtà ~ 嗒嗒嗒~ The leather shoes step on the sound on floor to be gradually far away until the door shut tightly, sit the speaker who seems in the seat of honor naps open one eye. 皮鞋踩在地板上的声音逐渐远离直至房门紧闭,坐在首座上好似打盹的议长才将眼睛睁开一丝。 From the beginning I think that he wants to teach the high-rank with the aid of the War God honor, has not actually thought of him...” “一开始我本以为他是想借助战神荣光教上位,却没想到他...” I thought actually that is his camouflage.” beautiful relaxes slightly, backs in the chairback, „, otherwise he for what? The War God honor teaches really to look like such in legend, can help his eternal life?” “我倒是觉得那是他的伪装。”雅里丽稍有放松,背靠在椅背上,“不然他是为了什么?战神荣光教真像传说中的那样,能帮助他永生?” Hears the crucial glossary, the speaker closes the muddy eye silently, does not know that is thinking anything. 听到关键性的词汇,议长又默默闭上浑浊的眼睛,不知道在想些什么。 „Do you really continue to visit him like this?” beautiful tranquil say/way: Even the Theiler federation thorough destruction is still indifferent?” “您难道真的继续这样看着他?”雅里丽平静道:“即便泰莱雅联邦彻底毁灭也无所谓?” When half sound, sets out to leave until beautiful. 半响,直到雅里丽起身离开之际。 You spoke discreetly.” “你言重了。” ...... Gt ; Remembers the home station website, biquxu, will facilitate will read next time, and hundred degrees celsius will input „”, can enter the home station;记住本站网址,biquxu,方便下次阅读,或且百度输入“”,就能进入本站
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