EH :: Volume #18

#28: The War God honor teaches

" Earth also has 373 refuge shelters, in the large-scale refuge shelter has Raiden Mei and the others to maintain the revolution, the Honkai furnace of each refuge shelter can insist some time. " The plum makes the computation slightly, draws the conclusion: " Has us revolution commodity the words from other world bubbles, suffices to maintain for more than hundred years. " 「地球还剩下三百七十三个避难所,其中大型避难所中有雷电芽衣等人维持运转,各个避难所的崩坏熔炉能坚持一段时间。」梅稍作计算,得出结论:「有我们从其他世界泡中运转物资的话,够维持百余年。」 " That is barely manages to maintain a feeble existence. " Yae Ji said: " We make Earth drop the sea of quantum, wanted is not such result. " 「那是苟延残喘。」八重霁道:「我们让地球跌落量子之海,要的可不是这样的结果。」 " We can also seek for other world bubbles, living the person transports to the world well-functioning. " A Thea pupil revolution, looks out hundreds of thousands, world bubbles 1000000 km away by the atmosphere, the bubble body complementing in her eyes weak luminous spot that the color varies. Nowadays she had not reclaimed the memory of losing, but the instinct from innermost soul told her, she needs to go all-out to help the present civilization. 「我们还能寻找其他世界泡,把活着的人输送到运转良好的世界中。」西娅辛的眸子一转,透过大气遥望数十万、1000000千米外的世界泡,色彩各异的泡体映衬在她眼中不过微弱光点。现如今她仍未找回丢失的记忆,但来自灵魂深处的本能告诉她,她需要尽全力帮助眼前的文明。 " If cannot seek for the anchor point, might as well be a good plan, does not help the development of civilization. " Yae Ji silent meeting, sets the main key, " makes refuge shelter all energetic will appraisals achieve A-Rank, attempts to seek for the anchor point. " 「如果找寻不到锚点,未尝不是一个好方案,就是不利于文明的发展。」八重霁沉默了会,定下基调,「让避难所所有精神意志评价达到A级的,尝试找寻锚点。」 Yae Ji finishes barely the words, at present the spatial warping, wears purple-haired Herrscher of magnificent clothing to reappear. 八重霁话音未落,眼前空间扭曲,身穿华丽服饰的紫发律者浮现。 The Sirin complexion is stiff: " The speed that little especially crashes is getting more and more fast, I have not followed. " 西琳面色僵硬:「小尤坠落的速度越来越快,我没跟上。」 Yae Ji: " All right, marks big to the crash place, waits to handle the matter of Earth to look for her again. " 八重霁:「没事,标记好大致坠落地点,等处理好地球的事再去找她。」 Saw that was little Mr. You own Yae Ji of said like this, Sirin cannot help but relaxes. 见到身为小尤父亲的八重霁这样说,西琳不由得松了口气。 " Everyone tries harder, when we grasp the anchor point of Earth thoroughly, matter then can be more relaxed. " Saying, the plum closes one's eyes to induce, at once vanishes does not see. 「大家加把劲,等到我们彻底掌握地球的锚点,事情便能轻松些。」说着,梅闭眼感应一番,旋即消失不见。 " I adjust the attraction source of silent war star and Earth. " Thea disappears. 「我去调整寂静战星与地球的引力源。」西娅辛消失。 Yae Ji nods to Sirin that only remains, consciousness sweeps off toward the Earth deep place. 八重霁对仅剩的西琳颔首,意识朝地球深处扫去。 Boss, the silent war star observes a small surveillance., ‘老板,寂静战星观察到一小股监视。, On the lifeform pupil the sudden information makes Yae Ji take back the consciousness fast, the body ties tight, the high-energy energy that within the body flows rapidly stagnates. 生物瞳上突然出现的信息让八重霁快速收回意识,身体紧绷,体内奔流的高能能量一滞。 Evil god?, ‘邪神?, Big probability is not, the energy of silent war star exhausts, can only determine a general range reluctantly, monitors our lines of sight to come from the world bubble 500000 km away, the energy form and Honkai have nothing to do., ‘大概率不是,寂静战星的能量耗尽,只能勉强确定一个大概范围,监视我们的视线来自500000千米外的世界泡,能量形式和崩坏无关。, On the lifeform pupil demonstrated approximate position that the world soaks, in that position, altogether two world bubbles, deep blue presents pure with the orange light, looked then knows just fell into sea of soon world quantum. 生物瞳上显示出世界泡的大致位置,在那个位置上,一共有两个世界泡,蔚蓝与橙光呈现纯净,一看便知道是刚跌入量子之海不久的世界。 Helps me relate Su, making him confirm that world bubble., Yae Ji restrains the aura, simultaneously transmits the message to plum and the others. ‘帮我联系苏,让他确认一下那颗世界泡。,八重霁收敛自身气息,同时将消息传送给梅等人。 In this eventful time, suddenly presents one to observe the civilization of Earth civilization, regarding Yae Ji is not a good sign. The strength of Earth civilization falls into the freezing point, the outside also has the evil god to spy on, once has the war with other civilization... 在这种多事之秋,突然出现一个能观测地球文明的文明,对于八重霁来说可不是一个好兆头。地球文明的实力陷入冰点,外部又有邪神窥探,一旦与别的文明发生战争... Everyone , Su the sound in Xumi mustard seed spreads to the people mind through the consciousness, ‚ line of sight from that deep blue world bubble, but before I do not have the means trace it , the position on world tree, has the unknown strength to cover up, the doubtful evil god, matter is strange, ten million/countless be careful., ‘各位,,处在须弥芥子中的苏的声音通过意识传入众人脑海,‘视线来自那颗蔚蓝世界泡,但我没有办法追溯它之前在世界树上的位置,有未知力量遮掩,疑似邪神,事情诡异,千万小心。, " Evil god " . Glossary that the people most are not willing to hear. 「邪神」。众人最不愿意听到的词汇。 " What to do? " Sirin clenches teeth. Hates the sound said: " Fought It! " 「怎么办?」西琳咬牙。恨声道:「跟祂拼了!」 " Do not impulse. " Yae Ji to the plum and Aiyi transmitter data, ‚ adjustment fights the star position, transports the energy, brings Earth to the sea of quantum lower level, others continue to seek for the anchor point., .... 「不要冲动。」八重霁向梅与爱衣发送信息,‘调整战星位置,重新输送能源,带着地球去往量子之海下层,其他人继续寻找锚点。,…. ...... ...... In Yae Ji and the others when of Su " doubtful evil god " is overly suspicious and fearful, about 500,000 kilometers Theiler federation highest parliament, to kick up a fuss at this moment the day. 就在八重霁等人因为苏的一句「疑似邪神」疑神疑鬼时,远在五十万千米开外的泰莱雅联邦最高议会内部,此刻也以吵翻了天。 " I reiterated that cannot contact the extraterrestrial influence! " Congressman both hands of red nose brandish, wish one could to jump to the table on yell his viewpoint, " federation dozens years ago contacts the alien, research divulging energyHonkai Energy, starts, our federation will then fall into forever in the disaster without limits! 「我重申一遍,绝不能接触外星势力!」一个红鼻子的议员双手挥舞,恨不得跳到桌子上叫喊他的观点,「自联邦数十年前接触外星人,研究泄露能量‘崩坏能,开始,我们联邦便陷入永无止境的灾难之中! Honkai, Herrscher, fission, the warlord influence and War God event, drops the sea of quantum, all, all, the beginning then contacts the extraterrestrial influence! Our Theiler federation is the toys on evil civilized chess table! At this moment regains the order with great difficulty, 崩坏律者、分裂、军阀势力、战神事件、跌落量子之海,所有的所有,一切的一切,开端便是接触外星势力!我们泰莱雅联邦就是邪恶文明棋桌上的玩物!事到如今好不容易恢复秩序, Also can let the disaster to repeat again?! " " Benzole, even if you are not the great War God follower, cannot place in this grade of event the great War God honor. " On right side parliamentary most seat, gray-haired aquiline nose old person look gloomy and cold, " is degrading the great War God honor incident, I remembered. " 难道还要再让灾难重演吗?!」「西哈苯斯,即便你不是伟大战神的信徒,也不能将伟大战神的荣光放在这等事件之内。」议会最上席右侧,头发花白的鹰钩鼻老人眼神阴冷,「有辱伟大战神荣光一事,我记下了。」 Named benzole the male complexion blanch, just now imposing manner is flowing, remembers the method that the War God honor teaches, the body has trembled, the tooth trembles saying: " No, dear vice-chairman, I... I absolutely do not have that meaning... I and I to mean... " 名为西哈苯斯的男子面色发白,方才的气势一泻千里,想起战神荣光教的手段,身体已然发抖,牙齿打颤道:「不,尊敬的副议长先生,我...我完全没有那意思...我、我是说...」 Under the old person gloomy and cold vision, benzole felt own line of sight more gathers more much, usually in the faction makes friends many he , helping its speech in this situation unexpectedly no one. 在老人阴冷的目光下,西哈苯斯感觉自己身上的视线越聚越多,平时派内交友众多的他,在这种场合竟无人帮其说话。 Under the stage, just became congressman soon Siaud to gaze at all indifferently, now the parliamentary overwhelming majority seats are taught to dominate by the War God honor , he is also depends on the status of follower to enter the parliament. As one of the that disaster inescapable, he in the lens sees with own eyes oneself look for many years of young girl by the endless sludge package... 台下,刚成为议员不久的西奥冷漠地注视着一切,如今议会绝大部分席位都被战神荣光教把持,就连他自己,也是靠着信徒的身份得以进入议会。作为那场灾难的逃脱者之一,他亲眼在镜头中看到自己寻找多年的少女被无尽污泥包裹... Why can I also think this matter? Joins the parliament as the follower, becomes in the federation most to have power one of the several hundred people, is insufficient? All these become the War God follower to bring., ‘我为什么还会想这种事?作为信徒加入议会,成为联邦内最具权力的几百人之一,难道还不够吗?这一切都是成为战神的信徒所带来的。, No, No, No, I am actually thinking anything, I to look for Thea I cannot..., 不不不,我到底在想些什么,我一直都是为了寻找西娅辛我不能..., But War God gave the present all, I also does the youngster desire that for more than one year ago cannot achieve wishes, stupidly seek for the secret that the War God honor teaches?, ‘可是战神给予了眼前的一切,我难道还在为了一个多年前不能如愿的少年愿望,傻乎乎地去寻找战神荣光教的秘密?, ‚..., ‘..., " I want to contact this extraterrestrial civilization. " Sits said in the chief left side middle-aged female calmly: " Federation has fallen into the sea of quantum from the real universe, in the known literature, the world that we are at soaks the deterioration to be rotten sooner or later, until crashes into the seabed of section quantum thoroughly, becomes nourishment that provides for this place. 「我个人希望接触这个外星文明。」坐在首席左侧的中年女子平静说道:「联邦已从真实宇宙跌入量子之海,在已知的文献中,我们所在的世界泡迟早会变质腐烂,直至彻底坠入量子之海底部,成为供养此地的养料。 How long concrete is, we have not been able to know, but we must do the preparation for the descendant, otherwise several hundred years, our Theiler civilization will have vanished in the history, a wee bit inheritance will not stay behind, remembers only our, instead is these aliens. 具体是多长时间,我们还无从知晓,但我们要为后代做准备,不然过不了几百年,我们泰莱雅文明将会消失在历史之中,连一丁点传承也不会留下,唯一记得我们的,反而是那些外星人。 But at present, we then have this opportunity by chance, the civilization of opposite party intend to guide the planet to enter the sea of quantum, the science and technology is above us to imagine developed, once our Theiler federation has this technology, returning to the real universe might also as well be the expectation. " 而眼前,我们恰巧便有这个机会,对方的文明有意引导行星进入量子之海,科技之发达超乎我们想象,一旦我们泰莱雅联邦有这种技术,重返真实宇宙也未尝不是奢望。」 " I agree with the view of vice-chairman beautiful. " Right, a moment ago was War God old humanity that taught to voice. 「我同意雅里丽副议长的说法。」右侧,刚才为战神教发声的老人道。 beautiful complexion is invariable, the innermost feelings are very strange. 雅里丽面色不变,内心却十分奇怪。 " I agreed. " 「我同意。」 " I agreed. " 「我同意。」 Has the support that the War God honor taught, the congressman under stage raises hand to vote, soon then occupies the larger part of parliamentary population. 有了战神荣光教的支持,台下的议员一个个举手表决,很快便占据议会人数的一大半。 " Why? " beautiful cannot bear the low voice inquiry. 「为什么?」雅里丽还是忍不住小声询问。 " Naturally spreads the gospel that I teach to the alien! " 「当然是向外星人传播我教的福音!」 Sees frantic that in the old person eyes not minces, beautiful felt oneself made the mistake probably anything, looks again to under that rows of lifting up high arm, beautiful whole body feels cold. 看到老人眼中毫不掩饰的狂热,雅里丽感觉自己好像做错了什么,再望向下方那一排排高举的手臂,雅里丽浑身发冷。 This lunatic!, ‘这个疯子!, ...... ...... Reisuke 礼祐 Please remember this book first round domain name:. Tang three Chinese net cell phone version reading websites: 请记住本书首发域名:。唐三中文网手机版阅读网址:
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