EH :: Volume #18

#27: Observes civilization that Earth drops

" ~ " 「噗~」 Changes to jet black attraction singular point ignorant little especially to hear to puncture thoroughly the thin film faintly the sound, then, that exerts the terrifying line of sight on oneself has vanished, seems shakes off the fetter thoroughly, the singular point loses the control in the sea of quantum. 化作漆黑引力奇点的蚩小尤隐隐听到刺透薄膜的响声,接着,那股施加在自身上的恐怖视线已然消失,好似彻底挣脱束缚般,奇点在量子之海内部失去控制。 Here is at the sea of level quantum, falls into sea of quantum the first stand of civilization from the real universe is this place. Is towed by the ignorant little especially attraction singular point, world in all directions soaks all comes under the influences in varying degrees. 这里处在量子之海上层,许多从真实宇宙跌入量子之海的文明的第一站便是此地。由蚩小尤引力奇点牵引,四面八方的世界泡皆受到不同程度的影响。 And in common deep blue world bubble, some people are observing all these intense. 其中一颗毫不起眼的蔚蓝世界泡内,有人正紧张地观察着这一切。 Theiler federation, before several months, falls into the sea of quantum by the real universe, until now, the federation regains the order reluctantly, but under that disaster, the federal interior is flooding so-called " War God " the follower, whenever thinks about the attitudes of these frantic followers, in Cohen heart then lingering fear. Is good because, so long as meets that group of crazy followers' request, the followers instead can help the federation rapidly restore to produce and order. 泰莱雅联邦,数月前才由真实宇宙之中跌入量子之海,直至今日,联邦内部才勉强恢复秩序,但在那场灾难之下,联邦内部充斥着所谓「战神」的信徒,每当想起那些狂热信徒们的作风,柯恩心中便后怕不已。好在只要满足那群狂信徒的要求,信徒们反而能帮助联邦快速恢复生产与秩序。 Cohen, federal soldier, because had seen in childhood uses Honkai Energy " alien " , thus by the scientific Honkai transformation, when Theiler star falls into the sea of quantum promotes with great speed, now the military rank, will at least have been responsible for monitoring inside and outside the observation star possibly to cause the Honkai pollution the event. 柯恩,联邦军人,因为小时候见过使用崩坏能的「外星人」,从而受过科学性的崩坏改造,在泰莱雅星跌入量子之海时火速提拔,如今军衔已至少将,负责监控观察星球内外可能造成崩坏污染的事件。 Federal interior all are recovering and developing toward the good place obviously, but Cohen's heart deep place is anxious. Cohen took a look at a date, the new style first year on May 3, represents them to fall into the number of days of sea of quantum, at exactly 18 : 00, represents the rush hour. To miss homeland the wife and daughters, the anxious innermost feelings are rarely calm. 明明联邦内部一切都在往好的地方恢复发展,可柯恩的内心深处越是焦躁不安。柯恩瞅了眼日期,新历元年五月 3 日,代表他们跌入量子之海的天数,18点整,代表下班时间。想想家中的妻女,焦躁的内心难得平静下来。 " Senior official, you must have a look at this! " 「长官,您一定得看看这个!」 The subordinates yell to break tranquility in Cohen heart incisively, he sets out fiercely, " where pollution incident? What rank? I did not mean that the earliest possible time can forewarn to this/should area?! " 下属尖锐的叫喊打破柯恩心中的平静,他猛地起身,「哪里的污染事件?什么等级?我不是说了第一时间要向该地区预警吗?!」 Wears the youth's of company officer clothing temperament to Cohen to become accustomed, without the explanation, will turn around the projection of observation system to open. 身穿尉官服装的青年对柯恩的脾气习以为常,没有解释,转身将观测系统的投影打开。 " Senior official, beyond the event from federation sea of quantum, our systems observes the gravity anomaly. " 「长官,事件来自联邦之外的量子之海中,我们的系统观测到重力异常。」 Cohen looks to the projection, soaks not the far place from the federal world, the space of sea of quantum has together the jet black crack, an extremely common jet black singular point finds out slowly, attracts the surrounding space and time all. 柯恩看向投影,距离联邦世界泡不远的地方,量子之海的空间出现一道漆黑裂缝,一颗极不起眼的漆黑奇点从中缓缓探出,吸引周围时空的一切。 " What will we receive to affect? " 「我们会受到什么影响?」 " May have the slight vibration... " The expression of young company officer slightly has the hesitation, " senior official, we are not profound to the research that the world soaks, will have anything specifically, we are unable to make the accurate estimate. " 「可能会发生轻微震动...」青年尉官的表情略有犹豫,「长官,我们对世界泡的研究还不深刻,具体会发生什么,我们也无法做出准确预估。」 " Sounds the earthquake early warning outward, as soon as possible. " 「对外发出地震预警,尽快。」 " But Senior official, without having earthquake, several other to your view... " 「可是长官,如果没有发生地震,其他几位对您的看法...」 " According to doing that I said! " Cohen shot a look at a company officer, he sits from a person of no background to this position, depended, but real skill. 「按我说的做!」柯恩瞥了眼尉官,他从一个毫无背景的人坐到这个位置,靠的可是真本事。 Cohen's line of sight re-enters the projection, along with the jet black singular point movement of that small quality, but the following picture, lets stretch of dirty look to show the incredible look! 柯恩的视线重回投影,随那小质量的漆黑奇点移动,但接下来的画面,让一直绷着张臭脸的这位露出不可置信的神色! Above the singular point space crack expands tens of millions times suddenly, holds the planet sufficiently through the space crack strangles to death the surrounding all materials unceasingly, Cohen even can spy on the real universe from the crack star light! 奇点上方的空间裂缝忽地扩大数千万倍,足以容纳行星通过的空间裂缝不断绞杀周围一切物质,柯恩甚至能从裂缝之中窥探到真实宇宙的一丝星光! Another dropping civilization? No, is not right!, Cohen stares the big eyes, ‚ they are want to dive to enter the sea of quantum!, .... ‘又一个跌落的文明?不,不对!,柯恩瞪大双眼,‘他们是自己想要下潜进入量子之海!,…. Cobalt blue fights the star to take the lead to break through the space, the star quality on the instrument demonstrating makes Cohen break into sweat, the picture has received the influence photography of gravity is not unclear, suddenly! 一颗钴蓝战星率先冲破空间,仪器上显示的星球质量让柯恩头冒冷汗,画面已然受到重力的影响拍摄不清,忽然! Bang a loud sound, Cohen staggers, has almost not stood firm the figure, supports table corner, looks again to the picture, discovers a huge planet in the true sense impressively, finds out an corner/horn in the sea of quantum! 轰隆一声巨响,柯恩一个踉跄,差点没有稳住身形,扶住身旁的桌角,再看向画面,赫然发现一颗真正意义上的庞大行星,在量子之海中探出一角! " Senior official, the anchor point that the federal world soaks is changing, we already by the attraction source attraction that the opposite party creates! Simultaneously other attracted also 15 world bubbles! " 「长官,联邦所处的世界泡的锚点正在改变,我方已被对方造成的引力源吸引!同时被吸引的还有其它十五个世界泡!」 " Senior official? " 「长官?」 " Immediately sends the message to the highest parliament, no, I come personally! " Cohen sends completely the known information with the entire life quickest speed, chief criminal who simultaneously causes the event- that two quality astonishing stars! 「立即向最高议会发送消息,不,我亲自来!」柯恩用生平最快的速度发送全部已知信息,同时造成事件的罪魁祸首-那两颗质量惊人的星球! The cobalt blue fights the star fully to enter in the sea of quantum, 钴蓝战星已然全部进入量子之海中, Still is diving unceasingly, that planet follows, great quantity thermal energy that the star movement erupts, already star surface transformation the color of scarlet orange. 还在不断下潜,那颗行星紧随其后,星球移动爆发的巨量热能,已然将星球表面变换成赤橙之色。 Cohen does not dare to imagine, if on this planet has the lifeform to exist, that will greet their is anything. The opposite party do not defer to the rule to fall into the sea of quantum, around their stars the nice world soaks the thin film not to have. Do they want to do? What will have to affect to us? 柯恩不敢想象,如果这颗行星上有生物存在,那迎接他们的将是什么。对方绝不是按照规律跌入量子之海,他们的星球四周连个像样的世界泡薄膜都没有。他们到底要干什么?对我们又会有什么影响? Unknown brings is flooding Cohen anxiously, even if on his tight face cannot see a mood. 未知带来的不安充斥着柯恩,即便他紧绷的脸上看不出一丝情绪。 " Un? " 「嗯?」 Cohen toward projecting the fuzzy picture carefully looks, after the second planet enters the sea of quantum completely, has the highlight that several high-energy reactions have to glitter indistinctly unceasingly, until submerging in the second planet. 柯恩朝投影出的模糊画面仔细看去,在第二颗行星完全进入量子之海后,隐约有几枚高能反应产生的亮点不断闪烁,直至没入第二颗行星之中。 " Senior official, examines the energy response of Herrscher rank! Altogether has four! " 「长官,检测到律者级别的能量反应!一共有四个!」 The hands and feet that Cohen listens to sends coolly, four Herrscher? Initially the federation dealt with Herrscher to be almost finished, faced four let alone simultaneously? Moreover Herrscher... inborn is the civilized opposite, once were discovered Theiler federation by them, waiting federation, only then destroys a way? The federation after thousand dangers, maintains the good order and stability with great difficulty, can he also the casual day, then facing extinguishing the danger of the world rank less than several days? 柯恩听的手脚发凉,四个律者?当初联邦应付一个律者都差点完蛋,更何况是同时面对四个?而且律者...天生便是文明的对立面,一旦被她们发现泰莱雅联邦,等待联邦的,岂不是只有毁灭一途?联邦历经千险,好不容易才维护好秩序与稳定,他还没过几天休闲日子,便又要面对灭世级别的危险? " Power of examination? " Cohen's tone was lower and deeper, he himself had not even discovered. 「检测的权能呢?」柯恩的语气低沉了些,连他自己也没有发现。 " Entire and entire... " The voice of youth shivers. 「全、全...」青年的声音颤抖。 " Entire what entire?! " 「全什么全?!」 " All empties Herrscher! " 「全是空之律者!」 ...... ...... " Clearing weather, you rest, restores as soon as possible. " Mei Manlian said exhaustedly: " Is almost impossible found to maintain Earth to direct the source, Earth to be able in the sea of quantum to depend upon the attraction survival of silent war star greatly reluctantly, but human of planet surface may be unable to accept the brutal environment in sea of quantum. Only then seeks for the anchor point that Earth is, is fused the world bubble by us, can solve troublesome. " 「霁,你多休息,尽快恢复。」梅满脸疲惫道:「在量子之海中几乎不可能找到维持地球的巨引源,地球能勉强依靠寂静战星的引力生存,但行星表面的人类可无法接受量子之海中的残酷环境。只有寻找到地球所在的锚点,由我们融合成世界泡,才能解决麻烦。」 Yae Ji loses color, in this period of time erupts the power unceasingly, has pressed out to do him to the limit, is good has incomplete Herrscher Core because of him, restoring the energy will be more rapid. 八重霁面无血色,在这段时间内不断爆发权能,已然将他榨干至极限,好在他有残缺的律者核心,恢复能量会迅速些。 " Anchor point and anchor point... " Yae Ji licks the lip that became dry, other world soaks naturally then has the anchor point, but Earth this falls into the foreign family of sea of quantum by the real universe directly, how can in find that fabricated anchor point extremely in a short time? 「锚点、锚点...」八重霁舔了舔发干的嘴唇,别的世界泡天然便有锚点,但地球这个由真实宇宙直接跌入量子之海的外来户,怎么能在极短时间内找到那莫须有的锚点? Thea straddles zones to come, she who top core power in addition holds, at this time still had the ample force, looks at a feeble beautiful woman appearance the clearing weather, she raises inexplicably the meaning of loving dearly. 西娅辛跨界而来,顶级核心权能加持的她,此时尚有余力,看着一副病弱美人模样的霁,她莫名升起心疼之意。 " I can maintain the attraction of silent war star and Earth temporarily, but Earth... " Thea sweeps to the land of sores all over the eye, deep blue dark green does not see, pulls after the attraction, presents before them, but is bare burned black. 「我暂时能维护住寂静战星与地球的引力,不过地球这边...」西娅辛扫向满目疮痍的大地,蔚蓝青绿早已不见,经过引力拉扯,呈现在她们面前的,不过是光秃秃的一片焦黑。 ...... ...... Reisuke 礼祐 Please remember this book first round domain name:. Tang three Chinese net cell phone version reading websites: 请记住本书首发域名:。唐三中文网手机版阅读网址:
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