EH :: Volume #18

#26: Thea of awakens

Thea ~ “西娅辛~” Thea ~ “西娅辛~” Rumble ~ 咕噜噜~ The green nourishing cream in sleep cabin gushes out an air bubble, the young girl who in the cabin surrounds the knees deep sleep opens the eyes slowly. 睡眠舱中的绿色营养液涌出股气泡,舱内环抱双膝沉睡的少女缓缓睁开双眼。 Jet black such as the pupil of black ink is atheistic, in young girl's consciousness, summons are awakening anything, slowly, in the cabin the nourishing cream air bubble more wells up, the pupil of symbolic pollution transforms the strange color, the god light/only in condenses slowly. 漆黑如墨的瞳孔无神,少女的意识中,一声声呼唤正在唤醒什么,慢慢的,舱内营养液的气泡越涌越多,象征污染的瞳孔转变成奇异色彩,神光在其中缓慢凝聚。 , The eyes of young girl wink suddenly, the body gradually extends, the sleep cabin obtains the signal probably, a lot of nutrition liquids discharge from the bottom, high-energy reaction that young girl within the body bursts out immediately the liquid evaporation of body surface. 忽地,少女的眼睛眨动,身躯逐渐伸展开来,睡眠舱像是得到信号,大量营养液体从底部排出,少女体内迸发的高能反应顿时将体表的液体蒸干。 „” The sound light sound, the cabin door opens, the young girl moment, does not know dull lifts the foot to sell the cabin. “哧”的声轻响,舱门开启,少女呆愣片刻,不知道抬脚卖出舱室。 Thea, but also remembers me?” “西娅辛,还记得我吗?” The sound in consciousness appears again, young girl at present presents together the cobalt blue light shadow. 意识中的声音再次出现,少女的眼前出现一道钴蓝光影。 Silent?” “寂静?” Very good,” cobalt blue light shadow nods, very satisfied Thea condition, commander they need to help, the human civilization needs to help, they need your strength.” “很好,”钴蓝光影点头,很是满意西娅辛的状态,“指挥官他们需要帮助,人类文明需要帮助,他们需要你的力量。” My... strength?” Thea is a vacant facial expression, who is commander...?” “我的...力量?”西娅辛还是一副茫然神情,“指挥官...是谁?” Clearing weather, Yae Ji, the leader of human civilization.” The silent body side projects the Yae Ji light shadow. “霁,八重霁,人类文明的领袖。”寂静身侧投射出八重霁的光影。 The familiarity lingers in the Thea heart, the opposite party seems the inalienable family member, but... 熟悉感萦绕在西娅辛心头,对方仿佛是自己不可分割的亲人,但... Thea puts out a hand, resembling to touch the projection, clearing weather... elder sister?” 西娅辛伸出手,似要触碰投影,“霁...姐姐?” They need your help, did not have the time.” Shows the scene silent to Thea, I will use the last wave of impact before silent heart transformation shape to make the commander they regain consciousness, but we, only has this opportunity.” “他们需要你的帮助,没时间了。”寂静将外界的场景展现给西娅辛,“我会利用寂静之心转换形态前的最后一波冲击使指挥官他们苏醒,而我们,也仅有这一次机会。” Thea somewhat does not understand, at this time her in mind chaos, but in the subconscious has a sound to stimulate to movement her to go forward unceasingly. Finally, to that with the closeness of similar person's shadow, making vacant Thea set firm resolve, in any event, first solved the present crisis to say again. 西娅辛还是有些搞不太懂,此时她的脑海中一片混沌,但潜意识中却有个声音不断催动她前进。最终,对那个与自身相似的人影的亲近感,使得茫然的西娅辛下定决心,不论如何,还是先解决眼前的危机再说。 How do I need to do?” Thea finishing speaking, in the mind then swamps into the silent plan modeling, the familiar person's shadow flashes through one after another, a sense of mission that arises spontaneously from the heart deep place presses on her shoulder. “我需要怎么做?”西娅辛的话音刚落,脑海中便涌入寂静的计划建模,其中熟悉的人影一个接一个闪过,一股从内心深处油然而生的使命感压在她的肩膀上。 After the consciousness impact release, in three seconds that commander and the others regained consciousness, ignorant little especially will release the body mass to compress the small-scale black hole, the assistance you constructs the space channel, until the engine of silent war star initiates the jump.” Silent and simple said the sentence, the form dissipated gradually, finally, depended on you.” “在意识冲击释放以后,指挥官等人苏醒的三秒内,蚩小尤会释放自身质量压缩成小型黑洞,协助你们构建空间通道,直至寂静战星的引擎发起跃迁。”寂静又简单了说了句,身影逐步消散,“最后,就靠你们了。” Thea deeply inspires, she discharges the confusion in mind outside, because of awakened to lose part to remember forcefully, the energy in within the body can such as the arm pull strings, the power along with reading to move. 西娅辛深吸一口气,她将脑海中的混乱排出在外,即便因强行唤醒丧失了一部分记忆,体内的能量还是能如臂指使,权能更是随念而动。 The suddenly time, Thea has spanned the space, arrives in battlefields between two stars, here strange attraction fluctuation enables the young girl to have the illness slightly, the figure swinging moment, oneself will be wrapped after the space power, feels better. 眨眼间的功夫,西娅辛已跨越空间,来到两颗星球之间的战场上,这里的古怪引力波动使得少女稍有不适,身形摆动片刻,将自身由空间权能包裹后,才好受一些。 Not far away, side these familiar person's shadows has incomparably the aura of dislike, the consciousness attack from decayed god makes Thea subconsciously pressed the brow. 不远处,那些熟悉的人影身旁有令人无比厌恶的气息,来自腐朽神的意识侵袭使得西娅辛下意识蹙起眉头。 Thea can, receive my information? I am Su in Xumi mustard seed.’ ‘西娅辛阁下,能接收到我的信息吗?我是须弥芥子中的苏。’ In the mind resounds the voice of person of being familiar once again, who Thea cannot remember that person is. 脑海中又一次响起熟悉之人的声音,西娅辛却怎么也想不起那人是谁。 Can hear.’ ‘能听到。’ Ignorant little especially has been ready, can liberate the body mass momentarily, the concrete coordinates is *** ‘蚩小尤阁下已做好准备,随时可以解放自身质量,具体坐标为***’ Understanding.’ ‘了解。’ Thea looks to the distant place, the cobalt blue ray that the silent war star emits outward soon congeals the essence, the consciousness invasion of decayed god is getting more and more emaciated. 西娅辛望向远处,寂静战星向外冒出的钴蓝光芒快要凝结成实质,腐朽神的意识侵扰越来越羸弱。 Is now!” “就是现在!” The sound in the consciousness crack, the pinnacle cobalt blue sweeps away the battlefield brilliance, the afterglow covers the entire Earth! Suddenly the Herrscher level energy liberation that on Earth erupts was also covered up. 声音在意识中炸响,极致的钴蓝光辉横扫战场,余晖笼罩整颗地球!一时间地球上爆发的律者级能量释放也被遮掩。 Thea seizes the opportunity, next one flickers the jump to the Xumi mustard seed, on the one hand grasps to suppress limit ignorant little especially, once again flickers to move to arrive at the battlefield center! 西娅辛抓住机会,下一瞬跳跃至须弥芥子,一手抓住已然憋到极限的蚩小尤,又一次瞬移来到战场中央! Ha!” “哈!” In the hand is raising loli relaxes fiercely, 手中提着的萝莉猛地松气, In the vacuum, Thea actually unfathomable mystery hears the sound that ignorant little especially makes obviously. Then, easily tears the terrifying attraction of Herrscher muscle, skeleton and core to release from small loli within the body sufficiently, the Thea complexion has not changed, then the control space power glitters one after another ten times, flees that extremely terrifying gravitational field. 明明是在真空之中,西娅辛却莫名其妙听到蚩小尤发出的声响。接着,一股足以轻易撕裂律者肌肉、骨骼、核心的恐怖引力自身边的小萝莉体内释放,西娅辛的脸色还未改变,便操控空间权能接连闪烁十余次,才逃离那极为恐怖的引力场。 By the ignorant small especially center, a distortion space and time, the terrifying singular point that causing the ray is unable to flee from forms, entrained extremely unstable Earth faintly. 以蚩小尤为中心,一股扭曲时空,使得光线无法逃离的恐怖奇点形成,隐隐拽动了极不稳定的地球。 Thea?!” With the aid of the silent heart Yae Ji that works loose from the evil god consciousness, immediately then saw made his unforgettable one. “西娅辛?!”借助寂静之心从邪神意识中挣脱出来的八重霁,在第一时间便看到了令他难忘的一幕。 Although does not know that the outstandingly beautiful female in distant place and are anything relates, but Thea nods in a friendly way, consciousness the plan modeling to transmit to the opposite party. 虽然不知道远处的绝色女子与自己是什么关系,但西娅辛还是友好点头,将意识中的计划建模传送给对方。 Next flickers, the plum and Sirin completely all wake up, see the Thea arrival, two people expression varies, has not waited for the explanation, the silent plan modeling then transmits to both consciousness, in the meantime, four people of space powers revolve, are centered on the jump engine of ignorant little especially and silent war star, entrains Earth to the track. 下一瞬,梅与西琳尽皆醒来,看到西娅辛的到来,两人表情各异,还未等解释,寂静的计划建模便传送到两者意识中,同时,四人的空间权能运转,以蚩小尤和寂静战星的跃迁引擎为核心,将地球拽离轨道。 Buzz humming sound ~ 嗡嗡嗡~ Side of silent war star transmits the fluctuation suddenly, the space of trembling just like the ripples that in the water surface blooms, ripple that with the lapse of time, exudes such as boiling hot ebullition boiling water! 寂静战星的一面突然传来波动,震颤的空间犹如水面中绽放的涟漪,随着时间的推移,泛起的波纹又如滚烫沸腾的开水! Yae Ji eye one bright, controls the power to move with the people with joint forces changes to small-scale singular point ignorant little especially, under energy output that the pinnacle rushes, that strange sunspot moves to the space ripples above slowly. 八重霁眼睛一亮,与众人操控权能合力移动化作小型奇点的蚩小尤,在极致澎湃的能量输出下,那奇异的黑点缓缓移动到空间涟漪上方。 Sinks like the blazing iron ball overspreads the cream the cake, by that slit, Yae Ji has sneaked a peek at the scenery of sea of quantum. 就像炽热的铁球沉入铺满奶油的蛋糕,透过那一丝缝隙,八重霁已然窥见量子之海的风光。 The silent war star jumps the eruption of engine, tears the space thoroughly, the greatness of gap, holds the planet to break through sufficiently. 寂静战星跃迁引擎的爆发,彻底将空间撕裂,缺口之巨,足以容纳行星突破。 The hope of human civilization at present, Yae Ji and the others is not able to attend to other, squeezes the energy full power, drags to entrain under the direction of plum Earth step by step. 人类文明的希望就在眼前,八重霁等人以顾不得其它,全力压榨自身能量,在梅的指挥之下一步步将地球拖拽其中。 First the one who next sneaks the sea of quantum is the silent war star, this quality far exceeds the war star of Earth by oneself attraction, drags binding Earth that entrains hardly exactly, pulls off from the original revolution track it forcefully. 首先下潜入量子之海的是寂静战星,这颗质量远超地球的战星凭借自身引力,活拖硬拽的绑住地球,硬生生将其从原有的运转轨道中拖出。 ‚, Is quickly quicker!’ Yae Ji is staring at the communication real universe and sea of beforehand space crack quantum stubbornly. He of experience excessively evil god terrifying, fully realized that present stage human has no means resistance Decayed, Must hide in the sea of quantum the waiting time. ‘快,再快一些!’八重霁死死盯着沟通真实宇宙与量子之海之前的空间裂缝。见识过邪神恐怖的他,深知现阶段人类没有任何办法对抗【腐朽】,只得躲在量子之海中等待时机。 Moon... must to us.’ The Sirin vision gave came under the attractive effect, extremely unstable Moon. Perhaps, it after Earth vanishes, checked off by the attractions of other stars, or changes extinguishes the world the meteor, does not know many hundred million years ago when Theia hits Earth, after again trillion years, birth new story. ‘月球...也要离我们而去了。’西琳的目光给了受到引力影响,极不稳定的月球。也许,它会在地球消失后,被其他星球的引力勾去,又或者化作灭世的流星,像不知道多少亿年前忒伊亚撞击地球时那样,再亿万年月后诞生新的故事。 Insists a meeting again.’ The line of sight of plum on Earth, the color of icefield and hot territory reflects in the lifeform pupil, draws the real universe the planet to enter the sea of quantum, living that even if the planet can withstand, the life that lives above, feared that must experience one to exterminate greatly. ‘再坚持一会。’梅的视线在地球上,冰原与火域的色彩倒映在生物瞳中,拉动真实宇宙的行星进入量子之海,即便行星能承受的住,在其上生活的生灵,怕是也要经历一场大灭绝。 But... regarding human, they do not have other choice. 可...对于人类来说,他们没有别的选择。 ...... ...... Please remember this book first round domain name:. Tang three Chinese net cell phone version reading websites: 请记住本书首发域名:。唐三中文网手机版阅读网址:
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