EH :: Volume #18

#21: Attraction tide

Senior.” “前辈。” Mei saw Sirin that the shuttle comes, the joyful nod expressed best wishes. 芽衣看到穿梭而来的西琳,欣喜点头致意。 Even if treads that most essential one step, becomes the human civilization new pillar/backbone level strength, Mei heart deep place, to once stepped finally the battlefield seniors, maintains the heart of respect. 纵使踏出那最为关键的一步,成为人类文明新一尊支柱级战力,芽衣内心深处,还是对曾踏上终焉战场的前辈们,保持崇敬之心。 Not to mention at present this, is the world soaks the channel constructor, one of the expeditionary force founders, Sirin of division palm multiple power. 更不用说眼前这位,是世界泡通道建设者,远征军创始人之一,司掌复数权能的西琳 Sirin un, overlooked the crowd below academy, vanishes until the last person in the dark gold/metal space channel, puts out a hand to wield, the space power dissipates at once. 西琳“嗯”了一声,俯视下方学园中的人群,直到最后一人消失在暗金空间通道中,伸手一挥,空间权能旋即消散。 Senior,” Mei slightly has the urgency: Compared with saving scattered crowd, we are thorough the mist to destroy the root, can minimize the casualties.” “前辈,”芽衣略有急切:“比起拯救分散的人群,我们只有深入雾气摧毁根源,才能将伤亡最小化。” I understand your meaning.” The Sirin individual terminal is still transmitting various kinds to dispatch the information unceasingly, she looks up to her energy aura fluctuation powerful to Mei , she saw the plum probably. “我明白你的意思。”西琳的个人终端还在不断发送各类调遣信息,她抬头看向自身能量气息波动强大到芽衣,恍惚间,她好像看到了梅。 ... As the plum of flood human federation leader, will never show so the expression. 只是...身为泛人类联邦领袖的梅,从不会露出这般表情。 Since you have controlled the Herrscher power, becomes the human new pillar/backbone, there is qualifications to know some secrets.” Sirin said earnestly: Now human faces, is not Honkai and Herrscher this kind of immaterial thing, but is darker, the remote and fearsome evil god.” “既然你已经掌控律者的权能,成为人类新的支柱,也有资格知晓一些隐秘。”西琳认真道:“如今人类所面对的,并非崩坏律者这类无关紧要的东西,而是更黑暗、久远、可怖的邪神。” On the Mei face has confusedly, even also thinks that own ear misunderstood. 芽衣脸上带有迷茫,甚至还以为自己的耳朵听错了。 They and Honkai fight for a long time, stand erect with great difficulty in the summit of civilization, at this time a senior told her, the ultimate objective of human was not Honkai and Herrscher, but has not heard the evil god?! 她们与崩坏战斗那么久,好不容易屹立在文明之巅,这时一名前辈告诉她,人类的终极目标并不是崩坏律者,而是一个从没有听说过的邪神?! Sirin: You have not misunderstood, your individual jurisdiction should be changed by Prometheus for the pillar/backbone level, may inquire the materials of some concerned evil gods momentarily, the actual issue I was not saying, below hear of I direct, clear?” 西琳:“你没有听错,你的个人权限应该已被普罗米修斯更改为支柱级,随时可查询有关部分邪神的资料,具体事项我不在多说,下面听我指挥,明白?” The Sirin sharp line of sight sweeps, has not adapted to the new status Mei body to stretch thoroughly, condition reflective replying: Yes!” 西琳锐利的视线扫来,还没有彻底适应新身份的芽衣身体微绷,条件反射性的答道:“是!” „ After this is ten minutes , the change estimate modeling of earth gravity tide, your leading role, does not lie in eliminating these mist monsters, does not protect by human that the hypnosis cruelly harms, but controls the electromagnetic field of Earth firmly! “这是十分钟后地球引力潮汐的变化估算建模,你的主要作用,不在于清除那些雾气怪物,也不是守护被催眠残害的人类,而是牢牢把控住地球的电磁场! At the appointed time regardless of you use what method, even if the energy output power brace explodes the core sufficiently, this/should output energy time, cannot relax! 到时无论你用什么手段,哪怕能量输出功率足以撑爆核心,该输出能量的时候,也绝不能放松! Remember! In your back, is on Earth several billions people of lives! ” 记住!在你的背后,是地球上数十亿人的生命!” Yes!” Mei first observes the modeling data, during special lesson, she trains incessantly physical body, consciousness and Honkai, also literacy class learn/study. “是!”芽衣第一时间观察起建模数据,在特训期间,她训练的远不止肉体、意识、崩坏,还有文化课学习。 However the change chart of this earth gravity tide, really is extremely at present terrorist! 不过眼前这份地球引力潮汐的变化图,实在太过恐怖! The epoch the post-war time, Herrscher once towed to entrain Moon finally finally, wants to destroy Earth, finally with the efforts of several pillar/backbone levels, makes Moon return to the original track, but slight fluctuation, makes the attraction tide of Earth change. 新纪元终焉之战后期,终焉律者曾拖拽月球,想要摧毁地球,最终在数位支柱级的努力下,重新让月球回归原有轨道,但细微的波动,还是让地球的引力潮汐发生变化。 The plate displacement, the megatsunami and Supervolcano eruption, are extremely cold, super natural disasters harm human to be miserable beyond description, the loss that score Herrscher arrives is serious! 板块位移、大海啸、超级火山喷发、极寒,一个个超级自然灾害害得人类苦不堪言,比数名律者降临的损失还要严重! But the present estimate modeling, the scale of attraction tide is more terrifying! If not control, the life on Earth... might present to exterminate again one time greatly! 而眼前的估算建模,引力潮汐的规模更为恐怖!如果不加以控制,地球上的生灵...很可能会再出现一次大灭绝! What exactly had?! Does Herrscher of new rock arrive?’ Mei felt that behind a round of cold, raised the head also wants to inquire anything to Sirin again, actually discovered that the opposite party has departed. ‘到底发生了什么?!新的岩之律者降临?’芽衣感到背后发寒,抬头还想再向西琳询问些什么,却发现对方早已离去。 Civilized pillar/backbone of respect Raiden Mei, please go to the following region, later will be directed you to conduct the electromagnetic field to control by me.” “尊敬的文明支柱‘雷电芽衣’,请前往以下区域,稍后将由我来指引您进行电磁场掌控。” From Fire Moth central ultra is Prometheus, has taken over control of the Mei individual terminal. 来自逐火之蛾的中央超算普罗米修斯,已经接管了芽衣的个人终端。 ... 。。。 Sea of level quantum, silent war star, command post. 量子之海上层,寂静战星,指挥室。 Earth does arrange?” Yae Ji asked. “地球方面安排好没有?”八重霁问道。 Also remains the last step,” plum returns said: Sirin is splitting up her power, we can only protect the limited region, will first choose population concentration the region.” “还剩最后一步,”梅回道:“西琳在分化她的权能,我们只能保护有限的区域,会优先选择人口集中的区域。” That does not have the matter of means that strikes furiously, the total ratio perishes for the evil god follower, was killed by the evil god giant beast!” “那也是没办法的事情,奋力一击,总比沉沦为邪神信徒,被邪神巨兽杀死好!” Commander, “指挥官阁下, The real universe jump coordinates confirmed, breaks surface? ” The cobalt blue light ball makes the sound. That side Sirin how?” Yae Ji inquired again. 真实宇宙跃迁坐标确认,是否上浮?”钴蓝光球发出声响。“西琳那边怎么样了?”八重霁再度询问。 Has arranged.” “已经安排完毕。” That...” Yae Ji raised the head to look into the above, the line of sight as if passes through the sea of quantum, arrives real universe that the evil god wreaks havoc. “那...”八重霁抬头眺望上方,视线仿佛贯穿量子之海,来到邪神肆虐的真实宇宙。 Breaks surface!” “上浮!” Buzz ~ 嗡~ The energy of silent heart output makes the entire war star vibrate, to shake off the fetter of sea of quantum is not an easy matter, not to mention this Something went wrong tons in weight colossus, once jumps to the real universe, definitely will produce the attraction to respond to the peripheral star/celestial body, everything must prepare completely safe. 寂静之心输出的能量使得整颗战星震动,要想挣脱量子之海的束缚也绝非易事,更别提这颗[Not Found]的庞然大物,一旦跃迁至真实宇宙,必然会对周边星体产生引力反应,凡事必须做好万全准备。 Buzz ~ 嗡~ Also is a crazy vibration, Yae Ji on-board sees to belong to the real universe galaxy at the silent war for the first time! Unlike the depressing picture of sea of quantum completely, here seems the place of freedom since birth. 又是一次疯狂震动,八重霁第一次在寂静战星上看到属于真实宇宙的星河!与量子之海的压抑画面完全不同,这里仿佛生来就属于自由之地。 However the place of freedom, is always crisis-ridden... 不过自由之地,向来危机四伏... The position that the silent war star jumps, has been able to look into Earth from afar. 寂静战星跃迁的位置,已经能远远眺望到地球。 Silent heart power boosting, must cover Earth completely.” Yae Ji ordered, the entire silent war sent out the misty cobalt blue bright scattered, caused its Earth also in its radiation range. “寂静之心功率增大,务必完全笼罩地球。”八重霁下令,整颗寂静战星散发出蒙蒙钴蓝亮光,使其地球也在其辐射范围内部。 Looks picture that the transmission comes, Yae Ji nan sound said: „Can this really be good?” 看着传输而来的画面,八重霁喃声道:“这样真的能行吗?” Commander, the cobalt blue said: „ Silent heart, although is the defense weapon, highest-energy guards infinitely intermediate evil god consciousness the invasion, the evil god aura within radiation range is also swept clear, please relax.” “指挥官阁下,钴蓝道:“寂静之心虽属于防御型武器,最高能镇守无限・中级的邪神意识入侵,辐射范围内的邪神气息也会被清扫一空,请放心。” Then, looked at Sirin their effort.” The hand of plum is attached to the chest, there is the location of principle law core, in order to preserves Earth under attraction tide, she also dissolves many core minutes/shares to Fusion Warriors, only leaves behind the principle law core to support Prometheus's calculation strength. “接下来,就看西琳她们的努力了。”梅的手附在胸口,那里是理律核心的所在地,为了能保住引力潮汐下的地球,她也把诸多核心分化散给融合战士,仅留下理律核心支撑普罗米修斯的算力。 Earth. 地球。 Mei looks up, the grey purple mist is surging crazily, the misty cobalt blue ray scatters to the land. 芽衣抬头看去,灰紫雾气在疯狂涌动,蒙蒙的钴蓝光芒撒向大地。 These in the evil god giant beast that the land, sea and in sky wreak havoc, melts, the evil god follower who under the function of misty cobalt blue ray kneels, stands up completely confusedly the bathing blue light. 那些在陆地、海洋、天空之中肆虐的邪神巨兽,在蒙蒙钴蓝光芒的作用下消融,跪地不起的邪神信徒,也全部迷茫站起身来沐浴蓝光。 Human that in the ruins survives hugs in the same place weeps bitterly, under the evil god giant beast tramples stationed in the army that excitedly is not much left to angry roaring. 废墟之中存活的人类抱在一起痛哭,在邪神巨兽践踏下所剩无几的驻扎军更是激动到怒吼。 This disaster unfathomable mystery, does not have any early warning, the strange degree far exceeded any Herrscher to arrive in the past, people do not know oneself are fighting with anything, is unable to relate on any upper-level department. 这次灾难莫名其妙,没有任何预警,诡异程度远超以往任何一位律者降临,人们不知道自己在跟什么战斗,也无法联系上任何上级部门。 As the cobalt blue ray arrives, a order of also each article from flood human federation highest operational control room. 随着钴蓝光芒降临的,还有一件件来自泛人类联邦最高作战指挥室的命令。 Mei also felt that warm, as if can relax thoroughly, well resting a while. 芽衣也感到身上暖洋洋的,仿佛可以彻底放松下来,好好休憩一会儿。 Southwest direction electromagnetic field, power output power 75.65.” “西南方向电磁场,权能输出功率75.65。” Prometheus's passes message makes the Mei spirit inspire, she has not urged the power with enough time, then felt that an indescribable tearing feeling arrives! 普罗米修斯的传音让芽衣精神一振,她还没来得及驱使权能,便感到一股难以言表的撕裂感降临! The silent war star scattered the evil god aura on Earth, but own gravity, makes the terrifying attraction tide erupt again! 寂静战星驱散了地球上的邪神气息,但自身的重力,也使得恐怖的引力潮汐再度爆发! ...... ...... Please remember this book first round domain name:. Tang three Chinese net cell phone version reading websites: 请记住本书首发域名:。唐三中文网手机版阅读网址:
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