EH :: Volume #18

#20: The silent war star, breaks surface!

50,000 years.” The silent long time indoor, the plum opens the mouth to say suddenly: Except for in the sleep cabin, our most people time is tying tight the nerve, the tiny bit time does not dare to relax, matter of official business hold/container Yuan side, the faced difficulty is also assuming the geometrical multiple to increase.” “五万年了。”沉默半晌的室内,梅忽地开口道:“除了在睡眠舱内,我们绝大部分人时刻紧绷着神经,一丝一毫时间不敢放松,身边之事由公务包圆,面对的困难也在呈几何倍数增加。” The plum looks to Yae Ji, in the eye reveals rarely some delicately, we had stared by the evil god, the quantum fights the fluctuation of star is too big, the gaze of evil god always, might as well want to split up to each world bubble, seed that lets their carrying/sustaining human civilization.” 梅看向八重霁,眼中难得流露出些许柔弱,“我们已被邪神盯上,量子战星的波动太大,邪神的注视无时无刻,不如将希望分化给各个世界泡,让他们承载人类文明的种子。” Yae Ji understands, the plum has said was very clear, she wants, the most state-of-art science and technology to make the price by the elite of human uppermost layer, received exchange for the potential of human civilization development. 八重霁明白,梅已经说的很清楚了,她想要以人类最上层的精英、最尖端的科技做代价,换取人类文明发展的潜力。 In other words , she agreed that the silent war star breaks surface, saves Earth! 换言之,她同意寂静战星上浮,拯救地球! Does not use that pessimistically,” Yae Ji squeezes the smile, perhaps waits for us to shift the human on Earth, the evil god realizes not arrived.” “不用那么悲观,”八重霁挤出笑容,“兴许等我们转移完地球上的人类,邪神意识还没降临呢。” Felt relieved, silent interposed suddenly, Miss Aiyi has read to fight the star database, had her , the civilization will rise sooner or later again.” “诸位放心,”寂静突然插话,“爱衣小姐已读取完战星资料库,有她在,文明迟早会再度崛起。” Sirin looked at cobalt blue light ball one strangely, in her opinion, this cobalt blue light ball may not seem like can say the artificial intelligence that this words come. 西琳奇怪地看了钴蓝光球一眼,在她看来,这个钴蓝光球可不像是能说出这种话来的人工智能。 What does that also wait for?” Yae Ji ordered: Silent war star, breaks surface!” “那还等什么?”八重霁下令道:“寂静战星,上浮!” Commander, your will.” “指挥官阁下,您的意志。” Yae Ji in the silent that not happy sound, hears frantic for the first time sadly. 八重霁第一次在寂静那无悲无喜的声音中,听到一丝狂热。 Was I misunderstands?’ Yae Ji has not thought with enough time, the energy core crazy output energy of silent war star, fetter of continuous breakthrough sea from quantum, in the silent heart, murders under the suppression of supernatural might, the evil god of sea of intermediate level and upper layer quantum clone only to open eyes to look that colossus vanishes in the sensation. ‘是我听错了?’八重霁没来得及多想,寂静战星的能源核心疯狂输出能量,接连不断的突破来自量子之海的束缚,在寂静之心、弑神武器的镇压下,量子之海中层、上层的邪神分身只能睁眼看着那颗庞然大物消失于感知之中。 The command post, Sirin receives a mail. 指挥室,西琳接到一封邮件。 Lowers the head looks, discovered that the addresser impressively is close at hand Dr. MEI. 低头一看,发现发件人赫然是近在眼前的梅博士 Sirin, goes to Earth to deliver the cherry them to go to the a45 world bubble as soon as possible.” 西琳,尽快前往地球送樱她们前往a45世界泡。” Sirin shoots a look at to the plum, this time plum seems the bystander to be the same , silent is discussing the silent war star jump position with Yae Ji. 西琳瞥向梅,此时的梅好像没事人一样,正和八重霁、寂静一起商量寂静战星该跳跃的位置。 Sirin mew mew leaves the command post quietly, launches the power to jump to the sea of quantum, later jumps again. 西琳悄咪咪地离开指挥室,展开权能跳跃至量子之海,随后再次跳跃。 ... 。。。 Earth, St. Freya Academy. 地球,圣芙蕾雅学园 Saw student management that Yae Sakura and Theresa arrive, just like sees the hope, gathers side two people. 见到八重樱德丽莎到来的学员管理层,犹如见到希望,一个个聚在两人身边。 Principal and Teacher Yae, you came finally! The Church headquarters and cannot relate stationed in the army. Outside that crowd are Honkai Beast, what situation?” 学园长八重老师,你们终于来了!教廷总部和驻扎军怎么也联系不上。外面的那群崩坏兽,到底是什么情况啊?” Theresa frowns, no earliest possible time replied, instead looks to Yae Sakura. 德丽莎蹙眉,没有第一时间回答,反而看向八重樱 The Yae Sakura stand comes, said seriously: „The Quest security, gets up instantly, assembles all student preparations to evacuate!” 八重樱站出身来,严肃道:“任务保密,即刻起,调集所有学生准备撤离!” Assembles all students to evacuate...” A management person of low voice whisper, may we not be under the dispatching order of Church.” “调集所有学生撤离...”管理层一人小声嘀咕,“可我们没有得到教廷的调遣命令啊。” Nearby person drew his, gave a that person of look. 旁边的人拉了他一下,给了那人一个眼神。 Cracks a joke, in the legend, controls all Popes at the Church hidden place, may have the complicated relations with this at present, not to mention this is the human hero Yae Ji blood younger sister. 开什么玩笑,传说之中,处在教廷暗处掌控一切的教皇,与眼前这位可有着千丝万缕的关系,更别提这位更是人类英雄八重霁的亲妹妹。 Evacuation? They look forward to evacuate as soon as possible. 撤离?他们巴不得尽快撤离。 Teacher Yae, the students evacuate toward that side, what riding the tool is? Me good to arrange as soon as possible.” 八重老师,请问学生们往那边撤离,乘坐工具是什么?我这边好尽快安排。” Yae Sakura: Air-to-surface set then, other things do not need you to worry.” 八重樱:“空地集合即可,其他事情无需你们操心。” Yes, Teacher Yae and Principal, you can count on that my inform the students to gather.” “是,八重老师、学园长,你们放心,我这就去通知学生们集合。” The brow that crowd disperse, Theresa is pressed had not put down, looks into the distant place, that with the person's shadow of grey purple mist monster resistance, imitates the gods, if controls the world thunder, a blade cuts to extinguish, world instantly pure brightness, but the next second, the endless grey purple mist wells up again, condenses a leader colossus , to continue to shout is launching the attack toward the city. 人群散去,德丽莎蹙起的眉头一直未放下,眺望远处,那个与灰紫雾气怪物对抗的人影,仿若掌控天地雷霆的神明,一刀斩灭,天地即刻清明,但下一秒,无尽灰紫雾气再度涌来,凝聚成一头头庞然大物,继续嘶吼着朝城市发起进攻。 Senior.” The Mei sound appears near Sciola ear. “前辈。”芽衣的声音出现在希奥拉耳边。 What's wrong?” Sciola knits the brows subconsciously, she worried the Mei condition, form vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered on the horizon sweeps away all obstacles even if, has the invincible potential greatly, “怎么了?”希奥拉下意识皱眉,她十分担心芽衣的状态,纵使在天际上纵横的身影所向披靡,大有无敌之势, But Mei just became existence of pillar/backbone level after all, the war experience is serious, who knows that will have what accident/surprise. Once Mei has the mistake, waits for their, will certainly be a fierce battle. 芽衣毕竟是刚刚成为支柱级的存在,大战经验严重不足,谁知道会发生什么意外。一旦芽衣出现差错,等待她们的,必将是一场恶战。 Senior,” Mei passes on the sound said: Their energies nearly endless, wants to evacuate eliminates this crowd of monsters, must seek for the source.” “前辈,”芽衣传音道:“它们的能量近乎无尽,想要撤离消灭这群怪物,必须寻找源头。” „Do you want the thorough mist?!” Sciola flickers to grasp the key point. “你想要深入雾气?!”希奥拉一瞬抓住重点。 Right! Otherwise the light deals with these monsters around the academy small town, will then take my overwhelming majority energy.” Mei said: „To save more people, inevitably elimination source.” “对!不然光是在学园小镇周围应付这些怪物,便会占用我绝大部分精力。”芽衣道:“想拯救更多的人,必然得消灭源头。” „It is not good! I did not agree!” Sciola brutally said: Before above has not given the concrete action signal, you cannot penetrate the mist.” “不行!我不同意!”希奥拉无情道:“在上面没有给出具体行动信号之前,你不能深入雾气。” But...” “可...” „It is not good! Raiden Mei! This is the order!” “不行!雷电芽衣!这是命令!” In the upper air, brandishes a blade to cut to extinguish a monster Mei movement slightly, the heart starts to accelerate to beat, fetters the feeling to twine again on the body. 高空中,挥刀斩灭一头怪物的芽衣动作微顿,心脏开始加速跳动,束缚感再次缠绕在身上。 Is this feeling... is this feeling...’ The left hand of Mei gets hold of the fist, ‚, regardless of I have how diligently, what situation regardless of I grow, why... why can't grasp freely in my hands? Why also needs others to bestow continually freely? Why including...’ ‘就是这种感觉...就是这种感觉...’芽衣的左手握紧成拳,‘无论我有多么努力,无论我成长到什么地步,为什么...为什么自由还是不能掌握在我的手中?为什么连自由也需要别人来施舍?为什么连...’ Buzz ~ 嗡~ The front turns on the dark gold/metal space channel to absorb gold/metal pupil locking of person heart and soul suddenly, making the body of Mei slightly stiff, the thought dissipation of causing trouble is impressively stave. 面前突然开启暗金空间通道摄人心魄的金瞳锁定,让芽衣的身体微僵,作祟的意念赫然消散破碎。 Un ~ in the Sirin eye shows the look of appreciation, strength is good, consciousness aspect also some defective, but the perception is very strong.” “嗯~”西琳眼中露出欣赏的神色,“实力还不错,意识方面还有一些欠缺,不过悟性很强。” Behind Mei is in a cold sweat, was she in the situation of knowing nothing, disturbed the consciousness by the mist a moment ago unexpectedly? 芽衣背后冒出冷汗,她刚才居然在毫不知情的情况下,被雾气干扰了意识? Senior...” “前辈...” You first prevent the mist in this,” the Sirin arrangement said: I go to pack off the person in academy, then you follow me, clear?” “你先在这阻止雾气,”西琳安排道:“我去把学园内的人送走,然后你跟我走,明白?” Yes! Seniors.” In the Mei eye reveals joyfully. “是!前辈。”芽衣眼中流露出欣喜。 Un, come on.” Sirin encourages, the figure to flash to St. Freya Academy. “嗯,加油。”西琳鼓励一番,身形闪至圣芙蕾雅学园 Sakura elder sister!” Sirin winds ripe greets with Yae Sakura, at once looks to the open area also in the student of set. 樱姐!”西琳熟络地跟八重樱打招呼,旋即望向空地上还在集合的学员。 Sirin,” Yae Sakura nods, has greeted, how that side Su to say?” 西琳,”八重樱点头,算是打过招呼,“苏那边怎么说?” We first shift to the Xumi mustard seed, at the appointed time the Kallen elder sister they will be responsible for transporting toward each world bubble.” “我们先把人转移到须弥芥子,到时卡莲姐她们会负责朝各个世界泡内输送。” Good, then by you.” “那好,接下来靠你了。” Un un,” the Sirin small hand builds on the shoulder of Yae Sakura, said with a smile: Dr. MEI special approval, must first carry off, is you.” “嗯嗯,”西琳的小手搭在八重樱的肩膀上,笑道:“梅博士特批,第一个要带走的,就是你。” „?” Has not waited for Yae Sakura to respond, she had arrived in the Xumi mustard seed with Theresa, Himeko, Tamamaru and the others. “啊?”没等八重樱反应过来,她已经和德丽莎姬子绯玉丸等人一起来到了须弥芥子之中。 Ok, I must transmit others.” Sirin waves toward the person's shadow under tree of imaginary number, Su, first troubles you to look after them!” “好了,我还得去传送其他人。”西琳朝虚数之树下的人影挥挥手,“苏,先麻烦你照护好她们!” Has closed eyes to observe the youth in each world to set out, opens eyes to look to Yae Sakura and the others. 一直闭目观察各个世界的青年起身,睁眼看向八重樱等人。 ...... ...... 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