EH :: Volume #18

#19: Gives up Earth

Bronya will try hard.” Sits the ash on rewiring small rabbit sends loli to say. 布洛妮娅会努力的。”坐在重装小兔上的灰发萝莉道。 Walter both hands hold the chest, in our computations, your friend Raiden Mei, has the enormous probability to become the next civilized pillar/backbone. But Bronya you, is next. Another exchanges closely with Schicksal, explicitly which step we will not have the means to calculate her to arrive.” 瓦尔特双手抱胸,“在我们的计算中,你的那位朋友‘雷电芽衣’,有极大概率成为下一尊文明支柱。而布洛妮娅你,则是下一位。另一位和天命交流密切的,我们没有办法明确计算她会走到哪一步。” Manages the law core unable the display complete prestige energy, the hope of Anti-Entropy union to place on my you.” Walter thinks that epoch finally wartime, that control principle law core Bronya, under the eyeglasses appears a ray for the first time. “理律核心在我这无法发挥全部威能,逆熵联合的希望全放在你身上。”瓦尔特想到新纪元终焉之战时,那个掌控理律核心的“布洛妮娅”,眼镜下方乍现出一丝光芒。 Bronya silent by right, to be honest, she has not ravelled to the present, the great person who why these flood human federation keeps aloof, thinks that she has such potential, is only because pillar/backbone level strength Yae Ji borrowed her „does body, meet the approaching enemy finally Herrscher in the Herrscher of powerful principle shape directly? 布洛妮娅沉默以对,老实说,她到现在也没有弄明白,为什么那些泛人类联邦高高在上的大人物,会认为她有如此潜力,难道只是因为支柱级战力八重霁借用了“她”的“躯体”,以强悍理之律者的形态正面迎击终焉律者? Although does not want to acknowledge, but the fact is so. 虽然很不想承认,但事实就是如此。 Has a vacation the rest time can go to be intimate with intimate Yae Sakura they.” Walter offers the suggestion: You look, in this regard your two friends, do good.” “放假休息的时候可以去多亲近亲近八重樱她们。”瓦尔特给出建议:“你看,你的那两位朋友,在这点上做的都不错。” Elder Sister Mei and Kiana close to Yae Sakura, does not have any sense of purpose.” The Bronya sound enhances slightly, she does not want a kind of emotion to transform the pure benefit friendship. 芽衣姐姐和琪亚娜靠近八重樱,没有任何目的性。”布洛妮娅的声音略微提高,她不想将“友情”一类的情感转变成单纯的利益。 Walter: I am not this meaning, the Yae-san person am very good, even if not involve any interests, becomes friends with her is still a pleasing matter.” 瓦尔特:“我不是这个意思,八重小姐人本身很不错,即便不涉及任何利益,和她交朋友也是一件令人身心愉悦的事情。” Bronya suggested that yourself go.” 布洛妮娅建议你自己去。” Haha ~ Walter is not awkward, „the fate that contact that harbors ulterior motives, ends up is always very miserable, I also want to witness the birth of Herrscher of new principle, has not wanted quickly untimely death.” 哈哈~”瓦尔特毫不尴尬,“别有用心的接触那一位,落得的下场向来很惨,我还想见证新一位理之律者的诞生,还不想那么快英年早逝。” Bronya was not replying, the picture in her mind full is the epoch that ash of war sends the form finally, as well as before , in academy, all day with Elder Sister Mei in together Yae Ji. 布洛妮娅不在回答,她脑海中的画面满是新纪元终焉之战的那个灰发身影,以及以前在学园时,整日与芽衣姐姐在一起的八重霁 The side intimate person, is, how to have the connection with that person? 不论是身边亲近的人,还是自己,怎么全都和那人有关联? , Bronya raised the head suddenly. 忽地,布洛妮娅抬起头。 In the upper air a pillar/backbone level strength blade by the grey purple mist that squanders is completely condensed again, sunlight stop outside, mist turbulent, a leader giant beast condenses and shouts! Build really in the past! 高空中被支柱级战力一刀荡尽的灰紫雾气再次凝聚,太阳光阻拦在外,雾气汹涌中,一头头巨兽在其中凝聚、嘶吼!体型更甚以往! Walter knits the brows, first looks to the only pillar/backbone level strength on the scene. 瓦尔特皱眉,第一时间看向在场唯一的支柱级战力。 This time Mei changes to together thunder light, the change of wild thunder as well as slight electromagnetic field, chops the powder to grind the nihility the giant beast that a leader condenses. 此时的芽衣化作一道雷光,狂暴的雷霆以及细微电磁场的改变,将一头头凝聚的巨兽劈散碾碎成虚无。 But later... 但之后... Áng-!” “昂-!” The mist condenses the evil god giant beast, the quantity does not reduce instead increases, as far as eyes can reach, cannot look at the end unexpectedly! 雾气重新凝聚成邪神巨兽,数量不减反增,一眼望去,竟望不到尽头! What did Earth exactly have?’ Walter's heart falls into the valley , here merely far away from St. Freya Academy and academy of small town Lord city, then needs a pillar/backbone level strength to guard, what appearance can that the rest of the world... be? ‘地球到底发生了什么?’瓦尔特的心跌到谷底,要知道,这里仅仅是远离主城区的圣芙蕾雅学园以及学园小镇,便需要一尊支柱级战力镇守,那世界其他地区...又会是什么模样? ... 。。。 Lower level the sea of quantum, silent war star. 量子之海下层,寂静战星。 „The Ji, evil god... arrived in Earth!” 霁,邪神...在地球降临了!” The vibrato of plum reverberates in the Yae Ji ear, Yae Ji has the dizziness of flash, he and plum has not thought completely, the sea of evil empathize so rapid span quantum, seeks for the human civilization the female star. 梅的颤音在八重霁耳边回荡,八重霁有一瞬间的眩晕,他和梅完全没想到,邪神会如此迅速的跨越量子之海,找寻到人类文明的母星。 The crisis time, Fusion Cell of Yae Ji within the body releases the body that the Ice Element suppression feels hot crazily, stimulates Yae Ji consciousness soberly. 危机时刻,八重霁体内的融合细胞疯狂释放冰元素镇压发烫的躯体,才刺激八重霁意识清醒。 Silent, you also heard, your suggestion?” “寂静,你也听到了,你的建议?” Commander, the evil god arrives is divided into three stages generally, is the evil god aura and evil god consciousness, the evil god main body respectively. The conformity data preliminary calculation knew, human female star Earth is suffering the evil god aura invasion.” “指挥官阁下,邪神降临一般分为三个阶段,分别是邪神气息、邪神意识、邪神本体。整合数据初步计算得知,人类母星地球正遭受邪神气息侵扰。” Yae Ji eye slightly bright, „is that can also rescue Earth?” 八重霁眼睛微亮,“那就是还能把地球救回来?” Silent: Commander, my suggestion is: Gives up Earth.” 寂静:“指挥官阁下,我的建议是:放弃地球。” Gives up Earth, cracks a joke?!” Just entered indoor Sirin, heard these words seems like stepped on to the kitty of tail, you know how many people on Earth had? You know how much world bubbles on Earth connected? You know...” “放弃地球,开什么玩笑?!”刚走进室内的西琳,听到这句话像是被踩到尾巴的猫咪,“你知道地球上有多少人吗?你知道地球上连接了多少世界泡吗?你知道...” Silent: „ According to the flood human federation's third statistics, 寂静:“根据泛人类联邦第三次统计, Registration population altogether 673645746 people. The connection world soaks 53. ” You, since knows, knows we are impossible to give up Earth!” Sirin quickly looks to Yae Ji and plum, compared with this intelligent life, can make the resolution for the human civilization, only then these two people. 登记人数一共673645746人。连接世界泡共53个。”“你既然知道,就会知道我们不可能放弃地球!”西琳急忙看向八重霁和梅,比起这个智能生命,能为人类文明做出决断的,只有这两个人罢了。 Commander,” cobalt blue light ball glitters two , to continue to make the sound, by the acquired numerical calculation, the evil god main body Gundam/reaches as high as 86.52 in the probability that the real universe arrives, once determined that arrives at the evil god for decayed, we will prevent Its corrosion to Earth weak.” “指挥官阁下,”钴蓝光球闪烁两下,继续发出声音,“根据采集到的数据计算,邪神本体在真实宇宙降临的概率高达86.52,一旦确定降临邪神为‘腐朽’,我们将无力阻止祂对地球的侵蚀。” Excessively arrives at the evil god consciousness to arrive from the evil god aura, probably how long time?” Mei Kaikou inquired. “由邪神气息过度到邪神意识降临,大概有多长时间?”梅开口询问。 Silent: Short flickers, long several million years, disorder.” 寂静:“短则一瞬,长则数百万年,无规律。” The plum is silent, she and Yae Ji understood that silent meaning, gives up Earth, hides at the silent war on-board, preserves the world bubble of connection, regarding this can still live on dishonorably, but can also save the strength. 梅沉默,她和八重霁懂得寂静的意思,放弃地球,躲藏在寂静战星上,保存连接的世界泡,对此尚能苟活,还能积攒力量。 Once sends out to save the plan of Earth, the silent war star breaks surface to the real universe inevitably, by silent war star loading murders the supernatural might shock and awe the evil god to be good, without shocking... 一旦发出拯救地球的预案,寂静战星必然上浮至真实宇宙,凭借寂静战星装载的弑神武器震慑住邪神还好,若是没有震慑住... The human civilization likely perishes. 人类文明很可能就此沉沦。 But , compared to breed billions human Earth, now keeps the population that the silent war star and each world pour into too to be really few, wants to develop again... is the next 50,000 years? 但,相比起孕育几十亿人类的地球,如今留在寂静战星和各个世界泡上的人口实在太少,想要再度发展起来...又是下一个五万年吗? But, the human civilization has exposed in the line of sight of evil god, but can also endure the next 50,000 years? 可是,人类文明已经暴露在邪神的视线中,还能熬过下一个五万年吗? The sea of quantum prevents the great net of evil god, is the shackles of civilization development? Here resources are deficient, each world will soak will fall from the sky to the bottom, human in this environment, really can develop again? 量子之海是阻挡邪神的巨网,又何尝不是文明发展的枷锁?这里资源匮乏,每颗世界泡都将陨灭至底端,人类在这种环境下,真的能再次发展起来? We cannot constrain the evil god for the time being, making on Earth few people evacuate, waits for the silent war star really unable to insist, jumped toward within the four seas of quantum again is not good?” Sirin anxious say/way. “我们就不能暂且拖住邪神,让地球上一部分人撤离,等寂静战星实在坚持不住,再往量子之海内跳跃不就好了?”西琳急切道。 Silent: In real universe, fighting the star wants to escape from the domain of higher evil god, the probability is not high.” 寂静:“真实宇宙内,战星想逃脱高等邪神的领域,概率不高。” You are think that live on dishonorably!” Sirin air/Qi. “你就是想自己苟活!”西琳气到。 Silent: My suggestion perhaps is brutal and selfish, but also is to the human civilization maximum benefit.” 寂静:“我的建议或许是无情且自私的,但也是对人类文明利益最大化的。” Elder Brother Ji!” Sirin looks straight ahead Yae Ji, Sakura elder sister they have not gone to the A45 world bubble, they know Earth to cloud over, all runs St. Freya Academy to guard.” 阿霁哥!”西琳直视八重霁,“樱姐她们没有前往A45世界泡,她们知晓地球变天,一个个全跑去圣芙蕾雅学园镇守。” What did you say?!” The eye of Yae Ji blushes slightly. “你说什么?!”八重霁的眼微微发红。 I agreed that Sakura elder sister builds the space channel for them, at the appointed time can the Xumi mustard seed transmission through Su.” Sirin said earnestly: These are not the issues, but, once we choose to give up Earth, the elite survival that even if these are rescued, facing so attacks, will also several people of combustion wills, make the contribution to human and for the civilization?” “我同意樱姐为她们搭建空间通道,到时可以通过苏的须弥芥子传送。”西琳认真道:“这些都不是问题,可是,一旦我们选择放弃地球,即便那些获救的精英存活,面对如此打击,还会有几人燃烧意志,为人类、为文明做贡献?” ...... ...... 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