EH :: Volume #18

#22: Touches cheeks the output

The terrifying disaster that the plate displacement, the volcanic eruption and megatsunami, the attraction tide causes wreaks havoc on Earth, the energy of eruption compares Herrscher to arrive at more terrifying several hundred times. 板块位移、火山喷发、大海啸,引力潮汐引起的恐怖灾害在地球上肆虐,爆发的能量比拟律者降临更为恐怖数百倍。 Yae Ji calmly looks at all these, has the experience of previous attraction tide, this time the plan, drops to ahead of time with every effort lowly the casualties, even so, in several minutes of disaster, claimed several hundreds of millions people of lives. 八重霁静静看着这一切,有着上次引力潮汐的经验,这次提前预案,将伤亡尽力下降到最低,即便如此,在灾难发生的短短几分钟内,还是带走了数亿人的生命。 Casualties biggest without the developed continent, few squads goes to that lands, other continent are relatively good.” Mei Shuangshou hold the chest, „after it is expected that a half hour, can evacuate.” “伤亡最大的在不发达大洲,没几支小队前往那片土地,其他大洲情况相对良好。”梅双手抱胸,“预计半小时后可以进行撤离。” The Yae Ji slight nod, now his consciousness and silent war astrology and physiognomy link, can look that” still in continually wells up in the direction that Earth to the evil god aura, silent heart of that discomforting aura at the outermost that guards brilliance, like the hyena of waiting for the opportunity to act, the waiting prey revealed the weary condition, initiates momentarily fatally strikes! 八重霁微微点头,如今他的意识与寂静战星相链接,能“看”到邪神气息还在不断朝地球所在的方向涌去,那股令人不安的气息处在寂静之心光辉镇守的最外侧,像极了伺机而动的鬣狗,等待猎物露出疲态,随时发起致命一击! Silent: Commander, the evil god aura is unable to break through the guarding range of silent heart, a higher first-grade evil god consciousness is unable to enter, only if the higher evil god main body arrives.” 寂静:“指挥官阁下,邪神气息无法突破寂静之心的镇守范围,更高一等的邪神意识也无法进入其中,除非高等邪神本体降临。” The complexion of Yae Ji and plum is suddenly ugly, Yae Ji said spookily: Silent, in You Wenming doesn't have to set up flag this profound studies?” 八重霁和梅的脸色突然难看起来,八重霁幽幽道:“寂静,哈游文明里没有‘插旗’这项玄学吗?” Has been familiar with the Earth civilization silent silent, it knows meaning. 已熟悉地球文明的寂静沉默,它知晓其中含义。 Aiya ~ will not be skillful.” q board Aiyi does not know that which corner jumps from, in the material that I glance over, the evil god invasion is a period of long time, cannot...” “哎呀~不会那么巧的。”q板爱衣不知道从哪个角落里跳出来,“在我浏览的资料中,邪神入侵是一段漫长的时光,不会...” Finishing barely the words of Aiyi, with Yae Ji of silent intention link, then felt that a chill in the air of thorough marrow raids! 爱衣的话音未落,与寂静之心相链接的八重霁,便感到一股深入骨髓的寒意袭来! Evil god consciousness!” Yae Ji sensation to confusion of universe deep place sending out. “邪神意识!”八重霁感知到宇宙深处散发的混乱。 Silent: After the database contrast computation, the probability that the evil god main body arrives at Gundam/reaches as high as 95.” 寂静:“经数据库对比计算,邪神本体降临的概率高达95。” Under the sensation of silent heart, Yae Ji imitates, if saw that only came from the tentacle of galaxy deep place to take bearing the Solar System, Pluto outside stellar system, seems a bulb in his hands. 在寂静之心的感知下,八重霁仿若看到一只只来自星河深处的触手探向太阳系,恒星系外的冥王星,在其手中好似一颗玻璃球。 That is what monster...” Yae Ji closes tightly the tooth, the shoulder shivers slightly, this and he in the evil god who in Kasira consciousness sees, has the huge disparity! “那是什么怪物...”八重霁咬紧牙齿,肩膀微微颤动,这和他在卡西拉意识中看到的邪神,有着天大的差距! Silent: Goal is decayed god, presently the observation range approximately for main body 2.36, the data is from end of travelling.” 寂静:“目标为‘腐朽神’,当前观测范围大约为本体的2.36,数据取自哈游历末期。” What did you see?” The plum is still having doubts. “你们看到了什么?”梅还在疑惑。 The silent war star is away from Pluto to be extremely far, perhaps at the propagation velocity of light, several hours can arrive, therefore... plum, if wants by the observation installment to see the tentacle that the decayed detective has, at least also takes the 3-4 hour. 寂静战星距离冥王星极远,以光的传播速度,也许数个小时才能到达,所以...梅要是想凭借观测装置看到腐朽神探出的触手,至少还需要三四个小时的时间。 Saw that for the first time so does not gather the common sense the colossus, the Yae Ji throat itches, only thinks that innumerable ants creeps along, making him unable to put out that several characters the syllable. 第一次看到如此不合常理的庞然大物,八重霁喉咙发痒,只觉有无数只蚂蚁在其中爬动,使他迟迟吐不出那几个字的音节。 Evil god... arrived!” “邪神...降临了!” Yae Ji that gets back one's composure instantly with consciousness the switch, the picture that will see broadcasts to the plum, indoor the direction falls into thoroughly silent. 回神的八重霁即刻用意识转换器,将看到的画面播放给梅,指挥室内彻底陷入沉默。 Silent: Evil god main body is huge, wants to span the galaxy to come to consume the energy great quantity, our also time jumps to the sea of quantum.” 寂静:“邪神本体庞大,想跨越星系前来耗费能量巨量,我们还有时间跃迁至量子之海。” „The person on that Earth what to do? To shift the personnel on Earth, at least requires more than ten days.” The Aiyi both hands fork waist, the complexion changed the past, became extremely serious. “那地球上的人怎么办?想要转移地球上的人员,至少需要十几天的时间。”爱衣双手叉腰,脸色一改往日,变得极为严肃。 Silent: „...... May the fusion world that tries you to research and develop soak the technology, drags to entrain Earth to the sea of quantum, later chooses the right candidate to fuse.” 寂静:“......可尝试你们研发的融合世界泡技术,将地球拖拽至量子之海,随后选择合适人选进行融合。” But Earth naturally does not fall into the sea of quantum, not in condition of within the four seas of survival quantum, even the ether anchor point does not exist.” Mei Cumei said: Once drags to entrain Earth to the sea of quantum, loses the attraction between galaxies, the possibility that Earth destroys is not high, but will certainly welcome a lifeform to exterminate again greatly.” “可地球不是自然跌入量子之海,没有在量子之海内生存的条件,甚至连以太锚点也不存在。”梅蹙眉道:“一旦将地球拖拽至量子之海,失去星系之间的引力,地球毁灭的可能性不高,但一定会再次迎来一场生物大灭绝。” Silent: Unifies the premise that the evil god invades, I do not have a better way to provide.” 寂静:“结合邪神入侵的前提,我没有更好的办法提供。” Rumble ~ 轰隆隆~ Another strange aura arrives, Yae Ji locks evil god who breaks surface to come from the sea of quantum at once War God. 又一股古怪的气息降临,八重霁旋即锁定了从量子之海上浮而来的邪神‘战神’。 Breaks surface to the real universe flash, It has restored the strength, the aura inflates to red lotus high-level. 上浮至真实宇宙的一刹那,祂已恢复实力,气息膨胀至红莲・高级。 Does not need Yae Ji to tell, silent war star murders the supernatural might earliest possible time to lock in human form the main body place of War God. 不用八重霁吩咐,寂静战星的弑神武器第一时间锁定在人形的战神的本体处。 Can extinguish kills the infinite below all evil gods murders supernatural might, succeeds to shock War God, the human form evil god throughout and silent war star maintains certain distance, the aura drifts from place to place. 能够灭杀无限以下所有邪神的弑神武器,成功震慑住战神,人形邪神始终和寂静战星保持一定距离,气息飘忽不定。 Silent: It is expected that the decayed god main body advances will arrive after the two hours 25 minutes three seconds, War God possibly invades Earth with the stance of clone momentarily.” 寂静:“预计腐朽神本体先行会在两小时25分三秒后降临,战神随时可能以分身的姿态侵扰地球。” Cannot in hesitate.” Yae Ji stands up, both hands support the desktop, drags to entrain Earth to require the time to the sea of quantum, once the evil god invades, the Earth civilization perishes, since we had designated that breaks surface to the real universe, why not in one vigorous effort?” “不能在犹豫了。”八重霁站起,双手撑住桌面,“拖拽地球至量子之海需要时间,一旦邪神入侵,地球文明就此沉沦,既然我们已经选定上浮至真实宇宙,为何不一鼓作气?” The plum nods, „the present, truly does not have a better way, I will inform Sirin and the others to assist the silent war star to tow to entrain Earth.” 梅点点头,“现在来说,确实没有更好的办法,我会通知西琳等人辅助寂静战星拖拽地球。” I also help,” Yae Ji said: Silent, temporarily the command jurisdiction will give the plum, without issue?” “我也去帮忙,”八重霁道:“寂静,暂时将指挥权交给梅,没问题?” Jurisdiction has shifted temporarily.” “权限暂已转移。” Informs Sirin they to be ready! Greets the first wave of impact!” “通知西琳她们做好准备!迎接第一波冲击!” Buzz ~ 嗡~ The silent war star front splits the intermittent space ripples, the aura of sea of quantum shows faintly. 寂静战星前方绽起阵阵空间涟漪,量子之海的气息隐隐从中透出。 The line of sight of human form War God follows closely, under the human unknown fluctuation, It exchanges with the consciousness collision of decayed god. 人形战神的视线紧随,在人类未知的波动下,祂与腐朽神的意识碰撞交流。 I lord, they gave up mother Xing.’ ‘吾主,他们放弃了母星。’ ‚... With... does not pay attention, invades... the eclipse... the civilization, then.’ ‘不...用...理会,侵...蚀...文明,即可。’ Yes.” “是。” The line of sight of human form War God also shifts to the remote deep blue planet on, when seeing the cobalt blue ray on planet weakens, one step treads, moves to the planet outside. 人形战神的视线随之转移到遥远的蔚蓝行星上,在看到行星上的钴蓝光芒减弱时,一步踏出,移动至行星外侧。 Overlooks that to wipe the attractive deep blue, the eye of War God narrows the eyes slightly. 俯视那抹诱人的蔚蓝,战神的眼睛微微眯起。 Can breed primary Herrscher the female star of civilization, hopes that... you can bring some pleasant surprises to me.’ ‘能孕育出原初律者的文明的母星,希望...你能给我带来一些惊喜。’ The person physique dissipates, changes to mist, awaits calmly the cobalt blue brilliance dissipation, the distant place, the silent war star has entered the space crack extremely thoroughly. 人形体消散,化作一股股雾气,静待钴蓝光辉的消散,极远处,寂静战星已彻底进入空间裂缝。 Hē~ base and low ants civilization, experiences my Lord mighty force, the ruler of uppermost layer totally has given up you, struggles well one, as trying to please my gift.’ 呵~卑微的蝼蚁文明,见识过吾主的伟力,最上层的统治者已彻底将你们放弃,好好挣扎一番吧,作为取悦我的礼物。’ In the blood fog transmits the intermittent fluctuation, the potential of strange civilization, making It reveal the greedy fang, awaits calmly to guard that flash that consciousness sending out the cobalt blue vanishes brilliance, is this civilization rises being enthralled territory, endless is eternal when with Lord sharing! 血雾中传来阵阵波动,奇异文明的潜力,使祂露出贪婪獠牙,静待镇守意识散发的钴蓝光辉消失的那一刹那,便是这个文明升入神域,与主共享无尽永恒之时! Buzz ~ 嗡~ The cobalt blue brilliance radical dissipation, protects the human civilization the consciousness barrier to vanish, the blood-color mist wells up immediately toward the deep blue star surface! 钴蓝光辉彻底消散,守护人类文明的意识屏障消失,血色雾气顿时朝蔚蓝星球表面涌去! At this moment, blood fog suddenly! 就在这时,血雾忽地一顿! Appears Its sensation to an extremely exaggerating space crack, the quantum fights the huge body of star to reveal, is extremely near from the deep blue star! 祂感知到一个极为夸张的空间裂缝出现,量子战星的庞大躯体显露而出,距离蔚蓝星球极近! An atmosphere had been destroyed, fires the melt that turns into blazingly to erupt the astonishing bright red! 一处大气层已被摧毁,灼烧炽热化成的熔红爆发出惊人亮光! This flock of ants were insane! To perish together with mother Xing?!’ The blood fog is not really able to understand the present picture. ‘这群蝼蚁疯了!想要和母星同归于尽?!’血雾实在无法理解眼前的画面。 Silent: Discovers the War God main body, the launch murders extinguishing of supernatural might to kill the probability is 75.68.” 寂静:“发现战神本体,发射弑神武器的灭杀概率为75.68。” ...... ...... 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