DMWG :: Volume #54

#5261: He came him to come

When that spreads out Luo the flash of five eye completely eruptions, everyone felt that unprecedented shock, this time, five rays of light, no longer are completely the golden color, but is the red, the brown, the blue color, the dark yellow, and golden color, the light of Five Elements, floods into above heaven and earth, just like creating the column of the world, Jiang Chen and the others, prohibits completely in Five Elements, just like the divine punishment to arrive. 当那衍罗的五只眼睛全部爆发的一瞬间,所有人都感觉到了前所未有的震撼,这一次,五道光芒,不再完全是金色,而是红色,褐色,蓝色,暗黄色,以及金色,五行之光,涌入天地之上,宛如创世之柱,将江尘等人,全部封禁在五行之中,犹如神罚降临。 You will become this to lose the loess in paradise. gā gā, gā gā gā!” “你们都将成为这迷失乐园之中的黄土。嘎嘎,嘎嘎嘎!” That spreads out Luo Ningxiao, the strength of great antiquity, blots out the sky, Five Elements divine punishment, unsurpassed, an unequalled constriction. 那衍罗狞笑着,洪荒之力,铺天盖地,五行神罚,盖世无双,给人一种无与伦比的压迫感。 However Jiang Chen and the others does not have the least bit to idle, whole-heartedly, the strong potential breaks through. 但是江尘等人也没有半点懈怠,全力以赴,壮势突围。 The Seven Stars finger/refers pierces the horizon, like the shocking sword, spreads out surrounding of Luo across that together, picks star to cross void heaven and earth, charges into that to spread out the eye of Luo directly. 七星指洞穿天际,如同一道惊世之剑,穿过那衍罗的包围,摘星手越过虚空天地,直接冲向那衍罗的眼睛。 Kills his gloom, Hahaha!” “杀他个天昏地暗,哈哈哈!” Long Shisan is unafraid of death, counter dragon stick provoke rainbow shades, Way of the Battle Saint Lingyun on straight, storm several degrees tearing in the sky. 龙十三视死如归,逆龙棍挑起一道道虹影,斗战圣法凌云直上,风暴几度撕裂当空。 The people , the terrifying strengths erupt with joint forces instantaneously, real man three gangs, the strengths of six people, are noticeable after all, particularly Chen Qingqing and Chen fine jade, this time is erupting the huge energy, is almost on par Jiang Chen. 众人合力之下,一道道恐怖的力量瞬间爆发,一个好汉三个帮,六个人的力量,终归是不可忽视的,尤其是辰青青与辰璐,都在这个时候爆发出了巨大的能量,几乎完全比肩江尘 The limitless blade and law day mirror is peerless divine weapon, at this time definitely compared with before fierce overbearing, four people charge into together the Five Elements god eyes respectively, but Yuan Ling and solemn two people become it white/in vain with joint forces, is ready that went to momentarily. 无极之刃与法天镜都是绝世神兵,这个时候肯定是比之前更加的凶猛霸道,四个人各自冲向一道五行神眼,而袁玲与穆一白两人合力趋之,更是做好了随时赴死的准备。 The Five Elements god eyes are no doubt fearful, but facing the pledging to fight to the death counter-attack of Jiang Chen and the others, refuses to compromise after all unceasingly. 五行神眼固然可怕,但是面对江尘等人的誓死反击,终归还是僵持不断。 The strength of people have achieved extreme peak, both sides have used the skills, no one can imagine, this life and death engages in fierce battle, finally will finish in what way. 众人的力量都已经达到了极致巅峰,双方都已经使出了浑身解数,没有人能够想像得到,这场生死鏖战,最终会以什么样的方式结束。 At that moment, that spreads out Luo also to know, oneself cannot continue to play again, otherwise, might really falling miserably in a very easy task, these fellows collaborate, will also really be some are not good to cope. 那一刻,就连那衍罗也知道,自己不能再继续游戏下去了,否则的话,真的有可能会阴沟里翻船的,这些家伙联起手来,还真是有些不好对付。 The Jiang Chen and the others heart uniting place, without stagnation of half a point, will not have slight retreating, because they want to change this crisis with oneself life, making others live, everyone has to the heart of dying, everyone for the victory of this war. 江尘等人心合一处,没有半分的凝滞,更不会有丝毫的退却,因为他们都想用自己的生命来改变这场危机,让其他人活下来,每个人都有着向死之心,每个人都为了这场战争的胜利。 Damn bastard, I thought when you can insist!” “该死的混蛋,我看你们能坚持到什么时候!” That spreads out saying that Luo clenches jaws, wishes one could to swallow whole everyone, regarding it, this is the shame, copes with several unknown young men, makes such distress unexpectedly, but also was scoffed by Jiang Chen, its at heart already thorough violent rage. 那衍罗咬牙切齿的说道,恨不得将所有人生吞活剥,对于它而言,这就是耻辱,对付几个名不见经传的后生,竟然弄得如此之狼狈,还被江尘所耻笑,它的心里早就已经彻底暴怒了。 five elements' power, god eyes unparalleled! Gives me to go!” 五行之力,神眼无双!给我去!” The Five Elements god eyes catch up again, the terrifying light shadow interlocks in between Heaven and Earth, the strong winds volume seat, black clouds begins. 五行神眼再度发力,恐怖的光影交错在天地之间,狂风卷席,乌云再起。 Jiang Chen complexion is tenacious, gloomy everywhere, then like the sharp sword, shot up to the sky together again, keeps off in everyone's front, Chen fine jade and Long Shisan and the others was also the heart one startled, covered entirely worried. 江尘面色坚韧,满目的阴沉,便如同一道利剑,再度冲天而起,挡在了所有人的面前,辰璐与龙十三等人也是心头一惊,布满了担忧。 Black king, is greatly black, the coiled dragon, patted your take action.” “黑王,大黑,蟠龙,拍你们出手了。” The Jiang Chen sinking sound said, points at void above that to spread out Luo, in an instant, eight forms appear in front of Jiang Chen, shouldered all for him, the black king led, the coiled dragon, about six black hawk distributions, just like eight long spear, the direct thorn spread out the heart of Luo to that. 江尘沉声说道,遥指虚空之上的那衍罗,霎那之间,八道身影出现在江尘面前,替他扛下了所有,黑王领衔,蟠龙在后,六只黑鹰分布左右,宛如八道长枪,直接刺向那衍罗的心脏。 This is impossible!” “这不可能!” That spreads out Luo definitely unable to imagine, behind Jiang Chen really also has such a powerful strength, originally it with the Jiang Chen and the others fight evenly matched, at this time the appearance of black king and the others, the balance pressure that will win completely to the opposite party. 那衍罗完全无法想像,江尘背后竟然还有这么强大的一股力量,原本它就与江尘等人斗得势均力敌,这个时候黑王等人的出现,完全将胜利的天平压向了对方。 That spreads out Luo to strike furiously, is brandishing the sharp claws unceasingly, wants to wash out the black king and the others lineup, but long spear of black king is ordinary like the large snake, air-splitting however , the Seven Stars coiled dragon, the suppression horizon, six black hawks from attacks in all directions on, the terrifying strength, suppressed that to spread out the offensive in Luo completely, in addition collaboration of Jiang Chen and Long Shisan, this fight, finally became bright. 那衍罗奋力一击,不断挥舞着利爪,想要冲散黑王等人的阵形,但是黑王的长枪如同长蛇一般,破空而至,七星蟠龙,镇压天际,六只黑鹰从四面八方冲击而上,恐怖的力量,完全压制住了那衍罗的攻势,再加上江尘龙十三的联手,这场战斗,终于变得明朗起来。 As the saying goes, the good tiger unable to support one flock of wolves, let alone, Jiang Chen is completely an extremely vicious wolf, making that spread out Luo Genben to have no opportunity of hitting back, such sprint, completely changed the camp above all Heavens, turns around instantaneously. 俗话说得好,好虎架不住一群狼,更何况,江尘完全是一头极度凶狠的狼,让那衍罗根本没有任何还手的机会,这样的冲刺,完全改变了诸天之上的阵营,瞬间扭转了过来。 Person who now, dies, should be you.” “现在,去死的人,应该是你了。” The Jiang Chen angry glare stands, rushes to above Nine Heavens, but Heavenly Dragon Sword air-splitting , the direct thorn spreads out Luo most middle seeing with own eyes to that Sword of No Realm, the form like the tide, charges into the opposite party, that spread out Luo Dengda eyes, corner of the mouth was full of the shock, desperate is struggling, wanted to break through the Jiang Chen's offensive, but black king and the others incomparable aggressive, did not give that to spread out Luo slightly rebuttal the opportunity, the people and with one, the sword spear/gun halberd, broke through all constrictions, direct incomparable suffocation. 江尘怒目而立,冲上九天之上,天龙剑破空而至,直接刺向那衍罗最中间的眼见,无境之剑,身影如潮,冲向对方,那衍罗瞪大眼睛,嘴角充满了震惊,拼命的挣扎着,想要冲破江尘的攻势,但是黑王等人无比的凶悍,绝不给那衍罗丝毫反驳的机会,众人并和一处,刀剑枪戟,冲破了所有的压迫感,直接让人无比的窒息。 Heavenly Dragon Sword falls like the divine weapon day, a blade submerges that to spread out in the eye of Luo, a Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering angry roaring sound, resounds through the clouds, everyone becomes the incomparable dignity, this struck, lets that spread out Luo thorough lose the action, lost the fighting spirit. 天龙剑如同神兵天降,一刀没入那衍罗的眼睛之中,一声惊天动地的怒吼声,响彻云端,每个人都变得无比的凝重,这一击,让那衍罗彻底的丧失了行动力,失去了斗志。 Not-- “不—— I am unwilling!” “我不甘心!” That spreads out Luo also to struggle, but five eyes, were stabbed by Jiang Chen and the others completely, that desperate shouting, could not raise any storm. 那衍罗还想挣扎,但是五只眼睛,全部被江尘等人刺中,那种绝望的嘶吼,根本掀不起任何的风浪了。 Jiang Chen is confident, mixes Heavenly Dragon Sword, enters from his eye, has penetrated that to spread out the body of Luo, broken body, blood splash. 江尘信心十足,搅动天龙剑,从其眼睛之中杀入,一直穿透了那衍罗的身体,破体而出,鲜血飞溅。 That spreads out on Luo injury is also more and more heavy, gradually lost aura, a giant incomparable colossus, collapses directly loudly, finally pressed above Spirit Spring, the blood was contaminated, spring water blood red, made person sighed. 那衍罗身上的伤势也是越来越重,逐渐失去了气息,一个巨大无比的庞然大物,直接轰然倒塌,最终压在了灵泉之上,鲜血浸染,泉水血红,令人唏嘘 Jiang Chen and Long Shisan look at each other one, looks at each other to smile, in the heart relaxes finally, this fellow was really terrifying, no one can imagine, this fight, paid many. 江尘龙十三对视一眼,相视而笑,心中总算是松了一口气,这个家伙实在是太恐怖了,没有人能够想象得到,这场战斗,到底付出了多少。 At this moment, Chen Qingqing and Chen fine jade is the body one crooked, exhausted. 这一刻,辰青青与辰璐全都是身体一歪,筋疲力竭。 Jiang Chen was embraces into the bosom two people directly, the limitless blade and terrifying of law day mirror, exceeded everyone's imagination, this fight can win, Chen fine jade and Chen were green, but they two bodies, encountered huge backlash, at this moment, was seriously battered deeply. 江尘直接将两人都是揽入了怀中,无极之刃与法天镜的恐怖,超出了所有人的想象,这场战斗能够胜利,辰璐与辰青青居功至伟,但是她们两个的身体,也遭到了巨大的反噬,此时此刻,更是深受重创。 Was all right, that spread out Luo dead, was laborious you two.” “没事了,那衍罗已经死了,辛苦你们两个了。” Jiang Chen full is heartache, embraces into Chen fine jade and Chen the bosom green completely, worry of whole face. 江尘满是心疼,将辰璐与辰青青全部揽入怀中,满脸的担忧。 Jiang Chen deeply inspires, Chen fine jade and Chen are green, possibly will be very long not to wake, they two injuries were too serious, must restore to be good as soon as possible, Jiang Chen can only send in the Buddha prison palace to recuperate their two temporarily. 江尘深吸了一口气,辰璐与辰青青,可能很长一段都不会醒过来了,她们两个的伤势太重了,必须要尽快恢复才行,江尘只能将她们两个送入了浮屠狱宫之中暂时休养。 Big brother, their two are all right?” “大哥,她们两个没事把?” looks at Jiang Chen that solemn one worries about white/in vain. 穆一白担忧的看着江尘 All right, but wants the training some time, we left here to say as soon as possible again.” “没事,不过要修养一段时间,我们还是尽快离开这里再说吧。” Jiang Chen nods to say. 江尘点点头说道。 „, You spread out Luo to be defeated my unexpectedly, hateful!” “没想到,你们竟然连我的那衍罗都打败了,可恶!” Angrily roars, appears in the mountain stream, that spreads out above the corpse of Luo, together grey robe old man, slowly appearance. 一声怒吼,出现在山涧之中,那衍罗的尸体之上,一道灰袍老者,缓缓出现。 He came him to come......” “他来了他来了……” Yuan Ling look by tapering tightly, complexion dignified saying. 袁玲的眼神逐渐缩紧,脸色凝重的说道。
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