DMWG :: Volume #54

#5260: Five Elements god eyes

Praying mantis arm, when the car(riage), courts death! Today uses and other blood, smooths by grinding these ten million years years traces.” “螳臂当车,找死!今日就用尔等鲜血,来磨平这千万年的岁月痕迹吧。” That spreads out Luo vibration body, plunges Jiang Chen and the others, the fierce imposing manner steamroll gets down, looks like the stars above all Heavens, blots out the sky, like a raging fire. 那衍罗震动身躯,扑向江尘等人,凶猛的气势碾压下来,就像是诸天之上的星辰,铺天盖地,如火如荼。 All be careful!” “全都小心!” Jiang Chen takes the lead to move forward to meet somebody, big small two forms, form the sharp contrast, but Jiang Chen is still powerful, sword qi startled great wild goose, air/Qi strong Shanhe (mountains and rivers). 江尘率先迎了上去,一大一小两道身影,形成鲜明的对比,但是江尘依旧气势如虹,剑气惊鸿,气壮山河 The hit, lets the surrounding area loudly vibration within ten li (0.5 km), is ordinary like the earthquake, Jiang Chen's Heavenly Dragon Sword, as if looks above the gold/metal iron giant stone general, the strength of that counter- shaking, is Jiang Chen has not thought that this that spread out Luo is really powerful, oneself definitely are unable to break open its defense, hundred meters spark glittering, burst out, merely was the oppression and impact on body, shook beyond Jiang Chen the kilometer, the fingers/tiger mouth cracked. 轰然间的撞击,让方圆十里之内的震动,都如同地震一般,江尘的天龙剑,仿佛看在金铁巨石之上一般,那种反震之力,是江尘也没想到的,这那衍罗实在是太强大了,自己完全无法破开它的防御,百米的星火闪烁而出,迸发而起,仅仅是身体上的压迫与冲击,就将江尘震出了千米之外,虎口开裂。 An impact, earth-shaking! 一次冲击,撼天动地! Long Shisan follows, cannot Little Chen to undertake all, counter dragon stick provoke a series of startled great wild geese, the stick shadow soars to the heavens, may be unable to block that spreads out Luo strikes, the dazzling rays of light instantaneous impact, the golden shadow, covers Long Shisan directly, causes heavy losses to go to his body. 龙十三紧随其后,绝不能让小尘子一个人承担所有,逆龙棍挑起一连串的惊鸿,棍影冲天,可还是挡不住那衍罗的一击,刺目的光芒瞬间冲击而出,金色的影子,直接将龙十三笼罩在内,将其身体重创而去。 -- “噗—— The blood gushes out, Long Shisan retreats in order to advance, attacks again, Jiang Chen welcomes the summit of Nine Heavens, however that spread out Luo these to start the true skill time, the sharp claws took the form of the giant incomparable iron hook, grasped directly to two people. 鲜血喷薄而出,龙十三以退为进,再次冲击,江尘更是迎上了九天之巅,然而那衍罗这一次才开始真正的功力,利爪形似巨大无比的铁钩,直接抓向两人。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! Hundred meters peaks and ridges, were stressed the smashing directly, everyone becomes incomparably shocks. 百米峰峦,直接被抓成了粉碎,所有人都变得无比震撼。 Limitless blade, blood blade whole wide world!” “无极之刃,血刃八荒!” Chen fine jade palm limitless blade, instantaneously but air-splitting, blood-colored divine light, extinguishes the day certainly, rushes to the clouds directly, cuts to fall, but below instance, is ordinary like the overwhelmingly superior force. 辰璐手掌无极之刃,瞬间破空而至,血色神光,灭天绝地,直接冲上云端,斩落而下的瞬间,如同秋风扫落叶一般。 The surrounding flying sand and rocks, the water inundates Heavenly Mountain, the black clouds coping, the strong winds volume seat, but, arrives like the end. 周围飞沙走石,水漫天山,乌云盖顶,狂风卷席而至,如同末日降临。 A little meaning, the limitless blade, isn't this peerless treasure of Chen family/home legend? Hehe, this grade of can divine item, and other ants hands, how display the true strength? Simply is careless and wasteful use of nature's products!” “有点意思,无极之刃,这不是辰家传奇的绝世宝贝吗?呵呵呵,这等神物,在尔等蝼蚁手中,怎能发挥出真正的实力呢?简直是暴殄天物!” That spreads out Luo growl one, in eyes two golden light explodes to shoot, tears the expansive sky directly, Chen fine jade whole-heartedly, is the limitless blade, although is strong, oneself among the disparity with this antiquity ferocious beast, were actually not general big, even big brother Jiang Chen, can only be tired out from the press, if wants not to fall him, but also was really not that easy. 那衍罗低吼一声,双眼之中两道金光爆射而出,直接撕裂长空,辰璐全力以赴,可是无极之刃虽强,自己与这上古凶兽之间的差距,却不是一般的大,即使是江尘大哥,都只能疲于奔命,要想没掉他,还真不是那么容易的。 Dies to me!” “给我死吧!” Although Chen fine jade startled is not chaotic, drinks one tenderly, uses the skills, stimulates to movement the limitless blade, reverses Nine Heavens, above Vault of Heaven, the storm attacks, Chen fine jade form like the Nine Heavens profound female, afterimage falls to decide, draws a layer upon layer arc, is ordinary just like the butterfly of dancing in the air, dancing lightly, battle strength is extraordinary. 辰璐虽惊不乱,娇喝一声,使出浑身解数,催动无极之刃,逆转九天,苍穹之上,风暴来袭,辰璐身影如同九天玄女,一道道残影落定,划出一层层弧线,宛如飞舞的蝴蝶一般,翩翩起舞,战力非凡。 Forms, approach that to spread out Luo one after another, the people have prepared a narrow escape, in such under oppresses, no one can guarantee to live, as long as a slim chance of survival, is impossible to let off, their bodies shoulder is not only oneself, is the destiny of entire Chen family/home, Chen fine jade especially so, although oneself do not stem from the long night star, but she is actually Chen family member, this point, without a doubt. 一道道身影,相继逼近那衍罗,众人都已经做好了九死一生的准备,在这样的压迫之下,没有人能够保证活下来,可是但凡一线生机,都不可能放过,他们的身上背负的不仅仅是自己,更是整个辰家的命运,辰璐尤其如此,虽然自己并非出自于永夜星,但是她却是辰家人,这一点,毋庸置疑。 Chen fine jade has prepared sacrifice, she rather dies, must make the people leave here, this ferocious beast is no doubt fearful, however her heart, is indestructible. 辰璐已经做好了牺牲的准备,她宁可死,也要让众人离开这里,这凶兽固然可怕,但是她的心,却是坚不可摧的。 Unprecedented, to dying to fight, women not willing to be left behind by men! 一往无前,向死而战,巾帼不让须眉! Extremely boundary immortal wind!” “极垠仙风!” Jiang Chen whole-heartedly, the crazy wind scoop revolutions, charges into eight sides, is hard to imagine the speed that by one type, is more fearful than the sharp blade, curls the seat, strong winds Rulong (like a dragon), opens the big mouth, from the day, falls from the place. 江尘全力以赴,狂风斗转,冲向八方,以一种难以想象的速度,比利刃更加可怕,卷席而过,狂风如龙,张开血盆大口,从天而起,从地而降。 The Jiang Chen whole body covers in extremely the boundary immortal wind, wields eight sides, hurricanes decide from the whereabouts of Nine Heavens, just like the storm prisoner's cage, rushes to the vault of heaven impact on spread out Luo in that. 江尘周身笼罩在极垠仙风之中,执掌八方,一道道飓风从九天之下落定,如同暴风囚笼一样,冲下天穹冲击在那衍罗的身上。 „The life of ants, thinks heaven defying to change, your destinies, at this moment, radical end.” “蝼蚁之命,也想逆天改变,你们的命运,就在此刻,彻底终结了。” After that spreads out Luo said that three divine light again from its erupt, sweeps across the myriad things, the surrounding Spirit Spring water, was evaporated in this moment thoroughly completely, roared, ten thousand beasts submitted, clashed with the Jiang Chen's boundary immortal wind directly extremely in one. 那衍罗说完之后,三道神光再度从其眼中爆发开来,席卷万物,就连周围的灵泉水,都在这一刻被彻底蒸发殆尽,一声咆哮,万兽臣服,直接与江尘的极垠仙风对撞在了一起。 That terrifying strong winds dragon shadow, was hit directly crushes, Jiang Chen also caused heavy losses again, retreat goes, the infinite storm, several degrees overlap, blocked that to spread out the sustained attack of Luo, flying escaping place giant beast, making Jiang Chen and the others have a headache. 恐怖的狂风龙影,直接被撞得粉碎,江尘也是再度遭到重创,后退而去,无穷的风暴,几度重叠,才挡住了那衍罗的持续攻击,飞天遁地的巨兽,让江尘等人头疼不已。 Law day mirror, law celestial phenomenon place!” “法天镜,法天象地!” Chen continues the source strength green, the hand grasps the law day mirror, reverses Vault of Heaven, changed the distance above vault, a piece by piece shatter space, looking like the illusion is ordinary, blasts open unceasingly, spreads out Luo to prohibit that completely, but this strength, obviously Chen green assurance also insufficiently accomplishes a task with ease, just like Chen fine jade, such divine weapon treasure, regarding present them, somewhat is strenuous, the law day mirror by the strength of all phenomena on earth, broke through layer upon layer the barrier, is stranded it in the law celestial phenomenon, that spreads out a Luo rave, attacks unceasingly above the shatter space mirror surface, wants to break through. But goes. 辰青青继续源力,手握法天镜,逆转苍穹,改变了穹顶之上的距离,一片片破碎的空间,就像是镜花水月一般,不断炸裂开来,将那衍罗完全封禁,不过这股力量,显然辰青青把握的还不够游刃有余,与辰璐一样,这样的神兵宝器,对于现在的她们来说,终归还是有些吃力的,法天镜以万象之力,冲破了层层壁垒,将其困于法天象地之中,那衍罗一声狂吼,不断冲击在破碎的空间镜面之上,想要突围而去。 „, Your also somewhat skill, but in my eyes, but is the child's play.” “没想到,你们还真有点本事,不过在我眼中,不过都是儿戏而已。” That spreads out Luo to rush to the horizon, four items like the sword, broke through Chen's green law celestial phenomenon place directly, the difficulty-relief, proud is looking disdainfully Jiang Chen and the others, overlooks the ants like the gods, that despising, came from disdaining in deep in one's heart. 那衍罗冲上天际,四目如剑,直接冲破了辰青青的法天象地,脱困而出,骄傲的睥睨着江尘等人,如同神明俯视蝼蚁,那种蔑视,是来自于内心深处的不屑。 Qingqing!” “青青!” Jiang Chen supported Chen to be green, at this time in the eyes of people also the dignified, true fight, in just started, this divine might unparalleled unparalleled ferocious beast, really made in their each individual heart raise the powerless feeling that is unable to say a word. 江尘一把扶住了辰青青,这个时候众人的眼中也都更加的凝重,真正的战斗,在刚刚开始,这个神威无双的盖世凶兽,真的让他们每个人心中都升起了一股无法言语的无力感。 The oppression, covers in the heart of everyone, but fought had not finished, was impossible to be lax. 压迫,笼罩在每个人的心头,但是战斗还没有结束,就不可能松懈下来。 Fight Heaven and Earth, having me is invincible!” 战天斗地,有我无敌!” Long Shisan abandons heaven and earth, one's effort, the source air/Qi of combustion within the body, the summit of decisive battle Vault of Heaven. 龙十三摒弃天地,一己之力,燃烧体内的源气,决战苍穹之颠。 Divine Stick unparalleled, pounds a piece by piece collapse the space, Way of the Battle Saint is invincible, the steamroll gets down, does not succeed then dies for a righteous cause, Long Shisan never has the half a point to be timid. 神棍无双,砸出一片片塌陷的空间,斗战圣法战无不胜,碾压下来,不成功便成仁,龙十三从来不曾有过半分怯懦。 Seven Stars finger/refers!” 七星指!” Picks star!” “摘星手!” Jiang Chen both hands unite, fight vigorously that to spread out Luo, the people follow, has not neglected, battle strength increases unceasingly, everyone has the infinite faith, this is they biggest taking advantage, for the life, to live, is fighting for the faith! 江尘双手合一,力战那衍罗,众人紧随其后,不曾怠慢,战力不断攀升,每个人都有着无穷的信念,这就是他们最大的依仗,为了生命,为了活着,为了信念而战! Law day mirror, mirror broken ten thousand laws!” “法天镜,一镜破万法!” Limitless blade, blood blade everywhere!” “无极之刃,血刃漫天!” Solemn one is also both hands grips tightly with Yuan Ling white/in vain, the impact on, at the absolute strength, the right suppresses, would rather die than to turn over. 穆一白与袁玲也是双手紧握,冲击而上,以绝对的力量,权利压制,宁死不归。 Gives me dead! The Five Elements god eyes, die out Vault of Heaven!” “都给我去死吧!五行神眼,寂灭苍穹!” The Jiang Chen intention such as one, Seven Stars falls decides, the hand grasps heaven and earth, facing the Five Elements god eye of that destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth, five golden light dies out ten thousand Saint, easily accomplished, suppresses Jiang Chen and the others, ten die not fresh resistance, achieved peak! 江尘心念如一,七星落定,手握天地,面对那毁天灭地五行神眼,五道金光寂灭万圣,摧枯拉朽,将江尘等人压制下去,一场十死无生的对抗,更是达到了巅峰
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