DMWG :: Volume #54

#5259: That spreads out Luo

In an instant, the golden shadow, sprays from Spirit Spring together, that was Monster Beast of taking the form of flood dragon, the whole body was covered with several feet odd/surplus Chang sharp thorn, physique huge, had the hundred zhang (333 m) fully, five eyes, proliferated around the head, seemed like very aggressive fearsome, hit directly above Jiang Chen's Heavenly Dragon Sword. 霎那之间,一道金色的影子,从灵泉之中喷射而出,那是一颗形似蛟龙的妖兽,浑身长满了数丈余长的尖刺,体态庞大,足有百丈,五只眼睛,遍布头颅周围,看上去十分的凶悍可怖,直接撞在了江尘的天龙剑之上。 Boundless sword qi, washed out instantaneously, Jiang Chen is also flying upside down goes, at the right moment however draws back, with that huge Monster Beast true impact together, this strength, has not been Jiang Chen has never felt, its crazy, has thousand zhang (3.33 m) mighty waves, almost submerges everyone in the tide. 磅礴的剑气,瞬间被冲散,江尘也是倒飞而去,适时而退,并没有跟那个巨大的妖兽真正的冲击在一起,这股力量,是江尘从未感受过的,它的疯狂,带起千丈波涛,几乎将所有人淹没在浪潮之中。 Big Monster Beast!” “好大的妖兽!” Flash that solemn white Lengleng saying, that golden Monster Beast presents, as if the sky becomes piece of golden light to be radiant, three tails, feared that hits above the group peak, the giant stone tumbles, landslide cracks in the earth. 穆一白愣愣的说道,那金色妖兽出现的一瞬间,仿佛天空都变得一片金光璀璨,三条尾巴,怕打在群峰之上,巨石滚落,山崩地裂。 Jiang Chen backs up several hundred meters, eyeful dignified, this big fellow, evidently very vicious, should be the Spirit Spring protector, such Monster Beast, nine claw three, five both wings, just like one swallow day of a colossus that accepts the place, making one be afraid. 江尘倒退数百米,满眼凝重,这大家伙,看样子十分的凶狠,应该是灵泉的守护者,此等妖兽,九爪三尾,五眼双翅,俨然就是一个吞天纳地的庞然大物,让人不寒而栗。 You, courted death!” “尔等,找死!” giant beast like the mountain, golden light four shoots, the posture of looking disdainfully world, is staring at Jiang Chen and the others, five eyes burst out five dazzling cold light, looking like can shoot through is cruel enough to be the same. 巨兽如山,金光四射,睥睨天下之姿,凝视着江尘等人,五只眼睛迸发出五道刺眼的寒光,就像是能够射穿忍心一样。 That spreads out Luo, is really that spreads out Luo!” “那衍罗,真的是那衍罗!” Chen fine jade calls out in alarm a sound said. 辰璐惊呼一声道。 In eternal world the hell devil in ancient legend, that spreads out Luo! This fellow is a true devil, being better than the gods is ordinary.” “在永恒世界的古老传说中的地狱恶魔,那衍罗!这家伙就是一个真正的魔鬼,强如神明一般。” Yuan Ling is also the whole face shocks, that spreads out the appearance of Luo, gave everyone severe warning, this fellow complete steamroll everyone's imposing manner, even Jiang Chen and Long Shisan, are unable to be a worthy opponent with it absolutely. 袁玲也是满脸震撼,那衍罗的出现,给了所有人当头棒喝,这家伙完全碾压了所有人的气势,即使是江尘龙十三,也是万万无法与其匹敌。 This thing, it seems like also is really not general terrifying. This we may really meet the hard stubble.” “这东西,看来还真不是一般的恐怖。这回咱们可真是遇到硬茬子了。” Saying that Long Shisan assumes an air of self approbation, fighting intent is broad, both eyes is fiery, the terrifying degree of this fellow, compared with beforehand Sui Bufan (extraordinary), goes beyond, legend, is ferocious beast in legend, moreover its spiritual wisdom does not seem weaker than human, antiquity ferocious beast of this rank, has not been common ordinary people can compare, is not only powerful, but also does not know that lived many years. 龙十三摇头晃脑的说道,战意恢宏,双目火热,这家伙的恐怖程度,比起之前的隋不凡,也是有过之而无不及,传说,又是传说中的凶兽,而且它的灵智似乎一点也不比人类要弱,这个级别的上古凶兽,早已不是寻常的凡夫俗子能够比拟的,不仅仅实力强大,而且不知道活了多少岁月。 Only can explain, our choice not wrong, here is loses Illusion Formation of paradise to be at fundamentally, otherwise, this that will spread out Luo not to appear here, will guard Spirit Spring.” “只能说明,我们的选择没有错,这里就是迷失乐园的幻阵根本所在,否则的话,这那衍罗不会出现在这里,镇守灵泉的。” Jiang Chen indifferently said, coldly looks at this big fellow, its appearance, was strengthening the idea of Jiang Chen innermost feelings. 江尘淡淡说道,冷视着这个大家伙,它的出现,更加坚定了江尘内心的想法。 „The person of courting death, should be you, you want to block our footsteps, is absolutely impossible, who no matter your back person is, gave up any idea of that achieves!” “找死的人,应该是你,你想挡住我们的脚步,绝无可能,不管你背后的人是谁,都休想做到!” Jiang Chen treads the previous step, fearless, faces directly that to spread out Luo, one big is small, focuses attention on to look, the ominous severe color in both sides look, is hard to conceal. 江尘踏前一步,无所畏惧,直面那衍罗,一大一小,瞩目而望,双方眼神之中的凶厉之色,都是难以掩饰的。 Small miniature person kind, dares the wild talk, when this Seat vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered entire world, you have not known that where is a slave, today, I must swallow all of you.” “小小人类,也敢妄言,本座纵横寰宇之际,尔等还不知在何处为奴,今天,我要吞掉你们所有人。” That spreads out Luo to open the big mouth, the sound like Thunderclap, the surroundings surrounding area Monster Beast within hundred li (0.5 km), is completely panic, scatters in all directions to escape, the summit of group peak light Mingyong was stationed, at this moment, becomes the thunderous sparkle, the light interlocks secretly. 那衍罗张开血盆大口,声如惊雷,周围方圆百里之内的妖兽,全部惊慌失措,四散而逃,原本光明永驻的群峰之巅,此时此刻,变得雷鸣闪耀,光暗交错起来。 expert like rainbow, fearless world! 强者如虹,无惧天下! That spread out Luo to grow the endless years, wrapped in a shroud of obscurity, did not place in Jiang Chen and the others the eye, regarding it, this was a game. 那衍罗生长了无尽岁月,神秘莫测,根本不将江尘等人放在眼中,对于它来说,这就是一场游戏。 The huge constriction, floods in the heart of everyone, Long Shisan that even if always insufferably arrogant still knows, such antiquity ferocious beast, even he needs to be careful, its potential oppression is too strong, does not have any Monster Beast can withstand, his Four Primal World Monkeys, is unable to depend upon own divine might suppression opposite party completely, instead is he, spreads out Luo to this that surely, must impede everywhere. 巨大的压迫感,充斥在每个人的心中,即使是从来不可一世的龙十三也知道,这样的上古凶兽,连他都需要小心谨慎,其势压迫太强,没有任何妖兽能够顶得住,他这个混世四猴,完全就是无法依靠自己的神威压制对方,反而是他,必定对上这那衍罗,要处处掣肘。 You are very indeed strong, but we are are not a vegetarian, if you can unmatched in the world, how also to possibly protect this Spirit Spring for others? In the end, you are just a domestic animal.” “你的确很强,但我们也不是吃素的,你若能天下无敌,又怎么可能会为别人守护这灵泉呢?到头来,你只不过是一只畜生而已。” Jiang Chen indifferently proudly, the character character pearl, just like going into that spread out in the heart of Luo to be the same, the incomparable stabbing pain, Chen fine jade and Chen green and the others are the whole face surprise, never expected that big brother Jiang Chen spoke is so unexpectedly ruthless, making this that spread out Luo in an instant not to have the face, even made people think, this fellow was looks at front door. 江尘冷眼傲然,字字珠玑,宛如扎进了那衍罗的心中一样,无比刺痛,辰璐与辰青青等人都是满脸诧异,没想到江尘大哥说话竟然这么狠,让这那衍罗瞬间没了有面子,甚至让人觉得,这家伙就是个看大门儿的。 Long Shisan is also Haha laughs, on the face were many several points of relaxedness, Little Chen is really bad, moreover he was also too crazy, this that spread out Luo direct not to have the temperament. 龙十三也是哈哈大笑,脸上多了几分轻松,小尘子实在是太坏了,而且他也太狂了,这那衍罗直接没了脾气。 thing, one crowd of despicable and shameless human, you must die, dares to despise this Seat, I must defeat the bone to raise the ash you, rips the fragment.” “混帐东西,一群卑鄙无耻的人类,你们都得死,敢蔑视本座,我要将你们挫骨扬灰,撕成碎片。” That spreads out some Luo very obviously fly into a rage out of humiliation, looking like stepped the tail to be the same, that constriction, erupts instantaneously, everyone is felt that vibrated the heaven and earth general pressure, this big fellow, was really angry. 那衍罗很显然有些恼羞成怒,就像是被人踩住了尾巴一样,那种压迫感,瞬间爆发出来,所有人都是感觉到了震动天地一般的压力,这个大家伙,真的愤怒了。 Jiang Chen is to enrage it thoroughly, only by doing so, they have the opportunity. 江尘就是要彻底激怒它,只有这样,他们才有机会。 In other words, that spreads out Luo possibly is not invincible, will otherwise not be stranded guards Spirit Spring here, this is the indisputable fact, but that spreads out the pride and self-confidence of Luo, obviously keeps it from accepting the Jiang Chen's words, it forever is aloof and remote, forever is incomparably extremely arrogant, no one can suppress it, is these it does not place the ants in eye let alone completely, the proud self-respect received serious despising, that spreads out Luo's wildness, fully explained all. 换句话说,那衍罗不可能是无敌的,否则也不会被困在这里看守灵泉,这就是不争的事实,不过那衍罗的骄傲与自信,显然让它无法接受江尘的话,它永远都是高高在上,永远都是无比狂妄的,没有人能够打压它,更何况是这些它完全不放在眼中的蝼蚁,骄傲的自尊受到了严重的蔑视,那衍罗的狂怒,足以说明一切。 „Are we ants? Hehe, that is also the free ants, but you are a conceited watch-dog, Hahaha.” “我们是蝼蚁?呵呵,那也是自由的蝼蚁,而你就是一条自以为是的看门狗而已,哈哈哈。” The Jiang Chen's words, are ordinary like the dagger, a blade blade jabbed into its chest, that spreads out five eyes of Luo, starts becomes cruel, the respite creates an incident, howls, then falls Demon like the day, solidly had locked Jiang Chen, lets its not have to hide. 江尘的话,如同尖刀一般,一刀一刀刺进了它的胸膛之中,那衍罗的五只眼睛,都开始变得暴戾起来,喘息生风,呼啸之间,便如同天降妖魔,已经牢牢的锁定了江尘,让其无所遁形。 Arrogant domestic animal, courts death, I will grind you completely.” “妄自尊大的畜生,找死,我会将你们全部碾碎。” Aaah!” 啊啊啊!” Eye looks at that spreads out Luo to start to get ready to attack, but, everyone is holds the breath with rapt attention, is serious, corner of the mouth was full of the steadfast faith, prepares to greet the fight. 看着那衍罗已经开始准备冲击而至,所有人都是屏息凝神,一脸严肃,嘴角充满了坚定不移的信念,准备迎接战斗。 This that spreads out Luo, is their only odds of suc­cess, if not get rid of that to spread out Luo, they even cannot run away this everywhere cage. 这头那衍罗,是他们唯一的胜算,如果不干掉那衍罗,他们甚至逃不出去这漫天的牢笼。 Domestic animal is the domestic animal, will only beat the breast and stamp the feet, gā gā, the dragon master I can today well you.” “畜生就是畜生,只会捶胸顿足,嘎嘎,龙爷我今天就好好会会你。” Long Shisan corner of the mouth gloomy and cold, saying of smiling, unprecedented, fighting is dauntless! 龙十三嘴角阴冷,笑眯眯的说道,一往无前,战者无畏! Jiang Chen looks to Long Shisan, nods slightly, their two take the lead, today must make this big fellow pay the price, extinguished him, prohibits Spirit Spring, has the opportunity to escape from this to lose the paradise. 江尘看向龙十三,微微颔首,他们两个打头阵,今天务必要让这个大家伙付出代价,灭了他,封禁灵泉,才有机会逃出这迷失乐园。 Jiang Chen can do, that is all, this fights the odds of suc­cess how much, no one knows, can laugh last, is unable to forecast, but they do not have the escape route, only war. 江尘能做的,仅此而已,这一战胜算几何,也没有人知道,能不能笑到最后,更无法预测,但是他们没有退路,唯有一战。 Kills!” “杀!” One line of six people, the heart uniting place, no one has flinching of least bit, only then pulls together to do something, they can break through all dangers and difficulties. 一行六人,心合一处,谁都没有半点的退缩,只有拧成一股绳,他们才能够冲破一切的艰难险阻。
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