DMWG :: Volume #54

#5258: The crisis is near again

Loses the paradise, this legend, I have also listened, moreover is very mysterious, few knows, such exist(ence). If nine Xun trigram bright kings real exist(ence), then to Chen family/home, certainly is quite dangerous.” “迷失乐园,这个传说,我也听过,而且是非常神秘的,几乎没有人知道,这样一个存在。九巽明王如果真的存在,那么对于辰家来说,一定是相当危险的。” Chen green is also saying that deep is so, at this time, everyone's gaze became dignified, showing neither approval nor disapproval, because at present all these were really real, moreover besides Jiang Chen and Chen Qingqing, no one felt that here had any difference, but they , if really marking, was prohibited in formation, that was most fearful. 辰青青也是深以为然的说道,这个时候,大家的目光都变得凝重起来,不置可否,因为眼前这一切实在是太真实了,而且除了江尘与辰青青之外,没有人感觉到这里有任何的异样,但是他们如果真的在原地踏步,被封禁在了阵法之中,那才是最为可怕的。 Now what to do that should we? Little Chen.” “那现在我们应该怎么办?小尘子。” Long Shisan said that looks all around, discrete extremely, now is tranquil, more explained the issue to be big, Yuan Ling said, definitely was not the rumor, actually now they place where, what enemy facing, was the unknowns, this most let the place that the person restlessed. 龙十三说道,环顾四周,谨慎万分,现在越是平静,就越说明问题不小,袁玲所说,肯定也不是空穴来风,现在他们究竟身处何地,面对什么样的敌人,都是未知数,这才是最让人心神不宁的地方。 First had a look to say again, I did not believe that some really people can us completely sleepily here, since I with green discovered a clue, Yuan Ling also some guessed, was supposing if really had the danger, should not be far. Everything must think of the worst result, cannot sit waiting for death and that's the end.” “先看看再说,我就不信,真有人能够将我们完全困在这里,既然我跟青青都发现了一丝端倪,袁玲也有了一丝猜测,估摸着真要是有危险,应该也不远了。凡事都要把最坏的结果想到,总不能坐以待毙就是了。” Jiang Chen calm saying , he although has not seen these several thousand li (0.5 km) dark(ness) forests Illusion Formation, whether real exist(ence), but now is always impossible to continue to sit waiting for death, continued to get down optimistically, if were really in the Yuan Lingkou nine Xun trigram bright kings, they could be ready in full battle array, the character in legend, does not know whether exist(ence), this most made one have a headache. 江尘从容的说道,他虽然还没有看出这数千里黑暗森林的幻阵,是否真实存在,不过现在总不可能继续坐以待毙,继续乐观下去了,如果真是袁玲口中的九巽明王,他们可能就必须要严阵以待了,传说中的人物,不知道是否存在,这才是最令人头疼的。 The wrapped in a shroud of obscurity opponent, is the biggest danger. 神秘莫测的对手,才是最大的危险。 If here really loses the paradise, we have possibly fallen into error, now looks your, big brother Jiang Chen.” “如果这里真的是迷失乐园,我们很可能已经误入歧途了,现在就看你们的了,江尘大哥。” Chen fine jade looked that is green to Jiang Chen and Chen, only then their two have induced, if not solve as soon as possible, forever was stranded here, solitary arrives, once encounters what danger, will be unable to take a single step forward. 辰璐看向江尘与辰青青,只有他们两个有所感应,如果不尽快解决的话,永远被困在这里,孤独到死,一旦遇到什么危险,也将寸步难行。 Loses the paradise, as the name suggests, loses forever, is hard to search the true outlet. 迷失乐园,顾名思义,就是永远迷失其中,难以寻觅到真正的出路。 Walks, had a look to say again, do not act rashly, otherwise, will only make us more passive, coping with shifting events by sticking to a fundamental principle, since loses the paradise, should not have too many dangers, the goal of maze, us sleepily here, dark(ness) forest, if the sunlight was beautiful, the sunlight bathed, but also was really unusual.” “走,再看看再说,不要轻举妄动,否则的话,只会让我们更加被动,以不变应万变,既然是迷失乐园,应该不会有太多危险,迷阵的目的,就是将我们困在这里,黑暗森林,如果的日光明媚,阳光沐浴,还真是不同寻常。” Jiang Chen waves, the people also restrained the beforehand relaxedness, is ready in full battle array. 江尘挥挥手,众人也都是收敛了之前的轻松,严阵以待。 Jiang Chen looked that is green to Chen, is holding her hand, the flash that two person gaze interweave, heavily nods, now all pressures give on them, if cannot find the outlet as soon as possible, they possibly in this thousand li (500 km) range, forever walks. 江尘看向辰青青,拉着她的手,两个人目光交织的一瞬间,重重点头,现在所有的压力都给到了他们身上,如果不能尽快找到出路,他们可能会在这千里范围之内,永远的走下去。 Elder Brother, the law day mirror I have not been able to control completely, looks at the essence by the phenomenon, now can only feel that the surrounding thing, seemed to be passing over gently and swiftly repeatedly, but actually cannot see whether we were really stranded in this.” “哥哥,法天镜我还无法完全掌控,透过现象看本质,现在只能感觉到周围的东西,似乎在重复掠过,但是却不能看到我们是否真的被困于此。” Saying that Chen green deep is so, she can achieve, that is all, can discover a clue, is not quite easy. 辰青青深以为然的说道,她能做到的,也仅此而已,能发现一丝端倪,已经是相当不容易了。 So long as is the world that fictionalizes, will then certainly have the flaw, the law day mirror you did not have the means to control completely, but our two join up, should be able to find the outlet.” “只要是虚构的世界,那么就一定会有破绽的,法天镜你还没办法完全掌控,但是我们两个联合起来,应该能找到出路。” Jiang Chen believes in firmly, even terrifying Illusion Formation, he still had the confidence to escape again the birth day, the thing that but grasp now was really few, to escape from here, was not that simple, luckily had Chen green law day mirror, made Jiang Chen many several points of confidence. 江尘深信不疑,就算是再恐怖幻阵,他也有信心能够逃出生天,但是现在自己所掌握的东西实在是太少了,要想逃出这里,可不是那么简单的,幸亏有辰青青的法天镜,才让江尘多了几分信心。 „Can I start to evolve formation now, look discover a trick, your usage day mirror for my Protector, the place visited, illuminates completely, as long as heaven and earth changes, I can hold the Illusion Formation foundation.” “我现在开始演变阵法,看看能不能发现一丝猫腻,你用法天镜为我护法,所过之处,全部照下来,但凡有一丝天地异动,我就能够抓住幻阵的根基。” Two people gaze is firm, the intention unites, in the Jiang Chen's look, Yan Jun (severe), here everyone's life, involved in one, for Chen family/home war, must break through this Illusion Formation as soon as possible, lost the paradise, cannot lose in this. 两人目光坚定,心念合一,江尘的眼神之中,也更加的严峻,这里所有人的性命,都牵连在了一起,为了辰家大战,必须要尽快冲破这幻阵,迷失乐园,决不能迷失于此。 Good!” “好!” Chen nods to say green, full power the stimulation of movement law day mirror, coordinates Jiang Chen. 辰青青点头说道,全力催动法天镜,配合江尘 Jiang Chen starts to evolve formation, 108,000, performs during the control, loses trace that the paradise has no completely, oneself looked was very long, without finding the Illusion Formation foundation was, in other words, so long as you could not find, then you will be stranded forever here, will lose the paradise not to kill you, but will grind all your patience, was similar to by the entire life is stranded in the cage, even thought little, but also always enjoyed, this was most terrifying. 江尘开始演变阵法,十万八千阵,尽在掌控之中,迷失乐园完全没有任何的痕迹,自己找了很久,都没有找到幻阵的根基所在,也就是说,只要你找不到,那么你就会永远被困在这里,迷失乐园不会杀死你,但是会磨光你所有的耐心,就如同被一生一世困在牢笼之中,甚至不以为意,还乐此不疲,这才是最恐怖的。 As Chen stimulates to movement the law day mirror to coordinate Jiang Chen to evolve formation green, after seven days, finally Jiang Chen in break the places of two mountain common borders, found exist(ence) of base. 随着辰青青催动法天镜配合江尘演化阵法,七日之后,终于江尘在一处断裂的两山交界之处,找到了一处阵基的存在 However this common base, the surroundings actually proliferate the thorn, was full of the poisonous Worm Grass kind of witchcraft. 但是这一处不起眼的阵基,周围却是遍布荆棘,充满了毒虫草蠱。 Front should be a base is, Spirit Spring that these two mountain common borders have, conceals, so long as suppresses Spirit Spring, should be able to break a formation corner/horn, returns to the reality. This Spirit Spring seems like that is a treasure trove, actually is actually an unending stream gushes out the formation dense fog, the operation of consolidated formation, covers their ears and eyes unceasingly.” “前面应该就是阵基所在,这两山交界出的灵泉,就是掩饰,只要将灵泉扑灭,应该就能够破掉阵法的一角,回归现实。这灵泉看似是一处宝地,实则却是源源不断的涌出阵法的迷雾,不断巩固阵法的运行,掩人耳目。” Jiang Chen sinking sound said. 江尘沉声道。 We do not even know that from the beginning how to enter, this Illusion Formation really made one have a headache.” “我们甚至一开始都不知道如何进入其中的,这幻阵真是令人头疼。” Chen fine jade smiles bitterly, since has begun to materialize, then should send out as soon as possible. 辰璐苦笑一声,但是既然已经有了眉目,那么就应该尽快出动。 Front miasma indeed terrifying, everyone is careful very much.” “前方的毒瘴的确很恐怖,大家都小心一点。” Long Shisan walks in the forefront, governing empty and vertical, looks disdainfully indifferently, is observing the square trend, the center of front two mountain common borders, spring water flows trickle, they want blocks Spirit Spring, eradicates formation illusion. 龙十三走在最前面,御空而立,冷眼睥睨,观察着四方动向,前方两山交界的中央,泉水涓涓而流,他们要的就是将灵泉封死,破除阵法幻境 Monkey, you take the lead, green, you for my Protector, I look for certainly the position, strives to break it as soon as possible.” “猴子,你打头阵,青青,你为我护法,我来找准位置,争取尽快破之。” Jiang Chen said, the people prepared complete, for serveral days, everyone at heart, is very discrete, for fear that has the crisis of least bit, every time, has the tremendous pressure. 江尘说完,众人都是做好了完全准备,这些天来,每个人的心里,都是十分谨慎,生怕有半点的危机,每时每刻,都有着巨大的压力。 Jiang Chen look ice-cold, whole-heartedly, the hand grasps Heavenly Dragon Sword, destroys Yellow Dragon, must prohibit it spring inevitably, only then they can have the opportunity to escape like this, the present losing paradise, had been settled, Jiang Chen fully realized danger, in one single day cannot still, but they can only by the biggest ability, break open to lose the paradise now, found to the road of dark(ness) forest, Chen family/home war, like a raging fire, they do not have the time to wait silently, must attack rapidly. 江尘眼神冰冷,全力以赴,手握天龙剑,直捣黄龙,势必要将之泉眼封禁,只有这样他们才能够有机会逃出去,现在的迷失乐园,已经是板上钉钉了,江尘深知其中的危险,绝不是一朝一夕就能够平定的,但是他们现在只能以最大的能力,破开迷失乐园,找到通往黑暗森林之路,辰家大战,如火如荼,他们没有时间去默默等候,必须要迅速出击。 Sword 37!” “剑三十七!” The Jiang Chen double palm gathers ten, the sword flying vault of heaven, Mt. Liba, traverses the cliff, extinguishes directly to the spring. 江尘双掌合十,剑飞天穹,力拔山兮,横断山崖,直接灭向泉眼。 Roar-- “吼—— Under a low roar, Jiang Chen's Heavenly Dragon Sword, actually let slip, delimits together golden light, the sparkle vault of heaven! 一声低吼之下,江尘的天龙剑,竟然失手了,划出一道金光,闪耀天穹! Elder Brother was careful!” “哥哥小心!” Chen calls out in alarm one green! 辰青青惊呼一声!
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