DMWG :: Volume #54

#5257: Loses the paradise

The dark(ness) forest is very big, to even Jiang Chen is unable to distinguish thoroughly, actually the front has what exist(ence), in the group hearts is incomparable rouses excitedly, after the recuperation, does not stay, directly soars the front to go. 黑暗森林很大,大到即使是江尘也无法彻底分辨,前方究竟会有着什么样的存在,一行人心中都是无比的振奋激动,休整之后,毫不停留,直奔前方而去。 Passes through the dark(ness) forest, making the person in Louwai Tower have no way out, this is their true goals, only then opens this to be most likely to insert the opening of Chen family/home center, they can have no more worries. 穿越黑暗森林,让楼外楼的人无路可走,这才是他们真正的目的,只有打开这个最有可能插入辰家腹地的豁口,他们才能够高枕无忧。 Both armies encounter, expert faces, a destiny of star, performs all in this. 两军交锋,强者对垒,一个星界的命运,尽皆在此。 Big brother Jiang Chen, did front shine suddenly?” 江尘大哥,前面突然亮起来了?” Chen fine jade takes the lead, surprised saying. 辰璐走在前面,一脸惊讶的说道。 At this time above the surrounding sky, some as if restoring justice feelings, the death qi heavy dark(ness) forest, as if also had life-force, the surrounding flowers and plants trees, become bright-colored, bird cry call, lingering on faintly. 此时周围的天空之上,似乎有种拨云见日的感觉,原本死气沉沉的黑暗森林,似乎也有了一丝生机,周围的花草树木,都变得明艳起来,鸟鸣猿啼,不绝于耳。 Really attractive, has been murky, the dense/woods of dark(ness), indeed make one have a headache, really has a suddenly seeing the light feeling.” “真漂亮呀,一直昏昏沉沉的,黑暗之森,的确让人头疼啊,真有种豁然开朗的感觉。” Yuan Lingshen inspires, the chuckle was saying, the air as if became fresh many. 袁玲深吸了一口气,轻笑着说道,就连空气似乎都变得清新了不少。 Indeed was the mood good many, always should be not so depressing, was our must leave the dense/woods of dark(ness)?” “的确是心情好了不少,总不该一直这么压抑呀,我们这是要离开黑暗之森了吗?” Long Shisan slight nod. 龙十三微微点头。 Properly speaking should not, here belong to the dense/woods of dark(ness), but indeed has the feeling of joy after sorrow.” “照理说不应该,这里还是属于黑暗之森,不过的确有种柳暗花明的感觉。” On Chen green looks at hillside wild flower all over, performs obviously fragrantly, a creek murmur, has flowed to the distant place. 辰青青看着山坡上漫山遍野的野花,尽显芬芳,一条小河潺潺而过,流向远方。 The surrounding old tree became sparse many, the sunlight splashed, this also the first time was Jiang Chen entered in the dark(ness) forest to see such beautiful sunlight, before was circled to cover by the group mountain fog, or was ancient wood is towering, all year long suffered injustice, was that noxious mist winds around again or, in brief exist(ence) of dense/woods of dark(ness), like its, indeed was covered by dark(ness). 周围的古树变得稀疏了不少,阳光泼洒下来,这也是江尘第一次进入黑暗森林之中见到这么明媚的阳光,之前都被群山雾绕所遮挡,要不就是古木参天,终年不见天日,再或者就是那种雾瘴缭绕,总之黑暗之森的存在,如同其名,的确是被黑暗所笼罩。 Had this sunlight, the birds turned over to the nest, was good, even if there is a danger, still compared that type to be suppressed in hell same dark(ness) covers is much better, walked one step to look one step, the person in Louwai Tower, easily will not definitely drop, after all here was the true strategic location, even with facing of Chen family/home, depending on this war, the ownership of dense/woods of dark(ness), will all decide whether both sides can vigorously, but fought.” “有了这日光,鸟兽归巢,总归是好的,即使有危险,也比那种被镇压在地狱一样的黑暗笼罩要好得多,走一步看一步,楼外楼的人,肯定也不会那么轻易放手的,毕竟这里可是真正的兵家必争之地,甚至于与辰家的对垒,全凭此战,黑暗之森的归属权,将决定双方是否能够倾力而战。” Jiang Chen smiles was saying, although defeated Sui Bufan (extraordinary), but cannot treat it lightly as before. 江尘微笑着说道,虽然击败了隋不凡,不过依旧不能够掉以轻心。 Un, here environment, indeed is completely relaxed, perhaps was we constrains was too long.” “恩,这里的环境,的确是让人心旷神怡,也许是我们压抑了太久了。” Chen fine jade said with a smile. 辰璐笑着说道。 Walks, our duties are the draw dark(ness) forest, lets the person in Louwai Tower, has no place to go.” “走吧,我们的任务就是要趟平黑暗森林,让楼外楼的人,无处可走。” Jiang Chen nods, the people have crossed the hillside to go, the surrounding brightness was raised much, in the looks at water the sea-monster, in the mountain the bird, has a contented feeling. 江尘点点头,众人一直越过山坡而去,周围的亮度提升了不少,看着水中游鱼,山中鸟雀,不禁有种怡然自得的感觉。 At night, wind cool like water, with a bright moon and few stars, at this time, Jiang Chen had an ominous premonition on the contrary, because this peacefully was static, particularly the surrounding all, were extremely calm, completely does not seem like in the dark(ness) forest, the matter leaves must have the monster unusual, this is also Jiang Chen's worries about the place. 夜晚,风凉如水,月明星稀,这个时候,江尘反倒是有种不祥的预感,因为这一路太平静了,尤其是周围的一切,太过从容了,完全不像是在黑暗森林之中,事出反常必有妖,这也是江尘的担忧之处。 The people rest for night, but is more like taking vacation, making one cannot help but relax vigilantly. 众人休息一夜,可是更像是在度假,让人不由自主的放松了警惕。 Next morning, Jiang Chen early got up, stretches oneself, as before such as beginning, his worry was also short of several points. 第二天一早,江尘早早的起了,伸了个懒腰,依旧如初,他的担忧也就少了几分。 It seems like we considered thoroughly, it is estimated that the person in Louwai Tower is not good, did not have the soldier available.” “看来咱们还是多虑了,估计楼外楼的人已经不行了,无兵可用了。” The solemn white chuckle was saying, the people are also the slight bows, Sui Bufan (extraordinary) indeed could have been the battle strength ceiling of Louwai Tower, including park azure-clothed, can suppress their people now, is almost not much left, only if the Louwai Tower true chief poster, but the chief poster in the control general situation, even dark(ness) forest such land that must fight, is definitely impossible the person island of resistance that lets plan the overall situation to be thorough. 穆一白轻笑着说道,众人也都是微微点头,隋不凡的确已经算得上是楼外楼的战力天花板了,包括苑青衣,现在能够压制住他们的人,几乎是所剩无几,除非是楼外楼真正的总楼主,不过总楼主肯定是在掌控大局,就算是黑暗森林这样的必争之地,也不可能让统筹全局的人孤军深入的。 Walks, fine spring day, is always better than the total darkness.” “走吧,鸟语花香,总比暗无天日要好。” Long Shisan shrugs, smiling, he is always fearless, does not have to worry, confront soldiers with generals and stem water with earth, the disposition is that's the end open-minded, will never perish, this is the steely will, War God dignity. 龙十三耸耸肩,满脸笑容,他从来都是无所畏惧,无所担忧,兵来将挡水来土掩就是了,心性豁达,永不沉沦,这就是钢铁般的意志,战神般的威严。 Walks!” “走!” Jiang Chen and Long Shisan walk in the frontline, is welcoming morning sun, treads the broken mountain valley to go. 江尘龙十三走在最前方,迎着朝阳,踏破山谷而去。 For three days, Jiang Chen and the others more walks is sunny, what lets the Jiang Chen headache is, they transferred unexpectedly once again, returned to the initial place. 一连三天,江尘等人越走越是阳光明媚,可是让将江尘头疼的是,他们竟然又一次转回来了,回到了最初的地方。 „Did we...... walk probably?” “我们……好像又走回来了?” Chen green puzzled looks at Jiang Chen, shows neither approval nor disapproval, because she cannot completely affirm. 辰青青一脸疑惑的看着江尘,不置可否,因为她也不敢完全肯定。 How can? I had not discovered that periphery is the same.” “怎么会?我也没发现周围是一样啊。” Chen fine jade stares, looks at Chen of some surprise is quite green. 辰璐一愣,有些颇为诧异的看着辰青青。 Yes, can you misread? Green?” “是啊,你会不会看错了?青青?” Saying that Yuan Ling thinks little, she is casual, moreover at this time the surrounding scene, completely unlike before was, therefore her simply had no perceiving , prosperous, this dark(ness) forest , during they have not imagined are so dangerous, moreover nowadays has not run into the enemy, precisely did not explain that their beforehand wars, do play the important role? Perhaps the person in Louwai Tower, has fallen back on beside the dark(ness) forest, perhaps. 袁玲不以为意的说道,她本身就是大大咧咧,而且这个时候周围的景象,完全跟之前是不一样的,所以她根本就没有任何的觉察,一路向好,欣欣向荣,这黑暗森林,也并没有他们想象之中那么危险,而且现如今没有遇到敌人,不也正是说明他们之前的大战,起到了至关重要的作用吗?说不定楼外楼的人,早就已经退到了黑暗森林之外,也说不定。 Little Chen, real false?” 小尘子,真的假的?” Long Shisan gaze gathers on Jiang Chen's, he only believes Jiang Chen. 龙十三目光汇聚在江尘的身上,他只相信江尘 Indeed, I also felt, we indeed are marking probably, perhaps but this maze, has several thousand li (0.5 km) big.” “的确,我也感觉到了,我们好像的确在原地踏步,但是这个迷阵,恐怕有着数千里之大。” The Jiang Chen's words, let everyone are dumbfounded, held breath a cold air/Qi. 江尘的话,让所有人都是目瞪口呆,倒吸了一口冷气。 This......” “这……” Chen fine jade is unbelievable, but big brother Jiang Chen words, she has no alternative but to believe that at this time, must carefully examine well. 辰璐难以置信,但是江尘大哥的话,她不能不信,这个时候,必须要好好审视一下了。 Surrounding all, our unprecedented, how possibly?” “周围的一切,我们都前所未见呀,怎么可能呢?” Solemn some are unable to believe white/in vain, but Jiang Chen said, in the heart of everyone, became more and more depressing, even saw so bright side, was full of the brilliance, was that invisible oppression, covered in the heart of everyone. 穆一白还是有些无法相信,可是江尘说完,每个人的心中,都变得越来越压抑了,即使是看到如此光明的一面,充满了光彩,可是那种无形的压迫,还是笼罩在每个人的心中。 Should be the law day mirror, making me see thing that some should not see.” “应该是法天镜,让我看到了一些不应该看到的东西。” At this time, Chen looked green to Jiang Chen, was becomes more and more serious, definitely own idea. 这个时候,辰青青看向江尘,也是变得越来越严肃,更加肯定了自己的想法。 Is nine Xun trigram bright kings in Louwai Tower?” “难道是楼外楼的九巽明王?” Yuan Lingshen inspires. 袁玲深吸了一口气。 Legend nine Xun trigram bright kings are Louwai Tower's first wizard, has after the energy of day latitude place, the chief poster in Louwai Tower, is to his taking advantage, but this is only a legend, no one has seen nine Xun trigram bright kings radically, the hearsay nine Xun trigram bright kings can be clever, change all realities.” “传说九巽明王是楼外楼第一鬼才,有着经天纬地之能,就连楼外楼的总楼主,都是对他十分的依仗,但是这只是一个传说,根本没有人见过九巽明王,传闻九巽明王可以偷天换日,改变一切现实。” Moreover, that can be just like loses paradise same exist(ence), many people do not know until death, oneself were surrounded, because of all these, was too real. This legend about nine Xun trigram bright kings, but the legend is the legend, moreover wonderful that passes on, as for nine Xun trigram bright king people, real, or the human world, is not clear.” “而且,那会是一个犹如迷失乐园一样的存在,很多人至死都不知道,自己被困住,因为这一切,太真实了。这就是关于九巽明王的传说,但是传说就是传说,而且传的神乎其神,至于九巽明王这个人,到底是不是真的,或者尚在人间,都不清楚。” Yuan Ling looks to everyone, this is also only her guess. 袁玲看向所有人,这也只是她的猜测而已。
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