DMWG :: Volume #54

#5256: Falls the desolate to go

Suffers to death!” “受死吧!” If Sui Bufan (extraordinary) eye golden crystal, in the peerless posture, suppresses Jiang Chen, reveals like the sword, all source air/Qi form one to hold up a day of column in the flash, pounds to Jiang Chen. 不凡目若金晶,以绝世之姿,镇压江尘,吐露如剑,所有的源气在一瞬间形成一道擎天之柱,砸向江尘 The dark(ness) forest, seemed to be also illuminated in this moment was the same, rays of light is radiant, space all around solidifies. 黑暗森林,在这一刻似乎也是被照亮了一样,光芒璀璨,周遭的空间为之凝固下来。 The strength of Sui Bufan (extraordinary) striking, earth-shaking, such aspect, Jiang Chen has not experienced even, this fellow really worthily is expert of extremely Louwai Tower, among take action, unrivaled. 不凡一击之力,撼天动地,这样的局面,就算是江尘也没见识过,这家伙果真不愧是楼外楼的绝顶强者,出手之间,举世无双 Endless dragon marks of stimulation of movement within the body, the Stars Tyrannical Body instantaneous violent walks. 催动体内的无尽龙纹,星辰霸体瞬间暴走。 Ten thousand star Tiancheng/as if made by Heaven!” “万星天成!” Jiang Chen by the flesh and blood, regrets Sui Bufan (extraordinary) offensive hardly, facing holding up the day of great column general source air/Qi mighty current, Jiang Chen motionless as mountain, explodes sincerely wells up, the strength of stars is also incomparably turbulent gushing out, under this grade of heavy pressure, Jiang Chen instead fiercer the more one fights. 江尘以血肉之躯,硬憾隋不凡的攻势,面对擎天巨柱一般的源气洪流,江尘不动如山,拳拳爆涌,星辰之力也是无比汹涌的喷薄而出,在这等重压之下,江尘反而是愈战愈勇。 Two forms interweave again together, Jiang Chen are feeling the crazy fierce impact of opposite party, fortifies at every step, at this time, who was unforeseen, the final outcome, the balance of victory, which will incline to one side. 两道身影再度交织在一起,江尘感受着对方的狂猛冲击,步步为营,这种时候,谁也无法预料,最终结果,胜利的天平,会倾斜向哪一边。 Big brother Jiang Chen!” 江尘大哥!” Chen fine jade muttered was saying, she believes big brother Jiang Chen can certainly surface, certainly will not be defeated by Sui Bufan (extraordinary). 辰璐喃喃着说道,她坚信江尘大哥一定能够脱颖而出,一定不会被隋不凡击败的。 His body, is steel-like, will unparalleled, the body after Hundred Battles, is impossible to drop down. 他的身体,是钢铁一般,意志无双,身经百战,绝不可能就此倒下。 Jiang Chen is each individual heart fire of hope, so long as there are him, this world will not collapse, so long as there are him, then Chen family/home certainly also hopeful. 江尘是每个人心中的希望之火,只要有他在,这世界就不会坍塌,只要有他在,那么辰家就一定还有希望。 This war, Jiang Chen is duty-bound, all for Chen family/home great undertaking, in Chen green heart anxious extremely, the column of that source air/Qi, shoots up to the sky together, unsurpassed, no matter what no one is able to imagine, whether Jiang Chen could have laughed last. 此次大战,江尘责无旁贷,一切都是为了辰家大业,辰青青心中紧张万分,那一道源气之柱,冲天而起,盖世无双,任谁都无法想像,江尘能否一直笑到最后。 In the Chen green look is completely fiery, focuses attention on to regard, although these Yuan building people ready dead have been suppressing them, is this fight, but also was far from the conclusion. 辰青青眼神之中尽是火热,瞩目而视,尽管那些元楼死士一直都压制着他们,可是这场战斗,还远远没有结束。 Elder Brother Jiang Chen, my Chen family/home will not forget you absolutely.” 江尘哥哥,我辰家绝对不会忘了你的。” Chen believes green, Jiang Chen is together the indestructible milestone, he will keep out wind and rain for himself forever. 辰青青坚信,江尘就是一道坚不可摧的丰碑,他永远都会替自己遮风挡雨的。 The war of dark(ness) forest, is Chen family/home true life and death war, Chen family/home believes Elder Brother Jiang Chen, Elder Brother Jiang Chen will certainly not disappoint Chen family/home. 黑暗森林之战,是辰家真正的生死大战,辰家相信江尘哥哥,江尘哥哥也一定不会辜负辰家的。 At that moment the column of unceasing disintegration source air/Qi, the rainbow shadow, shoots up to the sky together. 那一刻源气之柱不断崩碎,一道虹影,冲天而起。 Jiang Chen's body and spirit, with the stars without doubt, indestructible, Sui Bufan (extraordinary) thinks under the impact of column of own source air/Qi, Jiang Chen must die without doubt, but has not thought of the final outcome, he stood resolutely. Stars astral's overbearing, making Jiang Chen go smoothly everywhere, shoots up to the sky, the Sui Bufan (extraordinary) low roar like the thunder, in the eye the anger spurts thinly, this cannot kill this Jiang Chen, is really indignant. 江尘的体魄,与星辰无疑,坚不可摧,隋不凡原本以为在自己的源气之柱的冲击之下,江尘必死无疑,但是没想到最终结果,他还是毅然决然的站了出来。星辰罡的霸道,让江尘无往不利,冲天而起,隋不凡低吼如雷,眼中怒火喷薄,这样都干不掉这个江尘,实在是气愤的很。 „, You can also live unexpectedly.” “没想到,你竟然还能活下来。” Sui Bufan (extraordinary) is clenching teeth to say. 不凡咬着牙道。 You do not die, how am I cruel enough dead? The war of this dark(ness) forest, just started, worries, I will certainly accompany.” “你不死,我怎么忍心死呢?这黑暗森林之战,才刚刚开始,着什么急,我一定会奉陪到底的。” Jiang Chen said pale with a smile, although is somewhat distressed, but compares with Sui Bufan (extraordinary), the calm calm appearance, more exciting Sui Bufan (extraordinary) looks fiercely, the anger faces upwards. 江尘淡笑着说道,虽然有些狼狈,但是与隋不凡相比起来,从容淡定的样子,更加刺激的隋不凡面露狰狞,怒火朝天。 The mainstay as Louwai Tower, under a person exist(ence) above ten thousand people, the lord of day star building, Sui Bufan (extraordinary) position, that can hardly be imagined, above long night star, that can change the world absolutely, these takes the lead time, acts as the vanguard, is in one vigorous effort, gets rid of Chen family/home, kills a day. 身为楼外楼的中流砥柱,一人之下万人之上的存在,天星楼之主,隋不凡的身份地位,那都是不可想象的,在永夜星之上,那绝对是可以改天换地,这一次身先士卒,充当先锋,就是要一鼓作气,干掉辰家,杀出一片天。 But, unfortunately, met Jiang Chen this to mix world Demon King fortunately unexpectedly, Chen family/home expert, he self-examined few individuals is his opponent, in addition of Yuan building person ready dead held, kills the broken dark(ness) forest, can establish a new school absolutely, unprecedented, but now looks like, own fond dream, was stirred by Jiang Chen broken. 可是,凑巧不巧,竟然遇到了江尘这个混世魔王,辰家高手,他自问没几个人是他的对手,还有元楼死士的加持,杀破黑暗森林,绝对可以独树一帜,一往无前的,但是现在看来,自己的美梦,被江尘生生搅碎了。 Feared that you do not have this strength, the dark(ness) forest, will be the place of your burying bone, Jiang Chen, I will want you always not to be reincarnated!” “就怕你没这个实力,黑暗森林,将会是你的埋骨之地,江尘,我要你永世不得超生!” Sui Bufan (extraordinary) both hands grip tightly, the anger faces upwards. 不凡双手紧握,怒意朝天。 Ten thousand soul dying out types!” “万魂寂灭式!” Sui Bufan (extraordinary) put forth his trump card, this is his strongest method, in a flash, in the surrounding area thousand li (500 km), shrieks and howls wildly, like the world end world, the suppression of Sui Bufan (extraordinary), proliferates the summit of Vault of Heaven highest heaven again. 不凡使出了他的杀手锏,这是他的最强手段,一瞬间,方圆千里之内,鬼哭狼嚎,如同人间末世,隋不凡的打压,再一次遍布苍穹九霄之巅。 Ethics eight, the second type, dragon Zhongbu!” “天伦八式,第二式,龙众部!” Jiang Chen also put forth the tremendous strength, ethics eight, each type has the infinite deterrent, this is the method that ancient era Chen family/home expert Chen the ethics is unparalleled in the world, may shake the Chen family/home unsurpassed ancestor, naturally is unrivaled. 江尘也是使出了九牛二虎之力,天伦八式,每一式都是带着无穷的威慑,这是上古时期辰家高手辰天伦独步天下的手段,可撼辰家无上先祖,自然是举世无双的。 The might of second type, compared with the first type, stronger on many, facing the impact of Sui Bufan (extraordinary), ethics eight divine might, overbearing, tore into shreds the dim sky directly, takes away as many things as possible. 第二式的威力,比起第一式,更要强上不少,面对隋不凡的冲击,天伦八式的神威,更加的霸道,直接撕碎了昏暗的天空,席卷而去。 Rolls-- to me “给我滚—— The strength of Jiang Chen flash turns out in full strength, the whole person also collapsed thoroughly, flash that but this second type makes, let Sui Bufan (extraordinary) complexion is also difficult to see the extreme. 江尘一瞬间的力量倾巢而出,整个人也是彻底的虚脱了,但是这第二式打出的一瞬间,让隋不凡的脸色也是难看到了极点。 Not-- “不—— Sui Bufan (extraordinary) eye of zi wants to crack, the pupil reduces, unceasing retreat goes, but ethics eight were too fearful, the bonus is so self-confident Sui Bufan (extraordinary), is the total military defeat, was shaken completely draws back, is ordinary like stray dog, flees to the wilderness. 不凡目眦欲裂,瞳孔紧缩,不断后退而去,但是天伦八式太可怕了,饶是如此自信的隋不凡,也是兵败如山倒,完全被震退,如同丧家之犬一般,落荒而逃。 In Sui Bufan (extraordinary) heart disturbed, is repulsed to go directly, a narrow escape, is good because of the Yuan building person ready dead has the absolute advantage, had enough time by oneself, but for all this, Sui Bufan (extraordinary) filled desperately, does not dare to have the moment to stay, confronts with Jiang Chen again, then possibly first unravelled. 不凡心中忐忑,直接败退而去,九死一生,好在元楼死士占据着绝对的优势,才让自己有了足够的时机,但是尽管如此,隋不凡还是充满了绝望,不敢有片刻停留,再度与江尘对峙,那么可能自己就先灰飞烟灭了。 After Sui Bufan (extraordinary) is repulsed, Yuan building person ready dead also following retreats like surging tides. 不凡败退之后,元楼死士也跟着如潮水般退去。 rays of light of dark(ness) forest, again becomes dim, however everyone's heart, is common like the bright mirror. 黑暗森林的光芒,再一次变得昏暗起来,但是所有人的心,都如同明镜一般。 Long Shisan and the others looks to Jiang Chen, long breathes a sigh of relief, this war, saw the dawn of victory finally, Jiang Chen stood proudly, actually compared with ten thousand ancient measure of length mountains, wanted tall and straight innumerable times. 龙十三等人望向江尘,长舒了一口气,这一战,总算看到了胜利的曙光,江尘傲然而立,却比万仞高山,都要挺拔无数倍。 That man, defended the dignity of their life and death again! 那个男人,再一次捍卫了他们生死的尊严! Great, Little Chen, gā gā gā!” “好样的,小尘子,嘎嘎嘎!” The Long Shisan big hand heavily racket above the Jiang Chen's shoulder, the surroundings had turned into desolated places, after this war, the dark(ness) forest, as if also became fills life-force to be the same. 龙十三的大手重重的拍在了江尘的肩膀之上,周围早就已经变成了一片荒芜之地,在这场大战之后,黑暗森林,似乎也变得充满了生机一般。 This Sui Bufan (extraordinary) is very indeed strong, strength of Louwai Tower, cannot be underestimated.” “这隋不凡的确很强,楼外楼的实力,还是不容小觑呀。” Saying that Jiang Chen deep is so, this fought him to win is not relaxed, even can say that almost suffered defeat, the war of dark(ness) forest, he also won it by luck. 江尘深以为然的说道,这一战他赢得并不轻松,甚至可以说差点就败北了,黑暗森林之战,他也是侥幸胜之。 Words said, at present reads aloud listens to storytelling easiest-to-use app, trades source app, installs most update.】 【话说,目前朗读听书最好用的app,换源app,www.huanyuanapp.com安装最新版。】 Said right, we cannot be extremely self-confident, is more careful.” “说得对,我们不能够太过自信,还是要小心谨慎一些。” Chen nods green silently, although Louwai Tower this time was driven back all, but when they stage a comeback again, may not know. 辰青青默默点头,楼外楼这一次虽然被尽数逼退,但是他们什么时候再卷土重来,也未尝可知。 Within short time, this fellow should not appear again , to continue to go forward, advances the dark(ness) forest, now when Louwai Tower when rout, must get sick to want him to assign/life while him, this Sui Bufan (extraordinary) is one of the Louwai Tower big chieftains, not the slightest difference from park azure-clothed, their these definitely was time origin energy damages severely.” “短时间之内,这家伙应该不会再出现了,继续前进,推进黑暗森林,现在楼外楼正值溃败之际,必须趁他病要他命,这个隋不凡是楼外楼的大头目之一,与苑青衣一般无二,他们这一次肯定是元气大伤了。” Yuan Ling is deep is also so. 袁玲也是深以为然。 Free from arrogance and rashness, to then.” “不骄不躁,冲下去便是了。” The Jiang Chen look narrows the eyes slightly. 江尘眼神微微眯起。 if Gods block, kill the Gods, Buddha keeps off to kill Buddha, the dark(ness) forest, his certain strategic place. 神挡杀神,佛挡杀佛,黑暗森林,他一定要冲到底。
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