DMWG :: Volume #54

#5255: Shock and awe world

The Jiang Chen horizontal blade immediately, calm and composed, copes with shifting events by sticking to a fundamental principle, backhands a fist, both engage in hand-to-hand combat instantaneously, the terrifying qi energy shakes in an instant, seemingly just scratches the surface the same fist vigor, has a soaring to the heavens strength, periphery the space will cave in shortly, presented wave ripples same source air/Qi ripple. 江尘横刀立马,气定神闲,以不变应万变,反手一拳,两者瞬间短兵相接,恐怖的气劲霎那间震荡开来,看似蜻蜓点水一样的拳劲,却是有着一股冲天的力量,就连周围空间都在顷刻间塌陷下来,出现了一圈圈水波涟漪一样的源气波纹。 very powerful!” 好强!” Jiang Chen deeply inspires, but this fist he is also unrestrained/no trace of politeness, acts full power, nine Tianyuan breathe one's last to belong to this, the Jiang Chen footsteps stagger, retreat two steps, the facial expression ice-cold withered as before. 江尘深吸了一口气,不过这一拳他也是毫不客气,全力施为,九天源气尽归于此,江尘脚步踉跄,后退了两步,神情依旧冰冷肃杀。 The prestige of this fist, is not common expert can achieve, his strength, has possibly achieved nebula level six heavy peak, at least wants own strength to be strong the twofold day, moreover this Sui Bufan (extraordinary) is not that type easy with it generation, at least put forth 78 strength, he is wants a move of system enemy to get rid of Jiang Chen's, is never expected that the Jiang Chen's strength, strong beyond anticipated, this fist confronts, Jiang Chen was just retreat several steps, during he has not imagined decisively a that rout. 这一拳之威,绝不是寻常高手能做到的,他的实力,很可能已经达到了星云级六重巅峰,至少要比自己的实力强出两重天,而且这个隋不凡也不是那种易与之辈,至少使出了七八分的力道,他是想要一招制敌干掉江尘的,可是没想到江尘的实力,强的出乎意料,这一拳对峙下来,江尘只不过是后退了几步而已,断然没有他想象之中的那种溃败。 four eyes contact, the shock of Sui Bufan (extraordinary) are not less than Jiang Chen, no wonder this fellow can so self-confident, originally indeed has real skill, it seems like that the person in azure-clothed thirteen building, lost is not undeserved. 四目相对,隋不凡的震惊一点儿也不比江尘要少,怪不得这个家伙能够如此的自信,原来的确是有两下子,看来青衣十三楼的人,输的并不冤枉。 Good, you are very actually self-confident, I liked you more and more.” “不错,你倒是很自信,我越来越喜欢你了。” Sui Bufan (extraordinary) extends the take action palm, turned the neck. 不凡出手掌,扭了扭脖子。 I more than 2000 years have not run into you such explosive opponent, initially, reckless fellows, just like you, pitifully, he has only changed into the flying ash now. Hehe.” “我已经两千多年没有遇到过你这么劲爆的对手了,当初,有一个不知死活的家伙,也跟你一样,只可惜,他现在早就已经化为飞灰了。嘿嘿。” Sui Bufan (extraordinary) sneers, step Rufeng (such as wind), the pursuit on, starts to Jiang Chen again. 不凡冷笑一声,步伐如风,追击而上,再一次对江尘下手。 Bang the thunder, resounds through the clouds, Sui Bufan (extraordinary) form is overbearing, the long gown flap flap, the windmill electricity pulls, but, heavy blows, in the raindrop just like sky are ordinary, bang to Jiang Chen. 轰隆之雷,响彻云端,隋不凡身影霸道,长袍猎猎,风车电掣而至,一道道重拳,宛如天空之中的雨点一般,轰向江尘 Jiang Chen whole-heartedly, displays Dragon Transformation, returns the favor, two forms interlock unceasingly, the surroundings ancient wood mountain peak, performs to be shaken, the surrounding area in hundred li (0.5 km), was razed to the ground thoroughly, the grey smoke rises from all directions. 江尘全力以赴,施展龙变,还以颜色,两道身影不断交错,周围古木山峰,尽皆被震断,方圆百里之内,更是彻底被夷为平地,灰烟四起。 Sui Bufan (extraordinary) domineering Rulong (like a dragon), happened repeatedly with heavy blows, but actually more hits the difference, Jiang Chen are much weaker, the disparity between both are obvious, but his battle efficiency actually made one be inconceivable, if traded to do is the ordinary nebula level six heavy days, is not definitely able to compare favorably with it, these was time he leads luckily personally, otherwise, others were doomed falling miserably in a very easy task. 不凡强势如龙,重拳迭起,但是却越打越差异,江尘比自己要弱得多,两者之间的差距显而易见,可是他的战斗力竟然还是那么的令人难以想象,如果换做是普通的星云级六重天,肯定更是无法与其媲美,这一次幸亏是他亲自带队,否则的话,别人注定要阴沟里翻船的。 The Yuan building person ready dead suppressed Long Shisan and the others perfectly, made Sui Bufan (extraordinary) not have extra worries thoroughly, therefore he mixes world Demon King Jiang Chen with this today well, fought one fight well. 元楼死士完美压制了龙十三等人,也让隋不凡彻底没有了后顾之忧,所以他今日就好好与这混世魔王江尘,好好斗一斗。 God Luo palm, extinguishes the god courtyard!” “神罗掌,灭神庭!” Sui Bufan (extraordinary) palm like the fire, the wind and thunder happened simultaneously, inspires nine Tianyuan air/Qi, loudly however falls, giant palm dominate the heaven, overbearing extraordinary, curls like Divine Sound. 不凡掌心如火,风雷交加,引动九天源气,轰然而落,巨掌凌天,霸道非凡,如同神音袅袅。 Picks star!” “摘星手!” Jiang Chen gaze like electricity, congealing solid Vault of Heaven, at a moderate pace, a palm makes, the strength of stars is unsurpassed, attacks together with the palm of Sui Bufan (extraordinary) directly, the boom faces upwards, everything may become vulnerable. 江尘目光如电,凝实苍穹,不紧不慢,一掌打出,星辰之力盖世无双,直接与隋不凡的手掌冲击在一起,轰声朝天,地动山摇。 Rumble-- “轰隆隆—— Two are in charge without hesitation interweaves, the source air/Qi scatters layer upon layer, the Jiang Chen pupil reduces, rapid retreat, picked star the strength to resist Sui Bufan (extraordinary) offensive completely, but he did not feel better, this time the war, pressures between both people were big, Jiang Chen knows oneself can only win cannot defeat, above his shoulder, has to Chen family/home pledged, to obsession of oneself beloved person. 两道掌印毫不犹豫的交织起来,层层源气散落而出,江尘瞳孔紧缩,迅速后退,摘星手的力量完全抗住了隋不凡的攻势,可是他也不好受,此番大战,两个人之间的压力都不小,江尘知道自己更是只能胜不能败,他的肩膀之上,更是有着对辰家承诺,对自己心爱之人的执念 Sui Bufan (extraordinary) is trump card expert of Louwai Tower, being on par park azure-clothed, at this time, he must put out the complete strength, the life and death engages in fierce battle. 不凡乃是楼外楼的王牌高手,比肩苑青衣,这个时候,他更要拿出自己全部力量,生死鏖战。 The twofold day disparity, is not irreparable, the source air/Qi of Jiang Chen stimulation of movement within the body, increases unceasingly, leaps Dragon Transformation to begin, his strength also was almost the nebula level five heavy days, nine dragons ten like it strength, reveal heaven defying, regarding peerless expert of nebula level this palm sun and moon disruption vault of heaven, each 1-layer Heaven is the greatest changes, Sui Bufan (extraordinary) strength, it is estimated that the entire long night star, is not necessarily able to surpass the number of double palm, Chen four elephants that even if saw before, still not necessarily is Sui Bufan (extraordinary) opponent. 两重天的差距,并非无法弥补的,江尘催动体内的源气,不断攀升,腾龙变再起,他的实力也是几乎达到了星云级五重天,九龙十象之力,更显逆天,对于星云级这种手掌日月碎裂天穹的绝世强者而言,每一重天都是莫大的改变,隋不凡这样的实力,估计整个永夜星,都未必会超过双掌之数,即使是之前看到的辰四象,也未必就是隋不凡的对手。 Words said, at present reads aloud listens to storytelling easiest-to-use app, trades source app, installs most update.】 【话说,目前朗读听书最好用的app,换源app,www.huanyuanapp.com安装最新版。】 Your method are never expected that many, interesting, this satisfies a craving, Haha, have not been defeated.” “没想到你的手段还不少,有意思,这才过瘾,哈哈,你可别这么早就失败了。” Sui Bufan (extraordinary) foot treads void, Lingyun on straight, every gesture and motions, pass through heaven and earth throughout, Tiancheng/as if made by Heaven, Jiang Chen are critical situation quite the same as, does not dare to have neglects slightly, this life-and-death fight, absolutely is unprecedented. 不凡脚踏虚空,凌云直上,一招一式,贯穿天地始终,浑然天成,江尘如临大敌,不敢有丝毫怠慢,这一场生死之战,绝对是自己前所未有过的。 chaos Heavenly Astral, fights the highest heaven!” 霍乱天罡,战九霄!” A Sui Bufan (extraordinary) seal offers a sacrifice, thousand li (500 km) void above, cloud thunder is billowing, the agitation rides the wind, the shape like the primal chaos, heaven and earth transforms, terrifying of ten points, Long Shisan still revealed even startled accommodated, this move, he could not catch completely, this Sui Bufan (extraordinary), was quite it seems like competent. 不凡一印祭出,千里虚空之上,云雷滚滚,搅动乘风,形如太极,天地变换,十分的恐怖,就算是龙十三也是露出了惊容,这一招,他完全接不住,这个隋不凡,看来还是相当有实力的。 Little Chen, be careful!” 小尘子,小心!” Long Shisan gaze institute, in a low voice twittering. 龙十三目光所及,低声呢喃。 Thunder Fire day spirit!” 雷火天灵!” Jiang Chen expression is dignified, Thunder Fire everywhere, attacks together with Sui Bufan (extraordinary) times, the source air/Qi of opposite party was really overbearing, created a big suppressed strength to Jiang Chen. 江尘神色凝重,雷火漫天,与隋不凡一次次冲击在一起,不过对方的源气实在是太霸道了,对江尘也是造成了不小的压制力。 Bang! Bang! Bang! 砰!砰!砰! The seal secret art that murder terrifying, drives back Jiang Chen repeatedly. 一道道杀伐恐怖的印诀,将江尘一再逼退。 Heavenly Lightning inaccessible remote area!” 天雷绝域!” The 9-layer Heaven thunder begins, Jiang Chen grasps sun and moon, thunder Guantian calls! 九重天雷再起,江尘手握日月,雷灌天鸣! You cannot fight my, gā gā gā! Extinguishes to me!” “你是斗不过我的,嘎嘎嘎!给我灭!” Sui Bufan (extraordinary) holds up the head to stand, is ordinary like the gods, contemptuous looks at Jiang Chen, is controlling the source air/Qi above Nine Heavens, suppresses Jiang Chen one after another, making him have no strength to hit back. 不凡昂首而立,如同神明一般,轻蔑的看着江尘,掌控着九天之上的源气,接连压制住江尘,让他没有任何的还手之力。 Jiang Chen fortifies at every step, retreat, hits layer upon layer unceasingly above the mountain peak, ten thousand meters mountain, was hit the mountain ridge by him, the scene of earth-shattering, changes constantly, the surrounding source air/Qi, presented the rebellion, the snowy peak twisted, ten thousand beasts roared. 江尘步步为营,层层后退,不断撞击在山峰之上,万米高山,都被他撞断了山脊,天崩地裂的景象,风云变幻,周围的源气,都出现了暴动,雪峰扭曲,万兽咆哮。 Jiang Chen clenches the teeth, gaze was profound, stares at the front, Long Shisan and the others had been filling the crisis , he currently also has the true battle efficiency only. 江尘咬紧牙关,目光深邃,凝视着前方,龙十三等人早已经是充满了危机,唯独他,现在还有真正的战斗力。 Mastiff waterspout!” “獒龙吸水!” Sui Bufan (extraordinary) facial expression is indifferent, the source of surrounding area thousand li (500 km) breathed one's last is all inhaled in the body by it. 不凡神情冷漠,方圆千里的源气尽皆是被其吸入了身体之中。 At that moment, Jiang Chen is surprised, this fellow, is some real skills. 那一刻,江尘更是惊讶不已,这家伙,到底是有些真本事的。 Ethics eight, day numerous sections!” “天伦八式,天众部!” Jiang Chen deeply inspires, the double palm gathers ten, the Chen family/home Old Ancestor ethics eight types, can reverse Nine Heavens stars general exist(ence) absolutely, type day numerous sections, the rainbow light soars to the heavens to fall together, like passing through time, but, making Sui Bufan (extraordinary) have a big shock. 江尘深吸了一口气,双掌合十,辰家老祖的天伦八式,绝对是能够逆转九天星辰一般的存在,一式天众部,一道虹光冲天而降,如同穿越时光而至,让隋不凡大惊失色。 Good fearful method!” “好可怕的手段!” Regarding Sui Bufan (extraordinary), Jiang Chen damn, this fellow, is absolutely impossible to defeat own, for the dignity of Louwai Tower, in order to reveals itself in front of park azure-clothed, he is in the posture of Thunderclap, suppresses Jiang Chen, can show own overbearing. 对于隋不凡而言,江尘早就该死了,这个家伙,绝对不可能战胜自己的,为了楼外楼的尊严,为了能够在苑青衣面前显露自己,他就是要以雷霆之姿,镇压江尘,才能够彰显自己的霸道。 But this Jiang Chen's strength, big beyond his expectation, at this moment, did not go all out, it seems like it was not enough to shock the world. 可是这个江尘的实力,大大出乎了他的预料,此时此刻,不拼命,看来不足以震慑天下了。
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