DMWG :: Volume #54

#5254: Gap

One group of impenetrably thickheaded people, I must kill you, easy as pie! Really thinks oneself infallible, really thinks that I will be afraid you?” “一群冥顽不灵之徒,我要杀你们,易如反掌!真是自以为是,真以为我会害怕你们嘛?” Sui Bufan (extraordinary) chuckle was saying, corner of the mouth gentle and reserved, has can be seen in speech and appearance. 不凡轻笑着说道,不过嘴角阴柔,已经是溢于言表。 Originally also wants to you an opportunity, but you actually think that my Louwai Tower is good to bully, are one group of people not of the same surname, why must Chen family/home your crowd of upholding justice generations the Savior? Humph! “本来还想给你们一次机会,但是你们却以为我楼外楼好欺负,一群外姓之人,辰家何须你们这群仗义之辈来做救世主?哼! Sui Bufan (extraordinary) is hands tied and vertical, surrounding aura, as if becomes in this moment anxious. 不凡束手而立,周围的气息,似乎都在这一刻变得紧张起来。 Said uselessly, begins, can Louwai Tower block us, but must look at your skills.” “多说无益,动手吧,楼外楼能不能挡住我们,还要看你们的本事。” Jiang Chen holds a sword to stand, points to Sui Bufan (extraordinary), although before and life and death war of Baghdad eagle, they lost much, but has no retreat leeway now as before, can only to dying to fight, for Chen family/home, for own beloved person, Jiang Chen absolutely have no reason retreat. 江尘仗剑而立,直指隋不凡,尽管之前与巴格达鹰的生死大战,他们损失不少,可是如今依旧没有任何后退的余地,只能向死而战,为了辰家,也为了自己的心爱之人,江尘绝对没有理由后退 Kills-- “杀—— A wild drinking sound, Sui Bufan (extraordinary) behind, more than 20 forms, emerging, performing is nebula level expert, blots out the sky, compared with the beforehand these Baghdad eagles, is not only weak, aura of these people are exceptionally fierce, they are not Monster Beast, but is the elite in Louwai Tower. 一声狂暴的喝声,隋不凡身后,二十余道身影,脱颖而出,尽皆是星云级强者,铺天盖地,比起之前那些巴格达鹰,只强不弱,这些人的气息都是异常凶猛,他们可不是妖兽,而是楼外楼的精英。 More than 20 people, have the golden coat, the whole person are wrapping in the golden bamboo hat, expert one after another, such aspect, making everyone not dare to treat it lightly. 二十余人,都是披着金色的外衣,整个人都是包裹在金色的斗笠之中,高手一个接一个,这样的局面,让每个人都不敢掉以轻心。 Yuan building person ready dead! Is the Yuan building person ready dead in day of star building! This group of fellows the person ready dead who selects from the hell, has no time to let compared with the azure-clothed thirteen building many posters, this is also trump card of day of star building, has not thought that this so many Yuan building people ready dead, all appeared. On this day star building afraid has turned out in full strength.” “元楼死士!是天星楼的元楼死士!这群家伙都是从地狱之中选拔出来的死士,比起青衣十三楼众多楼主都不遑多让,这也是天星楼的底牌,没想到这一次这么多的元楼死士,全都出现了。这天星楼怕是已经倾巢而出了。” Chen said green seriously, looks to Jiang Chen. 辰青青郑重说道,看向江尘 Is ready to cope with anything, resists by whatever means available, at risk of life a war, fighting for male!” “兵来将挡,水来土掩,拼死一战,战者为雄!” Long Shisan takes the lead to attack, the counter dragon stick sweeps away, fights current, he always the first time is rushed, certainly not retreat. 龙十三率先出击,逆龙棍横扫而下,大战当前,他从来都是第一次冲上去的,绝不后退 However, this time Yuan building person ready dead, these Monster Beast are not easy to cope, the Baghdad eagle was controlled the spirit after all, but these Yuan building people ready dead, are actually expert that extremely the day of star building trains, that absolutely by an enemy hundred, moreover exercises in the hopeless situation, no one is possible easily with it. 然而,这一次的元楼死士,并没有那些妖兽那么容易对付,巴格达鹰终归是被人控制了精神而已,但是这些元楼死士,却是天星楼训练出来的绝顶高手,那绝对是以一敌百的,而且是在绝境之中锻炼出来的,谁也不可能轻易与之。 The day star building is one of the Louwai Tower trump card, almost keeps pace with the azure-clothed thirteen building, although Jiang Chen got rid of the person in many azure-clothed thirteen building, but Louwai Tower is filthy rich, simply is not the average person can compare, this war is ordered in the dangers, incessantly is Jiang Chen, is Sui Bufan (extraordinary) of day of star building. 天星楼是楼外楼的杀手锏之一,与青衣十三楼几乎是并驾齐驱,虽然江尘干掉了不少的青衣十三楼的人,但是毕竟楼外楼财大气粗,根本就不是一般人能够比拟的,这一战受命于危难之间的,不止是江尘,更是天星楼的隋不凡 both sides play out, does not have the road back, who can laugh last, who is the final winner of war of this dark(ness). 双方剑拔弩张,早已没有了回头路,谁能笑到最后,谁就是这一场黑暗之战的最终赢家。 Two ten Yu Yuan building people ready dead, fight with the people of Long Shisan leadership instantaneously, fierce combat, fast changing, Long Shisan like giant beast near the world, the fearful roaring sound, along with the counter dragon Gun impact, fights very fierce with the Yuan building person ready dead. 二十余元楼死士,与龙十三领衔的众人瞬间交手,刀光剑影,瞬息万变,龙十三如同巨兽临世,可怕的咆哮声,伴随着逆龙棍的冲击,与元楼死士斗得十分凶猛。 After Yuan Ling and solemn one follows closely Long Shisan white/in vain, the fight is exceptionally intense, is soul-stirring, the Yuan building person ready dead descends the mountain to be the same like the fierce tiger one by one, they are fierce do not fear, so long as can complete the task, hesitation that has no, as the name suggests, the person ready dead for the field of vision that oneself give loyalty, but the struggling in hardship spares no sacrifice own person, Yuan building person ready dead, person such as the name. 袁玲与穆一白紧随龙十三之后,战斗异常激烈,也是惊心动魄,元楼死士各个如同猛虎下山一样,他们是悍不畏死的,只要能够完成任务,就没有任何的迟疑,顾名思义,死士就是为了自己效忠的视野,而艰苦奋斗不惜牺牲自己的人,元楼死士,人如其名。 In the dark(ness) jungle, dim rays of light, glittering the blood-colored dense fog, this unvisited remote mountains and ancient forests deep place, was launching displaying their wisdom and bravery battle. 黑暗丛林之中,昏暗的光芒,闪烁血色的迷雾,这原本人迹罕至的深山密林深处,展开了一场斗智斗勇的厮杀。 The enemies are motionless, I am motionless! 敌不动,我不动! Jiang Chen has not worried to begin, because he is paying attention to Sui Bufan (extraordinary), this fellow is most distressed, as the day star building poster, expert of park azure-clothed same strength, Jiang Chen possibly dares to feel relieved that lets his take action? Therefore he must stake Sui Bufan (extraordinary) surely, has the mistake slightly, might make him organically be possible to take advantage. 江尘并没有着急动手,因为他在关注着隋不凡,这家伙才是最让人心焦的,作为天星楼楼主,苑青衣一样实力的高手,江尘怎么可能敢放心让他出手呢?所以他必定要盯死隋不凡,稍有差池,就有可能会让他有机可趁。 So long as Jiang Chen surrounds Sui Bufan (extraordinary), then he believes that Long Shisan can lead four heroic women, striving to turn the tide, this is he trust the brothers, to person's of oneself deep love commitment. 江尘只要困住隋不凡,那么他相信龙十三能够带着四个女将,力挽狂澜,这是他对兄弟的信任,也是对自己深爱之人的承诺。 Oneself and relations of Chen family/home, although is not the sworn friend, but Chen fine jade and Chen are green, is Chen family members, moreover regarding the family concept extremely strong person, walks, above long night star, he cannot leave lending a hand of Chen family/home, therefore this is related to the life and death war that the long night star perishes or not, Jiang Chen will definitely spare nothing , helping Chen family/home. 自己与辰家的关系,虽然算不上莫逆,但是辰璐与辰青青,都是辰家人,而且是对于家族观念极强的人,一路走来,永夜星之上,他也离不开辰家的帮衬,所以这场事关永夜星沉沦与否的生死大战,江尘肯定会不惜一切代价,帮助辰家的。 four eyes contact, facing between Sui Bufan (extraordinary) and Jiang Chen, has started from the spiritual level. 四目相对,隋不凡江尘之间的对垒,从精神层面就已经开始了。 One is the poster in day of star building, the mainstay of Louwai Tower, another is the long night star strongest rookie, although Sui Bufan (extraordinary) unusual being proud, is very self-confident, but azure-clothed thirteen building example puts at present, he still issued the written pledge to fulfill a military order in front of boss before, if this day star building also admitted defeat again, then he hasn't had a face to see boss? 一个是天星楼的楼主,楼外楼的中流砥柱,另外一个是永夜星最强新人,虽然隋不凡非常的自负,也很自信,但是青衣十三楼这种例子摆在眼前,他之前还在老大面前立下了军令状,如果这一次天星楼也是再度吃瘪了,那么他还有什么脸回去见老大呢? Park azure-clothed is the trump card in boss hand, but she is in the eye no one, if not strike her taking this opportunity time well, making her know that who is the true overlord, in the future will monopolize, above long night star, she definitely wild. 青衣一直都是老大手中的王牌,而她更是目中无人,如果不借着这一次的机会好好的敲打她一下,让她知道谁才是真正的霸王,日后一统天下,永夜星之上,她肯定会更加的猖狂。 Sui Bufan (extraordinary) not only for Louwai Tower, to struggle this tone. 不凡不仅仅是为了楼外楼,更是为了争这口气。 As these advances on place of the most important fort time comprehensively, if can break through the dark(ness) forest, then their wars, will rip open an opening thoroughly, completes the counterattack, when the time comes Louwai Tower each place, must look at his complexion. 作为这一次全面进击最重要的要塞之地,如果能够突围黑暗森林,那么他们的战争,将会彻底撕开一个口子,完成逆袭,到时候楼外楼各个地方,都要看他的脸色。 The strategic location, this dark(ness) forest, Sui Bufan (extraordinary) wins. 兵家必争之地,这黑暗森林,隋不凡志在必得。 take action, making me have a look, can do the person badly battered park azure-clothed, with does not match my take action.” 出手吧,让我看看,能够将苑青衣搞得焦头烂额的人,到底配不配我出手。” Sui Bufan (extraordinary) calm saying, the Yuan building person ready dead occupies the absolute initiative at this time, the impact of Long Shisan, cannot take the good result, battle strength of Yuan building person ready dead constantly strengthens, disparity of both sides, is obvious, if not relying on the Long Shisan absolute strength, stable present, was very possible they to suffer defeat thoroughly. 不凡冷静的说道,元楼死士在这个时候占据着绝对的主动,龙十三的冲击,也没能取到太好的结果,元楼死士的战力不断增强,双方的差距,也是显而易见,如果不是凭借着龙十三绝对的实力,稳固当前,那么很可能他们已经彻底败北了。 Sui Bufan (extraordinary) sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, the appearance of not caring at all, is not Louwai Tower even better, estimated that otherwise he is impossible so to stroll. 不凡一副坐山观虎斗,毫不在意的样子,还不是楼外楼更胜一筹,不然的话估计他也不可能如此闲庭信步。 Knew that ten years of old book friends give pursuing book app that I recommend, trades source app! really easy-to-use, before driving and rest, depends on this to read aloud listens to storytelling to kill the time, here can download 【认识十年的老书友给我推荐的追书app,换源app!真特么好用,开车、睡前都靠这个朗读听书打发时间,这里可以下载】 Tries to try, only feared that you are also not necessarily able such as park azure-clothed that woman to be the same? Hehe.” “试试就试试,只怕你还未必会如苑青衣那个娘们儿一样?呵呵呵。” Saying that Jiang Chen smiles, only will then you use method of goading somebody into action? He naturally can look, this Sui Bufan (extraordinary) affirmation and some park azure-clothed gaps, even if better than Chen family/home as before so, some people internal fights do not gather, although works together as colleagues a lord, but still not necessarily is the iron bucket same place, even between Sui Bufan (extraordinary), has many discontented spoken languages. 江尘笑眯眯的说道,只有你会用激将法吗?他自然看得出来,这个隋不凡肯定与苑青衣有些间隙,即使是强如辰家依旧如此,还是有人内斗不合,虽然共事一主,但是也未必就是铁桶一块,甚至就连隋不凡字里行间之中,都是有着不少不满的言语。 Boy, you courts death!” “小子,你找死!” Sui Bufan (extraordinary) drinks one lowly, attacks with heavy blows, approaches Jiang Chen directly, murderous aura clears away, passes through Nine Heavens! 不凡低喝一声,重拳出击,直接逼近江尘,杀气涤荡,直贯九天
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