DMWG :: Volume #54

#5253: Instigation

Misfortune never come singly! 一波未平,一波又起! Jiang Chen and the others just got rid of these Baghdad eagles, but the crisis actually approaches again, at present this clapping and cheering person, fills gentle and reserved, appears in the Jiang Chen and the others front, corner of the mouth is completely excited and fighting intent. 江尘等人刚刚干掉了这些巴格达鹰,可是危机却是再一次逼近,眼前这个拍手称快之人,充满了阴柔,出现在江尘等人的面前,嘴角尽是兴奋与战意 Regarding Chen fine jade and the others, had just like arrived at the most critical moment, nowadays they have put forth the nursing vigor, after is the eagle, there is expert to eye covetously, surely is the person in Louwai Tower without doubt. 对于辰璐等人而言,俨然已经到了最紧要的关头,现如今他们已经使出了吃奶的劲儿,可是雄鹰之后,又有高手虎视眈眈,必定是楼外楼的人无疑。 Under recommendation, trades source app to pursue the book really easily-to-use, here downloads everyone to go to try quickly.】 【推荐下,换源app追书真的好用,这里下载www.huanyuanapp.com大家去快可以试试吧。】 „, You were early are evidently deliberate.” “看样子,你是早有预谋了。” The Long Shisan sinking sound said, is gripping tightly counter dragon Gun, this war, as if just started, the person in Louwai Tower, is not the fuel-efficient lamp, this appearing bastard, had prepared sufficient, sandpiper and clam war together and the fisherman catches both, these Baghdad eagles, do not have the accident/surprise should also stem from his writing skill. 龙十三沉声道,紧握着逆龙棍,这场大战,似乎才刚刚开始,楼外楼的人,都不是省油的灯,这个横空出世的混蛋,想必早就已经是做好了充足的准备,鹬蚌相争渔翁得利,这些的巴格达鹰,不出意外应该也是出自他的手笔。 Depends on you, allots our Louwai Tower to place on a par? Really unable to differentiate good from bad, hehe. My Sui Bufan (extraordinary) must destroy completely you, a hand and foot.” “就凭你们,也配与我们楼外楼相提并论?真是不知好歹,呵呵呵。我隋不凡要灭掉你们,一只手足矣。” In Sui Bufan (extraordinary) look is completely the color of despising, the link chest stands, does not spare a glance. 不凡眼神之中尽是轻蔑之色,环胸而立,不屑一顾。 „Are you Sui Bufan (extraordinary)? Day star building poster!” “你是隋不凡?天星楼楼主!” Chen held breath green a cold air/Qi, in the eye is completely the color of shock. 辰青青倒吸了一口冷气,眼中尽是震撼之色。 Some actually visions, only pitifully, you must die, does right with my Louwai Tower, does not have the good end, the destiny of your Chen family/home completely, simply has been unable to save the situation.” “倒是有些眼光,只可惜,你们还是要死,与我楼外楼做对,没有好下场,你们辰家的气数已尽,根本就是回天乏术了。” Saying that Sui Bufan (extraordinary) vows solemnly. 不凡信誓旦旦的说道。 „The day star building, evidently this fellow indeed is quite Bufan (extraordinary).” “天星楼,看样子这个家伙的确是颇为不凡啊。” Jiang Chen hesitates to say. 江尘沉吟道。 Day star building, although the overall strength cannot compare the azure-clothed thirteen building, but Sui Bufan (extraordinary) strength is very strong, is almost almost the same as park azure-clothed, such expert, in Louwai Tower, is not many, now protects the road of this dark(ness) forest unexpectedly personally, it seems like they also win.” “天星楼虽然整体实力比不上青衣十三楼,但是隋不凡的实力很强,几乎与苑青衣相差无几,这样的高手,在楼外楼之中,还是不多的,现在竟然亲自守护这黑暗森林之路,看来他们也是志在必得。” Saying that Yuan Ling treats a matter seriously. 袁玲郑重其事的说道。 Day star building poster Sui Bufan (extraordinary) is famous, Yuan Ling and Chen are green, is very clear, person the shadow of famous tree, no one can be aloof, particularly domineering of day star building, is to make them deeply is so. 天星楼楼主隋不凡声名远播,袁玲与辰青青,都是非常清楚的,人的名树的影,没有人能够无动于衷,尤其是天星楼的霸气,更是让他们深以为然。 „The day star building of nonsense, the father must die to knock with you today.” “狗屁的天星楼,老子今天就要跟你死磕到底。” Long Shisan may, no matter these 3721, so long as the one breath, him will definitely not have any hesitation, did ends. 龙十三可不管那些三七二十一,只要还有一口气在,他就绝对不会有任何的犹豫,干就完了。 Said right, coming face to face formidable victory, no matter the day star building or the azure-clothed thirteen building, my Jiang Chen consumes today with you, who will be the winner, is the unknown number.” “说得对,狭路相逢勇者胜,不管是天星楼还是青衣十三楼,我江尘今天跟你耗上了,鹿死谁手,还是未知之数。” The Jiang Chen sword refers to Sui Bufan (extraordinary), the chuckle was saying. 江尘剑指隋不凡,轻笑着说道。 Good Jiang Chen, indeed is boldness because of one's skill, the azure-clothed thirteen building was given Heaven and Earth turning upside down that tosses about by you, almost folds park azure-clothed this naughty little girl, no wonder can have such big anger, but, you were too proud, my day star building can/but is not the azure-clothed thirteen building can place on a par . Moreover, I am not park azure-clothed that naughty little girl, deals with the enemy, must in one vigorous effort, the indecisive person, hard to bring about Great Tool. This Baghdad eagle, is only the appetizer, today, my day star building must sweep away the dark(ness) forest surely, keeps off me dead!” “好一个江尘,的确是艺高人胆大呀,就连青衣十三楼都被你给折腾的天翻地覆,差点把苑青衣这个小娘皮自己都折进去,怪不得能有这么大的火气,只不过,你太骄傲了,我天星楼可不是青衣十三楼能够相提并论的,而且,我也不是苑青衣小娘皮,对付敌人,就要一鼓作气,优柔寡断之人,难成大器。这巴格达鹰,只是开胃菜而已,今日,我天星楼必定要横扫黑暗森林,挡我者死!” Sui Bufan (extraordinary) calm and composed, the domineering side leaks. 不凡气定神闲,霸气侧漏。 You can give a try.” “那你可以试试看。” Jiang Chen and Sui Bufan (extraordinary) four eyes contact, has high morale, that at daggers drawn aura, is becomes more and more anxious. 江尘与隋不凡四目相对,斗志昂扬,那种剑拔弩张的气息,也是变得越来越紧张。 Okay good, I like your self-confident appearance, otherwise, that may too be senseless.” “好好好,我就喜欢你这种自信的样子,否则的话,那可就太无趣了。” In Sui Bufan (extraordinary) look rays of light glittering, even more excited. 不凡眼神之中光芒闪烁,越发的兴奋。 Jiang Chen deeply inspires, Louwai Tower sends out so domineering day star building, moreover is the true poster, the strength almost not the slightest difference from park azure-clothed, this was clarifies must eat to decide them, moreover in the dark(ness) forest, their strengths, being doomed was sweeps away incomparable, no one can contend with it. 江尘深吸了一口气,楼外楼派出如此强势的天星楼,而且还是真正的楼主,实力几乎与苑青衣一般无二,这是摆明了要吃定他们,而且黑暗森林之中,他们的实力,注定是横扫无匹,没有人能够与其抗衡。 If the most flourishing condition, Jiang Chen could fearlessly, but these Baghdad eagles indeed consumed their most battle strength before, this is also at self-confidently, although and ignominious, so many rules that but above battlefield that Sui Bufan (extraordinary) is sure of success, where comes? Can set at the person truly in the deathtrap, that is the final winner. 如果是全盛状态,江尘或许可以无所畏惧,但是之前那些巴格达鹰的确消耗了他们大半的战力,这也是隋不凡稳操胜券的自信所在,虽然并不光彩,但是战场之上,哪来的那么多条条框框?真正能够置人于死地的,那才是最终的胜者。 Sui Bufan (extraordinary) as lord of the building, the outstanding person in Louwai Tower, can be guarded the dark(ness) forest by lord of faction Louwai Tower, starts to advance full power, occupies the absolute initiative, takes this strategic location, at least most likely, can believe that Sui Bufan (extraordinary) can not let people down. 不凡身为一楼之主,楼外楼之中的佼佼者,能够被楼外楼之主派来镇守黑暗森林,开始全力推进,占据绝对的主动,拿下这兵家必争之地,至少十有八九,是能够相信隋不凡能够不负众望的。 as you wish, today, I must completely crush your day star building.” 如你所愿,今日,我就要将你们天星楼彻底粉碎。” A Long Shisan face cruel color, is willing to hack to dare to topple the emperor, spiritless that in his eye, may have no. 龙十三一脸暴戾之色,舍得一身剐敢把皇帝拉下马,他的眼中,可没有任何的懦弱。 Young fellows, you were too young, hehe, adhering stubbornly to own opinions, absolutely was not the matter that the smart person can handle. The relative strength is disparate, you felt, who can escape from my palm?” “小伙子们,你们还是太年轻了,呵呵呵,固执己见,绝对不是聪明人能做出来的事情。实力对比悬殊,你们觉得,谁能逃出我的手掌心?” Sui Bufan (extraordinary) shakes the head, thinks little. 不凡摇了摇头,不以为意。 Jiang Chen, you are a smart person, can let the azure-clothed thirteen building is almost subverted by you, I believe that you will not be that headless person. War of Louwai Tower and Chen family/home, you should be very clear, you are nothing odds of suc­cess . Moreover the present aspect, I for the knife and chopping block, you for the fish meat, continue to struggle, makes slower, this jet black forest that you die, will become the place of your eternal burying bone. Chen family/home is sunset western mountain, are you still working oneself to death for them unexpectedly? Hahaha, is really laughable, this should not be your smart person should do.” 江尘,你是个聪明人,能够让青衣十三楼都是差点被你颠覆了,我相信你不会是那种毫无头脑的人。楼外楼与辰家之战,你应该很清楚,你们是没有任何胜算的,而且现在的局面,我为刀俎,你为鱼肉,继续挣扎,也只是让你们死的更慢而已,这片漆黑的森林,就将会成为你们永恒的埋骨之地。辰家已经是日落西山了,你竟然还在为他们卖命?哈哈哈,实在是可笑,这不该是你这个聪明人应该做的。” If, you are willing to pledge allegiance to with our Louwai Tower, I believe that your ability can best development, our Louwai Tower always respects genius extremely, what can Chen family/home give you to promise? Our Louwai Tower, can permits the glory, splendor, riches and honor of your entire life, cultivation the resources, Chen family/home decline is the indisputable fact, you are clearer than me, your situations have ugly/difficult to look at how. As the saying goes, one who knows the times great, I to your patience, am limited, reason that is willing to your such opportunity, to be because I appreciate you. Moreover you may feel relieved greatly, so long as there are me, even the person in azure-clothed thirteen building, absolutely is impossible to do to your, your I collaborate, vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered the dark(ness) forest, when the time comes isn't Chen family/home extremely easy to obtain? Hahaha, the entire long night star, will cover under the brilliance of my Louwai Tower.” “如果,你愿意归顺与我们楼外楼的话,我相信你的能力就能够得到最好的展现,我们楼外楼向来都是极为尊重天才的,辰家能给你许诺什么?我们楼外楼,可以许你一生一世的荣华富贵,修炼资源,辰家没落已是不争的事实,你比我更清楚,你们的处境有多么的难看。俗话说得好,识时务者为俊杰,我对你的耐心,是有限的,之所以愿意给你这样的机会,就是因为我欣赏你。而且你大可放心,只要有我在,就算是青衣十三楼的人,也绝对不可能奈何你的,你我联手,纵横黑暗森林,到时候辰家不是唾手可得?哈哈哈,整个永夜星,都将笼罩在我楼外楼的光辉之下。” In Sui Bufan (extraordinary) look is very blazing, the character character pearl, to give Jiang Chen builds an incomparably domineering Louwai Tower, demotes Chen family/home, strong prestige. 不凡眼神之中无比炽热,字字珠玑,就是为了给江尘营造出一个无比强势的楼外楼,贬斥辰家,壮大声威。 Hateful, you also want to stir up rebellion us.” “可恶,你还想策反我们。” Chen fine jade tight is gripping the fist, beautiful pupil glittering, killing intent is intense. 辰璐紧紧的攥着拳头,美眸闪烁,杀机强烈。 Goes to your code the dog smelly fart, you think that Little Chen is the person with no mind of his own has no mind of one's own? Even if the father dies, still dies to knock with you, Louwai Tower, I and you are absolutely irreconcilable!” “去你码的狗臭屁,你以为小尘子是墙头草随风倒吗?老子就算是死,也跟你死磕到底,楼外楼,我与你们不共戴天!” Long Shisan angrily rebukes was saying, Sui Bufan (extraordinary) stream of abuse that scolded, at this time, the good temperament, could not bear violent rage get up even. 龙十三怒斥着说道,骂的隋不凡狗血喷头,这个时候,就算是再好的脾气,也忍不住暴怒起来了。
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