DMWG :: Volume #54

#5252: Worries about comes true

Jiang Chen expression ice-cold, is taking a fast look around the surrounding eagle, gaze of these fellows, fill domineering that the life and death died, clarified must fight to the death with them. 江尘神色冰冷,扫视着周围的雄鹰,这些家伙的目光,充满了生死绝命的霸气,摆明了是要跟他们决一死战的。 Should be given to control, the look incomparable cavities of these eagles, some people first we one step arrived here evidently, lay down inescapable net, waited for us to enter the jar.” “应该是被人给控制了,这些雄鹰的眼神无比的空洞,看样子有人先我们一步来到了这里,布下天罗地网,等待着我们入瓮呢。” The Jiang Chen low and deep say/way, everyone is critical situation, is waiting for this life and death fierce war. 江尘低沉道,所有人都是如临大敌,等待着这场生死悍战。 Never expected that in Louwai Tower, such expert, so many Monster Beast, were given the control by them.” “没想到楼外楼之中,还有这样的高手,这么多的妖兽,都被他们给控制了。” Long Shisan hesitates was saying, at present this, to them, is unfriendly, so many eagles, if the suicide -type charge, will then during likely make them get sucked is passive. 龙十三沉吟着说道,眼前这一幕,对他们来说,并不友好,这么多的雄鹰,如果是自杀式的冲锋,那么很可能会让他们深陷被动之中。 Now these Monster Beast are also not most important, the most important thing is, behind these Monster Beast, but also some people eye covetously, that was desperate.” “现在这些妖兽还不是最重要的,最重要的是,这些妖兽背后,还有人虎视眈眈,那就令人绝望了。” Chen looks green to Jiang Chen. 辰青青看向江尘 Good, these Monster Beast, are the cannon fodders, but these cannon fodders, we still are very even formidabe.” “不错,这些妖兽,都是炮灰,但是即使是这些炮灰,我们也很难对付。” Jiang Chen said with a sigh, choice that but things have gotten to this point, they also had no, these Baghdad eagles occupy the absolute air supremacy, prepared to wait for the opportunity to act at any time, moreover leaves their time is not many, the eagle on, swallowed heaven and earth instantaneously, the surrounding squeal, reverberated again in the mountain forest, ear-splitting, the dense Baghdad eagle, by an imposing manner of flying escaping place, soared to the heavens, Jiang Chen and the others also all started to counter-attack certainly. 江尘叹息道,但是事已至此,他们也没有任何的选择了,这些巴格达鹰占据着绝对的制空权,随时准备伺机而动,而且留给他们的时间已经不多了,雄鹰在上,瞬间吞噬天地,周围的尖叫声,再一次回荡在山林之中,震耳欲聋,黑压压的巴格达鹰,以一种飞天遁地的气势,冲天而下,江尘等人也是全都开始了绝地反击。 Kills!” “杀!” Angrily roars, Long Shisan to/clashes again in the forefront, these Baghdad eagles also charge into him without hesitation, war of the fire of desire, begins thoroughly. 一声怒吼,龙十三再一次冲在最前面,这些巴格达鹰也是毫不犹豫的冲向他,一场欲火之战,彻底拉开序幕。 These Baghdad eagles, at most are star level peak Monster Beast, wins in many, moreover filled unprecedented absolute domineering, to dying to fight, this is their self-confidence, is their renouncing. 这些巴格达鹰,顶多算是恒星级巅峰妖兽而已,胜在多,而且充满了一往无前的绝对霸气,向死而战,这是它们的自信,也是它们的决绝。 Long Shisan is alive like divine weapon, sweeps away the universe, with irresistible force, but several hundred over a thousand Baghdad eagles , was really many, Jiang Chen one line of six people, launched life and death preying, the potential like the mighty current, direct and innumerable Baghdad eagle impact in one. 龙十三如同神兵在世,横扫乾坤,势如破竹,但是数百上千的巴格达鹰,也实在是太多了,江尘一行六人,展开了生死搏杀,势如洪流,直接与无数的巴格达鹰冲击在了一起。 The Long Shisan strength and imposing manner, are in everyone are strongest, the nebula level five heavy days, unparalleled posture Lingyun on, a stick sweeps away, is more than ten Baghdad eagles is reduced to ashes, pours in the pool of blood. 龙十三的力量与气势,都是所有人之中最强的,星云级五重天,盖世之姿凌云而上,一棍横扫,便是十余只巴格达鹰化为灰烬,倒在血泊之中。 Under recommendation, trades source app to pursue the book really easily-to-use, here downloads everyone to go to try quickly.】 【推荐下,换源app追书真的好用,这里下载www.huanyuanapp.com大家去快可以试试吧。】 The Jiang Chen sword potential certainly, the Heavenly Dragon Sword point, do not miss compared with Long Shisan, two people look like two daggers, jabs into the Baghdad eagle group, stirs Yellow Dragon, stirs Heaven and Earth turning upside down the innumerable Baghdad eagles. 江尘剑势强绝,天龙剑的锋芒,亦是丝毫不比龙十三要差,两个人就像是两把尖刀,刺进巴格达鹰群,直搅黄龙,将无数巴格达鹰搅得天翻地覆 However the Baghdad eagle quantity were too many, this is their only advantages, strong winds volume seats, being defeated and dispersed reorganization, Baghdad eagle pledging to fight to the death fearless imposing manner, is most fearful, without the soul, they are the simple war machine, does not know the pain, does not know Dawson with the boundary of dying, so long as under they cut to fall the enemy on enough. 但是巴格达鹰数量太多了,这是它们唯一的优势,一次次的狂风卷席,一次次的溃散重组,巴格达鹰这种誓死无畏的气势,才是最可怕的,没有灵魂,它们就是简单的战争机器,不知痛苦,更不知道生与死的界限,它们只要将敌人斩落马下就够了 Chen Qingqing and Chen fine jade can achieve success one way or another, in Jiang Chen behind, brunting of these eagles, making one be flabbergasted, they can only consolidate the aspect, was insufficient to be suppressed. 辰青青与辰璐左右逢源,在江尘身后,这些雄鹰的冲势,令人咂舌,她们只能稳固局面,不至于被压制下来。 However, the manpower is poor sometimes, no one will never be will know exhaustedly, so many Baghdad eagles, solely must massacre them, will not be a simple matter. 不过,人力有时穷,没有任何人是永远不知疲惫的,这么多的巴格达鹰,单单要杀掉它们,就不是一件简单的事情。 Jiang Chen and Long Shisan to the frontline, by several hundred eagle packages were actually one of them firmly, but is solemn one white/in vain with Yuan Ling they, can only proceed in an orderly way, retreats fighting, under the life and death impact, they also can only clench teeth, goes forward step by step, barely escapes. 江尘龙十三冲在最前方,却也被数百雄鹰牢牢包裹在其中,而穆一白与袁玲她们,只能是循序渐进,且战且退,在生死冲击之下,她们也只能咬着牙,一步步前进,险死还生。 Little Chen, must rip open an opening them, perhaps otherwise, they could not insist that was too long.” 小尘子,必须要将它们撕开一个口子,否则的话,她们恐怕坚持不了太久。” Long Shisan looks to Jiang Chen, their two are all right actually, is that four women, under such heavy raising quotas at each level, has become is exhausted. 龙十三看向江尘,他们两个倒是没事,可是那四个女人,在如此之重的层层加码之下,已经变得疲惫不堪了。 Un.” “恩。” Jiang Chen nods slightly, the heavy sword sweeps away, Mt. Liba. 江尘微微颔首,重剑横扫,力拔山兮。 Kills-- “杀—— Jiang Chen displayed Dragon Transformation, enters the enemy ranks, the squally shower, the potential like the mighty current, no one may keep off! 江尘施展了龙变,杀入敌阵,狂风骤雨,势如洪流,无人可挡! War! War! War!” “战!战!战!” Long Shisan and Jiang Chen both cut to extinguish the Baghdad eagle, the domineering breadth of spirit, gave this side the pressure the Baghdad eagle finally, helping Chen be green they to ease the enormous pressure. 龙十三江尘双双斩灭巴格达鹰,强势的气魄,终于是将压力给到了巴格达鹰这一边,帮助辰青青她们缓解了极大的压力。 Heavenly Dragon Sword sweeps away current, Jiang Chen displays Sword of No Realm, is ordinary just like the overwhelmingly superior force, indefinitely, cuts more than 200 Baghdad eagles continually, that elegant nimble and resourceful qi energy, suffocating. 天龙剑横扫当前,江尘施展无境之剑,宛如秋风扫落叶一般,三进三出,连斩两百余巴格达鹰,那种飘逸灵动的气劲,令人窒息。 Long Shisan and big brother double sword combines and complements one another, rushes to above Nine Heavens, series attacks, the shape like the insanity, the domineering side leaks. 龙十三与大哥双剑合璧,冲上九天之上,连环出击,形如疯魔,霸气侧漏。 Blood incarnadine Long Shisan counter dragon Gun, his body splashed the innumerable bloodstains, but he does not have the half a point to stagnate, slaughters before, eyes is red, Long Shisan slaughters, to fight to live inborn, to fight to fight, this is the Long Shisan legend and mission. 鲜血染红了龙十三的逆龙棍,他的身上更是泼洒了无数的血迹,但是他没有半分停滞,杀戮在前,双眼赤红,龙十三大开杀戒,天生为战而生,为战而战,这就是龙十三的传奇与使命。 Time one minute/share one second passed, finally, under the dual suppressions of Jiang Chen and Long Shisan, the Baghdad eagle is the casualties completely . Moreover the aspect becomes quite intense, Chen fine jade and the others is breathing heavily in gulps, whole face Yan Jun (severe). 时间一分一秒的过去了,终于,在江尘龙十三的双重压制下,巴格达鹰已经是伤亡殆尽,而且局面变得相当紧张,辰璐等人无不是大口大口的喘着粗气,满脸严峻 In one vigorous effort, did ends!” “一鼓作气,干就完了!” The consumption of Long Shisan is also big, to still these Baghdad eagles at one fell swoop, the charge of advancing uninterruptedly, Long Shisan also put out the tremendous strength. 龙十三的消耗也非常大,但是为了一举平定这些巴格达鹰,前赴后继的冲锋,龙十三也是拿出了九牛二虎之力。 One after another Baghdad eagle, became the muddy flesh by counter dragon Gunza, the blood splash, in the jungles, is a piece of bloodshed, in the gloomy space, is filling the blood smell of irritating the nose. 接二连三的巴格达鹰,被逆龙棍砸成肉泥,鲜血飞溅,丛林之间,已经是一片血海,阴暗的空间之中,弥漫着刺鼻的血腥气味。 The Jiang Chen's sword, is obviously sharper, Sword of No Realm is ordinary like the elegant elf, making the Jiang Chen domineering side leak, cut to kill about 400 Monster Beast one after another, looked like an invincible peerless treasured sword, the sword fell, but was mad evenly, graceful bearing unparalleled. 江尘的剑,明显更为犀利,无境之剑如同飘逸的精灵一般,让江尘霸气侧漏,接连斩杀了将近四百的妖兽,就像是一把战无不胜的绝世宝剑,剑落而气平,风姿无双。 Gives me dead! One group of motley crew!” “都给我去死吧!一群乌合之众!” Jiang Chen angrily roars such as Thunderclap to be the same, a sword cuts ten million heads horizontally. 江尘怒吼如惊雷一般,一剑横斩千万头。 chī chī! 嗤嗤 chī chī scoffs! 嗤嗤嗤! Final over a hundred Baghdad eagles, under Jiang Chen this sword, changed into the flying ash, then his footsteps also slightly stagger obviously, complexion pale, this sword, consumed his many strength. 最后的上百巴格达鹰,都在江尘这一剑之下,化为了飞灰,然后他的脚步也是略显踉跄,面色苍白,这一剑,消耗了他不少的力量。 At this moment, all Baghdad eagles have been reduced to ashes, all the sounds of nature entirely static, incomparable tranquility. 这一刻,所有的巴格达鹰都已经化为了灰烬,万籁俱静,无比的平静。 At this time, ought to relax. 这个时候,总该可以松一口气了。 Little Chen, your sword, but was really fierce, gā gā gā.” 小尘子,你这一剑,可真是太猛了,嘎嘎嘎。” Long Shisan knows, oneself and disparity between big brother, throughout is irreparable, he forever that self-confident, vowed solemnly. 龙十三知道,自己跟大哥之间的差距,始终是无法弥补的,他永远都是那么的自信,信誓旦旦。 These fellows were killed finally, was really is too anxious.” “这些家伙总算被干掉了,真是太让人揪心了。” Chen relaxes to say green, if not Jiang Chen strives to turn the tide, even if they can get rid of these Baghdad eagles, oneself must suffocate, injures the enemy 1000 to damage 800. 辰青青松了一口气说道,如果不是江尘力挽狂澜,他们就算是能够干掉这些巴格达鹰,自己也得奄奄一息,伤敌一千自损八百。 pā! pā! pā! 啪!啪!啪! An applauding sound gets up, making Jiang Chen and the others deep frown, the pressure multiplies. 一声击掌之声响起,让江尘等人眉头紧锁,压力倍增。 Never expected that Chen family/home expert, unexpectedly thus and such and such terrifying exist(ence). Really makes one clap to exclaim over. Hehe.” “没想到辰家高手,竟然还有如此这般恐怖存在。真是让人拍手叫绝呀。呵呵呵。” The Jiang Chen complexion sinks, looks to void, together white clothing form, slowly however falls. 江尘脸色一沉,望向虚空之上,一道白衣身影,缓缓而落。 Should come came, their beforehand worry, become the reality. 该来的还是来了,他们之前的担忧,到底还是成为了现实。
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