DMWG :: Volume #54

#5251: Baghdad eagle

The dark(ness) forest, like the water, does not have the light gloomy dimly, as if the living hell is the same, incomparable constraining, the visibility is also only dozens meters. 黑暗森林,阴沉如水,昏暗无光,仿佛人间地狱一样,令人无比的压抑,能见度也只有几十米而已。 Except for standing tall and erect the hills gully, is able to support both heaven and earth ten thousand years of ancient wood, green pines and cypresses, like arrow Yaichi, attacks underground. 除了高耸的的群山沟壑,就是顶天立地的万年古木,苍松翠柏,如同一道道箭矢一般,直插地下。 Surrounding is feeling gloomily, but does not have life aura probably.” “着周围感觉阴森森的,不过好像并没有生命气息。” Solemn one is sizing up the surroundings white/in vain, looks serious, goes hand in hand with Yuan Ling, their two take the lead, enters the dark(ness) forest, by their strengths, if not meet true top expert, almost can sweep away invincibly, but the showdown of this Louwai Tower and Chen family/home, to the situation of superheating, definitely is the expert proliferation, moreover land that must fight for of dark(ness) forest both sides, therefore this region, cannot treat it lightly absolutely. 穆一白打量着周围,神情严肃,与袁玲结伴而行,她们两个打头阵,进入黑暗森林,以他们的实力而言,如果不遇到真正的顶尖高手,几乎是可以横扫无敌的,但是这一次楼外楼与辰家的对决,已经是到了白热化的地步,肯定是高手层出,而且黑暗森林还是双方的必争之地,所以这一块区域,绝对是不能够掉以轻心的。 Drives ten thousand years of ship carefully, the strength of Louwai Tower, cannot be underestimated absolutely.” “小心驶得万年船,楼外楼的实力,绝对不容小觑。” Yuan Ling is a locally born long night native of Singapore, she naturally knows that the confrontation of Louwai Tower and Chen family/home, in the past was the small scale, who not real battle, but the situation is now different, the father was also the person to Louwai Tower made every effort to keep secret in the past. 袁玲可是土生土长的永夜星人,她自然知道楼外楼与辰家的交锋,当年都是小打小闹,谁也不会真正的开战,但是现在情况不一样了,就连父亲当年也是对楼外楼的人讳莫如深。 Little Chen, you thought that the person in this group of Louwai Tower, can have beforehand park azure-clothed such expert?” 小尘子,你觉得这帮楼外楼的人,会不会有之前苑青衣那样的强者?” The Long Shisan gaze glance, looked to Jiang Chen, two people looked at each other, Jiang Chen was the look is also complex, shakes the head. 龙十三目光扫视,看向了江尘,两个人对视之间,江尘也是眼神复杂,摇了摇头。 Did not say certainly, the position of dark(ness) forest was too important, moreover we in center, if trades to do is we, true battle strength strongly here, this point incessantly will be they, even Chen family member will still be very clear. We occupy the strategic location, must be careful a point, did not fear that 10,000 fear the eventuality.” “说不准,黑暗森林的位置太重要了,而且我们还是在正中,如果换做是我们,也会将真正的战力集中在这里的,这一点不止是他们,就算是辰家人也是很清楚的。我们占据着兵家必争之地,就更要小心一点了,不怕一万就怕万一。” Jiang Chen said with a smile lightly. 江尘轻笑道。 This runs into that smelly woman, the grandfather I must make her attractive, even/including father's women dare to move, I must make her die without the burial ground!” “这回再遇到那个臭娘们,爷爷我一定要让她好看,连老子的女人都敢动,我要让她死无葬身之地!” Long Shisan vowed solemnly, stems from the strength self-confidently, he now is the nebula level five heavy days, indeed has such imposing manner with the capital, but as boss of azure-clothed thirteen building, if not fight truly, no one knows that woman has terrifying how. 龙十三信誓旦旦,自信源于实力,他现在已经是星云级五重天了,也的确有这样的气势跟资本,但是作为青衣十三楼的老大,如果不真正交手,谁也不知道那个女人到底有多么的恐怖 I always thought that is not a little right, in the dark(ness) forest, was extremely rather peaceful?” “我总觉得有点不对劲,黑暗森林之中,未免太过安静了吧?” The Chen green delicate eyebrows tighten, as if somewhat feels the fishy, after all she is Chen family member, regarding the dark(ness) forest, must have the right to speak compared with anybody. 辰青青秀眉紧锁,似乎有些觉得蹊跷,毕竟她是辰家人,对于黑暗森林,也是比任何人都要更有话语权的。 You said, we may have the ambush?” “你是说,我们可能会有埋伏吗?” Chen fine jade low and deep say/way. 辰璐低沉道。 Does not know, in brief...... I thought is not quite right, Monster Beast of dark(ness) forest, absolutely is roguest, but we have advanced several thousand li (0.5 km) now, has not bumped into Monster Beast, was too a little unthinkable. These Monster Beast know we must make war with Louwai Tower, hid?” “不知道,总之……我觉得不太对劲儿,黑暗森林的妖兽,绝对是最凶恶的,但是我们现在已经推进了数千里,都是没有碰到妖兽,有点太匪夷所思了。难道说那些妖兽知道咱们与楼外楼之间要开战,都躲起来了?” Chen green some saying of knowing whether to laugh or cry. 辰青青有些哭笑不得的说道。 Has the possibility, Hahaha!” “有可能,哈哈哈!” A Long Shisan face smile, the hand grasps counter dragon Gun, he may want the hand to be itchier than anybody now, Jiang Chen also looked, this fellow wishes one could to look for one crowd of Monster Beast now, well went all out. 龙十三一脸笑容,手握逆龙棍,他现在可比任何人都要手痒痒,江尘也看出来了,这家伙现在恨不得找一群妖兽,好好的大干一场。 First other happy was too early, has waited for this dark(ness) forest, had you to hit, Louwai Tower can contend with Chen family/home, you thought that they will be simple? The azure-clothed thirteen building is only part of buildings in Louwai Tower, true expert extremely, is still ready to make trouble, the dark(ness) forest, is the place that they measure strength, our duties, but is heavy. Great Elder thinks highly of us actually.” “先别高兴的太早,等过了这片黑暗森林,有你打的,楼外楼能够与辰家一较高下,你觉得他们会简单吗?青衣十三楼只是楼外楼的一部分分楼而已,真正的绝顶强者,都还在蠢蠢欲动,黑暗森林,就是他们一决高下的地方,我们的任务,可不轻啊。大长老倒是看得起我们。” Jiang Chen indifferently said, this unyielding person , he since met, that must gnaw. 江尘淡淡的说道,这块硬骨头,他既然接了,那就必须要啃下来。 Said right, Louwai Tower we have not imagined are so simple.” “说得对,楼外楼并没有我们想象中那么简单。” Saying that Chen green deep is so, the people restrain the mind , to continue, constraining of dark(ness) forest, has not actually vanished, is saying like Chen green, the dense/woods of this piece of vast dark(ness), likely look like the hell to be the same, filled terrifying and strange aura. 辰青青深以为然的说道,众人收敛心神,继续前行,黑暗森林的压抑,却始终没有消失,正如同辰青青所言,这片一望无际的黑暗之森,很可能就像是地狱一样,充满了恐怖与诡异的气息 Jiang Chen looks carefully in all directions to be vigilant, his star soul has been able to proliferate several thousand li (0.5 km), limits in the dense/woods of dark(ness) although very in a big way, but as before is extremely keen, common expert, wants the sensation hundred li (0.5 km) in the dark(ness) forest, is almost not possible. 江尘眼观六路耳听八方,他的星魂已经可以遍布数千里了,尽管在黑暗之森中限制很大,但是依旧是极为敏锐的,寻常强者,想要在黑暗森林之中感知百里,几乎都是不可能的。 Chen has induced green, Jiang Chen has not mentioned with anybody, he also has such feeling, the unknown danger most made the head/number of people big, Jiang Chen does not dare to say rashly, matter that after all was unsure, wanted to be finer is good. 辰青青有所感应,江尘也并未跟任何人提起,他也同样有这样的感觉,不过未知的危险才是最令人头大的,江尘也不敢贸然说出来,毕竟没谱儿的事儿,还是要精细一些才好。 In the dark(ness) forest, is almost day and night, because entered here, you do not know when is during the daytime, was in the evening, was too when black, Monster Beast that such environment, can live, all was tenacious incomparable. 黑暗森林之中,几乎是不分昼夜的,因为进入了这里,你根本不知道什么时候是白天,什么时候是晚上,太黑了,这样的环境,能够活下来的妖兽,无一不是顽强无比的。 Cluck......” “咕咕……” Cluck......” “咕咕咕……” The sound that a as if chicken warbler was called, the biography in the mountain forest is swinging, a Jiang Chen brow wrinkle, felt wave of terrifying aura, approached unceasingly, at this time, they must be ready in full battle array. 一阵仿佛鸡鸣鸟叫的声音,在山林之中传荡着,江尘眉头一皱,感受到一波恐怖气息,不断逼近,这个时候,他们必须要严阵以待了。 The crisis, is approaching step by step! 危机,正在一步步逼近! Array, is ready!” “列阵,做好准备!” Jiang Chen said low and deep, everyone facial expression Yan Jun (severe), does not dare to neglect, since Jiang Chen said this, they definitely are unretentive trusts. 江尘低沉说道,所有人神情严峻,不敢怠慢,既然江尘说出了这样的话,他们肯定是毫无保留的相信。 Hehe, manages him 3721, these comes many people, the dragon master I to make them have time not to return.” “嘿嘿,管他三七二十一,这一次来多少人,龙爷我都让他们有去无回。” Long Shisan looks disdainfully indifferently, the hand grasps counter dragon Gun, walks in the forefront, stands with Jiang Chen shoulder to shoulder. 龙十三冷眼睥睨,手握逆龙棍,走在最前面,与江尘并肩而立。 At this moment, black shadows, howl are flying to shoot, but, that is the dust eagle, each has the human size, blots out the sky, densely packed. 此时此刻,一道道黑色的影子,呼啸着飞射而至,那是灰褐色的雄鹰,每一只都有着人类大小,铺天盖地,密密麻麻 Thousands of eagles, the wailing, is grating, revealing. 数以千计的雄鹰,尖啸着,声音刺耳,振聋发聩。 Baghdad eagle! How can so many?” “巴格达鹰!怎么会这么多?” Chen green unbelievable saying, looks at at present this, not only the back sends coolly, these Monster Beast, terrifying, just like sharp sickles, streaks across the nighttime sky extremely, is frightened by the slightest sound. 辰青青难以置信的说道,看着眼前这一幕,不仅脊背发凉,这些妖兽,极为恐怖,如同一道道锋利的弯刀一样,划破夜空,风声鹤唳。 What is the Baghdad eagle?” “什么是巴格达鹰?” Solemn white surprise looked that is green to Chen, these dust eagles, had surrounded them completely, above sky unceasing is circling, only eagle-eyed, the probably dark blue gem is the same, is taking a fast look around everyone. 穆一白诧异的看向辰青青,那些灰褐色的雄鹰,已经将他们完全包围了,在天空之上不断的盘旋着,一只只鹰眼,像是深蓝色的宝石一样,扫视着每个人。 Was staring by thousands of Baghdad eagles, Chen felt green completely a sensation of asphyxia, these eagles are the inborn soldiers. 被数以千计的巴格达鹰盯着,辰青青完全感觉到了一种窒息感,这些雄鹰是天生的战士。 „The Baghdad eagle is the darling of sky, although they are not above long night star most powerful Monster Beast, but actually gets on well with others, forms groups, any Monster Beast saw them, must around walking, because their aggressivity were too strong, moreover fierce does not fear, always does not know withdraw, so long as is the enemy who they recognize, even if meets a cruel death, kills off last, absolutely will not be ambiguous, these fellows simpleminded, are actually the incomparable unities. The grown Baghdad eagle, endures compared with nebula level expert.” “巴格达鹰是天空的宠儿,它们虽然不是永夜星之上最强大的妖兽,但是却是最合群的,成群结队,任何妖兽见了它们,都得绕着走,因为它们的攻击性太强了,而且悍不畏死,从来都不知道收手,只要是它们认定的敌人,就算是粉身碎骨,杀尽最后一只,也绝对不会含糊的,这些家伙头脑简单,却是无比团结。成年的巴格达鹰,堪比星云级强者。” Saying that Chen treats a matter seriously green, moreover these Baghdad eagles occupy the absolute initiative, is circling in their top of the head unceasingly, might launch the attack anytime, even if they want to walk, will still be difficult, that in pairs just like gem general eagle-eyed, sharply like blade, fearful heart and soul. 辰青青郑重其事的说道,而且这些巴格达鹰占据着绝对的主动,在他们头顶上不断盘旋着,随时都有可能会发动攻击,他们就算是想走,也是寸步难行,那一双双宛如宝石一般的鹰眼,锐利如刀,慑人心魄。 But, why can they attack us?” “可是,它们为什么要攻击我们呢?” Chen fine jade hesitates to say. 辰璐沉吟道。
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