DMWG :: Volume #54

#5250: The light will certainly arrive

Before Cangshan, the Chen four elephants look back to look, in the look is completely the joyful color, the vigorous eyeground, brought bit of dawn finally. 苍山之前,辰四象回首而望,眼神之中尽是喜悦之色,苍劲的眼底,终于迎来了一丝曙光。 Stone rock pile? Hahaha! Your boy, hoped finally you.” “石磊?哈哈哈!你小子,终于把你盼来了。” The Chen four incomparable excitements, are the high-ranking likely, but actually extremely calm, a point does not have the rack of high-rank, must know him, but one of the entire Chen family/home most prestigious several people, even if Chen Northern Liang saw him, still needs to treat seriously. 辰四象无比的激动,身居高位,但是却极为的从容,一点也没有上位者的架子,要知道他可是整个辰家声望最高的几个人之一,即使是辰北凉见了他,也需要郑重对待。 Jiang Chen sized up, perhaps this Chen four alike strengths, oneself are also not necessarily able with it contending, nebula level six heavy peak, even oneself, are still not necessarily able with a it war. 江尘打量了一番,这个辰四象的实力,恐怕自己也未必能够与之抗衡,星云级六重巅峰,即使是自己,也未必能够与之一战。 As the lords of Chen family/home four day, its background with the strength, is definitely not allow to neglect, has him to assume here, definitely will have the enormous harvest. 作为辰家四线天之主,其底蕴跟力量,肯定是不容忽视的,有他坐镇这里,也肯定会有极大的收获。 Patriarch, our these just came out from Chen family/home Forbidden Land time, never expected that Chen family/home and Louwai Tower had started the life and death war.” 家主,我们这一次刚刚从辰家禁地之中出来,没想到辰家与楼外楼已经开始了生死大战。” Chen stone Lei low and deep say/way. 辰石磊低沉道。 Is a long story, the present aspect, is unfriendly regarding our Chen families/home, the dark(ness) forest, the present is the most important mountain pass, cannot let Louwai Tower that group of brats absolutely, passes through here, if here falls into enemy hands, has the enormous impact regarding the entire war.” “一言难尽,现在的局面,对于我们辰家并不友好,黑暗森林,现在是最重要的关隘,绝对不能够让楼外楼那群兔崽子,穿越这里,如果这里失守的话,对于整个战局都有着极大的影响。” The Chen four elephants nod, look to Chen stone rock pile behind Chen family/home expert, nodded the head slightly, filled joyfully, because of these Chen family/home expert, was nebula level 45 heavy day of genius extremely, was Great Elder sends in the last trump card in Chen family/home Forbidden Land before then, these people, by enemy hundred peerless expert. 辰四象点了点头,看向辰石磊身后的辰家高手,微微颔首,充满了喜悦,因为这些辰家高手,都是星云级四五重天的绝顶天才,是大长老在此之前送入辰家禁地之中的最后一张王牌,这些人,都是以一敌百的绝世高手 You came out finally.” “你们终于出来了。” Chen four look like corner of the mouth to turn upwards slightly, finally gaze fell on Jiang Chen's, deep looked at his one eyes. 辰四象嘴角微微翘起,最后目光落在了江尘的身上,深深的看了他一眼。 Jiang Chen! I know you, now I understand finally why Chen Northern Liang Great Elder regarded as important you.” 江尘!我知道你,现在我终于明白,为什么辰北凉大长老这么看重你了。” „The Chen four Patriarch erroneouses approved, this fights Jiang Chen to hope with Chen family/home altogether onset and retreat.” “辰四家主谬赞了,此战江尘愿与辰家共进退。” Saying of Jiang Chen righteousness expression. 江尘义正言辞的说道。 Good!” “好!” Okay good!” “好好好!” Chen four are very likely excited, Jiang Chen can the leader outstanding heroes, leading them to walk from nine profound mausoleum chambers, fully explained the Jiang Chen's strength, was in ten thousand does not have one, these Chen family/home expert were to his such sincerely believing, can explain all issues, the vision of Chen Northern Liang elder, will not miss absolutely. 辰四象无比兴奋,江尘能够领袖群雄,带着他们从九玄地宫之中走出来,足以说明江尘的实力,也是万中无一的,这些辰家高手都是对他如此的笃信,更能够说明一切问题,辰北凉长老的眼光,也绝对不会差的。 Now the tactical situation of dark(ness) forest? Patriarch, what to do should we? You issue the duty although, for my Chen family/home rise and fall, our certainly not retreat, this war, must these thing, block surely in the dark(ness) forest.” “现在黑暗森林的战况怎么样了?家主,我们应该怎么办?您尽管布置任务吧,为了我辰家兴衰,我们绝不后退,此一战,必定要将这些混帐东西,封杀在黑暗森林之中。” Chen stone rock pile fiercely said. 辰石磊恶狠狠的说道 Earth Domain of dark(ness) forest was too big, the area was too broad, here lord battlefield, the dark(ness) forest was divided three regions, we have sent out many expert to enter, encircles the enemy in Louwai Tower, cannot make them mix in absolutely, threatens the border on a large scale. However, three thousand expert, now, have lost the contact mostly, some were possibly put to death, some probably encountered the danger, the situation is less optimistic.” 黑暗森林的地域太大了,面积太广了,我这里只是其中一条主战场而已,黑暗森林被分割成了三个区域,我们已经派出了不少的高手进入其中,围剿楼外楼的敌人,绝对不能够让他们混入其中,大举压境。不过,三千高手,如今,已经有大部分失去了联系,有些可能被人诛杀,有些可能遇到了危险,情况不容乐观。” Saying that the Chen four elephants are filled with emotion. 辰四象感慨万千的说道。 We come, actually precisely time.” “那我们来的,倒是正是时候了。” Chen stone rock pile look one cold. 辰石磊眼神一寒。 You can be divided into three groups, from three aspects, leading the person to conduct the rug -type advancement, otherwise, is very difficult to defend these fellows in Louwai Tower, once breakthrough the defense line of dark(ness) forest, our Chen family/home surrounding influence, definitely met the total military defeat, therefore this time, makes no mistake.” “你们可以分成三组,从三个方面,带着人进行地毯式的推进,不然的话,很难防守住这些楼外楼的家伙,一旦突破黑暗森林的防线,我们辰家周围的势力,肯定会兵败如山倒的,所以这一次,不容有失。” The colors of Chen four likely face Yan Jun (severe). 辰四象一脸严峻之色。 Is willing to listen to Chen four Patriarch to relocate!” “愿听辰四家主拆迁!” Chen free of evil intention and the others slight nod. 辰无邪等人微微点头。 Chen stone Lei, you may take 34 people, enters in eastern 30,000 Earth Domain, seeks Chen five Patriarch, Chen five lakes, when the time comes he will arrange you to enter. Chen Ji, you may lead 34 people, enters western Earth Domain, seeks for Chen six Patriarch, Chen six sexual attractions, when the time comes he will direct you to enter, searches expert of Louwai Tower.” “辰石磊,你可带上三四人,进入东部三万地域,去寻找辰五家主,辰五湖,到时候他会安排你进入其中的。辰姬,你可带领三四人,进入西部地域,寻找辰六家主,辰六欲,到时候他会指引你们进入其中,寻觅楼外楼的高手。” The Chen four elephants said, finally looks to Jiang Chen. 辰四象说道,最后看向江尘 Jiang Chen, you can directly enter, here is most direct, is the nucleus of Louwai Tower, the easiest breakthrough place, on the contrary, here is also most dangerous, Chen Northern Liang Great Elder has confessed specially, you may be competent most difficult defense.” 江尘,你们可以直接进入其中,这里是最直接,也是楼外楼的中坚力量,最容易突破的地方,相反,这里也是最危险的,辰北凉大长老特意交代过,你可胜任最艰难的防守境地。” Chen four was full of the trust to Jiang Chen likely, filled hopes. 辰四象对江尘充满了信任,也充满了期许。 Rare Great Elder has such trust, I dare to be first.” “难得大长老有如此信任,那我就敢为人先了。” Jiang Chen shows a faint smile. 江尘微微一笑。 In the Chen four looks has thick thanks likely, to him, this fight difficult, it goes without saying, the Louwai Tower throughout oppression, they are unable to remove the hand, can only at risk of life a war, moreover seven days betrayals, makes Chen family/home expert casualty innumerable, fell into the passive aspect, only then takes dark(ness) forest most powerful high ground, can let them above battlefield, enters advantage thoroughly. 辰四象眼神之中带着浓浓的感谢,对于他来说,这场战斗有多艰难,不言而喻,楼外楼全境压迫,他们无从撤手,只能拼死一战,而且七线天的背叛,也让辰家高手死伤无数,陷入了被动的局面之中,只有拿下黑暗森林这块最有力的高地,才能够让他们在战场之上,彻底进入优势局面。 Now the development level of dark(ness) forest, it goes without saying, no matter either one, advances the front to the peripheral zone of dark(ness) forest thoroughly, has a bigger advantage, regarding Chen family member, is especially important. 现在黑暗森林的重要程度,不言而喻,不管是任何一方,将战线彻底推进到己方黑暗森林的边缘地带,都会占据着更大的优势,对于辰家人,也是尤为重要。 I believe you, I also believed the vision of Chen Northern Liang.” “我相信你,我也相信辰北凉的眼光。” The Chen four elephants extend the take action palm, patted the Jiang Chen's shoulder, gives the great expectations. 辰四象伸出手掌,拍了拍江尘的肩膀,予以厚望。 Brother Jiang, I and others anticipated that your triumphal returning, Chen family member, absolutely does not have the coward.” 江兄,我等期待你的凯旋,辰家人,绝对没有孬种。” Chen Dwelling place of the immortals looks to Jiang Chen, they fan out in three groups, has been ready, this war, had pulled open thoroughly, whether Chen family/home could attack at this time, rose to challenges in dark(ness), cuts a bright path, all, looked at their three groups of expert, could kill final. 辰玉楼看向江尘,他们兵分三路,已经做好了准备,这场大战,已经彻底拉开了,辰家能否在这个时候突击而出,在黑暗之中披荆斩棘,斩出一条光明的道路,一切,就看他们三路高手,能否杀到最后了。 Relax, has Little Chen, will not disappoint you absolutely.” “放心,有小尘子在,绝对不会让你们失望的。” Long Shisan old god in saying, at this time, his actually most relaxed person, Yuan Ling and solemn one followed white/in vain, they two strengths, was becomes stronger and stronger, will no longer become the Long Shisan burden. 龙十三老神在在的说道,这个时候,他倒是最为轻松之人了,袁玲与穆一白紧随其后,她们两个的实力,也是变得越来越强,不再会成为龙十三的累赘了。 Do not visit us, this you gave up any idea of that threw off time our two.” “你别看我们,这一次你休想把我们两个甩掉了。” Chen fine jade and Chen look at each other one green, two people hug together, formed the united front. 辰璐与辰青青对视一眼,两个人搂在一起,形成了统一战线。 Jiang Chen does not know whether to laugh or cry, shaking the head, in the look is completely helpless, he has indeed had such idea, but this time, if makes their two remain again, it is estimated that they will definitely not forgive oneself, moreover now fights for Chen family/home, what right do oneself have to prevent them? 江尘哭笑不得,摇了摇头,眼神之中尽是无奈,他的确有过这样的想法,但是这一次如果再让她们两个留下来的话,估计她们肯定不会原谅自己的,而且现在是为了辰家而战,自己又有什么权利阻止她们呢? Jiang Chen looks to the Chen four elephants, looked at all Chen family/home expert, heavily nods, this acting, this responsibility, he can hardly absolve. 江尘看向辰四象,又看了看所有辰家高手,重重点头,这份担当,这份责任,他难辞其咎。 The matter cannot be delayed, everyone, I will certainly wait for in dark(ness) end your, bright will certainly arrive.” “事不宜迟,诸位,我一定会在黑暗尽头等待你们的,光明一定会到来。” The Jiang Chen look like the blade, fighting intent like the rainbow, turns around to step into the dark(ness) forest. 江尘眼神如刀,战意如虹,转身踏入黑暗森林。 Chen fine jade and Chen are green, Long Shisan and the others, follows closely the Jiang Chen's step, to dying to fight, in dark(ness), always has the light. 辰璐与辰青青,龙十三等人,紧随江尘的步伐,向死而战,黑暗之中,总有光明。 Chen Ji and Chen stone Lei, took several people, goes toward the east-west section, their missions, will never be retreat! 辰姬与辰石磊,也都是带上了数人,向着东西部而去,他们的使命,就是永不后退
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