DMWG :: Volume #54

#5249: Large unit!

dark(ness) forest!” 黑暗森林!” Chen also held breath green a cold air/Qi, even Chen family/home numerous genius expert, are still makes every effort to keep secret to the dark(ness) forest. 辰青青也是倒吸了一口冷气,即使是辰家众多天才高手,也是对黑暗森林讳莫如深。 In the dark(ness) forest Monster Beast is numerous, moreover filled the crisis, Louwai Tower these fellows, it seems like do not want the life, pledged to fight to the death must fight us.” 黑暗森林之中妖兽众多,而且充满了危机,楼外楼这些家伙,看来是连命都不要了,誓死也要跟咱们拼到底了。” Chen stone rock pile look hidden in the shade, is clenching teeth saying that as Chen family member, everyone has the indignation, even if knows perfectly well to die, they will not stop absolutely. 辰石磊眼神阴翳,咬着牙说道,身为辰家人,每个人都是心存愤慨,即使是明知必死,他们也绝对不会停下来的。 Star level expert and nebula of level expert Chen family/home, the loss are innumerable, to defend dark(ness) forest stretch of wide and open land, no one can stay out. 辰家的恒星级强者与星云级强者,损失无数,可是为了守住黑暗森林这片广袤无垠的大地,没有人能够置身事外。 Defends the dark(ness) forest, our Chen families/home can initiate counter-attack, if cannot defend the dark(ness) forest, then battlefield was divided, divides into two, when the time comes the total military defeat, the potential air/Qi reduces greatly, will affect the entire war, Louwai Tower affirmation has premeditated for a long time, arranged most point soldiers in the dark(ness) forest, wanted to rip open an opening there, our Chen families/home were really when the time comes difficult.” “守住黑暗森林,我们辰家就能够发起反攻,如果守不住黑暗森林,那么战场被分割,一分为二,到时候兵败如山倒,势气大减,也会影响整个战局的,楼外楼肯定已经预谋已久了,将大部分的尖兵都布置在了黑暗森林,就是想要在那里撕开一个口子,到时候我们辰家就真的难了。” The color of Chen free of evil intention over the face enforcing, the unique element of dark(ness) forest lies in big of its crisis, many years ago, no matter the person in Chen family member or Louwai Tower, is not willing to penetrate, many expert, folded in inside, but now, here has become the strategic location. 辰无邪满面严肃之色,黑暗森林的特殊之处就在于它的危机之大,很多年前,不管是辰家人还是楼外楼的人,都不愿意深入其中,很多强者,都折在里面了,但是现在,这里已经成为了兵家必争之地。 Becoming the important matter period, the defeat bursts like the lair. 成则大事可期,败则溃如巢穴。 Right, Great Elder added that if you came out, must obey the Jiang Chen senior, cannot handle affairs rashly.” “对了,大长老还说了,如果你们从中出来了,一定要听从江尘前辈的话,切不可莽撞行事。” Little Liuzi looked that said to Jiang Chen, as the benefactor of Chen family/home, Little Liuzi naturally knows Jiang Chen's, although fight between Chen family/home and Louwai Tower, can say that is completely because Jiang Chen opened Chen family/home secret of dust-laden endless years to create, but Chen family member feels grateful regarding Jiang Chen's , cannot imagine, without Jiang Chen, what they are constantly is Chen family/home ancestors infuses the blood, becomes their puppets, although this war was doomed dead many people, was they is very clear, this was a self- redemption, they do not want to rely on Chen family/home Ancestral Land, they must the destiny control in own hand., Therefore no one hates Jiang Chen radically, these two things are also entirely different. 小六子看向江尘说道,作为辰家的恩人,小六子自然认识江尘的,虽然辰家与楼外楼之间的战斗,可以说完全是因为江尘揭开了尘封无尽岁月的辰家秘辛而造成的,但是辰家人对于江尘的感恩,也是不可想象的,如果没有江尘,他们还是一味的为辰家先祖输送血液,成为他们的傀儡,尽管这一战注定要死去很多人,可是他们都很清楚,这就是一场自我救赎,他们不想依赖于辰家祖地,他们要将命运掌控在自己的手中,所以根本没有人去怨恨江尘,这两件事情也是截然不同的。 Chen family/home people nod the head slightly, at this time, no one has opposed Jiang Chen, the Great Elder Chen Northern Liang had the foreknowledge, knows that Jiang Chen was the truly trustworthy person. 辰家众人微微颔首,这个时候,早就已经没有人反对江尘了,还是大长老辰北凉更有先见之明,知道江尘才是真正值得信赖的人。 Jiang Chen smiles bitterly, at this moment, oneself have not definitely been able to stay out, not to mention Chen fine jade and Chen green are Chen family members, he is also receives favors in Chen family/home, both help mutually, the critical moment, he will not be timider, this time the war, being doomed to be Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering the war of Samsara, his strength is even limited, should still definitely contribute labor and materials for Chen family/home, diligently a war. 江尘苦笑一声,此时此刻,自己已经完全无法置身事外了,且不说辰璐与辰青青都是辰家人,他也算是受恩于辰家,两者都是互相成全的,关键时刻,他更不会胆怯的,此番大战,注定会是一场惊天动地轮回之战,他的力量即使是有限的,也肯定会为辰家添砖加瓦,努力一战的。 Brother Jiang, a Chen family/home war, we are willing to listen to your one eyes to follow about, but also looks for my Chen family/home rectifies names!” 江兄,辰家一战,吾等愿意听你一眼追随左右,还望为我辰家正名!” The Chen Dwelling place of the immortals double fist hugs, face Yan Jun (severe) looks to Jiang Chen, was full of the color of respect, because all the Jiang Chen's strength is enough, can make them submit, regardless at any time, the strength forever is the rights to speak, perhaps Chen Northern Liang has also guessed correctly, Jiang Chen will definitely become in them most expert, even came from the place of outside nation, even the bystander, Jiang Chen can still the leader outstanding heroes. 辰玉楼双拳抱起,一脸严峻的看向江尘,充满了敬重之色,一切皆因为江尘的实力足够,才能够让他们臣服,无论在任何时候,实力永远都是话语权,辰北凉或许也是早就猜到了,江尘肯定会成为他们之中的最强者,即使是来自于外邦之地,即使是外人,江尘仍旧能够领袖群雄的。 This strength, absolutely was the genuine backbone, Chen Northern Liang also very clear this point. 这股力量,绝对是真正的中坚,辰北凉也很清楚这一点。 I and others am willing to follow Brother Jiang, pledges to fight to the death a war!” “我等愿意追随江兄,誓死一战!” Chen family/home people are serious, the life and death struggle of this Chen family/home, Jiang Chen does not have to shirk. 辰家众人都是一脸严肃,这场辰家的生死战,江尘也是已经无可推脱。 Chen fine jade and Chen green are full of the affection, filled with the anticipation. 辰璐与辰青青都是饱含深情,充满了期待。 Do not look at my Little Chen, you do not walk, I do not walk. Hahaha, the solemn seven chi (0.33 m) man, the able to support both heaven and earth palm universe, the life and death has the life, the riches and honor depend on the appointment of heaven, I with deciding you.” “别看我小尘子,你不走,我也不走。哈哈哈,堂堂七尺男儿身,顶天立地掌乾坤,生死有命,富贵在天,我跟定你了。” Long Shisan laughs was saying, he knows Jiang Chen affirmation wish asks him to leave, however his insistence, is one before such as, Jiang Chen is smiling bitterly shaking the head, Long Shisan like left and right arms is like, he definitely shares life and death with himself. 龙十三大笑着说道,他知道江尘肯定想要让他走,但是他的坚持,也是一往如前,江尘苦笑着摇头,龙十三与自己就如同左膀右臂一样,他肯定是跟自己生死与共的。 Good, such being the case, we go to the dark(ness) forest now, since there is the bone that is difficult to gnaw, then now, our first bites it, disintegrates the idea of Louwai Tower thoroughly.” “那好,既然如此,我们现在就前往黑暗森林吧,既然那里是最难啃的骨头,那么现在,我们就第一个咬碎它,彻底瓦解楼外楼的想法。” Jiang Chen heavily nodded, looks at everyone one eyes, in the heart had high morale, this war, he was also in the eye fills domineering, the potential must fight to the death with Louwai Tower. 江尘重重点头,看了所有人一眼,心中斗志昂扬,此一战,他也是眼中充满了霸气,势要与楼外楼决一死战。 dark(ness) forest, depart!” 黑暗森林,出发!” The people voice is resonant, takes the lead by Chen Dwelling place of the immortals, directly soars the dark(ness) forest. 众人声音嘹亮,由辰玉楼带头,直奔黑暗森林。 Little Liuzi saw brothers, corner of the mouth was full of the smile, excited incomparable, as the mainstay of Chen family/home, these peerless genius, erupted finally thoroughly, under Jiang Chen's led, he believed to resist Louwai Tower, is not definitely far. 小六子看了看身边的兄弟,嘴角充满了笑容,兴奋无比,作为辰家的中流砥柱,这些绝世天才,终于彻底爆发了,而且在江尘的带领之下,他相信对抗楼外楼,肯定不远了。 The dark(ness) forest, is situated in Louwai Tower with the place of Chen family/home five day connection, because here the mountain towers, ancient wood is towering, is completely the appearance that hills stand erect on tiptoes, is the extreme that the sunlight cannot illuminate, therefore is dim all year long, the ray is short, year to year situated in dark(ness), therefore the name makes the dark(ness) forest. 黑暗森林,坐落在楼外楼与辰家五线天交汇的地方,这里因为高山耸立,古木参天,完全是一片群山鹤立的样子,更是阳光照不到的极点,所以终年昏暗,光线短缺,常年处于黑暗之中,故名约黑暗森林。 Here, is the innumerable evil spirits the place that likes dwelling, Monster Beast is incomparable terrifying, even nebula level expert, does not dare saying that dares to cross the dark(ness) forest, in which crisis and terrifying, it can be imagined. 在这里,是无数魑魅魍魉都喜欢栖居的地方,妖兽更是无比恐怖,即使是星云级强者,也不敢说敢横穿黑暗森林,其中的危机与恐怖,可想而知。 Several days time, rushes about unceasingly, does not dare to have the slight stay, the people at this time, gradually slowed down the footsteps. 数日时间,不断奔波,不敢有丝毫的停留,众人才在这个时候,逐渐放慢了脚步。 In the front thousand li (500 km), was the dark(ness) forest. We arrived finally.” “前面千里之内,就是黑暗森林了。我们终于到了。” Chen green look blazing saying. 辰青青眼神炽热的说道。 I felt Chen family/home expert aura.” “我感觉到辰家高手气息了。” Chen rain beautiful low and deep say/way. 辰雨嫣低沉道。 Front is...... Chen family/home four day Patriarch Chen four elephants!” “前面是……辰家四线天家主辰四象!” Chen red-sensitive look one bright, is the incomparable excitement, they saw Chen family member finally. 辰红敏眼神一亮,也是无比的兴奋,他们终于又看到辰家人了。 The people charged into the front rapidly, in the dark(ness) end edge, Chen family/home expert are thousands, is distributed in the surroundings. 众人迅速冲向了前方,就在黑暗尽头的边缘,辰家高手数以千计,都是分布在周围。 Four days Patriarch, it seems like we finally saw the family member.” “四线天的家主,看来我们终于见到亲人了。” Chen stone Lei somewhat is also excited, after all the present tactical situation, unmanned understanding, is troubled, can see Chen family/home expert here, their hearts can also feel relieved. 辰石磊也有些激动,毕竟现在的战况,无人了解,处境堪忧,能够在这里看到辰家高手,他们的心也就可以放心下来了。 Saw the large unit, they also found to organize, at this time, Chen family/home expert first welled up to go forward, the surroundings of dark(ness) forest, covered entirely the dim attractiveness, was the same just like a huge incomparable black jumbo, is more like a black abyss, anybody wanted to enter, must think things over carefully before acting, because many people entered, was equal to parting forever with this world. 见到大部队了,他们也就找到组织了,这个时候,辰家高手第一时间涌上前去,黑暗森林的周围,布满了昏暗的光鲜,宛如一个巨大无比的黑色巨无霸一样,更像是一个黑色的深渊,任何人想要进入其中,恐怕都得三思而行,因为很多人进入其中,也就等于是与这个世界永别了。 Enters the dark(ness) forest, the itself/Ben is a true test, must fight for Chen family/home let alone, this absolutely is always the incomparably mammoth task. 进入黑暗森林,本就是一场真正的考验,更何况还要为了辰家战斗,这绝对是一向无比艰巨的任务。 Chen four Patriarch! stone Leilai late.” “辰四家主!石磊来晚了。” Chen stone Lei pushes to the front, rushes goes. 辰石磊一马当先,冲上前去。
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