DMWG :: Volume #54

#5247: Pillar

Blames the body of Buddha gradually to inflate, finally turned into 300 meters high, that huge physique, blocks the sky simply, sturdy skeletons give birth from that huge body, each skeleton, glittering monster different green light, that green light, is sending out scared aura. 怪佛的身躯逐渐膨胀起来,最后变成了三百米高,那庞大的体格,简直遮天蔽日,一根根粗壮的骨架从那庞大的身躯中生出,每一根骨架,都闪烁着妖异的绿光,那绿光,散发着令人胆寒的气息 Blames Buddha to face upward the long and loud cry, the sound is sad and shrill, resounds through the horizon. 怪佛仰天长啸,声音凄厉,响彻天际。 Blames Buddha both hands to grip tightly, the bone whip in hand, increases again, this time, compared with before, big one time. 怪佛双手紧握,手中的骨鞭,也再次变大,这一次,比之前,大了一倍。 The entire ancient temple and this blames Buddha to melt for a body. 整个古寺都和这怪佛融为了一体。 Cannot injure it no wonder in any event, originally, we in its belly!’ ‘怪不得无论如何都伤不到它,原来,我们是在它的肚子里!’ Long Yang corner of the mouth shows a smile, since knows this monster what's the matter, then, was easy to do. 龙阳嘴角露出一丝微笑,既然知道了这怪物是怎么回事,接下来,就好办了。 The Long Yang palm turns, plate dragon ridge/spine appears in his hands, the Long Yang both feet steps on the ground, makes an effort a tread, the body soars. 龙阳手掌一翻,盘龙脊出现在他手中,龙阳双脚踩在地面上,用力一蹬,身子腾空而起。 His palm shakes, plate dragon ridge/spine increases instantaneously, fully several hundred meters, ruthlessly toward blaming Buddha pounds. 他手掌一抖,盘龙脊瞬间变大,足有几百米长,狠狠的朝着怪佛砸去。 Blames Buddha eyes one brightly, eyes erupts savage killing intent, both hands makes a fist, rumbled toward plate dragon ridge/spine in the past. 怪佛双眸一亮,双眼爆发出一股凶残的杀意,双手握拳,朝着盘龙脊轰了过去。 Long Yang actually pays no attention to blame Buddha slightly, flushes away to the red sky directly, a spear/gun, golden light was bright, seems tore into shreds a thin film, pierced directly the day. 龙阳却丝毫不理怪佛,直接向红色的天空中冲去,一枪,金光灿烂,好似撕碎了一层薄膜,直接将天捅破开来。 Originally, this blood-colored sky, but is the belly of this monster! 原来,这血色天空,不过是这怪物的肚皮! The Long Yang back transparent pair of wings brandishes, directly from holding in the putting on hole flew, during holding a spear/gun to be built on is void. 龙阳背后透明双翼挥舞,直接从捅穿的洞里飞了出去,持枪立于虚空之中。 Few heroes, you came out finally!” “少侠,你总算出来了!” At this time, Xiaocui just and several vigorous and healthy men stand in front of ancient temple monster, face tears is looking at Long Yang. 此时,小翠正和几个健壮的男子站在古寺的怪物门前,一脸泪水的望着龙阳 After Long Yang they go , the ancient temple turned into a shape of monster, Xiaocui found his father in the village, came back, then saw this scene, thinks that Long Yang had been swallowed by this monster, could not live, frightened keeps crying. 龙阳他们进去之后,古寺就变成了一个怪物的形状,小翠在村子中找到了他的父亲,回来,便看到了这种场景,以为龙阳已经被这怪物吞掉,活不成了,吓得哭个不停。 Never expected that Long Yang pierces the belly of monster now, flushed. 没想到龙阳现在捅破了怪物的肚皮,冲了出来。 Long Yang golden light, descends to earth just like Heavenly God. 龙阳一身金光,宛如天神下凡。 Being stranded me was so long, you are very good!” “困了我这么久,你很行啊!” Long Yang is looking below monster lightly, coldly said. 龙阳淡淡望着下方的怪物,冷冷说道 Now, was one's turn me.” “现在,轮到我了。” In plate dragon ridge/spine sends out ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) golden light, well-illuminated of entire heaven and earth photo, Long Yang dragon scales, exudes intermittent rays of light unexpectedly, this golden scale, is sending out dazzling rays of light. 盘龙脊上发出万丈金光,将整个天地照的通亮,龙阳身上的龙鳞,竟是泛起一阵阵光芒,这金黄色的鳞片,散发着耀眼的光芒 looks at Long Yang, blames in the eye of Buddha, presented the fear for the first time. 看着龙阳,怪佛的眼中,第一次出现了恐惧。 Dragon happy Nine Heavens!” “龙骧九天!” Long Yang bellows, the wrist/skill shakes, plate dragon ridge/spine in hand lengthens instantaneously, toward blaming the top of the head of Buddha punctures ruthlessly. 龙阳大吼,手腕一抖,手中的盘龙脊瞬间变长,朝着怪佛的头顶狠狠刺下。 Golden rays of light in plate dragon ridge/spine, from the sky delimits radians, seems the meteor to crash the general, bombardment ruthlessly is blaming the body of Buddha, blaming on Buddha not to know that presented many cracks, seems the spider web to proliferate generally is blaming whole body of Buddha. 盘龙脊上的金色光芒,在空中划出一道道弧度,好似流星坠落一般,狠狠的轰击在怪佛的身上,怪佛身上不知道出现了多少裂纹,好似蜘蛛网一般遍布在怪佛的全身上下。 Blames chanting of Buddha pain. Recitation. 怪佛痛苦的呻.吟。 Long Yang sneers, plate dragon ridge/spine in hand non-stop toward blaming Buddha shells to go. 龙阳冷笑,手中的盘龙脊不停的朝着怪佛轰击而去。 At this moment, Long Yang own strength increase to strongest, on the arm the blue vein reveals completely, the flesh surface, appears a layer upon layer golden scale. 这一刻,龙阳将自己的力量提升至最强,手臂上青筋毕露,肌肤表面,浮现出一层层金色的鳞片。 Blames Buddha unceasingly blood-curdling scream, exudes an intermittent neighing sound, seems withstanding the huge pain, black air/Qi non-stop revolving. 怪佛不断惨叫,发出一阵阵嘶鸣声,似乎在承受着巨大的痛楚,身上的黑气不停旋转。 Few heroes, this is Tao Tie, your is very difficult to strike to kill his.” “少侠,这是饕餮,你这样是很难击杀他的。” At this time, Xiaocui hurried to remind. 这个时候,小翠赶紧提醒道。 Long Yang hearing this, stopped the attack, the careful observation blames Buddha , that blames the body of Buddha, has become illusory, as if soon vanishes to be the same, but the back has huge phantom, stands erect not but actually. 龙阳闻言,不由的停止了攻击,仔细观察怪佛,果然,那怪佛的身躯,已经变得虚幻,似乎快要消失一样,但背后却有着一个巨大的虚影,屹立不倒。 Tao Tie, one of the great antiquity time illustrious ferocious beast, end of great antiquity, after that heaven-shaking catastrophe, then vanished in the world, has not appeared again. 饕餮,洪荒时代赫赫有名的凶兽之一,洪荒末期,那场惊天浩劫之后,便消失在了世界上,再也没有出现。 Tao Tie is addicted to food, is in great antiquity ferocious beast extremely fearful ferocious beast, can swallow other ferocious beast great antiquity only variation, even these strength far ultra Tao Tie ferocious beast, still dreaded to it extremely. 饕餮嗜吃,是洪荒凶兽之中极为可怕的凶兽,也是唯一可以吞噬其他凶兽的洪荒异种,即使是那些实力远超饕餮凶兽,也对其极为忌惮。 But the Tao Tie soul fragment, falls unexpectedly in this center of the earth, fuses together with this ancient temple, absorbs several generations of villagers the strength of belief, was awakened by strange rune. 饕餮的灵魂碎片,竟然掉落在这地心之中,与这古寺融为一体,吸收数代村民的信仰之力,又被奇异符文唤醒。 Tao Tie and sentence glow and emperor river......” 饕餮、句芒、帝江……” „Does this center of the earth, how many great antiquity variation exist(ence) have?” “这地心,到底有着多少洪荒异种的存在?” However do I, why feel my blood in boiling? As if, all these are summoning me.” “而我,为何感觉自己的血液在沸腾?似乎,这一切都在召唤着我。” The monster in Long Yang looks at that shadow, dragon blood in boiling, fighting intent suddenly has. 龙阳看着那阴影中的怪兽,龙血沸腾,战意顿起。 Dragon! Also is the dragon! The stupid dragon, why must hinder us!” “龙!又是龙!愚蠢的龙,为何总要阻碍我们!” Pitifully, is only a young dragon!” “可惜,只是一只幼龙!” Blames Buddha to exude the sharp laughter, that shadow phantom of monster, is increasing unexpectedly, finally, turned into a colossus unexpectedly, the height kilometer, the long two heads, each head, is growing a big mouth, swallows the myriad things. 怪佛发出尖锐的笑声,那阴影中的怪兽的虚影,竟然在变大,最后,竟然变成了一只庞然大物,身长千米,长有两颗头颅,每一个头颅,都长着一张大嘴,吞噬万物。 In the Long Yang mind appears a picture, that is huge incomparable Tao Tie, the whole body is sending out the fluctuation of terrifying, in that big mouth, has fangs, above each fang, glittering spooky blue light, in that blue light, contains destructive aura. 龙阳的脑海中浮现出一副画面,那是一尊巨大无比的饕餮,浑身散发着恐怖的波动,在那张大嘴中,有着一颗颗獠牙,每一颗獠牙之上,都闪烁着幽幽蓝光,那蓝光之中,蕴含着一股毁灭性气息 The body of monster, has bunch of jet black demon flame to burn, in demon flame, has the innumerable flesh, that is creature that it swallows. 怪兽的身上,有着一团团漆黑的魔焰燃烧着,魔焰之中,有着无数的血肉,那是它吞噬来的生物 Swallowed you, my clan will again be unpaired!” “吞了你,我族将再无对手!” In the shadow, Tao Tie makes a gloomy and cold sound, with blaming Buddha fuses, turns into a giant monster, opens the big mouth, swallows to Long Yang, the fishy smell in that mouth greets the nostrils. 阴影中,饕餮发出一声阴冷的声音,和怪佛融合,变成一只巨大怪物,张开血盆大口,向龙阳吞来,那嘴中的腥气扑鼻而来。 Long Yang coldly snorted, plate dragon ridge/spine in hand wields fiercely, sweeps away to go toward big mouth of monster, in the meantime, Long Yang foot treads void, to forward-swept line. 龙阳冷哼一声,手中的盘龙脊猛地挥出,朝着怪兽的大嘴横扫而去,同时,龙阳脚踏虚空,向前掠行。 The Long Yang speed is extremely fast, leaves behind phantom in void, suddenly, fled the monster, plate dragon ridge/spine pounded fiercely. 龙阳速度极快,在虚空中留下一道道虚影,一个眨眼间,就窜到了怪兽的跟前,盘龙脊猛地砸了过去。 Plate dragon ridge/spine has the howling wind sound/rumor, hits above monster big mouth, the tremendous strength, making monster big mouth rock fiercely, scale collapse flying, a gigantic hole appears on the mouth of monster, reveals inside white bone, a little bit blood overflows from that white bone, sprinkles in the mouth of monster. 盘龙脊带着呼啸风声,撞在怪兽大嘴之上,巨大的力量,使得怪兽大嘴剧烈晃动,一块块鳞片崩飞,一个硕大的窟窿在怪兽的嘴上显现,露出里面的白骨,一滴滴鲜血从那白骨中溢出,洒在怪兽的嘴边。 Plate dragon ridge/spine in Long Yang hand shakes, shakes to fly that monster, on the monster body, leaves behind together the deep gully, bloodstain splattering, forms a gorgeous blood splash in void. 龙阳手中的盘龙脊一抖,将那怪兽震飞出去,在怪兽身体上,留下一道深深的沟壑,血迹喷溅,在虚空中形成一道绚丽的血花。 The monster exudes one to call out in grief, the body scatters beach bloody pus, turns into several giant tentacles, curls to Long Yang. 怪兽发出一声悲鸣,身体散落一滩脓血,变成数只巨大触手,向龙阳卷来。 Go away!” “滚!” Long Yang shouted angrily, dragon scales appears on him, turns into a armor, covered among his whole body, his right hand shook, plate dragon ridge/spine inserted in the tentacle ruthlessly, stirred broken the tentacle, sucked the blood in tentacle. 龙阳怒喝一声,龙鳞在他身上浮现,化成一件护甲,将他全身笼罩其内,他的右手一抖,盘龙脊狠狠插入触手中,将触手搅碎,将触手中的血液吸食一空。 The monster body shivers, twists in the midair, the body has one group of black air/Qi to emerge. 怪兽身体颤抖,在半空中扭曲,身上有一团黑气涌现。 Long Yang lowers roars, in plate dragon ridge/spine golden light rises suddenly, entire packages the monster, one intermittent bang the sound transmits from plate dragon ridge/spine. 龙阳低吼一声,盘龙脊上金光暴涨,将怪兽整个包裹住,一阵阵轰隆声从盘龙脊上传来。 Swallows!” “吞!” Tao Tie angrily roars, above the tentacle sends out extremely terrifying the strength of swallowing, wants golden light in plate dragon ridge/spine swallowing. 饕餮怒吼,触手之上发出极为恐怖的吞噬之力,想将盘龙脊上的金光给吞噬。 Long Yang bellows, dragon blood floods into plate dragon ridge/spine, above plate dragon ridge/spine erupts eye-catching golden light, repels several tentacles. 龙阳大吼一声,龙血涌入盘龙脊之中,盘龙脊之上爆发出耀目的金光,将数道触手击退。 You could not win me, around this all, were my food.” “你是赢不了我的,这周围的一切,都是我的食粮。” Tao Tie opens big mouth, huge vortex forms in the Tao Tie big mouth, a strong suction raids, the surrounding air suction, stone pillar in center of the earth was attracted in abundance, flies to the Tao Tie big mouth, that thick incomparable tentacle, crazy pulls out stone pillar, then puts in the abdomen of Tao Tie, changes to its energy. 饕餮张开大嘴,一股巨大的漩涡饕餮大嘴之中形成,一股强劲的吸力袭来,周围的空气被吸走,地心之内的石柱纷纷被吸起来,飞向饕餮大嘴,那一条条粗大无比的触手,疯狂的将石柱抽起,然后放入饕餮的腹中,化作它的能量。 Blamed the body of Buddha and Long Yang uncontrolled is attracted, clothing was torn, revealed the solid muscle, Long Yang dragon scales is also flaked, reveals the vigorous and healthy stature, Long Yang 180 cms in height, tall and powerfully built grand, the proportion might be called perfect, above that dragon scales glittering golden rays of light, the body of Long Yang, is looking like a motion treasure house. 怪佛和龙阳的身体不受控制的被吸了过去,身上的衣衫被撕扯开来,露出结实的肌肉,龙阳身上的龙鳞也被剥落,露出健壮的身材,龙阳的身高180厘米,身材魁梧雄伟,比例堪称完美,那一块块龙鳞之上闪烁着金色的光芒,龙阳的身体,就像是一座移动的宝库。 The muscle of Long Yang is quite symmetrical, is full of the explosive strength, the bloodlines of Long Yang, is extremely pure, the Dragon Horse blood essence blood contains the powerful power and influence. 龙阳的肌肉极为匀称,充满爆炸性的力量,龙阳的血脉,也是极为纯粹,龙马精血血蕴藏着强大的威势。 Blamed Buddha to see this, the pupil shrank shrinking, Long Yang the body, too powerful, if swallowed Long Yang, absolutely was a destroying the hardest defenses battle efficiency. 怪佛见到这一幕,瞳孔缩了缩,龙阳的这副身躯,实在太强悍了,若是将龙阳吞食,绝对是一股无坚不摧的战斗力。 Your body, turned over to me!” “你的身体,归我了!” In the Tao Tie eye full is the greed. 饕餮眼中满是贪欲。 „Do you match?” “你配么?” Long Yang cold voice said that sound, looks like ten thousand years of glacier, the cold wind moves. 龙阳冷声说道,那声音,就像是万年冰川,寒风吹动。 His body fluctuates suddenly, golden Dragon Horse has appeared, back transparent pair of wings crazy is waving, formed innumerable golden Whirlwind. 他的身体突然变幻,一直金色的龙马出现,背后的透明双翼疯狂的舞动着,形成了无数金色的旋风 Dies to me.” “给我死吧。” Long Yang bellows, golden Dragon Horse shouts, the both wings vibration, raises everywhere the sand dust, Dragon Horse neighs, golden light four shoot, turns into a sharp blade, goes toward Tao Tie cutting. 龙阳大吼,金色龙马嘶吼,双翅振动,掀起漫天的沙尘,龙马嘶鸣,金光四射,化成一柄柄锋利的刀刃,朝着饕餮切割而去。 Tao Tie sees that also refuses to admit being inferior, vortex in mouth revolves is quicker, the suction is getting stronger and stronger. 饕餮见状,也不甘示弱,口中的漩涡旋转更快,吸力越来越强。 Suddenly, the sky stroke smoke chaotic dance, the sound of huge collision, resounds through the skies, ear-splitting. 一时间,天空中风烟乱舞,巨大的碰撞之声,响彻云霄,震耳欲聋 That golden Dragon Horse, body huge, body each swinging, has a strong impulse, ripples spread, these black fog cities were shaken to fly, forms a stretch of no war zone, these tentacles were twisted broken, turns into the powder to flutter. 那金色的龙马,身躯庞大,身躯每一次的摆动,都带起一股强大的冲击力,一圈圈涟漪扩散,那些黑雾都被震飞出去,形成一片真空地带,那些触手被绞碎,化成粉末飘扬。 On Tao Tie also releases the innumerable black smokes, looks like a flood dragon to wave in his side, sends out one to paint the black flame piece by piece, hovers like the poisonous snake, Long Yang to its big mouth. 饕餮身上也释放出无数黑烟,就像是一条蛟龙般在他的身边舞动,散发出一片片漆黑色的火焰,如同毒蛇般游动,将龙阳拉向它的大嘴。 Few heroes, keep it up!” “少侠,加油啊!” Xiaocui and several guys stand in the distant place, actually also feels the terrifying suction that Tao Tie released, is actually not able to help, can only in one side silently be Long Yang keep it up. 小翠和几名大汉站在远处,却也感受到了饕餮释放出的恐怖吸力,却无法帮忙,只能在一旁默默为龙阳加油 Looked that Long Yang was attracted to the Tao Tie big mouth in front of little, Xiaocui is burning with impatience. 龙阳被一点点吸到饕餮大嘴前面,小翠心急如焚。 Finally, Long Yang from the great mouth of Tao Tie, less than three meters. 终于,龙阳距离饕餮的巨嘴,不足三米。 Come, degenerates into my prey!” “来吧,沦为我的猎物吧!” Tao Tie whole face happy intent. 饕餮满脸喜意。 Long Yang corner of the mouth actually turns upwards slightly, good!” 龙阳嘴角却微微翘起,“好啊!” You do not like swallowing, makes you swallow all the way!” “你不是喜欢吞么,就让你吞个够!” Smoke wave Qigong!” “烟波气功!” Suddenly, Long Yang revealed one to smile badly, a body revolution, the horse buttocks turned, !” 突然,龙阳露出了一丝坏笑,身子一转,马屁股一扭,“噗!” This is one, strict sense, this is the smoke wave Qigong, variation peerless cultivation method. 这是一个屁,严格意义上来说,这是烟波气功,变异的绝世功法 flavor that irritates the nose, makes this very dirty and incomparable powerful great antiquity variation Tao Tie unexpectedly to stare, then the splendor of whole face. 那刺鼻的味道,竟让这无比肮脏、无比强悍的洪荒异种饕餮都为之一愣,而后满脸的精彩。 Your this dead horse, I killed you!” “你这个死马,我杀了你!” The stomach of Tao Tie was hit by that gas directly, starts the gastric disorder instantaneously, these spat by the thing that it absorbed outward. 饕餮的胃部被那股气体直接击中,瞬间开始反胃,那些被它吸收的东西都向外吐了出来。 Long Yang smiles lightly, above dragon horn presents together radiant golden light. 龙阳淡淡一笑,龙角之上出现一道璀璨金光 Ate, do not spit.” “吃了,就别吐出来了。” Forever stays in inside.” “永远的留在里面吧。” dragon horn wave!” 龙角波!” golden light to become pillar, shoots at the Tao Tie big mouth like round of Sun generally. 金光成柱,如同一轮太阳一般射向饕餮的大嘴。 Tao Tie vomits, while withstands Long Yang this strongly to strike, then hit by the thing and the dragon horn wave its swallowing in one, loudly explosion! 饕餮一边呕吐,一边承受着龙阳这最强一击,那被它吞噬之物和龙角波撞在了一起,轰然爆炸! That giant mushroom cloud leaps, the Tao Tie hundred zhang (333 m) body, direct opens broken, blasts out in the sky, becomes the flesh that ten million block blood drip drench broken, falls to the ground, splashes blood plasma. 那巨大的蘑菇云腾起,饕餮百丈身躯,直接碎开,在天空之中炸开,碎成千万块血淋淋的血肉,落到地面上,溅出一层血浆。 Long Yang stands in same place, stands still motionless, whole body high and low, is filling endless sacred golden light, a golden long-tail, like the golden whip, drags in the air. 龙阳站在原地,静立不动,周身上下,弥漫着无尽的神圣金光,一条金色的长尾,如同金色的鞭子,在空气中摇曳。 Golden blood falls on his skin continuously, above that blood really has the light mysterious trace, seems like a leader Divine Dragon design. 一缕缕金色的血液落在他的皮肤上,那血液之上竟然有淡淡的神秘纹路,似乎是一头头神龙的图案。 This is the Young Master main body, was too graceful!” “这是公子的本体么,太帅了吧!” Xiaocui sees this, surprised opening mouth. 小翠见到这一幕,惊讶的张大嘴巴。 Long Yang shows a faint smile, looks to these blood rain, these blood rain fall, changes into golden flowing light to sneak in his body unexpectedly, changes to his strength, his whole body emits golden light. 龙阳微微一笑,看向那些血雨,那些血雨落下,竟然化为一道道金色的流光钻进他的身体里面,化作他的力量,他浑身都冒出金光 Long Yang within the body, in the flesh, has innumerable unusual rune to flash, if that rune carefully looked, will then discover, unexpectedly is Divine Dragon. 龙阳体内,血肉之中,有着无数奇特的符文闪动,那符文如果仔细看,便会发现,竟然是一条条神龙 Good wonderful rune.” “好神妙的符文。” Long Yang narrows eyes, induces quickly is restoring to own strength, in heart gratified. 龙阳微眯双眼,感应到自己的力量在迅速恢复,心中欣慰。 Long Yang descends side Xiaocui slowly. 龙阳缓缓降落在小翠身边。 Young Master, was good.” 公子,太棒了。” Xiaocui whole face pleasantly surprised say/way. 小翠满脸惊喜道。 Piece of cake.” “小菜一碟。” Long Yang smiles lightly. 龙阳淡淡一笑。 Right, Miss white?” “对了,白小姐呢?” Xiaocui remembered this Miss Bai Family finally. 小翠总算想起了这位白家大小姐。 Has not waited for Long Yang to speak, in a golden yellow thing, jumped a whole body dirt human form object. 还未等龙阳说话,一块金黄之物里,蹦出了一个满身泥污的人形物体。 Smelly...... stank to high heaven I! What thing, is so how smelly!” “臭……臭死我了!什么东西,怎么这么臭!” A white clear sky looks at golden yellow and disorderly hair, is eyeful incredible. 白天晴看着自己一身的金黄、凌乱的头发,满眼不可置信。 Miss white, you......” “白小姐,你……” The villagers of Xiaocui and several survivals moved toward the white clear sky, looks at white clear sky that golden yellow and flavor, covered the nose. 小翠和几个存活的村民走向了白天晴,看着白天晴那一身金黄和身上的味道,都捂住了鼻子。 corner of the mouth, actually could not bear show the smile. 嘴角,却都忍不住露出了笑容。 „!!!!!” “啊!!!!!” white Tianqing then responded, shoved open person crazily, in the small stream toward village flew. 白天晴这才反应过来,疯狂的推开了身边的人,朝着村中的小溪飞去。 This speed, as if exceeded Golden Immortal. 这速度,似乎超越了金仙 Young Master, what's all this about? Miss white how?” 公子,这是怎么回事?白小姐怎么?” Xiaocui looks to Long Yang, in the eye full is the doubts. 小翠看向龙阳,眼中满是疑惑。 Long Yang touches the nose, is somewhat afraid, he just hit is too crisp, forgot in the Tao Tie belly also to have such a young lady completely. 龙阳摸了摸鼻子,有些心虚,他刚刚打的太爽,完全忘了饕餮肚子里还有这么一位大小姐。 Miss white, she...... she keeps in the Tao Tie belly on own initiative, collaborates from outside with the inside with me, this defeated Tao Tie.” “白小姐,她……她主动留在饕餮肚子里,和我里应外合,这才击败了饕餮。” „, The Miss white merit is strictly speaking bigger, she, eminent.” “严格说来,白小姐的功劳更大一些,她,居功至伟。” Long Yang coughed two, the sinking sound said. 龙阳咳嗽了两声,沉声说道。 But, defeated Tao Tie when just you, I smelled fart taste probably......, moreover is very special fart taste.” “可是,在刚刚你击败饕餮之时,我好像闻到了一股屁味……而且是很特殊的屁味。” On Miss white, has that flavor probably.” “白小姐身上,好像也有那种味道。” Long Yang is suppressing the happy expression diligently, thinks that just own fart and white clear sky came a close contact in the belly of Tao Tie, he a little cannot bear. 龙阳努力憋着笑意,想到刚刚自己的屁和白天晴在饕餮的肚子里来了个亲密接触,他也有点忍不住。 Un, that is the Miss white poison, if not she intoxicates to Tao Tie, the Tao Tie how sudden gastric disorder, will reveal the neutral?” “嗯,那就是白小姐的毒,如果不是她给饕餮下毒,饕餮怎么会突然反胃,露出空挡?” Therefore she is eminent.” “所以说她居功至伟。” Oh, is this.” ,是这样啊。” Xiaocui nods, as if accepted this result. 小翠点了点头,似乎接受了这个结果。 Long Yang clears throat, said: I have a look at Tao Tie to leave behind anything.” 龙阳清了清嗓子,道:“我去看看饕餮有没有留下什么东西。” Long Yang moved toward Tao Tie to be destroyed the later place, saw only under the corpse, has a simple and unadorned flagstone impressively, above is carving an appearance of monster, was very similar to Tao Tie. 龙阳走向了饕餮被毁灭之后的地方,只见尸体下面,赫然有着一个古朴的石板,上面刻着一个怪物的样子,和饕餮很是相似。 Chaos flagstone?” “混沌石板?” stele that after Long Yang pulls out to attack to kill emperor river, found , two above rune and stele material quality is exactly the same, but that same place of emperor river, diverged the shadow at this time, on stele presented the figure of emperor river. 龙阳掏出击杀帝江后找到的石碑,果然,二者上面的符文以及石碑的材质都一模一样,而帝江的那一块,此时也散去了阴影,石碑上出现了帝江的身形。 Chaos flagstone...... great antiquity variation, this what's the matter?” “混沌石板……洪荒异种,这到底是怎么回事?” Long Yang received stele, the doubts in heart actually, all these, have the inexplicable relation with probably. 龙阳收起了石碑,心中的疑惑却更甚,这一切,好像都与自己有着莫名的联系。
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