DMWG :: Volume #54

#5246: Finally found you

Jiang Chen expression is calm, at a moderate pace, with the overlord salamander to together, the terrifying body intensity, completely not the slightest difference from the overlord salamander, Heavenly Dragon Sword does not draw back instead enters, each sword is dividing ruthlessly on the body of overlord salamander, gashes, appear at present, the strength of Jiang Chen hard anti- overlord salamander, each impact, as if the earth-shattering is ordinary. 江尘神色从容,不紧不慢,与霸王蝾螈对在一起,恐怖的身体强度,完全与霸王蝾螈一般无二,天龙剑不退反进,每一剑都是狠狠的劈在霸王蝾螈的身上,一道道的深痕,出现在眼前,江尘硬抗霸王蝾螈的力量,每一次冲击,都仿佛天崩地裂一般。 This fellow, simply is a lunatic.” “这家伙,简直就是个疯子呀。” Yes, I have not seen am so ruthless, person who puts together, Jiang Chen this fellow, but also is really the workaholic.” “是啊,我还从来没见过这么狠,这么拼的人,江尘这家伙,还真是个拼命三郎。” His talent, the far superego, this war, our Chen family members lost thoroughly, the hope that has no completely, the competent person, should be respected.” “他的天赋,远超我等,此战,我们辰家人彻底输了,完全没有任何的希望,有实力的人,本就应该得到尊重。” Chen family member worships regarding Jiang Chen's, not minces matter, anybody respects expert, this will be survival Law of this world, Jiang Chen makes them see the future of this fellow with the strength. 辰家人对于江尘的崇拜,也是丝毫不掩饰,任何人都尊重强者,这就是这个世界的生存法则,江尘用实力让他们看到了这家伙的未来。 Roar roar!” “吼吼!” The look of overlord salamander unceasingly becomes red, direct blood congestion, Tyrant blood is flooding the whole body, the shocking war, is concerns their life and death, the overlord salamander has not shown weakness, with Jiang Chen like mad, the fights of two people, incessantly is the sharp claws and long sword, is that unequalled explosion shock, Jiang Chen's body times and overlord salamander clashes, does not drop the wind, this is the place that Chen family/home expert most shocks. 霸王蝾螈的眼神不断变得通红,直接充血,霸血充斥着全身,惊世一战,更是关乎他们的生死,霸王蝾螈也不曾示弱,与江尘拼死拼活,两个人的战斗,不止是利爪与长剑,更是那种无与伦比的爆炸冲击,江尘的身体一次次与霸王蝾螈对撞,丝毫不落下风,这才是辰家高手最震撼的地方。 It can be imagined, the Jiang Chen's body and spirit, is not they can place on a par completely, this is true War God Body, unrivaled! 可想而知,江尘的体魄,完全不是他们所能够相提并论的,这才是真正的战神之体,举世无双 Sword 36!” “剑三十六!” Sword 37!” “剑三十七!” Jiang Chen firepower full, Vault of Heaven sword shadow, overbearing unparalleled, divine power is dreadful, Jiang Chen at this moment, has not been any regret completely, is with the overlord salamander decisive battle, the overlord is colored, he admired for a long time, if this time can the overlord be colored, that absolutely was a unexpected happiness. 江尘火力全开,苍穹剑影,霸道无双,神力滔天,此刻的江尘,也是完全不曾留下任何的遗憾,就是要与霸王蝾螈决战到底,霸王花,他可是心仪已久了,这一次如果能够得到霸王花,那绝对是意外之喜。 Under the overlord salamander uses the full power, Tyrant Xuejia holds, is the strength increases suddenly, has almost endured compared with nebula level six heavy day of expert, such fight, makes person heart alarmed, trembling in fear. 霸王蝾螈倾尽全力,霸血加持之下,也是实力猛增,几乎已经堪比星云级六重天的强者,这样的战斗,才是令人心惊胆战 However the body of Jiang Chen's Dragon Transformation, does not flinch, under during both hedge, instead was the overlord salamander gradually falls into was passive. 不过江尘的龙变之身,也是毫不退缩,两者对冲之下,反而是霸王蝾螈逐渐陷入了被动之中。 Sword of No Realm is very strong, however under this hoarse hand-to-hand fighting, the fight between bodies and overlord salamanders Dragon Transformation, made one be choked up with emotions. 无境之剑很强,但是在这种声嘶力竭的肉搏战之下,龙变之身与霸王蝾螈之间的交手,才更令人心潮澎湃。 Warm-blooded, fierce combat, rushing will of the people! 热血,激战,澎湃人心! Rolls to me!” “给我滚!” The Jiang Chen anger sword sweeps away, the heavy blows strike, sharp claws crushing of overlord salamander, the overlord salamander whole body trembles directly, was shaken draws back to go, the footsteps stagger, stare the big eye, unbelievable, this is a human body and spirit, really has such fearfulness, such shock. 江尘怒剑横扫,重拳一击,直接将霸王蝾螈的利爪击碎,霸王蝾螈浑身一颤,被震退而去,脚步踉跄,瞪大眼睛,难以置信,这是一个人类的体魄,竟然有如此之可怕,如此之震撼。 Big brother Jiang Chen really had model/pattern Er.” 江尘大哥真是太有范儿了。” In the Chen green look admire even more, Jiang Chen is War God in her mind is simply same, now her the whole person is being infatuated in, regarding Chen family member, Jiang Chen is no different is gods general exist(ence), after this war, these Chen family/home expert regarding the veiled criticism that Jiang Chen also again there is no. 辰青青眼神之中越发的爱慕,江尘简直就是她心目之中的战神一样,现在她整个人都是陶醉其中,对于辰家人而言,江尘无异于是神明一般的存在,经此一战,那些辰家高手对于江尘也是再无任何的微词可言。 I have believed, big brother Jiang Chen, is my light pointing the way, because there are him, I some expectation to life, to the future hope. Our Chen families/home, cannot leave him.” “我一直坚信,江尘大哥,就是我的指路明灯,因为有他,我才有了对生活的期望,对未来的企盼。我们辰家,离不开他。” The enthusiasm in Chen fine jade look, is not greener than Chen, walks, she already with big brother Jiang Chen intention like one. 辰璐眼神之中的热情,更是一点儿也不比辰青青少,一路走来,她早就与江尘大哥心念如一了。 I must kill you! Your this stupid human!” “我要杀了你!你这个愚蠢的人类!” Overlord salamander hissing strongly is roaring, charges into Jiang Chen, the terrifying constriction of sun-blocking , is to make one unable to imagine, who can look, the overlord salamander could not have stood up to Jiang Chen's to face, he is also decided that must wrestle at risk of life. 霸王蝾螈嘶声竭力的怒吼着,冲向江尘,遮天蔽日的恐怖压迫感,也是令人无法想像,谁都看得出来,霸王蝾螈已经经不住江尘的对垒,他也是决定要拼死一搏了。 All, should finish.” “一切,都该结束了。” Jiang Chen indifferently said, only the hand holds up the day, Mt. Liba. 江尘淡淡说道,只手擎天,力拔山兮。 Picks star!” “摘星手!” The hand grasps sun and moon to pick the stars! 手握日月摘星辰! A Jiang Chen palm makes, the wind and thunder is billowing, the flame is dreadful, above the entire small square, covers, in huge under oppresses. 江尘一掌打出,风雷滚滚,火焰滔天,整个小广场之上,都是笼罩在巨大的压迫之下。 Not-- “不—— The overlord salamander felt that picks star to drop from the clouds, directly suppressed is unable to move, moreover picked star to catch his nape of the neck directly, at this moment the overlord salamander had an unequalled sensation of asphyxia, he felt that oneself is dying. 霸王蝾螈感觉到摘星手从天而降,直接被压制的无法动弹,而且摘星手直接卡住了他的脖颈,这一刻霸王蝾螈才有了一种无与伦比的窒息感,他感觉自己就要死了。 Kills!” “杀!” The Jiang Chen's strength is fast changing, wrenched apart the neck of overlord salamander directly, at that moment, the head of overlord salamander, pinching to explode by Jiang Chen, the tragic roar, making everyone be sad, another overlord salamander, under the intermittent attack of Long Shisan, becomes also hard to start, eye looks at own companion was exploded by Jiang Chen, he also felt the life and death crisis similarly. 江尘的力量瞬息万变,直接扭断了霸王蝾螈的脖子,那一刻,霸王蝾螈的头颅,生生被江尘给捏爆了,惨烈的吼声,让每个人都心生感叹,另外一只霸王蝾螈,也在龙十三的阵阵打击下,变得举步维艰,眼看着自己的同伴被江尘爆头了,他也同样感觉到了生死危机。 But, absent-minded, Long Shisan raises counter dragon Gun, direct blow to the head, that tyrant king salamander, lost the battle efficiency completely, above the top of the head, presented a giant dent, suffocates. 可是,失神之间,龙十三已经是提起逆龙棍,直接当头一棒,那霸王蝾螈,也是彻底丧失了战斗力,头顶之上,出现了一个巨大的凹痕,奄奄一息。 This fellow, we are less.” “这个家伙,吾等不及也。” Chen Dwelling place of the immortals smiles bitterly was saying, Long Shisan with the Jiang Chen's unparalleled posture, formidable fearless, making them admire genuinely, even does not use behind four female take action, the overlord salamander has poured thoroughly, this time the war, was makes them give a class, Chen family/home expert, face swept the floor, Jiang Chen and other bystander, becomes the biggest winner on the contrary. 辰玉楼苦笑着说道,龙十三的与江尘的盖世之姿,勇者无惧,让他们打心眼儿里佩服,甚至不用身后的四个女子出手,霸王蝾螈就已经彻底倒下去了,此番大战,着实是让他们给上了一课,辰家高手,颜面扫地,江尘等一众外人,反倒是成为了最大的赢家。 Knew that ten years of old book friends give pursuing book app that I recommend, wild fruit reading! really easy-to-use, before driving and rest, depends on this to read aloud listens to storytelling to kill the time, here can download 【认识十年的老书友给我推荐的追书app,野果阅读!真特么好用,开车、睡前都靠这个朗读听书打发时间,这里可以下载】 Although Chen family/home expert is unwilling, but to them, can live, is well with everything. 虽然辰家高手心有不甘,但是对于他们来说,能够活下来,就已经是万事大吉了。 Two overlord salamander times are thorough suffered defeat, does not have life-force again, this life and death war, drew to a close finally. 两个霸王蝾螈这一次是彻底的败北了,再无一丝生机,这场生死大战,总算是落下了帷幕。 Many thanks, Brother Jiang Chen!” “多谢了,江尘兄弟!” Chen Dwelling place of the immortals takes the lead, was saying to Jiang Chen submissively, in the look is completely the color of admiration. 辰玉楼率先而出,对着江尘拱手说道,眼神之中尽是钦佩之色。 „The Brother Long younger brother, many offended before, but also looks at your Sir to have massive, must be broad-minded surely.” 龙兄弟,之前多有得罪,还望你大人有大量,定要海涵。” Chen Dwelling place of the immortals whole face is bitter and astringent, Chen family member regarding Long Shisan, disdained before extremely, but now looks like, the true clown is they are right. 辰玉楼满脸苦涩,辰家人对于龙十三,之前都是极为不屑,可是现在看来,真正的小丑是他们才对。 Asked the Brother Long younger brother to be broad-minded!” “请龙兄弟海涵!” Chen family/home expert saying with one voice, at this moment, in the Long Shisan look, naturally is the incomparable arrogance, but he naturally cannot lower oneself to the same level with these fellows, after all Little Chen. 辰家高手异口同声的说道,此时此刻,龙十三的眼神之中,自然是无比的高傲,但是他自然不会跟这些家伙一般见识,毕竟还有小尘子在。 Might as well! My Long Shisan is not the small-minded generation, let alone, in my eye, only then fights.” “无妨!我龙十三也不是什么小肚鸡肠之辈,更何况,我的眼中,只有战斗。” The pride of Long Shisan, making Chen family member blush with shame. 龙十三的骄傲,让辰家人汗颜。 „Does overlord spend where?” “霸王花在何处?” Jiang Chen looks to Chen Ji and the others. 江尘看向辰姬等人 Overlord spends in inside magma cave mansion, is quite long, before had the overlord salamander protection, now should be unobstructive, can obtain the overlord to be colored.” “霸王花在里面的岩浆洞府之中,极为悠长,之前有霸王蝾螈守护,现在应该是无碍了,可以取得霸王花了。” The Chen free of evil intention low and deep say/way, their Chen family members look like do not have this good fortune, missed with the overlord flower. 辰无邪低沉道,他们辰家人看来就是没有这个福气,与霸王花无缘了。 Jiang Chen look one bright, treads the fire the line, rapidly toward the route that Chen refers to free of evil intention, searches the overlord to spend to go. 江尘眼神一亮,踏火而行,迅速朝着辰无邪指出来的路线,寻觅霸王花而去。 A however several kilometers distance, Jiang Chen in the magma deep place, saw a magma stone of three zhang (3.33 m) square finally, that magma stone in crater unceasing fluttering, in the magma, immortal is not spoiled, establishes a new school, but above that magma stone, purple-red flowers in full bloom, is shocking the Jiang Chen's mind. 不过数千米的距离,江尘终于是在岩浆深处,看到了一块三丈见方的岩浆石,那块岩浆石在一处火山口不断的飘荡在,在岩浆之中,不朽不腐,独树一帜,而在那块岩浆石之上,一朵盛开的紫红色的花朵,震撼着江尘的心灵。 Overlord is colored, I finally found you.” “霸王花,我终于找到你了。” The Jiang Chen look is blazing, corner of the mouth filled rousing. 江尘眼神炽热,嘴角充满了振奋。
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