DMWG :: Volume #54

#5262: Trailblazer

The invisible pressure, makes everyone again intense, Yan Jun (severe) of whole face, surroundings heaven and earth, the storm rises from all directions, the space becomes even more constrains. 无形的压力,再度让所有人变得紧张起来,满脸的严峻,周围天地,风暴四起,空间变得越发压抑起来。 Misfortune never come singly, this who can bear? Now Chen fine jade and Chen are seriously battered green, solemn one white and Yuan Ling is also the source air/Qi consumption completely, Jiang Chen and Long Shisan, was this solitary one wooden difficult, the aspect was very disadvantageous to them. 一波未平一波又起,这谁受得了呀?现在辰璐与辰青青遭受重创,穆一白与袁玲也是源气消耗殆尽,江尘龙十三,也是孤木难支了,局面对他们十分不利。 „Isn't this fellow, that person in legend?” “这家伙,不会就是传说中的那个人吧?” Long Shisan low and deep say/way, slowly looks to Yuan Ling. 龙十三低沉道,缓缓的看向袁玲。 Yuan Ling nods, the complexion was very ugly, no one knows, they are going to face, is anything. 袁玲点点头,脸色别提有多难看了,没有人知道,他们将要面临的,将会是什么。 Jiang Chen sent away everyone, alone facing the present grey robe old man. 江尘屏退了所有人,独自面对眼前的灰袍老者。 Trivial does clone, want to make us yield peacefully together? It seems like nine Xun trigram bright king were really extremely self-confident.” “区区一道分身,就想让我们不战而降吗?看来九巽明王果真是太过自信了。” Jiang Chen said, Yuan Ling and the others stares, at present is this person, only together clone? 江尘说完,袁玲等人都是一愣,眼前这个人,难道只是一道分身而已? Your vision, indeed is somewhat original, can actually see through my clone, it seems like, I was really look down on you.” “你的眼光,的确是有些独到,竟然能够看穿我的分身,看来,我真是小看你了。” The grey robe old man look narrows the eyes, is low and deep was saying, corner of the mouth has the color of gloomy and cold, no one can see through him, only Jiang Chen, in a language prophecy, completely fearless his exist(ence). 灰袍老者眼神微眯,低沉着说道,嘴角带着阴冷之色,没有人能够看穿他,唯独江尘,一语中谶,完全无惧他的存在 Yuan Ling and Long Shisan look at each other one, the mind shock, they were almost kept in the dark by this bastard. 袁玲与龙十三对视一眼,心神震撼,他们都差点被这个混蛋蒙在鼓里了。 The however nine Xun trigram bright kings, the name of person, the shadow of tree, this fellow is under one person exist(ence) above ten thousand people, moreover about his legend, too many were too many, its ominous name, makes person scalp tingles, now sees daoist, Yuan Ling naturally is in the heart disturbed, but laid bare the truth by Jiang Chen finally, unexpectedly is clone, worry in their heart, naturally were also short for several points. 不过九巽明王,人的名,树的影,这家伙可是一人之下万人之上的存在,而且关于他的传说,太多太多了,其凶名,也是令人头皮发麻,如今见到真人,袁玲自然是心中忐忑,可是结果被江尘一语道破,竟然是一个分身,他们心中的担忧,自然也就少了几分了。 clone is clone, this loses the paradise to be you remains to control Chen family member , your spreads out Luo, by our exterminate, now, your Louwai Tower waits to gather up dead bodies to oneself, the dark(ness) forest has us, you rest to visit one step, when the time comes Chen family/home will make you pay the price. This piece of heaven and earth, we pledge to fight to the death the protection.” 分身就是分身,这迷失乐园应该是你留下来控制辰家人的,没想到,就连你的那衍罗,也被我们灭杀了,现在,你们楼外楼就等着给自己收尸吧,黑暗森林有我们在,你们休息踏足一步,到时候辰家会让你们付出代价的。这片天地,我们誓死守护。” Jiang Chen incomparably firm saying, neither arrogant nor servile, is full of the arrogance, even facing nine Xun trigram bright kings of being insufferably arrogant, he is still fear of no least bit, nine Xun trigram bright king times, definitely already the been mad complexion was pale. 江尘无比坚定的说道,不卑不亢,充满傲气,即使是面对不可一世的九巽明王,他也是毫无半点的畏惧,九巽明王这一次,肯定已经是被气的脸色铁青了。 Fellow of thinking oneself infallible, even if defeated that to spread out Luo, you still gave up any idea of that ran out of the dark(ness) forest, the end of Chen family/home must arrive, no one can rescue it, this was the fate, was the final end, the entire Chen family/home, is thoroughly was corrupt, wanting heaven defying to change to assign/life, you were unqualified. Louwai Tower, will make you be clear that who is the true ants.” “自以为是的家伙,就算是击败了那衍罗,你们也休想冲出黑暗森林,辰家的末日就要到了,没有人能够救它,这是定数,也是最终的终结,整个辰家,都已经是彻底腐败了,想要逆天改命,你还不够资格。楼外楼,会让你们清楚谁才是真正的蝼蚁。” Nine Xun trigram bright king ominous light reveal completely, coldly said. 九巽明王凶光毕露,冷冷说道 clone has something to boast together, the father fen minute extinguished you. What nine Xun trigram bright kings, but is a turtle. You also planned that fights with us? Your actually good ratio!” “一道分身有什么可吹牛的,老子分分钟灭了你。什么九巽明王,不过是一只缩头乌龟而已。你还打算跟我们斗?你倒是牛比呀!” Long Shisan is delighted, did not place in this fellow the eye completely, flavor that although a little bullied the weak by relying on powerful connections, but at this moment, clone of this nine Xun trigram bright kings, indeed could not have raised what wave. 龙十三眉飞色舞,完全不把这个家伙放在眼中了,虽然有点狐假虎威的味道,但是这一刻,这道九巽明王的分身,的确已经掀不起什么波浪了。 One flock of ants, dares to vie with the bright moon, no matter you are what backgrounds, perishing of Chen family/home, no one may keep off, now abandoned throws clear(ly) secretly, was not late, otherwise, you will drop forever Samsara.” “一群蝼蚁,也敢与皓月争辉,不管你们是什么来头,辰家之亡,无人可挡,现在弃暗投明,还不算晚,不然的话,你们将永堕轮回。” Nine Xun trigram bright king aloof and remote, filled as before indifferently frost. 九巽明王依旧高高在上,充满了冷漠冰霜。 Your self-confidence, remains we are meeting truly, again exposes, now, you are lump of dog shit!” “你的自信,还是留着等我们真正见面的时候,再来展露吧,现在,你就是一坨狗屎!” Jiang Chen look one cold, sword qi Lingyun, the anger cuts in the sky, in an instant, Heavenly Dragon Sword painting Golden Dragon wreaks havoc, charges into the bodies of nine Xun trigram bright kings. 江尘眼神一寒,剑气凌云,怒斩当空,霎那之间,天龙剑画作金龙肆虐,冲向九巽明王的身体。 You...... will certainly regret.” “你们……一定会后悔的。” The figure of nine Xun trigram bright kings diverge suddenly, the prestige of Heavenly Dragon Sword, irresistible, clone does not have battle strength, thinks defeating the enemy without fighting, regarding Jiang Chen, how laughable. 九巽明王的身形骤然间散去,天龙剑之威,势不可挡,分身已无战力,也想不战而屈人之兵,对于江尘来说,是何其的可笑。 Nine Xun trigram bright king Kanlai have known that our goals, do not know he can also hide in front is waiting for us.” “九巽明王看来已经知道咱们的目的了,不知道他还会不会躲在前面等待着我们。” Yuan Ling is quite actually anxious, that spreads out Luo is they spells to try to cut to massacre, this true secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulator nine Xun trigram bright kings, are strong, no one knows. 袁玲倒是颇为忧虑,就连那衍罗都是他们拼尽了全力才斩杀掉的,这个真正的幕后黑手九巽明王,到底有多么强势,无人知晓。 Crisis as before also, so long as Louwai Tower has not gotten down but actually, they cannot have lax of half a point. 危机依旧还在,只要楼外楼没有倒下去,他们就不能有半分的松懈。 Now thinks that these also last still early, confront soldiers with generals and stem water with earth, we also feared that he is inadequate.” “现在想这些还为时尚早,兵来将挡水来土掩,咱们还怕他不成。” Long Shisan expression cold proud, indifferently said. 龙十三神色冷傲,淡淡说道 Did not fear that with did not fear, the proverb said well, does not fear very steals, fears very keeps thinking, now the enemy is dark I in clearly, has to guard.” “不是怕与不怕,老话说得好,不怕贼偷,就怕贼惦记,现在敌在暗我在明,不得不防呀。” Solemn one is deep is also so white/in vain. 穆一白也是深以为然。 Killed this big fellow finally, that spreads out Luo dead, we must leave here as soon as possible.” “总算是干掉了这个大家伙,那衍罗已死,我们必须要尽快离开这里。” Jiang Chen expression is dignified, rushed to the summit of cliff rapidly, advanced the giant stone mountain peak, prohibited Spirit Spring. 江尘神色凝重,迅速冲上了悬崖之巅,推到了巨石山峰,封禁了灵泉 At that moment, between Heaven and Earth as if became limpid many, but also was gloomier, lost ring of light of paradise, gradually removed, but Jiang Chen and the others, appeared in the dark(ness) forest again. 那一刻,天地之间似乎都变得清澈了不少,但是却也更加的暗淡了许多,迷失乐园的光环,逐渐褪去,而江尘等人,也是再度出现在了黑暗森林之中。 The dim black light time, approaches again, but the Jiang Chen and the others mood, was actually open many, because does not have the danger now, the dark(ness) forest also restored such as beginning, they will not become will lose the lamb that in the paradise treated butchers. 昏暗乌光的时刻,再度来临,但是江尘等人的心情,却是开朗了不少,因为现在已经没有了危险,黑暗森林也恢复如初,他们再也不会成为迷失乐园之中待宰的羔羊了。 „The strength of Louwai Tower, cannot be underestimated as before, we can escape this tribulation, has saying that has the luck ingredient, now wants all things to be careful, the reinforcements of Chen family/home definitely will not have, however the blockade of Louwai Tower, easily will it is estimated that not retreat, after all we grasp the life that they most cared about now. The dark(ness) forest is the strategic location, Louwai Tower easily will definitely not give up.” “楼外楼的实力,依旧不容小觑,我们能够逃过这一劫,不得不说,还是有着运气成分在的,现在就要万事小心了,辰家的援兵肯定是不会有了,但是楼外楼的阻击,估计不会轻易退却的,毕竟我们现在是拿住了他们最在意的命脉。黑暗森林一直都是兵家必争之地,楼外楼肯定不会轻易善罢甘休的。” The Jiang Chen sinking sound said, is serious, Chen fine jade and Chen green are because consumes many, at least also needs a period of time to wake up, the Jiang Chen's side was short of these two people, thought on the contrary some too do not adapt, but regarding their two, is a rare experience, knows own limit where, understands to take and put away freely, no matter the limitless blade or the law day mirror, the owner unequalled strength, they only have experiments, can completely its control. 江尘沉声说道,一脸严肃,辰璐与辰青青都是因为消耗过多,至少也需要一段时日才能醒来,江尘的身边少了这两个人,反倒是觉得有些不太适应,不过对于她们两个,也是一次难得的历练,知道了自己的极限在哪里,也更加的懂得收放自如,不管是无极之刃还是法天镜,都拥有者无与伦比的力量,她们只有一次次的实验,才能够完全将其掌控。 This time, after their two wake up, it is estimated that also calm, limitless blade and law day mirror, will recognize the lord thoroughly, becomes part of their body, regarding Chen fine jade and Chen Qingqing, perhaps is also one time rare gives. 这一次,等她们两个醒来之后,估计也就会更加的从容,无极之刃与法天镜,也将会彻底认主,成为她们身体的一部分,对于辰璐与辰青青而言,或许也是一次难得的给予。 Does not want lord to true the Louwai Tower, I thought that even that nine Xun trigram bright kings, how are still not necessarily able we.” “只要不对上真正的楼外楼之主,我觉得就算是那个九巽明王,也未必能够把咱们怎么样。” Long Shisan tight is grasping counter dragon Gun, the fighting spirit is still spirited. 龙十三紧紧的握着逆龙棍,斗志依旧昂扬。 Walks one step to look one step, must pass through the dark(ness) forest as soon as possible, puts down all possible exist(ence) barriers, our trailblazers, cannot stop.” “走一步看一步,必须要尽快穿越黑暗森林,扫平一切可能存在的障碍,我们这开路先锋,可不能停下来。” Jiang Chen said with a smile. 江尘笑着说道。 One line of four people, start again, sets out toward the dark(ness) forest deep place. 一行四人,再度启程,向着黑暗森林更深处进发。 After five days, Jiang Chen stands above the hills, is looking out from afar, as before is boundless, is unmeasurable, but he actually discovered a very important thing. 五日之后,江尘站在群山之上,远远的瞭望着,依旧是无穷无尽,毫无边际,但是他却发现了一个非常重要的东西。
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