DDCTGFD :: Volume #14

#1397: Extinguishes the wind and thunder pavilion

Day north city. 天北城。 Wind, thunder, electricity three elders under hurried along to arrive at a day of north city rapidly, they also knew the cause of death of cloud elder. 风,雷,电三位长老在急速赶路之下已经来到了天北城,他们也知道了云长老的死因。 Without thinking actually clouds that the elder really died unexpectedly in the hand of Han Family, who was that young person? Actually can make cloud Elder plant to his hand in?” “没想到竟然云长老竟然真的是死在了韩家的手上,那位年轻人到底是谁?竟然能够让云长老栽到他的手里?” Who managing him is, so long as three of us make a move together, can threaten saying that in this northern territory our was some old fogies. A young person, in our three same places also feared that can't be victorious?” Three people have much self-confidently to oneself strength. “管他是谁,只要我们三人一起出手,在这北域能够威胁道我们的都是些老家伙了。一个年轻人而已,我们三个一起上还怕打不过吗?”三人对自己的实力还是很有自信的。 Right, did you determine?” The sound that the young girls teased resounded, was Xinlan. “是吗,你们确定?”少女调侃的声音响起,正是欣蓝 The wind and thunder pavilion three elders one were thought the knowledge to lock by Xu Ran since the day north city, then brings Han Yue and Xinlan they come. 风雷阁三位长老一进入天北城就被徐然用神识锁定了,然后便带着韩月欣蓝两人过来了。 Xu Ran prepared to kill these three people to go to a wind and thunder pavilion while convenient, eradicated the wind and thunder pavilion. 徐然准备杀了这三个人顺带去一趟风雷阁,将风雷阁连根拔起。 Otherwise, some people have looked for his trouble, his day also? 不然的话,一直有人来找他的麻烦,他日子还过不过了? Extinguished a wind and thunder pavilion, in a short time should no one dare to look for his trouble. 灭了一个风雷阁,短时间内应该没有人敢来找他的麻烦了。 These for several hundred years, although the Hall of Souls strength is outstanding, the far over four pavilions but do not dare to intend to exterminate these influences. 这几百年来,虽然魂殿实力超群,远超四阁但也没有敢出手将这些势力剿灭。 Wind and thunder pavilion most powerhouse also only then Dou Venerate Cultivation(Level), but this inheritance remote influence did not say that wants to extinguish extinguishes, otherwise is very easy becomes the target of public criticism. The bird who moves first will be the one that gets shot, Hall of Souls does not dare to be that person who takes the lead. 风雷阁最强者也只有斗尊修为,可这种传承久远的势力也不是说想灭就灭的,不然很容易成为众矢之的。枪打出头鸟,魂殿也不敢做那个出头鸟。 Un?” “嗯?” Killed the cloud elder is your boy?” “难道杀了云长老的就是你小子?” Three wind and thunder pavilion elders look to the Xu Ran three people, in the eye are glittering the inexplicable ray. 三位风雷阁长老看向徐然三人,眼里闪烁着莫名的光芒。 Somewhat surprised, is somewhat anxious. 有些吃惊,又有些忧虑。 Knows that their three people came, is not thinking sneaks off instead walks. 知道他们三人来了,不想着溜走反而找上门来。 The so secure appearance makes them thump jump. 如此有恃无恐的样子让他们心里都咯噔一跳。 Difficult to be inadequate...... 难不成…… Snort, cloud Elder dies in your hands definitely is reason that because has a low opinion of the enemy, you left are too rampant.” Although the thunder elder somewhat is worried about the Xu Ran's strength, but at present also only then first stabilizes their hearts to be good. “哼,云长老死在你的手里肯定是因为太轻敌的原因,你别太嚣张了。”雷长老虽然有些担心徐然的实力,可眼下也只有先稳定他们三人的心才行。 Three people collaborate, the odds of success should not be small. 三人联手,胜算应该不会小。 Right. Has not thought of small Han Family, can give birth to such attractive doll unexpectedly.” Another two elders relax, sees Xinlan and Han Yue beautiful appearance, licked the lip. “对啊。没想到一个小小的韩家,竟然能生出这么漂亮的女娃。”另外两位长老放松起来,看到欣蓝韩月的美貌,不禁舔了舔嘴唇。 Although they were old, because Cultivation(Level) is profound, therefore that aspect has not gotten older completely. 虽然他们年纪大了,但因为修为高深,所以那方面并没有完全老化。 We on, first seize that two girls together.” “我们一起上,先捉住那两个丫头。” Finishes speaking, three elders also make a move. The thunder elder directly soars Xu Ran to come, intended then to use the full power. Another two wind and thunder pavilion elders are respectively to Han Yue and Xinlan assault. 话音刚落,三位长老同时出手。雷长老直奔着徐然而来,一出手便用上了全力。另外两位风雷阁长老则是分别对着韩月欣蓝袭去。 Even the Xu Ran's strength is more powerful than them, Han Yue and strengths of Xinlan these two dolls they actually watch. 就算徐然的实力比他们强大一些,韩月欣蓝这两个女娃的实力他们却是看在眼里的。 So long as they take these two people, the Xu Ran strength must be cautious about harming evildoers lest the innocent be hurt even well. 只要他们拿下这两个人,徐然就算实力不错也得投鼠忌器。 Also can see these three old fogies from here sinisterly. Lives truth that such long fellow went all out very much clearly. 从这里也能看出这三个老家伙到底有多阴险。活了这么久的家伙很明白狮子搏兔的道理。 Hit idea? If common fellow in the sewers may capsize, what you face is I.” Xu Ran lifts the right hand, makes an effort a fist to rumble, that thunder elder was rumbled by Xu Ran directly crushes, even the corpse has not stayed behind, even the pitiful yell sound has not shouted directly rumbled to become dregs. “打的这个主意么?要是一般的家伙可能会阴沟里翻船,但你们面对的是我。”徐然抬起右手,用力一拳轰出,那雷长老直接被徐然轰得粉碎,连尸体都没有留下,甚至连惨叫声都没有喊出来就直接被轰成渣了。 Thunder elder?” “雷长老?” The split visions of another two elder eyes only saw that the thunder elder disappears all of a sudden does not see, has not responded, but also thinks that the thunder elder has any new strategy. 另外两位长老眼睛的余光只看到雷长老一下子就消失不见,还没有反应过来,还以为雷长老有什么新的计策。 He had died, now should be one's turn you.” Xu Ran smiles. “他已经死了,现在该轮到你们了。”徐然一笑。 What? Just......” “什么?难道刚刚……” Two wind and thunder pavilion elders gawked, the whole body felt a cool feeling. 两位风雷阁长老愣了一下,紧接着全身都感受到了一阵凉意。 Just the time of this while, thunder Changlao did die? 难道就刚刚这一会儿的功夫,雷长劳就死了? Acts together!” “一起出手!” Two wind and thunder pavilion elders will focus in Xu Ran's hastily, all put forth own most dou technique. 两位风雷阁长老连忙将目光放在了徐然的身上,全都使出了自己的最斗技 They had regretted at this moment, if we had known, they should not come. 他们此刻已经后悔了,早知道,他们就不该来的。 But now already late. 可是现在已经晚了。 Xu Ran has not left the opportunity to them, superficial strikes to kill their two people. 徐然没有给他们留机会,轻描淡写的就将他们两人击杀。 The scene has not left any trace, no matter what no one can think that this place fell from the sky three Dou Ancestor powerhouses. 现场没有留下任何痕迹,任谁都想不到这个地方陨落了三位斗宗强者。 Xu Ran, you were also too strong. These three old thing absolutely contending strength do not have.” Xinlan and Han Yue swallow the saliva, was startled valiantly by Xu Ran's. Three became famous for a long time character dead in the northern territory. 徐然,你也太强了。这三个老东西完全一点抗衡之力都没有。”欣蓝韩月吞了吞口水,被徐然的彪悍惊到了。三位在北域成名已久的人物就这么死了。 They somewhat sobbed, whose annoyed not affable Xu Ran? 她们两个人都有些唏嘘,惹谁不好惹徐然 Not only then they, the entire wind and thunder pavilion fear...... 这下不只是他们,整个风雷阁恐怕…… Perhaps their very clear Xu Ran's character, the wind and thunder pavilion must vanish from the mainland. 她们很清楚徐然的性格,风雷阁恐怕要从大陆上消失了。 Xu Ran will not have scruples the wind and thunder pavilion so-called position and inheritance. 徐然可不会顾忌风雷阁所谓的地位和传承。 I prepare to go to the wind and thunder pavilion to eradicate now, otherwise, feared after is, treats in Han Family is not calm and steady.” Xu Ran said to Han Yue and Xinlan. Extinguished the wind and thunder pavilion, Han Family can safe. Otherwise he walked, Han Family to wind and thunder pavilion only then exterminated share. “我准备现在就去把风雷阁连根拔起,不然的话,怕是以后在韩家都待不安稳了。”徐然对着韩月欣蓝说道。灭了风雷阁,韩家才能安全一点。不然他走了,韩家对上风雷阁还是只有被剿灭的份。 We must go.” Such big influence was exterminated, this is the big event, they do not want to miss this opportunity. “我们也要去。”这么大的势力被剿灭,这可是大事件,她们可不想错过这个机会。 I gave the Han Family person saying that walked again. Most also solved on day. Is the position of wind and thunder pavilion Lord pavilion is a little mainly far.” “我去给韩家的人说一声再走。最多也就一天的时间就解决了。主要是风雷阁主阁的位置有点远。” Xu Ran told after Han pond Dengren oneself must go to a wind and thunder pavilion matter, then leads several people to walk immediately together. 徐然跟韩池等人说了自己要去风雷阁一趟的事情之后,便立刻带着几个人一起走了。 A word at earliest convenience do not extinguish the wind and thunder pavilion! 一言不合就要灭了风雷阁! This also made the Han Family many elders dumbfounded. 这也让韩家的众多长老们傻眼了。 Their this met the monster of what rank! 他们这是遇到了个什么级别的怪物啊! However if the wind and thunder pavilion can be exterminated, they may be able to feel relieved. 不过如果风雷阁能够被剿灭的话,那他们可就能够放心了。 Wind and thunder pavilion north pavilion. 风雷阁北阁。 Xu Ran has the time that Xinlan and Han Yue sisters three people only used to burn a joss stick to arrive at the minute/share of pavilion of wind and thunder pavilion in northern territory. 徐然带着欣蓝韩月姐妹三人只用了一炷香的时间就来到了风雷阁在北域的分阁。 The utilization of Xu Ran strength to space has achieved can shrink to become Cun the situation. 徐然对空间之力的运用已经达到了能够缩地成寸的地步。 Three females had to hurry along by Xu Ran for the first time, suddenly only feels surprised, had a more profound cognition to the Xu Ran's strength. Han Xue has not gone to estimate the Xu Ran's strength now, Xu Ran's Cultivation(Level) is not she can ponder over. 三女还是第一次被徐然带着这么赶路,一时间只觉得惊奇不已,对徐然的实力又有了一个更深刻的认知。韩雪现在已经没有去揣摩徐然的实力了,徐然的修为已经不是她能够琢磨得透的了。 Xu Ran does not want to waste the time in this place, displays sword intent directly. 徐然不想多浪费时间在这个地方,直接施展剑意。 The endless sword light covers the entire wind and thunder pavilion north pavilion in inside completely. 无尽的剑光将整个风雷阁北阁全部笼罩在里面。 The endless murderous intention blocks here. Scoff! 无尽的杀机将这里封锁。嗤! Scoff! 嗤! Scoff! 嗤! Only hears the sword light has delimited the sound, the surrounding all were strangled to death the powder. 只听见剑光划过的声音,周围的一切都被绞杀成粉末。 In an instant, the entire northern pavilion turned into ruins. 只是刹那间,整个北阁就变成了一座废墟。 As for here minute/share of palace lord, Cultivation(Level) had been close to Dou Venerate, but under Xu Ran's makes a move even to respond that had not responded died here directly. 至于这里的分殿主,修为已经接近了斗尊,可是在徐然的出手之下连反应都没反应过来就直接死在了这里。 Very powerful.” “好强。” Three females only thought that the Xu Ran murder killing the chicken is simpler. Can cultivation in the northern pavilion, at least is Dou Spirit Cultivation(Level), Dou King Dou Emperor are also many, several thousand people, less than a breath died completely. 三女只觉得徐然杀人比杀鸡还简单。能在北阁修炼的,至少都是斗灵修为,斗王斗皇也不少,几千人,不到一个呼吸就全部死了。 This was really exaggerating a point. 这实在是太夸张了一点。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完) Please remember this book first round domain name:.: 请记住本书首发域名:。:
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