DDCTGFD :: Volume #14

#1396: The Han pond breaks through

Moreover this compounded drug has no side effect, you did not need to be worried.” Looks facial expression Han Yue that many elder that start to speak but hesitate continues to answer. “而且这丹药还是没有任何副作用的哦,你们就不用担心了。”看着诸多长辈那欲言又止的神情韩月继续解释道。 Generally speaking, can significantly enhance the strength the compounded drug side effect enormous. With biting fresh pill, although it can make person Cultivation(Level) increase, may swallow the later cultivator remaining Sheng Ming not over three years. Even if there is compounded drug of that large promotion strength, the average person does not dare to swallow at will. 一般来说,能够大幅度提升实力的丹药副作用都极大。就拿噬生丹来说,虽说它可以让人修为大增,可吞服之后修炼者剩下的生命不会超过三年。纵使是有那种大幅提升实力的丹药,一般人也是不敢随意吞服的。 What?” “什么?” One crowd of person eyes were straight. 一群人眼睛都直了。 Can break through Dou Venerate instantaneously, but also does not have any side effect? 能够瞬间突破斗尊,还没有什么副作用? This type of compounded drug hears something never heard of before simply. 这种丹药简直是闻所未闻。 Does this type of flamboyant compounded drug really only have seven? 这种牛逼的丹药真的只有七品吗? Only feared that is these tier eight pill does not compare that Han Yue takes. 只怕是那些八品丹药都比不上韩月拿出来的这颗。 Can tier eight pill enter Dou Venerate lossless? 八品丹药能让人无损进入斗尊吗? Hiss. If this compounded drug appears in the market, compares general tier eight pill to be marketable absolutely. Even can only have the effect on the Dou Venerate following person, that was still very powerful, entire Central Plains Dou Venerate does not have many.” “嘶。如果这颗丹药出现在市面上,绝对比一般的八品丹药还要抢手。就算只能对斗尊以下的人起效,那也很强大了,整个中州斗尊都没有多少呢。” Yue'er, this type of compounded drug do you have , your Second Uncle also thinks......” Han Tian eyes stare is staring at Han Yue. If this type of compounded drug can the mass production, their Han Family present many Dou Venerate all of a sudden? By that time, whom do they also fear? 月儿,这种丹药你还有没有,咳咳,你二叔也想……”韩田眼睛直勾勾的盯着韩月。如果这种丹药能够量产的话,那他们韩家岂不是会一下子出现很多斗尊?到那个时候,他们还怕谁? Second Uncle, you thinks that tier seven pill is the cabbage?” Han Yue ill-humored saying. She looks for Xu Ran to want this type of compounded drug embarrassedly. If wants so many compounded drugs for Han Family, she may not die of exhaustion? “二叔,你以为七品丹药是大白菜吗?”韩月没好气的说道。她都没好意思找徐然多要这种丹药。如果替韩家要这么多颗丹药,那她还不得累死? Yes, tier seven pill where is so easy to obtain? Can have such compounded drug to be good.” The Han pond smiles. The batch refine this tier seven pill, then lot manufacturing Dou Venerate? This good deed he cannot think. “就是,七品丹药哪里是这么容易得到的?能有这么一颗丹药就不错了。”韩池笑了笑。批量炼制这种七品丹药,然后批量制造斗尊?这种好事他都不敢想。 Hee hee. However also has the opportunity, at the worst later I look for Xu Ran to take several again and that's the end.” Han Yue spits the small tongue. “嘻嘻。不过也不是没有机会,大不了以后我再找徐然要几颗就是了。”韩月吐了吐小舌头。 You said, Sir Xu Ran can also refine this type of compounded drug?” One group of people are excited, in the heart even more awed to Xu Ran. If oneself can also have such compounded drug, does the cultivation that must compel painstakingly do? Arrived their Cultivation(Level) levels, more than ten years are unable to break through first-level are the common matters. “你是说,徐然大人还能炼制这种丹药?”一群人激动不已,心中对徐然越发的敬畏了。要是自己也能有这么一颗丹药,那还要这么苦逼的修炼干嘛?到了他们这种修为层次,十几年都无法突破一级都是常有的事。 Right. Xu Ran took several at that time, I only took delivered to the father.” Han Yue nods. “对啊。徐然当时拿出来好几颗,我只拿了其中一颗给父亲送过来了。”韩月点了点头。 This is the compounded drug of Xu Ran lot manufacturing, regarding Xu Ran, does not take the trouble. The compounded drug that usually in Han Yue they take is much better compared with these. Although this type of compounded drug can significantly promote Cultivation(Level), but will reduce the future potential enormously, but this was not the side effect, was doomed unable to break through the Dou Venerate person regarding Han pond these to be certainly indifferent. 这都是徐然批量制造的丹药,对于徐然来说,根本不费神。平日里韩月他们吃的丹药比这些都要好很多。虽然这种丹药可以大幅度提升修为,但会极大的压缩未来的潜力,不过这根本算不上副作用了,对于韩池这些注定无法突破斗尊的人当然无所谓。 Yue'er, your Second Uncle waits you is not thin.” 月儿啊,你二叔待你不薄啊。” Yue'er, the Third Uncle is also good to you.” 月儿,三叔对你也不错啊。” „......” “……” Good, can your elders a little appearance of elder? The second child, I need to close up some time, later Han Family gives you to handle.” The Han pond shouts toward the Han field, sends out the rich medicine fragrant compounded drug to grasp that in the hand. He could not have borne want to swallow this compounded drug immediately. “好了好了,你们这些长辈能不能有点长辈的样子?老二,我需要闭关一段时间,以后韩家交给你打理。”韩池朝着韩田喊道,将那颗散发着浓郁药香的丹药抓在手中。他已经忍不住想要立刻吞服掉这颗丹药。 Eldest child, you close up here. Do we protect the law for you?” The Han field wants to have a look at Han Chilian to melt this compounded drug the effect really so mystical. “老大,你就在这里闭关吧。我们都为你护法?”韩田想要看看韩池炼化这颗丹药的效果是不是真的如此神异。 Good.” “好。” The Han pond nods. 韩池点了点头。 The Han pond sits cross-legged to sit, is revolving within the body dou qi, then contains in the compounded drug the entrance. 韩池盘膝而坐,运转着体内斗气,然后将丹药含入口中。 The terrifying efficacy melts in entrance that moment instantaneously, explosion in racing wells up toward the meridians of Han pond goes. 恐怖的药力在入口的那一刻瞬间消融,爆炸般的朝着韩池的经脉中奔涌而去。 The flash, Han pond Cultivation(Level) rose dramatically directly five-star Dou Ancestor! 只是一刹那,韩池的修为就直接飙升到了五星斗宗 The Han pond reddens all over the face, the body drops out the bean big beads of sweat. 韩池满脸通红,身上滴出豆大的汗珠。 But the speed that his Cultivation(Level) breaks through has not fallen slightly, was still rising suddenly at the extremely quick speed. But his meridians also fast expansion under the impact of this boundless efficacy. 而他修为突破的速度丝毫没有落下,仍然以极快的速度暴涨着。而他的经脉也在这磅礴药力的冲击下快速的拓宽。 Several the time of breath, Han pond can the obvious feeling oneself dou qi total quantity rise suddenly several times. 只是数個呼吸的时间,韩池就能明显的感觉到自己的斗气总量暴涨了好几倍。 But this, as if only consumed the small part of that boundless efficacy merely. 而这,似乎仅仅只消耗了那磅礴药力的一小部分。 Six star Dou Ancestor! 六星斗宗 Big Dipper Dou Ancestor! 七星斗宗 Eight star Dou Ancestor! 八星斗宗 Nine star Dou Ancestor! 九星斗宗 Cultivation(Level) of Han pond rubs the speed that the rise, that Cultivation(Level) rises quick makes everyone be flabbergasted, Han Yue is also somewhat dumbfounded! 韩池的修为蹭蹭蹭的上涨,那修为上涨的速度之快让所有人都咂舌,就连韩月也是有些目瞪口呆! Until after Cultivation(Level) of Han pond to big nine star Dou Ancestor, speed that Han pond Cultivation(Level) rises slowly slow. Even from star Dou Ancestor breaks through to the efficacy that Dou Venerate needs to consume from Dou Ancestor to nine star Dou Ancestor are more. 直到韩池的修为到大了九星斗宗之后,韩池修为上涨的速度才慢慢的慢了下来。从斗宗斗尊之间需要消耗的药力甚至比从一星斗宗突破到九星斗宗还要多。 Dou Ancestor to Dou Venerate, does not know through the ages many people halt in this. 斗宗斗尊,古往今来不知道多少人止步于此。 So long as steps into Dou Venerate, is the Central Plains top powerhouse. Except for existences of these old codgers, does not fear anybody! 只要踏入斗尊,便是中州的顶尖强者。除了那些老不死的存在,再不惧任何人! God. Eldest child Cultivation(Level) breaks through was also too quick.” “天啊。老大修为突破的也太快了。” Good terrifying compounded drug. The time of then less than burning a joss stick, broke through nine star Dou Ancestor.” “好恐怖的丹药。这才不到一炷香的时间,就突破到了九星斗宗。” It seems like the head of the clan broke through Dou Venerate is also only the time issue.” “看来族长突破斗尊也只是时间问题了。” Those present relax, Han pond can break through Dou Venerate, their Han Family really rose. Although depends on Xu Ran, Han Family will be doomed no one to dare to annoy in the future. But Xu Ran is not the Han Family person, the person on one's own side is powerful powerful. Moreover, Han pond breakthrough also proved this compounded drug really can break through Dou Venerate, this to them absolutely is a huge good news. 在场的人都松了一口气,韩池能够突破斗尊,那他们韩家就真的崛起了。虽然靠着徐然,韩家未来注定无人敢惹。但毕竟徐然不是韩家的人,自己人强大起来才是真的强大。而且,韩池的突破也证明了这颗丹药真的能够让人突破斗尊,这对他们来说绝对是个天大的好消息。 In the future, perhaps they have this opportunity. 未来,也许他们也有这个机会。 So long as defended Xu Ran this uncle, later also feared own can't Cultivation(Level) raise? Even if were some ordinary compounded drugs in Xu Ran hand lets their income sufficiently. 只要守住了徐然这个姑爷,以后还怕自己修为提不起来吗?哪怕是徐然手中的一些普通丹药就足以让他们收益了。 They dare saying that even if Hall of Souls, not such flamboyant alchemist! 他们敢说,纵使是魂殿,都没有这么牛逼的炼药师 Not only Xu Ran absolutely tier seven alchemist, even possibly is eight alchemist, and even...... 徐然绝对不只是七品炼药师,甚至可能是八品炼药师,乃至…… The breakthrough almost extinction of Han pond the world elementary force of entire day north city, that vast momentum made the powerhouses in entire day north city panic-stricken. The flash breaks through the stir that so many ranks cause to be as good as a breakthrough of Dou Venerate completely. 韩池的突破几乎吸光了整个天北城的天地元力,那浩大的声势令得整个天北城的强者们都惊恐不已。一瞬间突破这么多等级造成的轰动完全不亚于一位斗尊的突破。 Han Family looked like cannot annoy. Such big momentum is Han Family that young person brings certainly.” 韩家看来已经不能惹了。这么大的声势一定是韩家的那位年轻人带来的。” How don't our families have such good luck?” “我们家族怎么没有这么好的运气?” Mudd. If we can also have the support of this young person, what Hong Family Han Family can not pay attention.” “玛德。如果我们也能有这位年轻人的支持,什么洪家韩家都可以不放在眼里了。” Some day north city discerning people watch, envied is not good. 天北城一些明眼人看在眼里,羡慕的不行。 Without Xu Ran, Han Family absolutely is not the Hong Family opponent. If their families can become friends with Xu Ran such powerhouse, can become the overlord in day of north city effortlessly. Facing the Han Family good luck, how can they not envy? 如果没有徐然,韩家绝对不会是洪家的对手。如果他们家族能够结交到徐然这样的强者,也能毫不费力的成为天北城的霸主。面对韩家的好运,他们怎么能不羡慕? Let alone at present Han Family also makes such big noise, does not need the brain to know that Han Family this time obtained certainly any huge advantage, some people of Cultivation(Level) soared. The pressure of this rank, even compared the beforehand wind and thunder pavilion elder also to want powerful many. 何况眼下韩家还闹出了这么大的动静,不用脑子想都知道韩家这次肯定是得到了什么巨大的好处,有人修为一飞冲天了。这种级别的威压,甚至比之前的风雷阁长老还要强大的多了。 ( https://) (https://) 1 second remembers the net:. Cell phone version reading website: 一秒记住网:。手机版阅读网址:
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