DDCTGFD :: Volume #14

#1395: 7 compounded drug

Sees on Xu Ran flaming is burning the flame, Ya Fei no longer suspects Xu Ran finally. 看到徐然手上熊熊燃烧着的火焰,雅妃终于不再怀疑徐然 Comes Miteer Family's, her experience is absolutely great, but she has also never seen strange the person like Xu Ran. 出身米特尔家族,她的见识绝对不浅,但她也从未见到过像徐然这样奇异的人。 That group of flame, so long as if she looked will again be burnt down to be the same. 那团火焰,仿佛只要她再多看一眼自己就会被焚烧掉一样。 Is the time of a while, the temperature of room rises suddenly to the extremely high degree. This is under the Xu Ran desirably control, the strength is insufficient to expose under too many premises. 仅仅是一会儿的时间,房间的温度就暴涨到极高的程度。这还是徐然刻意控制下,实力不至于暴露太多的前提下。 As the god of control, he grasps is fighting Luo Divine Realm myriad things source, but arrives at Douqi Continent, the supernatural power transformation is dou qi, these sources are retaining. 作为主宰之神,他掌握着斗罗神界万物本源,而来到斗气大陆,神力转化为斗气,这些本源还是保留着。 As for Heavenly Fire, absolutely not possible in hot compared with his hand. 至于异火,也绝对不可能比他手中的火强。 „Is this Heavenly Fire?” “这是异火吗?” Ya Fei excited saying, in her beautiful eye full is the exciting color! 雅妃激动的说道,她的美目中满是激动之色! Besides Heavenly Fire, she really could not find out also has what flame to have such might. 除了异火,她实在是想不出还有什么火焰能有如此威力了。 You said that is.” “你说是就是吧。” Xu Ran nods. 徐然点了点头。 In Douqi Continent, who has Heavenly Fire, who is a powerhouse, is the talent! 斗气大陆,谁拥有异火,谁就是强者,就是天才! Even if smallest and weakest Heavenly Fire possibly is not the average person can tame. 哪怕是最弱小的异火也不可能是普通人能驯服的。 But regarding alchemist! Has powerful Heavenly Fire is the powerful alchemist standard configuration. Has the powerful flame, can promote alchemist becomes pill to lead, even made them to manufacture a higher grade compounded drug. 而对于炼药师来说!拥有一株强大的异火更是强大炼药师的标配。拥有强大的火焰,能够提升炼药师的成丹率,甚至令他们可以去制作更高品级的丹药。 Heavenly Fire!” 异火!” The Ya Fei elegant face becomes ruddy, looked that instantaneously became to the Xu Ran's look different. 雅妃俏脸变得红润起来,看向徐然的眼神瞬间变得不一样了。 Thinks oneself just also suspected that unexpectedly Xu Ran she wishes one could a fan palm of the hand. 一想到自己刚刚竟然还怀疑徐然她就恨不得扇自己一巴掌。 She somewhat wants to cry but have no tears, such talent powerhouse arrives at her front, others are the wishing for earnestly result she also such to him. 她有些欲哭无泪,这样的天才强者来到她的面前,别人都是求之不得结果她还那样对他。 What to do if Xu Ran isn't happy? Mysterious talent that has Heavenly Fire if vitality/angry, only needed saying that before the family several she was not, later she in the family also had nothing possibility that again can raise one's head. 要是徐然不高兴了怎么办?一位拥有异火的神秘天才要是生气,只需得在家族面前说上几句她的不是,以后她在家族里就再也没有任何可以出头的可能。 But this mysterious talent is looked her! 可这位神秘的天才原本就是来找她的啊! Originally may become her boost, making her soar in Miteer Family's! Finally actually 本来可能会成为她的助力,让她在米特尔家族里一飞冲天!结果却 The temperature of room is getting higher and higher, Ya Fei gradually is the sweat profusely, entire portrait/people looks like by the transpiration, that extremely personal brocade robe is the post turned round on the flesh, has to exquisite the stature curve takes in everything at a glance. 房间的温度越来越高,雅妃渐渐的已经是香汗淋漓,整个人像是被蒸腾着,那本就极其贴身的锦袍更是贴覆在肌肤上,玲珑有致的身材曲线一览无余。 Ya Fei is breathing the fresh air in gulps, was far from Xu Ran. 雅妃大口大口的呼吸着新鲜空气,离得徐然远了一些。 That beautiful charming stance was strong, making one look then somewhat wanted to stop but cannot. 那份妖艳妩媚的姿态更加浓厚了一下,让人看的便有些欲罢不能了。 Heroic sad beautiful woman pass/test, regardless to , regardless of your strength is much powerful, will actually never vanish regarding clinging to of these pretty women. 英雄难过美人关,无论到了什么时候,无论你实力多强大,对于那些漂亮女人的贪恋却从来不会消失。 „Don't you apply drugs the cauldron? Our auction market has the medicine cauldron, if the young master can have a liking for a young master to take away to use.” Ya Fei asked in the one side, the attitude became very respectful. “您不用药鼎吗?我们拍卖场有药鼎,要是公子看得上眼公子可以拿去用。”雅妃在一旁问道,态度变得十分恭敬。 Medicine cauldron?” Xu Ran shakes the head. “药鼎?”徐然摇了摇头。 Powerful alchemist, can take the world as the furnace. The medicine cauldron is the thing that these small and weak alchemist play.” Xu Ran arrogant saying. “强大的炼药师,可以以天地为炉。药鼎都是那些弱小的炼药师才玩的东西。”徐然高傲的说道。 The Xu Ran's words just like bolt from the blue to make Ya Fei dumbfounded together, is completely scared. 徐然的话犹如一道晴天霹雳让雅妃目瞪口呆,完全傻眼。 Takes the world as the incense burner? 以天地为炉鼎? If these words saying from others' mouth, she thinks certainly that was that person is talking big. But said from the Xu Ran's mouth, she thought that this was the incomparable correctness. 这句话要是从别人的嘴里说出来,她一定会以为是那人是在说大话。可是从徐然的嘴里说出来,她却觉得这是无比的正确。 Small and weak alchemist? 弱小的炼药师 From infancy to maturity, she had seen alchemist needs to use the medicine cauldron! But the Xu Ran actually medicine cauldron does not need. 从小到大,她见到过的炼药师都需要使用药鼎!可是徐然却连药鼎都不需要。 Even Pill King Gu He cannot achieve by far does not apply drugs the cauldron. Should that Xu Ran's alchemist rank high? Absolutely above Gu He! 丹王古河都远远做不到不用药鼎。那徐然的炼药师等级该有多高?绝对在古河之上吧! Ya Fei deeply inspires, both hands are covering mouth, she feared herself, because too excited and rude shouting loudly, affects Xu Ran finally. alchemist may not like itself being disturbed in the refine the pill of immortality. 雅妃深吸一口气,双手捂着嘴,她怕自己因为太激动而失态的大喊大叫,最后影响到徐然炼药师可都不喜欢自己在炼丹的时候被打扰。 Ya Fei tight is staring, the beautiful eye winks does not dare to wink, the fear misses that mysterious process. No one has the opportunity to be able the short distance contact powerful alchemist refine the pill of immortality. 雅妃紧紧的盯着,美目眨都不敢眨,害怕错过那种神奇的过程。可不是什么人都有机会能近距离接触强大炼药师炼丹的。 Sees only that Bone Growing Pill to be fired by the flame on Xu Ran's hand, does not see any extraordinary place. 只见那颗生骨丹徐然的手上被火焰灼烧着,也不见有任何出奇的地方。 Sheng Ming aura of bunch by the Xu Ran unceasing input to compounded drug. 一团团的生命气息被徐然不断的输入到丹药中去。 Intermittent rich pill fragrance sends out from the compounded drug, but attracts one, can make the person spirit inspire, the whole body becomes very comfortable, a day weary as if disappears. 一阵阵浓郁的丹香从丹药中散发出来,只是吸上一口,就能让人精神一振,浑身变得十分舒爽,一天的疲劳仿佛都不见了。 At least four! 至少四品! Ya Fei is saying at heart, she knows that at least four above compounded drugs will have so rich pill fragrance! 雅妃在心里说着,她知道至少四品以上的丹药才会有如此浓郁的丹香! However the next quarter, compounded drug of powerful energy ripples from Xu Ran hand starts unceasingly is rippling! 不过下一刻,一阵强大的能量涟漪自徐然手中的丹药开始不断的荡漾着! Five! 五品! Xu Ran unceasing is transporting the pure Sheng Ming source to the compounded drug, the powerful Sheng Ming source is promoting rapidly grade that lives the miracle cure! 徐然不断的向丹药里输送着精纯至极的生命本源,强大的生命本源迅速的提升着生灵丹的品级! Bang! 轰! Dark, in the world as if appeared to a dull thumping sound. 冥冥之中,天地间似乎出现了到一声闷响。 Entire Wutan City, falls into to a strange world phenomenon. The sky turned into the light Sheng Ming green, the rich pill fragrance from the auction market outward diffusion, everyone was smelling this rich pure pill fragrance, as if the body was cleaned generally. 整个乌坦城,都陷入到一种奇异的天地异象中。天空变成了淡淡生命般的绿色,浓郁的丹香从拍卖场向外扩散着,所有人都闻到了这股浓郁纯净的丹香,仿佛身体被洗净了一般。 The entire Wutan City people are surprised uncertain, looks that the world phenomenon calls out in alarm makes noise. 整个乌坦城的人都惊疑不定,看着天地异象都惊呼出声。 But the Wutan City three big families' people are start to be shocked. They are not silly, on this day the phenomenon obviously passes from the auction market, even if they do not understand that had anything still to go to the auction market to inquire. 乌坦城三大家族的人更是开始震动。他们又不傻,这天地异象明显是从拍卖场传出来的,他们即使不明白发生了什么也纷纷前往拍卖场打探。 World phenomenon, tier six pill.” “天地异象,六品丹药。” Xiao Family, in desolate Xun'er boudoir, desolate Xun'er surprised looks at the sky. 萧家,萧熏儿的闺房里,萧熏儿惊讶的看着天空。 tier six pill reveals itself, this is appearing on behalf of six above alchemist nearby this. 六品丹药出世,这代表着一位六品以上的炼药师出现在这附近。 „Can this small place also jump unexpectedly tier six alchemist? Entire Jia Ma Empire only isn't tier six alchemist Gu He?” Ling Ying suddenly appears, very surprised. “这小地方竟然也能蹦出一位六品炼药师?整个加玛帝国唯一的六品炼药师不是古河吗?”凌影突然出现,也十分吃惊的到。 That however the next quarter, shocks appeared! 不过下一刻,更加震撼的一幕出现了! In the sky, that phenomenon starts to diverge slowly, the entire sky is cloudy, the front side world instantaneously becomes dim. 天空中,那异象开始慢慢散去,整个天空乌云密布,正片天地瞬间变得黯淡起来。 The innumerable lightnings are glittering, the bellow of lightning crack 无数闪电闪烁着,闪电的轰鸣声炸响 pill thunder?” 丹雷?” Xun'er cannot be calm, the beautiful eye circulation, looks to the sky, ruddy small mouth slightly. 熏儿再也不能淡定了,美目流转,看向天空,红润小嘴微张。 Young lady, do I investigate?” The Ling Ying complexion is dignified, inquires. “小姐,我去调查一下?”凌影脸色凝重,询问道。 Un.” Xun'er nods lightly. “嗯。”熏儿颔首轻点。 tier seven alchemist, this grade alchemist value is more fearful than the Spirit Elder powerhouse. 七品炼药师,这种品级的炼药师的价值比魂尊强者还可怕。 tier seven alchemist raises the arm shouts, will attract many Dou Venerate powerhouses to come for him to work. 七品炼药师振臂一呼,就会引来许多斗尊强者来为他效力。 alchemist in Douqi Continent is very scarce occupation, but powerful alchemist is scarce. 炼药师斗气大陆是很稀少的职业,而强大的炼药师更是稀少。 At this moment, Ya Fei is numb. 此刻,雅妃已经麻木了。 Seeing with own eyes, on this day the phenomenon is gradually getting more and more fearful, drew out pill thunder she to know that directly this was what grade compounded drug. 眼见着,这天地异象逐渐越来越可怕,直接引出了丹雷她就知道这是一颗什么品级的丹药了。 Only has seven above compounded drugs to inspire pill thunder, this is the record in old book. 只有七品以上的丹药才能引动丹雷,这是古籍中的记载。 Therefore? At present, is placed in front of her is tier seven pill? 所以说?眼前,摆在她面前的就是七品丹药 In the legend, pill thunder is very but fearful, how although Xu Ran can refine such fearful compounded drug but to resist this fearful pill thunder? 可是传说中,丹雷十分可怕,徐然虽然能炼制出这样可怕的丹药但要怎么抵挡这可怕的丹雷呢?
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