DDCTGFD :: Volume #14

#1394: The wind and thunder pavilion is furious

" Solved to go back the family all these people to convene outside person. In the future the wind and thunder pavilion will not let off surely our. If there are family juniors to wander about destitute outside is certainly hunted and killed. " 「把这些人解决了回去将家族在外面的人全都召集回来。未来风雷阁必定不会放过我们的。要是有家族子弟流落在外面一定会被猎杀。」 " Un. " 「嗯。」 The atmosphere of day north city now has become very strange. Because who was clear the powerhouse who wind and thunder north pavilion will not let off Han Family absolutely. Although Han Family beats some Hong Family also Shen saying that but in fact is the bystander who depends on. Han Family strength is not strong, the wind and thunder north pavilion can destroy completely them with ease. 天北城的气氛现在已经变得十分的怪异。因为谁都清楚风雷北阁的强者绝对不会放过韩家的。韩家虽然击败洪家还有沈云,但实际上全都是靠的外人。韩家本身的实力根本不强,风雷北阁可以轻松灭掉他们。 Day after day other north city influences at this moment are also flustered, the wind and thunder north pavilion will for fear that vent anger because of this time matter they. 就连天北城其他势力此刻也都是人心惶惶,生怕风雷北阁会因为这次的事情而迁怒他们。 Roosts Fengshan, is the reputation is big in the entire Central Plains north territory, does not have the phoenix because of its mountain , because on this mountain, is the place of wind and thunder north pavilion standing erect. 栖凤山,在整个中州北域都是名头不小,不是因其山中有凤凰,而是因为这座山上,乃是风雷北阁矗立之地。 The wind and thunder pavilion is divided into a east, west, south, and north four points of pavilion, its Middle East pavilion is a lord, north southwest for auxiliary, the eastern pavilion is most powerful, other head librarians are next slightly, even so, the casual pavilion in head librarian, has qualifications that can push in the Central Plains first-class influence, but four pavilions unite, can compare favorably with some top influences, may be called the side giant of Central Plains north territory. 风雷阁分为东西南北四分阁,其中东阁为主,西南北为辅,东阁最为强大,其余三阁略微次之,但即便如此,三阁之中的随便一阁,都是有着能够挤入中州一流势力的资格,而四阁合一,更是能与一些顶尖势力媲美,堪称中州北域的一方巨擘。 Roosting Fengshan is quite precipitous, the appearance of the mountain is steep, the mountain peak covers in rich mist, quite fairyland feelings. 栖凤山颇为险峻,山势陡峭,山峰笼罩在一层浓郁的雾气之中,颇有一种仙境般的感觉。 Roosts the Fengshan top just like by a great axe is divided general, in its above, numerous buildings hidden in green, partly visible, but entire summit, most noticeable, is a silver great tower above that highest mountain peak. 栖凤山顶犹如被一柄巨斧生生劈断一般,在其之上,众多建筑物隐藏在葱郁之中,若隐若现,而整个山顶,最引人瞩目的,莫过于那最高山峰之上的一座银色巨塔。 Great tower named north Restat of this direct impact clouds, covers entirely the radiant silver all over the body, is faint, can hear some thunderous sounds that spreads, here is cultivation sacred place of wind and thunder north pavilion, only has the performance elitist, just now has to enter qualifications of cultivation. 此直冲云霄的巨塔名为北雷塔,通体布满璀璨的银色,隐隐间,能够听见那从中所传出的一些雷鸣声响,这里是风雷北阁的修炼圣地,唯有表现杰出者,方才具备进入其中修炼的资格。 At this moment. 此时此刻。 Northern Restat most top level, in a spacious grand main hall, has several people to sit closes up the cultivation, boundless powerful imposing manners disseminate from their bodies, making around main hall everyone feel fearful and apprehensive. 北雷塔的最顶层,一座空旷宏伟的大殿中,有着数人坐在其中闭关修炼,一股股磅礴强悍的气势从他们的身上弥散出来,令大殿周围的所有人都感到心惊胆颤。 These people without doubt are the most powerhouses in wind and thunder north pavilion, the northern pavilion pavilion Lord also has the wind thunder and lightning three elders. 这些人无疑便是风雷北阁的最强者,北阁阁主还有风雷电三位长老。 " The elder has fallen from the sky. " 「云长老已经陨落了。」 The main hall center, has a silver throne, light thunder light follows the chair four to spread, above, stunned of northern pavilion pavilion Lord face, in the tone is passing color of the startled anger. 大殿中央,有着一个银色的王座,淡淡的雷光顺着椅子四下蔓延,在其上,北阁阁主一脸的错愕,语气中透着浓浓的惊怒之色。 His sound is not resonant, but has the feeling of extremely strong oppression, making one not dare easily to disregard. 他的声音并不如何嘹亮,但却有着极强的压迫之感,令得人不敢轻易无视。 So many years, wind and thunder pavilion, although has the gratitude and grudges but to live in peace with each other with other influences respectively, most is only among the juniors has also had fighting. But now his an elder hand/subordinate falls from the sky unexpectedly. This absolutely is not a good signal. 这么多年,风雷阁虽和其他势力各有恩怨但一直都相安无事,最多也只是小辈之间有过打斗。而现在他手下的一位长老竟然陨落了。这绝对不是一个好的信号。 Is securely the elder who who dares to kill their wind and thunder north pavilion? 到底是谁敢这么有恃无恐的杀死他们风雷北阁的长老? " clouds soul thunder Beisui of elder? " 「云长老的灵魂雷碑碎了?」 This saying falls, in the main hall, three elder complexions all change color. 这话落下,大殿内,三位长老脸色全都变色。 If the lips are gone , the teeth will be cold, if really has the influence on aim at their wind and thunder pavilion intentionally, they only feared that was also dangerous. Their four Great Elder strengths are similar, the opposite party can kill cloud Elder only to fear that can also kill them. 唇亡齿寒,如果真的是有势力故意针对他们风雷阁的话,那他们只怕也危险了。他们四大长老的实力都差不多,对方能杀死云长老只怕也能杀死他们。 " Also do some people dare to my wind and thunder north pavilion to act in the Central Plains north person of territory? Is the people in ten thousand Jiange? " 「还有人敢在中州北域对我风雷北阁的人出手?难道是万剑阁的人?」 " Temporarily does not know, this time cloud Elder is day north city that goes to? The wind, the thunder, the electricity three elders, you move a lower part of the body, actually checks to have what matter, what no matter begins is, even if is really the people in ten thousand Jiange, still first caught said again, the person in my wind and thunder north pavilion, was not that can kill casually. Your this many belt/bring some manpower in the past, any do not let off with the cloud elder cause of death concerned people. " The northern pavilion pavilion Lord impatient instruction said. At present had such big matter, when the time comes he will be scoffed by other head librarians surely. 「暂时不知,此次云长老是去的天北城吧?风,雷,电三位长老,你们动一下身吧,查一下究竟所发生何事,不管动手的是谁,即便真是万剑阁的人,也先擒住再说,我风雷北阁的人,不是那么随随便便就能杀的.你们这次多带些人手过去,任何与云长老死因有关的人都不要放过。」北阁阁主不耐烦的吩咐道。眼下发生了这么大的事,到时候他必定会被其他三阁所耻笑了。 " Yes. " 「是。」 Three elders do not dare to neglect, change to three to wipe the flowing light, vanishes from the main hall. 三位长老不敢怠慢,化作三抹流光,从大殿中消失。 " Can the mainland start chaotically? Heard that Hall of Souls also suffered the disaster in the past few days, but does not know how Hall of Souls loses, is who acts to Hall of Souls. " The northern pavilion pavilion lord feels uneasy. He always felt that this time matter is not simple. 「难道大陆又要开始乱了吗?听说魂殿前些天也遭受大难,只是不知道魂殿到底损失如何,是何人对魂殿出手的。」北阁阁主感到惴惴不安。他总感觉这次的事情没那么简单。 Day north city is a small city, why will have existence that can threaten to say Shen cloud elder? 天北城不过是一座小城而已,为什么会有能够威胁道沈云长老的存在? Cannot be victorious even, the words that by the strength of Shen cloud elder wants to escape should easily be very right. Soul thunder stone tablet broke to pieces, this was stave the soul body on behalf of Shen cloud. 以沈云长老的实力就算打不过,想要逃命的话应该很轻易才对。灵魂雷碑都碎了,这代表沈云连灵魂体都是破碎了。 ...... …… In the Han Yue boudoir, the charming moving young girl lies down side Xu Ran's evilly, both hands building gently on Xu Ran's. 韩月的闺房内,娇媚动人的少女邪躺在徐然的身边,双手轻轻的搭在徐然的身上。 Rapid gasping for breath, Han Yue is recovering own energy while the rare resting time. 急促的喘着气,韩月趁着罕有的休憩时间恢复着自己的体力。 " You also are really in power unforgiving, does not know to show tender affection. Was outside person fox charm the child to be many, therefore does not care. " Han Yue is groaning, discontented with is pinching Xu Ran body that the index finger and thumb make an effort, wanting to let the pain that Xu Ran also feels her to receive. 「你这人还真是得势不饶人,一点儿都不知道怜香惜玉。是不是外面的人狐媚子多了,所以就不在乎了。」韩月哼哼着,不满的用食指和大拇指用力的掐着徐然身上的皮肉,欲要让徐然也感受一遍她受到的痛楚。 " I do not have, do not talk nonsense. " Xu Ran satisfied smooths the Han Yue disorderly hair, then hurries to deny. He who this saying said with peerless dregs male. 「我没有,别瞎说。」徐然满足的抚平韩月杂乱的头发,然后赶紧否认。这话说的他跟个绝世渣男似的。 " Whom had to say? Also is not the matter of your a few words. " Han Yue is pursing the lips, lazy big eye straight is looking at Xu Ran. 「有没有谁说的准?还不是你一句话的事。」韩月撅着嘴,慵懒的大眼睛直直的望着徐然 The words that " does not believe that after waiting, you asked Zhuqing and Xiao Wu they. I have not changed. In me, you are the unique valuable rarities, are many I not to dislike many. " 「不信的话,等以后你去问竹清小舞她们。我可从来都没有变过。在我心里,你们都是独一无二的稀世珍宝,再多我都不嫌多。」 " My female friend are many, but called Han Yue only then your. " Xu Ran smiles. 「我身边的红颜知己再多,可是叫韩月的就只有你一个啊。」徐然一笑。 " On your sweet-talking, I thought before you, strength not strong time definitely also coaxes these little misses. " Han Yue smiles gracefully, she does not believe Xu Ran is so from the beginning strong. 「就你嘴甜,我看你以前实力不强的时候肯定也是这么哄那些小姑娘的。」韩月盈盈一笑,她可不相信徐然从一开始就那么强。 " My Xu Ran life is not weak in people. My strength not strong time can also provoke my person to punch these black and blue. Who dares to annoy your spoiled child definitely to admit defeat. Right, do your when you pursue Xue'er that girl? Girl temper arrogant, moreover the face hides thinly, if you are not driving even if Xue'er will intend not to say to you. " Han Yue remembers own younger sister, cannot help but reminded. 「我徐然一生不弱于人。我实力不强的时候也能将那些来挑衅我的人揍的鼻青脸肿的。谁敢惹你这个小霸王肯定会吃瘪的。对了,你什么时候你把雪儿那妮子追到手?那妮子性子傲的很,而且脸皮子薄,如果你不主动的话就算雪儿对你有意也不会说出来的。」韩月想起自己的妹妹,不由得提醒道。 She is really wishes that Han Xue can with Xu Ran in the same place, she not think after Han Xue, has a bad husband can only miserable life. 她是真心希望韩雪能够和徐然在一起,她不想韩雪以后遇人不淑只能凄苦的过完一生。 " You manage well yourself. As for Xue'er, does husband go into action also to let slip? " 「你还是管好你自己吧。至于雪儿,难道夫君出马还能失手吗?」 " Is difficult to be inadequate you to look forward to me and Xue'er is good immediately on, then you...... Xu Ran smiles together " . That picture is too beautiful, he cannot think. 「难不成你巴不得我和雪儿马上好上,然后你们一起……」徐然嘿嘿一笑。那画面太美,他都不敢多想。 The beauty that " you think, I can be bullied by you, but Xue'er is not good. Has the Xue'er frail person, you actually also wanted to bully her like that? " The Han Yue beautiful eye stared Xu Ran to be the same, did not depend on is grabbing thoughtlessly on Xu Ran's. 「你想的美,我可以被你欺负,但是雪儿不行。雪儿那般文弱可人,你竟然还一直想要欺负她?」韩月美目瞪了徐然一样,不依的在徐然的身上乱抓着。 Kiss, clicks, to the high praise, the score jumps over Gauguin to be newly quicker, it is said the fragrant book novel gave the perfect score finally found the pretty wife! 亲,点击进去,给个好评呗,分数越高更新越快,据说给香书小说打满分的最后都找到了漂亮的老婆哦! Cell phone standing brand-new edition correction promotion address: https://, the data and bookmark and computer stand synchronization, does not have advertisement fresh reading! 手机站全新改版升级地址:https://,数据和书签与电脑站同步,无广告清新阅读!
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