DDCTGFD :: Volume #14

#1393: Favorite Han pond

" Xu Ran is so fierce, only feared that the father knew very early in the morning, only then I was kept in the dark by a person. " Han Xue thinks before the father , a being unafraid in time of danger appearance , without the complaint of sound to say. 徐然这么厉害,只怕父亲一早就知道了,只有我被一个人被蒙在鼓里。」韩雪想到父亲之前一副临危不惧的样子,没好声的埋怨道。 If really to family life and death time, the father must first protect part of outstanding Han Family disciples to take the lead to leave Han Family is. 如果真的到了家族生死存亡的时候,父亲怎么也要先保护一部分优秀的韩家弟子率先离开韩家才是。 However fortunately, she knows is not late, otherwise must really make fun may lose face. 不过还好,她知道的不晚,不然要真闹笑话了可就丢死人了。 " Haha. Who called you are entirely white sweet? In Jia Nan Academy, you by your older sister selling. " Xinlan smiles giggle looks at Han Xue, actually cannot bear the sigh at heart. 「哈哈。谁叫你是傻白甜?在迦南学院的时候,你就被你姐姐给卖了。」欣蓝笑咯咯的看着韩雪,心里却是忍不住叹息。 " Your what meaning? " Han Xue angrily is staring that busy big eye. She said why the elder sister comes back to speak various Xu Ran's types to her, originally is thinks...... to hmph hmph, has such pit younger sister? 「你什么意思?」韩雪气鼓鼓的瞪着那无暇的大眼睛。她就说为什么姐姐一回来就一直给她讲徐然的各种好,原来是想……哼哼,有这样坑妹妹的吗? Although Xu Ran she is not does not like. 虽然徐然她也不是不喜欢。 " What meaning can also be? Naturally is Han Yue thought that the elder sister I was too attractive, feared that I cancelled completely the Xu Ran's heart, the strategy of therefore putting forth. " Xinlan is saying, while is rubbing the cheek and waist of young girl. 「还能是什么意思?当然是韩月觉得姐姐我太漂亮了,怕我将徐然的心完全勾走了,所以才使出的计策咯。」欣蓝一边说着,一边揉着少女的脸蛋和腰肢。 " Does the Xinlan elder sister, you do? Cannot like this. " Han Xue does not have facing the sudden attack completely preparation of Xinlan, can only protect the whole body important spot with the hand, slightly blushes entirely, big eye pitiful is looking angrily at Xinlan. 欣蓝姐,你干嘛?不许这样。」韩雪面对欣蓝的突然袭击完全一点儿准备都没有,只能用手护住全身重要部位,一张小脸红通通的,大眼睛可怜兮兮的怒视着欣蓝 She has understood now, this woman absolutely is a female sexual harasser. 她现在已经明白了,这个女人绝对是个女色狼。 " I first inspect for your Elder Brother Xu Ran. " Xinlan giggle smiles, but does not dare to bully Han Xue was too ruthless. If bullied to cry Han Xue, by character that Xu Ran that doting parent, oneself also one punished unavoidably. 「我先替你的徐然哥哥检查一下。」欣蓝咯咯直笑,不过也不敢将韩雪欺负的太狠了。要是把韩雪欺负哭了,以徐然那护犊子的性格,自己也免不了一顿惩罚。 " You! " 「你!」 Han Xue the head, is only leaving a Xinlan busy profile. 韩雪偏着头,只留给欣蓝一张无暇的侧脸。 " Your older sister may bully me in the school before a lot, now I bullied her younger sister, averaged. " Xinlan coughs lightly, lets loose from the hand Han Xue. 「你姐以前在学院的时候可没少欺负过我,现在我将她妹妹欺负了个遍,扯平了。」欣蓝轻咳一声,将韩雪从手中放开。 " What matter does that close my? " Han Xue felt oneself are very innocent. However regarding the Xinlan excuse she was the letter/believes. She still remembered couple days ago with elder sister Han Yue , in the carriage the elder sister may be foul-mouthed to Xinlan. Especially saw when Xinlan and Xu Ran ride rides the pleased free and easy appearance are the envying envy of whole face. 「那又关我什么事?」韩雪感到自己十分无辜。不过对于欣蓝的说辞她还是信了的。她还记得前几天和姐姐韩月在马车里的时候姐姐对欣蓝可都是骂骂咧咧的。尤其是看到欣蓝徐然共乘一骑快意洒脱的样子时更是满脸的羡慕嫉妒。 " The woman of struggling for favor is really fearful. " 「争宠的女人真可怕。」 In the Han Yue mind emitted these words suddenly. 韩月脑海里冷不丁的冒出了这句话。 " . Haha, never expected that the snow younger sister you also knows that struggles for favor? " 「噗。哈哈,没想到雪妹妹你还知道争宠啊?」 " I am also not do not ask the fact, naturally is understands. " Han Xue does not like Xinlan speaking to her with such a tone of vice- Sir very much, in fact Xinlan also compared with her greatly is several years old. 「我又不是不问事实,当然是懂的。」韩雪很不喜欢欣蓝用这样一副大人的口吻跟她说话,事实上欣蓝也就比她大几岁而已。 " Ok, did not tell you, I cultivated. If the cultivation is not diligent, later definitely cannot compare them. " Xinlan crawls from the eaves, deeply inspires to say. 「算了,不跟你说了,我修炼去了。要是修炼不勤奋,以后肯定比不上她们。」欣蓝从屋檐上爬起来,深吸一口气道。 Since obtained the Xu Ran's hermetic art inheritance, her elixir technique progresses by leaps and bounds, has achieved the tier six alchemist boundary at her present level. 自从得到了徐然的炼丹术传承,她的炼药术突飞猛进,以她现在的水平已经达到了六品炼药师的境界了。 But at this moment limits her to continue to break through, nothing but is Cultivation(Level). 而此刻限制她继续突破的,无非就是修为 She prepares itself to precipitate after some time, looks for Xu Ran to beg compounded drug to break through Dou Emperor or Dou Ancestor directly. In that case, she can promote tier seven alchemist at the maximum speed. Even, perhaps she closes right up against herself to make the family return to Pill Tower. Now her the vision had arrived at a higher level with Xu Ran, may re-enter Pill Tower after all is family so many year long-cherished wishes until now. 她准备自己沉淀一段时间之后就找徐然讨要一颗丹药直接突破斗皇或者斗宗。那样的话,她就能以最快的速度晋升成七品炼药师。甚至,说不定她靠着自己就能让家族回到丹塔。现在她的眼界随着徐然早就到了更高的层次了,可重回丹塔毕竟是家族这么多年一直以来的夙愿。 " Really is an odd person. Were you so not very strong also? " 「真是个怪人。你都那么强了还不够吗?」 In the Han Xue eye, Xinlan is talent alchemist of evildoer/monstrous talent rank. 韩雪眼里,欣蓝已经是妖孽级别的天才炼药师了。 Does not know that many alchemist exhaust the life unable to reach the Xinlan altitude, but Xinlan actually also finds it not enough. 不知道多少炼药师穷尽一生也达不到欣蓝的高度,可欣蓝竟然还觉得不够。 " What is my strength? Moreover is Xu Ran gives. When you and Xu Ran before asked together he wants some compounded drugs you to understand oneself cultivated white/in vain. " 「我这点实力算什么啊?而且还都是徐然给的。等你和徐然在一起之后问他多要一些丹药你就会明白自己以前都白修炼了。」 " Good. " Han Xue looks at Xinlan to walk away, a person sits in the roof, static looks cloud Juyun who distant place disperses. 「好吧。」韩雪看着欣蓝走远,一个人坐在屋顶,静静的看着远处的云聚云散。 ...... …… By the Han Xue talent, the words estimate of normal cultivation exhausts life unobtainable to break through Dou Ancestor, but if takes Xu Ran's compounded drug to break through Dou Emperor instantaneously. Before that is not, cultivated white/in vain? 韩雪的天赋,正常修炼的话估计穷尽一生都难以突破斗宗,可如果服用一颗徐然的丹药就能瞬间突破斗皇。那可不就是以前白修炼了吗? Han pond these people are clean Hong Family remnant forces cleaning up, simply has not met by their strengths resists slightly solved all. 韩池这些人将洪家残余势力清理干净,以他们的实力根本没有遇到丝毫抵抗就解决了一切。 " Big brother. That Young Master Xu Ran is what background. How I felt that he said you are fiercer than? If personally does not see, I cannot believe that howls Hong heaven unexpectedly is so young young people who Shen cloud these people kill. " 「大哥。那位徐然公子到底是什么来头啊。我怎么感觉他比你说的还要厉害呢?如果不是亲眼所见,我都不敢相信将洪天啸沈云这些人杀死的竟然是一个如此年轻的青年人。」 " Yes. Before big brother you, to us explained I also think that you are comforting us. Never expected that you said unexpectedly real. Our Han Family this time really ran into the honored person. " Saying that the Han Family several elders of nearby battlefield cleanup are delighted beyond measure. 「是啊。大哥你之前给我们解释的时候我还以为你是在安慰我们呢。没想到你说的竟然是真的。我们韩家这次是真的遇到贵人了。」一旁打扫战场的韩家几位长老都喜不自胜的说道。 Before they heard a Han Chijiang young person to treat as the liberator heart quickly to be cool, thinks that Han China refused to abandon hope. Their Han Family crisis is really Xu Ran this young outstanding few Toshiro solves unexpectedly, this really shocked their ruthlessly. 之前他们听到韩池将一个年轻人当做救星心都快凉了,以为韩池拿死马当活马医呢。没想到,他们韩家的危机竟然真的是徐然这个年轻俊逸的少年郎解决的,这实在是狠狠的震撼了他们一把。 Before Xu Ran acted, they do not dare to make noise, for fear that disturbed Xu Ran to act. At the same time now is cleaning up Hong Family odd/surplus evil, they dare to discuss that comes about the Xu Ran's matter. 之前徐然出手的时候,他们都没怎么敢出声,生怕打扰了徐然出手。现在一边清理着洪家余孽,他们才敢讨论起关于徐然的事情来。 Without doubt, the Xu Ran's hand section had conquered them completely. 无疑,徐然的手段已经完全征服了他们。 Has such a to kill the star toward them, conceivable their Han Family should be what kind of great strength in the future. 有着这样一位杀星向着他们这边,可以想象未来他们韩家该是何等的强大。 " Do your fellows think so my? When my Han has pond deceived you? Moreover Young Master Xu Ran may not only be our guests, hehe, Yue'er private has decided life-long with Young Master Xu Ran, this time Young Master Xu Ran comes Han Family is also discusses marriage. " Han pond is saying, raised the head, is very self-satisfied. 「你们这些家伙都是这么看我的?我韩池什么时候骗过你们?而且徐然公子可不仅仅是我们的客人,嘿嘿,月儿早已和徐然公子私定终生,这次徐然公子来韩家也是来提亲的。」韩池说着,不禁扬起了头,十分得意。 The daughter looked for a good home to return , and has the greatest help to the family, whose body this good deed places unable to bear with show off. Xu Ran just arrived at Han Family to help them solve Hong Family this old enemy. 女儿找了个好归宿,而且还对家族有着莫大的帮助,这种好事放在谁的身上都会忍不住拿出来炫耀的。况且,徐然刚来到韩家就帮他们解决掉了洪家这个宿敌。 " Yue'er has the opinion since childhood, initially she must leave the family we also to worry that she has the accident/surprise outside, never expected that she actually gave us such a big pleasant surprise. " 月儿从小就有主见,当初她要离开家族我们还担心她在外面出现意外,没想到她却是给了我们一个这么大的惊喜。」 " Descendant has the descendant luck. " 「儿孙自有儿孙福啊。」 " Does not know that Young Master Xu Ran does like the attractive maidservant. Or these Hong Family women do we choose to deliver to Young Master Xu Ran? " One group of people are saying chaotically. They envied dead Han pond quickly, don't they have to live? Later Han pond no one can vacillate in the Han Family position. 「也不知道徐然公子喜不喜欢漂亮的女奴。要不这些洪家的女人我们挑选一些给徐然公子送过去?」一群人七嘴八舌的说着。他们都快羡慕死韩池了,他们怎么没有这么会生啊?以后韩池在韩家的地位再也没有人能够动摇了。 " Go away! How could can Young Master Xu Ran have a liking for such rouge vulgar powder? Moreover do you deliver that not to harm Yue'er? " Han pond ruthlessly to that makes the suggestion kicked a foot. He may do does not deliver the matter that the daughter deliver the love rival. 「滚!徐然公子岂能看得上这样的胭脂俗粉?而且你送过去那不是害月儿吗?」韩池狠狠的给那个提建议的踢了一脚。他可做不出给自家女儿送情敌的事情。 Kiss, clicks, to the high praise, the score jumps over Gauguin to be newly quicker, it is said the fragrant book novel gave the perfect score finally found the pretty wife! 亲,点击进去,给个好评呗,分数越高更新越快,据说给香书小说打满分的最后都找到了漂亮的老婆哦! Cell phone standing brand-new edition correction promotion address: https://, the data and bookmark and computer stand synchronization, does not have advertisement fresh reading! 手机站全新改版升级地址:https://,数据和书签与电脑站同步,无广告清新阅读!
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