DDCTGFD :: Volume #14

#1392: Peeping

Talent one second remembers the home station address:[ Loves pen building] https:// quickest renewal! Adless! 天才一秒记住本站地址:[爱笔楼]https://最快更新!无广告! " Naturally was attractive, impeccable. " 「当然好看了,无可挑剔。」 Xu Ran is pinching own chin, is very watching earnestly. 徐然捏着自己的下巴,十分认真的观赏着。 In the previous generation, this scene will only appear in the books of certain artists generally. But honorable person, without beautiful face, really some spicy eyes. But by Han Yue their beautiful appearance, how regardless to put on to build will not present the extremely unharmonious picture. 要知道,在前世,这种场景一般只会出现在某些画师的本子上。而真人,如果没有美颜的话,是真的有些辣眼睛的。而以韩月她们的美貌,无论怎么穿搭都不会出现太过不和谐的画面。 So long as the person attractively, even if clothes were equal to that zero still has no relations. 只要人长得漂亮,就算是衣品等于零也没有任何关系。 " Your this small seductress/evil spirit, really must die the person fan. Does not have others to see that fortunately your is pure the appearance that and wants, otherwise after god knows, my love rival bewildered appearance many. " Xu Ran walks to go forward waist that has hugged Han Yue, index finger gently is touching that sexy small navel. 「你这小妖精,真是要把人迷死。还好没有别人看到你这又纯又欲的样子,不然的话天知道以后我的情敌又会莫名其妙的出现多少。」徐然走上前一把搂过韩月的腰肢,食指轻轻的抚摸着那性感的小肚脐。 " Where will I go out to give others to look? If for you, I will not sacrifice itself. " Listens to Xu Ran's to praise, saying that Han Yue joyfully, is actually very proud tender. 「我哪会出去给别人看?如果不是为了你,我才不会牺牲自己呢。」听着徐然的夸赞,韩月欣喜不已,却是十分傲娇的说道。 How she said that is also the Han Family young lady, passes to Xu Ran to have a look in the boudoir. She is not willing to have others to see her to have such side. If there is a person who other should not look at to look, she met under the pain absolutely the killer. 她怎么说也是韩家的大小姐,在闺房里传给徐然看看也就罢了。她可不愿意有其他人看到她有这样的一面。如果有其他不该看的人看了,她绝对会痛下杀手。 " First closes the door, we enter in the room to chat again slowly! " 「先把门关上,我们进屋里再慢慢聊!」 Xu Ran colludes with the door, then...... 徐然一把将房门勾上,然后…… ...... …… But not far away, what Han Yue does not know, her charming moving appearance had been watched by two people. 而不远处,韩月不知道的是,她那娇媚动人的样子早已被两个人看在了眼里。 It is not others, but is Xinlan and Han Xue. 不是别人,而是欣蓝韩雪 At this moment, both females tight is staring at the direction of Han Yue boudoir, does not know at heart is thinking anything. 此时此刻,两女都是紧紧的盯着韩月闺房的方向,心里都不知道在想什么。 Xinlan is but actually good, she has been used. Even she compares Han Yue also to be able. 欣蓝倒还好,她早就习惯了。甚至她比韩月还会呢。 But entirely white sweet Han Xue was looks stupidly. 而傻白甜韩雪则是看傻了。 Is her that arrogant like the white lotus elder sister? This also too...... Han Xue felt some own unobtainable open one's mouth. Although Xu Ran brought before Han Yue is leaving, she at heart faintly understands must have anything, but the favor saw that feelings at heart are will be different. 这还是她那个高傲如白莲般的姐姐吗?这也太……韩雪感觉自己有些难以启齿。虽说之前徐然带着韩月离开的时候,她在心里就隐隐明白要发生什么了,但青眼看到心里的感触还是会不一样。 Naturally, what is most important is the stimulation. Strange feelings made her even unable to bear want to continue to look that to satisfy own spying on desire. 当然,最重要的还是刺激。一种奇异的情愫令她甚至忍不住想要继续看下去以满足自己的窥探欲。 " Also is really an enemy. 「还真是一个劲敌啊。 " " Han Yue imagined compared with me fierce. The leg compared with my plentiful, the skin and I am similar, the stature is also similar. The never expected that Han Yue stature unexpectedly is so good, how later to have noticed? " 韩月比我想象中的厉害多了。腿比我的丰满一点,皮肤和我差不多,身材也差不多。没想到韩月的身材竟然这么好,以后怎么没注意到呢?」 That that Xinlan looks is one with great interest. 欣蓝看的那是一个津津有味。 She swallowed one to go into hiding the compounded drug of aura, therefore did not need to be worried that Han Yue will discover her. As for Xu Ran, he being disinclined manages this minor matter. 她吞服了一颗可以隐匿自身气息的丹药,所以不用担心韩月会发现她。至于徐然,他才懒得管这种小事呢。 Xinlan in competes with Han Yue at heart secretly, from skin to measurements, Xinlan that so long as almost can bring to contrast was making the contest at heart. 欣蓝在心里暗自跟韩月较劲,从皮肤到三围,几乎只要是能够拿来对比的欣蓝都在心里做出了较量。 " You, you...... " 「你,你们……」 Han Xue is blushing, Xinlan that bold words made her be red in the face. She has not thought that a Xinlan such gentle girl can also say such astonishing words. Moreover must lead her the peeping elder sister and Xu Ran...... the terribly ashamed. 韩雪红着脸,欣蓝那大胆的话语令她面红耳赤。她没想到欣蓝这么一个文文静静的女孩子也能说出这么惊人的话来。而且还非要带着她来偷看姐姐和徐然……羞死人了。 " We? Do not tell me you not to like Xu Ran. I do not believe. " Xinlan blinks the big eye to look at Han Xue. Han Xue and Han Yue have 30% similarly, is very pretty beautiful woman embryo. The smooth pure white flesh, has to exquisite the stature, even she somewhat ate the taste. No wonder can make Hong Family that fellow keep thinking, naturally has the qualification. 「我们怎么了?你别告诉我你不喜欢徐然。我可不会相信。」欣蓝眨巴着大眼睛看着韩雪韩雪韩月有着30%相似,都是十分貌美的美人胚子。光滑洁白的肌肤,玲珑有致的身材,连她都有些吃味了。难怪能够让洪家的那个家伙一直惦记,自然是有本钱的。 " I may not have, do not talk nonsense! " 「我可没有,你不要瞎说!」 Han Xue by Xinlan was said all of a sudden concern, immediately becomes flustered. 韩雪一下子被欣蓝说中了心事,顿时变得慌张起来。 She has completely changed now to the Xu Ran's view. Before Xu Ran, that kills the four directions greatly, shortly will all slaughter the clean appearance to make her very infatuated the Hong Family many powerhouses. Even if currently has a while in the past, outside battlefield also cleans was similar, but she is unobtainable walks from that picture. 她现在已经完全改变了对徐然的看法。徐然之前那大杀四方,顷刻间将洪家的众多强者全都屠杀干净的样子让她十分痴迷。纵使现在已经过去有一会儿了,外面的战场也打扫的差不多了,可她还是难以从那副画面中走出来。 So long as is a girl, rarely with does not like the aggressive man. 只要是女孩子,就很少与不喜欢霸气的男人的。 Especially that type is aggressive to the bystander, may lets their radically unobtainable resistance to the man who oneself look after with great solicitude. 尤其是那种对外人霸气,可对自己又体贴入微的男人更是让她们根本难以抵御。 " Right? Whose that was before and Xu Ran is reading poems to paint somewhere, your Nong my Nong? " Xinlan continues to tease. 「是吗?那是谁之前和徐然在某处吟诗作画,你侬我侬啊?」欣蓝继续打趣道。 " Do you peep we? " 「你又偷窥我们?」 Han Xue angrily, wicked is staring Xinlan. 韩雪气鼓鼓的,恶狠狠的瞪着欣蓝 She thought that this woman was really hateful. Peeping elder sister, but also peeps the matters of she and Xu Ran two people. Their anything has not done fortunately. 她觉得这个女人实在是太可恶了。偷看姐姐也就罢了,还偷看她和徐然两个人的事。还好她们什么都没有做。 " I look frankly and uprightly. " Xinlan very earnest saying. Xinlan felt after oneself, must grip selects the Han Family sisters' handle, such later can be in an impregnable position in later being together. 「我是光明正大的看的。」欣蓝很认真的说道。欣蓝觉得自己以后要多攥点韩家姐妹的把柄,这样以后自己在以后的相处中才能立于不败之地。 " Snort. " Han Xue tender snort/hum. 「哼。」韩雪娇哼一声。 ...... …… " That, what kind of person is Xu Ran? Should he very be also famous in Jia Nan Academy? What a pity I have not gone to Jia Nan Academy. " Han Xue both hands hold the bright and clean chin, somewhat absent-minded, is imagining Han Yue and Xinlan they cannot bear envy at the scene that Jia Nan Academy and Xu Ran dear friend is acquainted. 「那个,徐然到底是一个怎样的人?他在迦南学院应该也很有名吧?可惜我没有去过迦南学院。」韩雪双手捧着自己光洁的下巴,有些失神,想象着韩月欣蓝她们在迦南学院徐然相知相识的场景就忍不住羡慕。 " Is he in Jia Nan Academy not only famous? So long as he wants, Jia Nan Academy Dean is his. " Xinlan smiling saying. 「他在迦南学院岂止是有名?只要他愿意,迦南学院院长都是他的。」欣蓝笑盈盈的说道。 " How possibly? But Jia Nan Academy first under heaven school. " Han Xue small mouth slightly, some unobtainable believe. Even if she is ignorant, knows that Jia Nan Academy is a how fearful colossus. 「怎么可能?迦南学院可是天下第一学院啊。」韩雪小嘴微张,有些难以置信。纵使她再无知,也知道迦南学院是一座何其可怕的庞然大物。 So many years, Jia Nan Academy does not know that trained many powerhouses. But these powerhouses entered the major influences in mainland, formed a huge relationship network. 这么多年,迦南学院不知道培养出了多少强者。而这些强者又进入了大陆上的各大势力,形成了一张庞大的关系网。 Even if no compared with the means with the Central Plains strong presence, but as an school, Jia Nan Academy is highest level. 纵使和中州的强大势力没有办法相比,但作为一座学院,迦南学院已经是最顶级的了。 But Xinlan actually said that so long as Xu Ran wants, can become the Jia Nan Academy school directly, this made the small heart of Han Xue somewhat unable to bear. 欣蓝竟然说,只要徐然想要,就可以直接成为迦南学院的学院,这让韩雪的小心脏都有些受不了了。 Jia Nan Academy Dean, even if Central Plains many big influences will give several points of face. 迦南学院院长,即使是中州的许多大势力都会给几分面子吧。 At this time, Han Xue was clear, Xu Ran already powerful to what kind of situation. What is Jia Nan Academy? His skill greatly. In this world only then he bullies others' share, no one can bully his. " 这时候,韩雪才明白,徐然已经强大到了何等地步。迦南学院算什么?他的本事大着呢。这个世界上只有他欺负别人的份,没有人能够欺负他的。」 " Therefore we only need now safely and other people in wind and thunder pavilion courted death on the line. Even Dou Saint came Xu Ran still to be able a palm of the hand to pat. " Wind light cloud Dan who Xinlan said that has not paid attention to the wind and thunder pavilion slightly. 「所以我们现在只需要安安心心的等风雷阁的人来找死就行了。就算是斗圣来了徐然也能一巴掌拍死。」欣蓝说的风轻云淡,丝毫没有将风雷阁放在眼里。 Dou Saint! 斗圣 Han Xue stared in a big way the eye! 韩雪瞪大了眼睛! " You said, Xu Ran is stronger than general Dou Saint? " 「你是说,徐然比一般的斗圣还要强?」 Douqi Continent rank Han Xue is naturally clear, Dou Saint is the highest level that column. 斗气大陆的等级韩雪自然是清楚的,斗圣已经是最顶级的那一栏了。 " Otherwise you think why Xu Ran does dare not to pay attention to the wind and thunder pavilion? Even if Central Plains all powerhouses add, it is estimated that insufficient Xu Ran hits. " Xinlan is saying not completely indifferently, but Han Xue is slowly was numb. 「不然你以为徐然为什么敢不把风雷阁放在眼里啊?就算是中州所有的强者加起来,估计都不够徐然打的。」欣蓝满不在乎的说着,而韩雪则是慢慢的麻木了。 She does not know Xinlan said that has the exaggerating ingredient, she only knows that Xu Ran is very strong, to can disregard the wind and thunder pavilion powerful. 她也不知道欣蓝说的是不是有夸张的成分,她只知道徐然很强,强大到可以无视风雷阁。
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