DDCTGFD :: Volume #14

#1391: Femme fatale

„Was your fellow getting more and more bad? Just so many people look that our you also do dare to hug me unexpectedly?” A Han Yue sending a punitive expedition appearance, but the appearance of that gentle as water will only make people treat as the lush lamb him. “你这家伙怎么越来越坏了?刚刚那么多人都看着我们你竟然还敢抱我?”韩月一副兴师问罪的样子,但是那温柔似水的样子却只会让人将其当做肥美的羔羊。 Saw saw. Also some later people in province have your sisters' ideas. However the femme fatale, your two sisters are the femme fatales.” Xu Ran cannot bear tease. “看到了就看到了呗。也省的以后有人打你们姐妹的主意。不过红颜祸水啊,你们两姐妹就是红颜祸水。”徐然忍不住打趣道。 Hong Family and Han Family gratitude and grudges, are Young Master Hong Family want to be stronger to marry Han Yue and Han Xue this from the beginning to the day north city renowned big beautiful women. Who can think, because a Hong Chen's oneself selfish desire caused extinction of oneself entire family finally unexpectedly, is to make one sob simply. 洪家韩家的恩怨,一开始也不过是洪家少爷想要强娶韩月韩雪这对在天北城远近闻名的大美女罢了。谁能想到,因为洪辰的一己私欲最后竟然导致了自己整个家族的灭绝,简直是令人唏嘘。 Had you to say own woman? Also femme fatale?! Incorrect man reason conclusion of failure on woman.” Han Yue is clenching teeth lightly, tender snort/hum was saying. If were not Hong Family gets up read corruptly, is not this result. “有你这么说自己女人的吗?还红颜祸水呢?!只有不行的男人才会把失败的原因归结于女人身上。”韩月轻咬着牙,娇哼着说道。如果不是洪家起了贪念,也不会是这个结局。 Whether or not the femme fatale, cannot damage my body in any case. I look forward to you am the source of trouble.” Xu Ran evil smiling, since the ancient times can call it the source of trouble woman that to be the full great beauty. “不管是不是红颜祸水,反正祸害不到我的身上。我巴不得你们都是祸水。”徐然邪邪的笑着,自古以来能够被称之为祸水的女人那可都是十足的大美人。 „Is is. You that fierce who can damage you in any case? You did not damage us to be good.” Han Yue cannot bear charmingly white Xu Ran, on the face was also cannot help but boiling hot several points. Xu Ran this tired not bad cow may really not be the average person can enjoy. “是是是。反正你那么厉害了谁能祸害得了你啊?你不来祸害我们就不错了。”韩月忍不住娇媚的白了徐然一眼,脸上也是不由得滚烫了几分。徐然这头累不坏的牛可真不是一般人能够消受得起的。 You put me to get down quickly, I first bathe. I now good heavy bloody air/Qi.” Han Yue hammered several fists in the Xu Ran's chest front lightly, is somewhat helpless. She knows following Xu Ran , if not be able to eat is will not give up absolutely. “你快放我下来,我先去沐浴。我现在身上好重的血腥气啊。”韩月徐然的胸前轻锤了几拳,有些无奈。她知道接下来徐然要是吃不到是绝对不会善罢甘休的。 Although the present is daytime, but in long had compromised with Xu Ran together. 虽然现在是白日,但和徐然在一起久了早就已经妥协了。 Han Yue had been clear Xu Ran's likes, compares instead likes the daytime in jet black night Xu Ran, said that anything can see clearly. Naturally, sees clearly regarding anything, she is not very clear. 韩月早已清楚了徐然的喜好,相比于漆黑的夜晚徐然反而更喜欢白日,说什么能看得更清楚。当然,对于什么看得更清楚,她也不是很清楚。 Hehe, you a bit faster, remember the appearance attractive.” Xu Ran longing puts from own bosom Han Yue. “嘿嘿,那你快点,记得打扮的好看点。”徐然依依不舍的将韩月从自己的怀里放下来。 Giggle, knows.” “咯咯,知道啦。” Han Yue is swaying from side to side that slender nimble and resourceful willow waist, the flash charm increased did not know many times, probably teased rubbed then to hide in the boudoir the door to close on Xu Ran's gently immediately. 韩月扭动着那纤细灵动的柳腰,一瞬间魅力大增了不知道多少倍,像是挑逗般的在徐然的身上轻轻蹭了一下便立刻躲进闺房里将门关上了。 Cannot come, cannot peep, particularly cannot have your soul force quantity to peep.” In the room, Han Yue is backing on the door, suddenly probably the sound remembered the important matter, “不许进来,也不许偷看,尤其是不能有你的灵魂力量偷看。”在房间里,韩月背靠着房门,突然像是响想起了重要的事情, Has the sound said hastily. 连忙出声道。 She suspected very much, by the Xu Ran's strength, the private affair that to look at world any female, only feared that will not have any difficulty. 她很怀疑,以徐然的实力,如果想要看天下任何一个女子的私事,只怕是不会有任何的难度。 .” “噗。” Relax, I will not peep, will I handle that not matter? If I must look that will also look frankly and uprightly.” Xu Ran shrugs. “放心,我不会偷看,我会做那种没品的事情吗?我如果要看也会正大光明的看。”徐然耸了耸肩。 Everyone needs own private, Xu Ran will not have is monitoring own woman momentarily. Such love is the morbid state, will make one collapse. 每个人都需要有自己的私人空间,徐然可不会那么没品的随时监控着自己的女人。那样的爱是病态的,会让人崩溃的。 Xu Ran is a deep love free person, he self-examined that oneself is not willing to stare by others absolutely. Not does unto other not to do to others. 徐然自己都是一个热爱自由的人,他自问自己是绝对不愿意被其他人一直盯着的。己所不欲勿施于人嘛。 Han Yue stares at outside the room the Xu Ran's sound, on the face is revealing wipes the beautiful smile. 韩月盯着房间外徐然的声音,脸上露出一抹绝美的笑容。 Goes into the bathroom, tying a belt of Han Yue revelation waist slowly, revealed that to one point of fat few one point of slim beautiful figure. That has to exquisite the tender body may be called world best quality goods. 跑到浴室里,韩月缓缓的揭开腰间的束带,露出了那具对一分则肥少一分则瘦的绝美身材。那玲珑有致的娇躯堪称世间极品。 As if changed attractive a point.” “似乎又变漂亮了一点。” Han Yue surprised is sizing up own body, cannot bear is somewhat flabbergasted. 韩月吃惊的打量着自己的身体,忍不住有些咂舌。 Since being the Xu Ran's woman, her body has been changing. These changes all are the good changes. 自从做了徐然的女人之后,她的身体就一直在发生着变化。这些变化全都是好的变化。 Before, she, although is very attractive, in day north city is also the reputation far thin, otherwise has not been pestered by Hong Chen. But that time her attractive also limited, the body will have many slight defects unavoidably. 在以前,她虽然很漂亮,在天北城也是美名远薄不然也不会一直被洪辰纠缠了。可那时候的她漂亮的也有限,身上难免也是会有许多瑕疵的。 So long as is a person, will have the imperfect place unavoidably, or on skin, place that other unobtainable open one's mouth. 只要是人,都难免会有很多不完美的地方,或是皮肤上的,又或是其他难以启齿的地方。 But with Xu Ran after together she very long has not put on make-up. Even does not maintain, the body still has been staying very healthy condition, some tiny slight defects also vanished slowly. As a liking to look good person, Han Yue watches at heart is also extremely joyful. 而和徐然在一起之后她已经很久没有怎么化过妆了。即使不保养,身体也一直保持着十分健康的状态,身上的一些细小的瑕疵也慢慢的消失了。作为一个爱美的人,韩月看在眼里心里也是万分欣喜。 Why she understands Xu Ran these woman one by one evildoer/monstrous talent. 她算是明白为什么徐然身边那些女人一个比一个妖孽了。 She is only and Xu Ran in together such short time, the body has so many changes. These with Xu Ran many years have't can become the female celestial? 她才只是和徐然在一起这么短的时间,身上就有如此多的变化。那些跟了徐然很多年的还不得成仙女了啊? These fellow perhaps times from the beginning also has no difference from me, but Xu Ran in together long became that attractive.” “那些家伙或许一开始的时候和我也没有什么区别,只是和徐然在一起久了才会变得那么好看。” Later my Han Yue will certainly not lose to them.” “以后我韩月也一定不会输给她们。” The Han Yue beautiful eye falls on own body, the jade refers to is touching that tender and delicate exquisite flesh gently, in a soft voice twittering. 韩月美目落在自己的身上,玉指轻轻抚摸着自己那娇嫩细腻的肌肤,轻声呢喃着。 In she most powerful enemy is not Xinlan these people, but is these makings endures compared with the person of female celestial. These people gave her pressure are really big. If, she cannot guarantee diligently oneself can tie up the Xu Ran's heart. 在她心里最强大的敌人可不是欣蓝这些人,而是那些气质堪比仙女的人。那些人给她的压力实在是太大了。如果不努力的话,她可不敢保证自己能够一直拴住徐然的心。 Wanted to tie up a heart of man is really difficult, but wanted to tie up the Xu Ran's heart to be without doubt more difficult. If oneself content with the status quo, when will refer to being uncertain to forget by Xu Ran. 想要拴住一个男人的心实在是太难了,而想要拴住徐然的心无疑更难。要是自己安于现状的话,指不定什么时候自己就会被徐然遗忘了。 Xu Ran actually not heartless man (Han), but Xu Ran's side Yingying Yanyan's many more and more, threw her in that group of people quick seems common. 徐然倒不是负心汉,可徐然的身边莺莺燕燕的越来越多,把她丢在那群人里很快就显得不起眼了。 She now was also the peerless beautiful woman. But side Xu Ran's is the peerless beautiful woman rank. 她现在也算是绝世美女了。可是徐然的身边全都是绝世美女级别的。 Yeah.” “哎。” Han Yue bathes, while sentimental indulging in flights of fancy. 韩月一边沐浴,一边多愁善感的胡思乱想。 With Xu Ran before together she has not thought thing that anything struggles for favor and so on. But now, her heart, her body wants to obtain many loves from Xu Ran's. 在和徐然在一起之前她可从来没有想过什么争宠之类的东西。可现在,她的心,她的身体都想要从徐然的身上获得更多的宠爱。 An hour passed by, Han Yue opened the door of boudoir bashful. 一个钟头过去了,韩月才羞答答的打开了闺房的门。 A blue trunks tight post on the thigh, the check rouses the full perfectly round curve, on a pair of straight thigh is pair of pure white silk stockings. The upper body is a movement underwear, wet dá dá the long hair moist the clothing, the youth pure also brings several points of charming unknowingly. 一件蓝色的运动短裤紧紧的贴在大腿上,勾鼓出饱满浑圆的曲线,一双笔直的大腿上是一双纯洁的白色丝袜。上身是一件运动亵衣,湿哒哒的长发不经意间湿润了衣物,青春单纯中又带着几分妩媚。 Acted bashful acted bashful! 拿捏了拿捏了! Pure and monster flattered, making Xu Ran unable to bear look dull. 纯洁而又妖媚,令徐然都是忍不住看呆了。 Really, the women are the angel of flap. 果然,女人都是折翼的天使。 Attractive?” Han Yue bashful is not daring to look at Xu Ran. To be honest, before putting on this non- mainstream builds, follows Xun'er they to study the experience learned in Jia Nan Academy. Xu Ran's aesthetically as if the Douqi Continent mainstream is not completely aesthetically same, but also has another unique aesthetic sense to let Han Yue they is also the vision opens greatly. “好看吗?”韩月羞的偏着头不敢看徐然。说实话,这种非主流的穿搭还是之前在迦南学院的时候跟着薰儿她们学习经验学会的。徐然的审美似乎和斗气大陆的主流审美并不完全一样,不过却又有另一种独特的美感让韩月她们也都是眼界大开。
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