DDCTGFD :: Volume #14

#1390: All extinguishes

„Is this Shen clouds?” “这是沈云?” Shen did cloud die in your hand?” “沈云死在了你的手里?” Hong heaven howls turns the surging difficult situation at heart, originally filled with hatred and angry mind instantaneous tranquil. His strength is good, but with Shen cloud also many. Others can kill Shen saying that can also kill him surely. 洪天啸心里翻涌起惊涛骇浪,原本满腔恨意和愤怒的头脑瞬间平静了下来。他的实力是不错但和沈云比起来也强不了多少。人家能杀沈云,那必定也能够杀他。 After calming down, Hong heaven howled quickly was clear about the long and short of the story on the analysis, wished one could to flog a corpse Hong Lila. Before without clarifying Han Family the details begins to Han Family rashly, then hit on the sheet iron? 冷静下来之后,洪天啸很快就分析清楚了来龙去脉,恨不得将洪立拉起来鞭尸。在没有弄清楚韩家的底细之前就贸然对韩家动手,这下撞到铁板上了吧? In the Central Plains influence, where has one simply? tall branch who since they can climb up the wind and thunder pavilion, Han Family not necessarily does not have other subsequent hand. 中州的势力,哪有一个简单的?他们既然能够攀上风雷阁的高枝,韩家未必就没有别的后手。 .” “呼。” Hong heaven howls expression clouded over looks at Xu Ran and Han Family people. Although he resents, but how can he? Hong Family has died now so many people, moreover is Hong Family elite, he can only find the way to preserve the Hong Family remaining people now. 洪天啸脸色阴晴不定的看着徐然韩家众人。他虽然愤恨不已,可他又能如何?洪家现在已经死了这么多人,而且都是洪家的精锐,他现在只能想办法保住洪家剩下的人。 This your excellency, Han Family, this time is our Hong Family is not right, here my Hong Tianxiao is willing to apologize for you, even can put out Hong Family all treasures to compensate. I did not ask you to let off me, only asked you to let off other innocent people. The Hong Family powerhouse the casualty completely, later will not have become the threat of Han Family.” Hong Tianxiao is smiling bitterly, once Hong Family has the tyrannical present base and low. “这位阁下,韩家的诸位,这次是我们洪家的不对,在这里我洪天啸愿意为你们赔礼道歉,甚至可以拿出洪家所有的宝物来赔偿。我不求你们能够放过我,只求你们能够放过其他无辜的人。洪家的强者已经死伤殆尽,以后再也不会成为韩家的威胁了。”洪天啸苦笑着,曾经的洪家有多强横现在就有多卑微。 A powerful family from the prosperity to the destruction, sometimes is only the error in thought. 一个强盛的家族从兴盛到覆灭,有时候只是一念之差。 In Central Plains, the casual wrong decision has the possibility as for the beyond redemption position. 中州,随便一个错误的决定都有可能将自己至于万劫不复的境地。 Cuts the grass non- root, the spring breeze blows fresh.” “斩草不除根,春风吹又生。” We will not let off Hong Family anyone.” Xu Ran direct indifferent saying. Even if the strengths of other Hong Family people are not strong, but if later has hidden in the hidden place makes the assassination to Han Family is still very troublesome. “我们是不会放过洪家任何一个人的。”徐然直接冷漠的说道。就算洪家其他人的实力不强,但如果以后一直躲在暗处做暗杀对韩家来说也是十分麻烦的。 Hong Senior, excuse our inability to comply.” The Han pond also sighed at this time. Hong heaven howls so many years is day of Beicheng's first powerhouse, but now actually acts servilely thinks him to beg for mercy, is really makes him have to be sad. However he will not be softhearted, if today is not the Xu Ran's words, only feared that their Han Family will be more pitiful. They most only will at least put to death the Hong Family person, but Hong stand their methods only feared that is a worse contamination. “洪前辈,恕难从命。”韩池这时候也是叹了口气。洪天啸这么多年一直是天北城第一强者,而现在却卑躬屈膝的想他讨饶,实在是令他不得不心生感叹。不过他也是不会心慈手软的,如果今日不是徐然的话,只怕他们韩家会更加凄惨。至少他们最多只会将洪家人诛杀,但洪立他们的手段只怕是更加邪恶污秽。 Ha. It seems like the old man wants. However even if dies, the old man must first draw the pad back said again, “哈哈哈。看来是老夫想多了。不过即使是死,老夫也要先拉个垫背的再说, Otherwise dead in vain? ” Hong Tianxiao gave up all fantasies, stretched out the fang again, shoots toward Han Family at the extremely quick speed, the boundless dou qi energy is the uncontrolled start divulges unexpectedly. 不然岂不是白死了?”洪天啸放弃了所有幻想,再度伸出了獠牙,以极快的速度朝着韩家射过去,磅礴的斗气能量竟是不受控制的开始宣泄出来。 Hong Tianxiao does actually want from exploding? 洪天啸竟然是想要自爆? If makes him succeed, Han Family these people only feared that must die half. But Xu Ran where will give him this opportunity. 如果让他成功,韩家这些人只怕也要死上一半。可徐然哪里会给他这个机会。 Death!” “死!” Xu Ran jolted near the foot breaking blade, kicks, inserts directly from Hong Tianxiao back. 徐然颠了颠脚边的断刃,一脚踢出,直接从洪天啸的背后插进去。 Hong heaven howls probably was instantaneously withered the balloon to be the same, slowly from in the air declines. 洪天啸瞬间像是干瘪了的气球一样,缓缓的从空中衰落下来。 Uncle, remaining all gave you.” “伯父,剩下的就全交给你们了。” Does not have the issue. This time was lucky you, otherwise, our Han Family this time only feared that is difficult to escape a tribulation.” Han pond refreshed saying. Looks at the ground a place corpse, in Han Chixin excited. “没问题。这次多亏了你,不然的话,我们韩家这次只怕是难逃一劫。”韩池爽快的说道。看着地上的一地死尸,韩池心中激动不已。 The Hong Family elites all died in Xu Ran's hand, remaining did not arrive at them Dou King to solve with ease. 洪家的精英们全都死在了徐然的手里,剩下的一些连斗王都不到他们可以轻松解决掉。 Henceforward, their Han Family was day of Beicheng's control. As for the wind and thunder pavilion, fully realized Han pond who Xu Ran details was not worried. 自此以后,他们韩家就是天北城的主宰了。至于风雷阁,深知徐然底细的韩池根本就不担心。 Uncle was polite, everyone later was a whole family.” Xu Ran with a laugh looks to Han Yue and Han Xue, both females are on the face one red. Especially Han Xue, but also is very afraid, always felt oneself somewhat are unfair to Han Yue. “伯父客气了,大家以后都是一家人了。”徐然笑呵呵的看向韩月韩雪,两女都是脸上一红。尤其是韩雪,还十分心虚,总感觉自己有些对不起韩月 „Is is. I first led the person to chase down Hong Family odd/surplus evil, Yue'er, Young Master Xu Ran give you to look.” The Han pond smiles to blossom at heart. Later has such a steady backer, whom Han Family also fears? “是是是。那我先带人去追杀洪家余孽,月儿,徐然公子就交给你照顾了。”韩池心里笑开了花。以后有一座这么稳的靠山,韩家还怕谁? In order to prevent the Hong Family remaining people runs away, Han pond hurrying leads an numerous Han Family powerhouse to overtake in the Hong Family direction. 为了防止洪家剩下的人逃窜,韩池赶紧带着一众韩家强者朝着洪家的方向赶了过去。 These does not know that time must die many people.” “这一次也不知道要死多少人。” Han Yue looks at the ground the corpse, silent a while said. She knows that the father they acts is will not be absolutely softhearted, therefore feels immediately very sorrowfully. 韩月看着地上的死尸,沉默了一会儿说道。她知道父亲他们出手是绝对不会心慈手软的,所以顿时感到十分悲哀。 Although she loathed to this time actually somewhat to feel sorry for them about Hong Family before. Any influence has the good person to have the unprincipled person. Although Hong stand these person of cruel and merciless, but many elderly and infirm are innocent. 虽然之前她对洪家十分厌恶可到了这个时候却有些可怜他们了。任何一个势力都是有好人有坏人的。虽然洪立这些人心狠手辣,可许多老弱妇孺却是无辜的。 Han Xue was also instantaneously sad. They are not Holy Mother, but must die all of a sudden so many people, they somewhat did not accept. 韩雪也是瞬间忧愁了起来。她们不是圣母,只是一下子要死这么多人,她们心里还是有些接受不了。 Perhaps death extricated to them. Crashes on the heaven all of a sudden, even if lives is still being lives to might as well die. The influence that Hong Family offended before are many, if knew that the Hong Family present fate, these Hong Family people only feared is more uncomfortable. You should understand.” The law of the jungle, the survival of the fittest, Xu Ran has been unalarmed by strange sights. “死亡对他们来说也许才是解脱。一下子就天堂坠落,就算是活着也是生不如死。况且,洪家之前得罪的势力不少,要是得知洪家现在的下场,那些洪家的人只怕更加难受。你们应该明白的。”弱肉强食,适者生存,徐然已经见怪不怪了。 Snort. Your this fellow killed people is really some......” Han Yue pressed the fine jade nose, the fine snow white elegant face appeared to wipe to blush. “哼。你这个家伙杀起人来还真是有些……”韩月蹙了蹙琼鼻,精致雪白的俏脸浮现出一抹红晕。 Some what?” “有些什么?” Does not know. In any case is very scary. So many powerhouses such several were killed by you.” If not and Xu Ran sentiment is extremely deep, perhaps she has the shadow now. “不知道。反正是挺吓人的。那么多强者就那么几下就被你弄死了。”如果不是和徐然感情极深,说不定她现在都产生阴影了。 She believes that today saw on the day of person this whole life of these scenes cannot forget. However these murder decisive Xu Ran to make her have the security sense very much, is Zihao (proud). 她相信今天看到这些场景的人这辈子都忘不了这一天。不过这些杀伐果断的徐然让她很有安全感,更是自豪不已。 My this also not for your small seductress/evil spirit? Otherwise, this minor matter I will not easily act. Xu Ran draws Han Yue to own bosom, makes an effort to grasp her from behind, a hand makes an effort is walking randomly on her waist buttocks. “我这还不是为了你这个小妖精?不然的话,这点小事我可是不会轻易出手的。徐然韩月拉到自己的怀里,从后面将她用力抱住,一只手用力的在她的腰臀上游走着。 The good present surrounding person has walked was similar, therefore also and no one discovers the Xu Ran's petty action. 还好现在周围的人早已走的差不多了,所以也并没有人发现徐然的小动作。 Xu Ran do you do. Now does not have by that time.” Han Yue body one stiff, is suppressing difference, low voice was saying to Xu Ran. 徐然你干什么呀。现在还没有到那个时候呢。”韩月身体一僵,强忍着身上的异样,小声的对着徐然说道。 Hehe...... walks.” The Xu Ran under foot steps on, is holding Han Yue on disappearance without a trace. “嘿嘿……走咯。”徐然脚下一踩,抱着韩月就消失的无影无踪了。 It seems like Han Family really rose. So many year of Han Yue have practiced outside, this powerhouse should be Han Yue this time comes back to bring Han Family. Han Family had/left several good daughters.” “看来韩家是真的崛起了。这么多年韩月一直在外面修炼,这位强者应该就是韩月这次回来带来韩家的吧。韩家真是出了几个好女儿啊。” Han Yue and Han Xue are the day of north city famous beautiful women, has been kept thinking by Hong Family that boy. Has not thought that the beauty killed Hong Family.” 韩月韩雪一直是天北城有名的美女,被洪家那小子一直惦记着。没想到正是美色害死了洪家。” If Hong Chen does not seek after the Han Family sisters' beauty, perhaps is not the extent that. The beautiful women such as the jade must look do oneself have to occupy, which this and other outstandingly beautiful beautiful girls is Hong Chen can enjoy like the Han Family sisters? 如果洪辰不贪图韩家姐妹的美色的话,或许也不至于如此。美人如玉也要看自己有没有能够去占据,像韩家姐妹这等绝色娇娃哪是洪辰能够消受得起的?
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