DDCTGFD :: Volume #14

#1389: Kills Shen to say

Even if Hong heaven did eat delicacies to change the Hong Family result? Only feared that now in everyone's heart has the answer. 即使洪天啸来了就能改变洪家的结局吗?只怕现在所有人的心中已经有了答案了。 Hong Tianxiao many years ago is the day of north city illustrious powerhouse, the strength is on par sufficiently four five-star Dou Ancestor. But what's the big deal? In a short time four star Dou Ancestor can slaughter so many experts clean? This is a powerful family. A family will be eradicated shortly, really takes to them very deep shadow. 洪天啸在许多年前就是天北城赫赫有名的强者,实力足以比肩四五星的斗宗。可那又如何?四星斗宗能够在短时间内将这么多高手屠杀的一干二净吗?要知道,这可是一个强大的家族啊。一个家族顷刻间被连根拔起,实在是带给他们很深的阴影。 Hong heaven howled, only feared that was also difficult to escape dies. 洪天啸来了,只怕也难逃一死。 This brothers, below are the wind and thunder pavilions. This matter is you and Hong Family gratitude and grudges , there is nothing to do with me, walks below this.” Shen cloud from Hong stand killed that moment frightened scalp tingles, where also has with the idea that Xu Ran fights? “这位兄弟,在下是风雷阁的。此事是你和洪家的恩怨,与我无关,在下这就走。”沈云从洪立被杀死的那一刻就被吓的头皮发麻,哪里还有和徐然争锋的想法? From the beginning he thought that some are not right. Originally the Han Family energy is this ruthless person. 从一开始他就觉得有些不对劲。原来韩家的底气就是这位狠人啊。 His strength compared with Hong stand powerful many, who knows the depth of this ruthless person? 他的实力比洪立强大的多,可谁又知道这位狠人的深浅呢? Others can trade a second to kill Hong stand, only feared that copes with him is not difficult. 人家能换个秒杀洪立,只怕对付他也不难吧。 „To walk? Feared that isn't easy?” Xu Ran laughs at one. “想走?怕是没那么容易吧?”徐然嗤笑一声。 Shen clouds, you were also become famous for a long time senior, how can not be concerned about face? Together was just aggressive to us with Hong Family, now feels all right to say unexpectedly oneself and did Hong Family have no relations?” “沈云,你好歹也是成名已久的前辈了,怎么能这么不要脸?刚刚还跟洪家一起对我们咄咄逼人,现在竟然好意思说自己和洪家没有任何关系?” „The elder in wind and thunder pavilion looks like is also a coveting life and fearing death disciple.” “风雷阁的长老看来也是一个贪生怕死之徒嘛。” Surrounding laughter. 周围一阵哄笑声。 The elder status in wind and thunder pavilion can have strong deterrent effect on the average person, but everyone does not spare a glance to Shen cloud at present. Was perfidious to want at this time to escape unexpectedly alone, but also found a pompous excuse, was laughable. 风雷阁的长老身份原本能对一般人有着很强的震慑力,可是眼下所有人都对沈云不屑一顾。在这个时候竟然背信弃义想要独自逃跑,还找了个冠冕堂皇的理由,也是可笑。 How do you want?” Shen cloud complexion is getting more and more black, may look nearby that has innumerably also sends out the corpse of steam to have the chill in the air. He does not want dead like this here, particularly facing the enemy of this evildoer/monstrous talent rank, is basically courting death. “那您想怎么样?”沈云的脸色越来越黑,可一看一旁那无数具还散发着热气的尸体就心生寒意。他可不想就这样死在这里,尤其是面对这种妖孽级别的敌人,基本就是在找死。 I want you dead.” “我想要你死。” Why is your excellency ruthless like this? Below how, regardless to say that is the elders in wind and thunder pavilion. If I died here, only feared that you will also annoy greatly troublesome.” “阁下何必这样赶尽杀绝?在下无论怎么说都是风雷阁的长老。要是我死在了这里,只怕您也会惹上大麻烦。” „ The reputation of my wind and thunder pavilion your excellency should listen, “我风雷阁的名头阁下应该听过吧, Doesn't your excellency want to chase down for a lifetime passed? Even if does your excellency have the means to escape chasing down Han Family of wind and thunder pavilion is not but good? Leads so many people to hide? This is not realistic. ” Shen Yunwei narrows the eyes to focus, deeply inspires to say. Carries out the reputation of wind and thunder pavilion, he can live probably. 阁下也不想一辈子在追杀中度过吧?况且,就算阁下有办法逃过风雷阁的追杀但韩家不行吧?带着这么多人躲藏?这根本不现实。”沈云微眯着眼,深吸一口气道。搬出风雷阁的名头,他大概是能活下来了。 He had looked that this ruthless person and Han Family relations are unusual. It seems like Han Family climbs up tall branch. But this also makes the place that he is worth rejoicing, if a coming and going freely ruthless person he really did not have the means to threaten him. But now wants in view of Han Family, can make the opposite party intention have scruples does not dare to begin to him. 他早就看出来这位狠人和韩家的关系非同一般。看来韩家是攀上高枝了。而这也是令他值得庆幸的地方,如果是一个独来独往的狠人他还真没有办法威胁他。而现在只要针对韩家,就能让对方心怀顾忌不敢对他动手。 By the strength of wind and thunder pavilion, only need set out several powerhouses to destroy completely Han Family casually. 以风雷阁的实力,只需随便出动几位强者就能灭掉韩家 „Are you threatening me?” Xu Ran strange smiles. “你是在威胁我吗?”徐然诡异的一笑。 You can also think.” Shen cloud steels one's heart, the sound also enlarged. He also has the arrogance, he believes that the wind and thunder pavilion three characters enough take to anybody the sufficient deterrent force. “您也可以这么认为。”沈云心一横,声音也放大了些。他也是有傲气的,他相信风雷阁三个字足够带给任何人足够的威慑力。 But I do not fear the threat!” “可是我不怕威胁呢!” The Xu Ran's figure becomes Gui Mei to get up again, leaves to arrive at Shen cloud front palm of the hand to fly Shen Yunchou instantaneously. 徐然的身形再度变得鬼魅起来,瞬间抽身来到沈云的面前一巴掌将沈云抽飞。 „!” “啊!” Shen cloud called out pitifully, falling ruthlessly about hundred meters, the body skeleton broke to pieces about the same. The severe pain of top to bottom transmitting makes his shamelessly twists extremely. 沈云惨叫一声,狠狠的摔在了百米开外,身上骨骼都是碎了个七七八八。浑身上下传来的剧痛让他那张老脸变得极为扭曲起来。 Your this lunatic, you really did not fear that offends my wind and thunder pavilion? You know that offends the fate of wind and thunder pavilion?” Shen cloud is startled and anger, is fears. When he in does not understand wind and thunder pavilion these three characters no matter used? “你这个疯子,你真不怕得罪我风雷阁吗?你知道得罪风雷阁的下场吗?”沈云又惊又怒,更是惧怕不已。他是在不明白什么时候风雷阁这三个字都不管用了? Even if will give several points of face compared with the wind and thunder pavilion strong influence facing their wind and thunder pavilion, absolutely at will is not the enemy. But...... 就算是一些比风雷阁强大的势力面对他们风雷阁都会给几分面子,绝对不会随意为敌。可…… Why do I want to be afraid offend your wind and thunder pavilion?” Xu Ran head, laughable looked that clouds to Shen. “我为什么要害怕得罪你们风雷阁?”徐然偏着头,可笑的看向沈云。 You did not say that the powerhouse in your wind and thunder pavilion can chase down me? I will not run, I am waiting for them in Han Family.” Xu Ran another kicks on Shen Yun's head, even the soul body was annihilated by Xu Ran instantaneously, does not have any live possibility. “你不是说你们风雷阁的强者会来追杀我吗?我不会跑的,我就在韩家等着他们。”徐然又一脚踢在沈云的脑袋上,连灵魂体都被徐然瞬间击灭,没有任何活的可能。 Hiss!” “嘶!” The innumerable say/way complex looks fall on Xu Ran's. 无数道复杂的眼神落在徐然的身上。 The elder in never expected that wind and thunder pavilion actually did not have the destiny of bracelet death. Moreover is this ruthless person difficult to be inadequate is prepares and wind and thunder pavilion is an enemy? 没想到风雷阁的这位长老竟然也没有跳脱死亡的命运。而且这位狠人难不成是准备和风雷阁为敌吗? An elder died, the wind and thunder pavilion will not give up. 一位长老死了,风雷阁不会善罢甘休的。 Regarding any influence, the powerhouses of elder rank can as existence of side influence background. Any elder died, will directly affect the rise and fall influence. 对于任何一座势力来说,长老级别的强者都是能够作为一方势力底蕴的存在。任何一位长老死去,都将会直接影响势力的兴衰。 If the wind and thunder pavilion does not revenge for Shen cloud, that wind and thunder pavilion will be more disgraced, flustered. 如果风雷阁不为沈云报仇的话,那风雷阁更是会颜面扫地,人心惶惶。 Therefore, they later can imagine the arrival day wind and thunder pavilion many powerhouses to come the scene of day north city. Although Shen cloud influence is good, may be the elder in wind and thunder pavilion north pavilion. But the wind and thunder pavilion north pavilion may not only then such a elder, the northern pavilion pavilion Lord strength is immeasurably deep is not Shen cloud can compare. 所以,他们以后能够想象到来日风雷阁众多强者来天北城的场景了。沈云的势力虽然不错,可不过是风雷阁北阁的一位长老。而风雷阁北阁可不仅仅只有这么一位长老,北阁阁主的实力更是深不可测绝不是沈云能够比的。 But in their hearts felt like, even if the powerhouses in wind and thunder pavilion arrive only feared that could not eat well. 但他们心中又隐隐觉得,即使是风雷阁的强者们到来只怕也吃不了好。 Because only front this youngster was really extremely terrifying. 只因为面前这个少年实在是太过恐怖了。 Everyone does not have in the opportunity that his front as if even responded. 所有人在他的面前似乎连反应的机会都没有。 Similar to Shen cloud to be the same, obviously strength compared with Hong stand powerful many, but until the opportunity of dying he as if not having acted, instead carried off by the relaxed two feet. 就如同沈云一般,明明实力比洪立强大的多,可是直到死去他似乎都没有出手的机会,反而只是被轻松的两脚带走。 The battle efficiency of this rank, is really makes them blush with shame. Also does not know how Han Family found such a powerful helper, walked dog shit transporting simply. It can be predicted that so long as Han Family will rush to the wind and thunder pavilion this to close in the future surely is the meteoric rise. 这种级别的战斗力,实在是令他们汗颜。也不知道韩家是如何找到了这么一个强大的帮手,简直是走了狗屎运。可以预料,只要韩家未来闯过了风雷阁这一关必定是青云直上了。 What's all this about?” “这是怎么回事?” Is who does? Is who begins to my later generations cruelly unexpectedly? Is your Han Family?” At this time Hong Tianxiao also lagged behind arrived here. When Xu Ran kills Hong stand, Hong Tianxiao then detected, does to Xu Ran clean that will intend too quick three two / two Hong Family expert on the scene to kill, even if Hong Tianxiao caught up still only to see one pile of corpses. “到底是谁干的?是谁这么残忍竟然对我的后辈们动手?难道是你们韩家?”这时候洪天啸也后知后觉的来到了这里。早在徐然杀死洪立的时候,洪天啸便察觉了,奈何徐然出手太快三下两除二就将在场的洪家高手杀的一干二净,所以即使洪天啸赶来了也只能看到一堆尸体。 Is I does. Such?” Xu Ran teased was saying to Hong Tianxiao. “是我干的。这么?”徐然戏谑的对着洪天啸说道。 Boy, my Hong Tianxiao pledged by the Hong Family generations, must your bone crumbs, making you try anything surely to be called not to seek livehood, asked unable!” Hong heaven howling hatred is roaring, wishes one could to rip the fragment Xu Ran immediately. “小子,我洪天啸以洪家列祖列宗发誓,定要将你身上的骨头一根根的捏碎,让你试试什么叫做求生不得,求死不能!”洪天啸怨毒的怒吼着,恨不得立刻将徐然撕成碎片。 Yes? Only feared that your strength is not strong. This fellow you should know that he including a foot not to support in my hands, can your strength compared with on his how many?” Xu Ran kicked Shen of under foot to say at will, disdained to say. “是嘛?只怕你的实力没有那么强。这家伙你应该认识吧,他在我手里连一脚都撑不过,你的实力又能比他强上多少?”徐然随意踢了踢脚下的沈云,不屑道。
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