DDCTGFD :: Volume #14

#1388: Neat slaughter

Ha, are you still teasing me? Depending on you?” “哈哈哈,你还在逗我吗?就凭你?” Shen Elder, this boy gives me.” Just was wasted that long time by a Han Family girl, Hong Lixin has not been feeling well. At present the young boy provokes, his mood can good getting up be strange. “沈长老,这小子就交给我吧。”刚刚被韩家一个丫头浪费了那么久的时间,洪立心里早就不爽了。眼下有一个年轻的小子来挑衅,他的心情能好的起来才怪了。 Hong stand happily smiles, the palm grasps, a sharp broadsword is appears in his hands, the snow white blade under shining of sunlight, reflects permits some to make the person palpitation cold glow. 洪立得意一笑,手掌一握,一柄锋利的大刀便是出现在其手中,雪白的刀刃在日光的照耀下,反射着许些令人心悸的寒芒。 !!! 唰!唰!唰! In hand broadsword optional divided to pull up in front several, even sees only the space to present slight hollow, although this Hong stand the manner very made one despise, but this strength, actually not Han pond slightly, can weakly in a Central Plains city coming to a stop foot, even if were bad, placing Jia Ma Empire was peak existence. 手中大刀随意的在面前几个劈撩,只见得连空间都是出现了细微的凹陷,这洪立虽然为人挺让人不齿,但这实力,却是丝毫不比韩池弱丝毫,能够在中州一座城池站稳脚,纵使再差,放在加玛帝国的话都是最顶尖的存在。 „ Does boy, without the strength dare to come out the showing off ability hero to rescue beautiful? Does not have in the eye the vigor words to pay the price. “小子,没有点实力就敢出来逞能英雄救美?没眼里劲的话可是要付出代价的。 Hong stand grins fiendishly, fist tight, deep azure dou qi winds around like the tornado in the whole body, is gripping tightly the broadsword, at once the sole stamps the ground ruthlessly, the body advantage of terrain is to change into together the fuzzy form, kills toward Xu Ran. 洪立狞笑一声,拳头一紧,深青色的斗气如龙卷风般缭绕在周身,紧握着大刀,旋即脚掌狠狠一跺地面,身形便是化为一道模糊身影,朝着徐然杀过去。 Scoffs!” “嗤!” Hong stand speed under the wind attribute dou qi increase, almost suddenly, then appeared in front of Xu Ran, in the hand the broadsword was dances several to puncture the bent spotting tool light, the momentum was very vast. 洪立的速度在风属性斗气的增幅下,几乎眨眼间,便是出现在了徐然面前,手中大刀唰唰的便是舞出几道刺眼刀光,声势十分浩大。 The whole body murderous aura imposing Hong stand to make those present feel an anxiety. 满身杀气凛然的洪立令在场的人都感受了一丝不安。 Hong stand killing heart must be higher than the Han Family person. If Hong Family dominated a day of north city, later also has the auspicious days of others in day north city where? 洪立的杀心比韩家的人要高多了。如果洪家称霸了天北城,以后在天北城哪里还有其他人的好日子过? Good, this strength is extremely powerful.” Shen cloud nods secretly. Although Hong stand has not entered a side big influence, is reliable the Hong Family resources also to make him obtain the sufficient cultivation resources sufficiently. In the future if Hong Lizhen becomes the overlord in day of north city, he can also gain a big advantage. “不错,这种实力已经相当强悍了。”沈云暗自点头。洪立虽然没有进入一方大势力,可靠着洪家的资源却也足以令他获得足够的修炼资源。未来如果洪立真的成为了天北城的霸主,他也能获得不小的好处。 Although the wind and thunder pavilion the resources are abundant, but he is also the elder in northern pavilion, can fall in the resources to his hand does not calculate too. 风雷阁虽然资源雄厚,可他也不过是北阁的一位长老,能够落到他手上的资源也不算太多。 Elder sister, won't Xu Ran have the matter?” “姐,徐然不会有事吧?” Han Xue arrives at the Han Yue side, looks on Xu Ran's that the eye stares, winks does not dare to wink. 韩雪走到韩月的身边,眼睛直勾勾的看着徐然的身上,眨都不敢眨。 Tittered, “噗嗤, You feel relieved. Even if the Xu Ran stand is letting Hong Likan motionless, Hong stand were impossible to do to him. ” Han Yue tittered smiles, very relaxed saying. 你放心吧。就算徐然站着不动让洪立砍,洪立都不可能奈何得了他。”韩月噗嗤一笑,很是轻松的说道。 You look well. This fellow is very fierce!” Han Yue also looks to the front that say/way sluggish form, somewhat helpless saying. Xu Ran's may powerful, not only his strength, but is you are broken to the world the life is also not necessarily able fully to understand his all. “你就好好看着吧。这家伙可是很厉害的呢!”韩月也是看向前方那道懒散的身影,有些无奈的说道。徐然的强大可不只是他的实力,而是你穷极一生也未必能够完全了解他的所有。 Un un.” The Han Xue tight heart put suddenly. “嗯嗯。”韩雪紧张的心骤然放了下来。 Scoff! 嗤! The clear sound resounds together. 一道清脆的声音响起。 Everyone looks up to in the air, panic-stricken! 所有人抬头看向空中,惊骇不已! Hong stand treasured sword bare-handed was grasped by that young person unexpectedly in the hand! 洪立的宝刀竟然被那年轻人徒手握在了手里! This...... 这…… Dramatic made the people on the scene somewhat unable to respond. 戏剧性的一幕令在场众人都是有些反应不过来。 This what's the matter? 这到底是怎么回事? Does Hong stand this blade cut general Dou Ancestor not to dare to meet even hardly? Let alone bare-handed grips directly? This power of gripping and should the arm strength fearful? Will normal human have such powerful strength? 洪立这一刀砍下去就算是一般的斗宗也不敢硬接吧?更何况是直接徒手握住?这握力和臂力该有多可怕?正常的人类会有这么强大的力量吗? „Are you somewhat as if weak?” “你似乎有些弱啊?” Xu Ran makes an effort slightly, the treasured sword broke off two halves by Xu Ran directly. 徐然稍稍用力,宝刀就被徐然直接掰成两半。 This was makes one look stupidly! 这更是让人看傻了! Countless people held breath cold air. 无数人倒吸了一口凉气。 This bare-handed meets the blade more fearful. 这比徒手接刀更加可怕啊。 Can let Hong stand the weapon that brings to use absolutely is most precious object, is only the aura that on that treasured sword lends has several types of rank six magic beast aura! Even also has the rank seven magic beast aura faintly! 能让洪立拿来使用的武器绝对是至宝一件,光是那宝刀上散发出来的气息就有好几种六阶魔兽的气息!甚至还隐隐有着七阶魔兽的气息! But was broke off, was ordinary just like the child's play that such almighty troops sharp weapon actually easily lifted! 可就是这样的神兵利器却是轻易而举的被折断了,宛如儿戏一般! This strength was also too fearful a point! 这实力也太可怕了一点吧! At this time, the talent in field responded. No wonder Han Family is so secure, has such powerhouse to assume personal command, naturally can have no more worries. On the contrary, Hong Family this time feared that must meet with a disaster! Hong Family and Han Family struggle so many years, now must drop the curtain finally. 这时候,场上的人才反应过来。难怪韩家这么有恃无恐,有如此强者坐镇,自然是能够高枕无忧的。相反,洪家这次怕是要遭殃了!洪家韩家明争暗斗这么多年,现在也总算要落下帷幕了。 Who are you? Why can help Han Family? If you help us, Han Family can also be able to give you to your me.” “你到底是谁吗?为什么要帮韩家?如果你帮我们的话,韩家能给你的我也可以给你。” In Hong Liyan gushes out wipes the fear. 洪立眼中涌出一抹恐惧。 Sudden all shattered his psychological defense line directly. 突如其来的一切直接的冲垮了他的心理防线。 Sorry, I am not interested in you.” “抱歉,我对你们不感兴趣。” Xu Ran shakes the head, under that audience vision gaze, took breaking blade Gui Mei in hand to erase Hong stand neck. Everyone does not want to miss this, how whatever but they saw how without seeing clearly Xu Ran to act. 徐然摇了摇头,在那全场目光注视下,拿着手中的断刀鬼魅般的抹掉了洪立的脖子。所有人都不想错过这一幕,可任凭他们怎么看,都没有看清徐然是如何出手的。 „!” “咔嚓!” Hong stand head and body drop down toward the ground, looks at many hearts is one cold. Hong Family ended, even/including did Hong stand so death easily in Xu Ran's hand, other Hong Family people possibly escape by luck? 洪立的头颅和身体朝着地面倒下,看得许多人心头都是一寒。洪家完了,连洪立都如此轻易的死在了徐然的手里,洪家其他人又怎么可能幸免? After killing Hong stand, Xu Ran has not stopped, instead walks toward others, pulled out a sword conveniently, moves toward a Hong Family Dou Emperor powerhouse, quick such as the speed of gust of wind makes that Dou Emperor not respond that cut off by a Xu Ran sword around the middle. 杀死洪立之后,徐然没有停下来,反而朝着其他人走去,随手抽了一把剑,走向一位洪家一位斗皇强者,快如疾风的速度让那名斗皇还没有反应过来就被徐然一剑拦腰斩断。 Quickly, asked Old Ancestor to come out quickly. This is a lunatic.” “快,快去请老祖出来。这是个疯子。” Xu Ran's slaughters cleanly agile, is only during several breath, the pitiful yell sound and frightened praying for rescue sound then stopped. 徐然的屠杀干净利索,只是几个呼吸间,惨叫声和恐惧的求救声便停了下来。 Dozens Dou King above powerhouses, such in short less than ten seconds in Xu Ran by clean that kills. 数十位斗王以上的强者,就这么在短短的不到十秒钟的时间里就被徐然杀的一干二净。 In the ground, is the stump residual limb breaks the arm everywhere, the blood side that dyes the ground blood red. But these bloody water still in unceasing flowing, spread to other places. 地面上,到处都是残肢断臂,鲜血将地面染的一面血红。而那些血水还在不断的流淌,蔓延到其他的地方。 World as if in this moment silent, completely silent, everyone look at each other in blank dismay, is speechless. 天地似乎都在这一刻寂静了起来,鸦雀无声,所有人面面相觑,皆是无言。 Is this person? Simply is the murder lunatic! 这还是人吗?简直是杀人疯子啊! Before what if made all influence most frightened in day north city is Hong Family, that present had turned into Xu Ran completely. Shortly will kill so many powerhouses, they do not know how should describe, later meets this should better to leave in any case by far, cannot offend and that's the end. 如果说之前在天北城中令各方势力最为恐惧的是洪家的话,那现在已经完全变成了徐然。顷刻间杀死了这么多强者,他们都不知道该怎么形容了,反正以后遇到这位最好离得远远的,千万不能得罪就是了。 Let alone was others, even if knows the Han Family person who some Xu Ran details was still looks stupidly. The so neat slaughter truly is soul-stirring, fortunately this butcher knife is not to them, but to Hong Family, they is really the thoughts of even revolting against could not have raised otherwise. 别说是其他人了,就算是知道一些徐然底细的韩家人也是看傻了。如此干净利落的屠杀确实是惊心动魄,还好这把屠刀不是对向他们而是对向洪家,不然的话他们还真是连反抗的心思都提不起来。 Solved, but also remained final two.” Xu Ran waves to Han Yue and Han Xue, on the face reveals wipes the carefree smile. “解决完了,还剩最后两个。”徐然对着韩月韩雪挥了挥手,脸上露出一抹畅快的笑容。 For a long time has not killed was so happy. 好久没有杀的这么痛快了。 Takes the fist, directly takes the sword to cut comfortable. Xu Ran thought that this in some sense can help him alleviate the mood. 还是拿着拳头,拿着剑直接砍的舒服啊。徐然觉得这在某种意义上能够帮助他缓解心情。 Who is? Dares to kill the person of my Hong Family unexpectedly?” “是谁?竟然敢杀我洪家之人?” Brings the boundless killing intent roaring sound to resound through from the day north city corner, the sound sweeps across the entire day north city rapidly, immediately the people at this time responded from that Hong Family numerous slaughtered shocks, the vision looks following the direction that the sound conveyed, finally in the Hong Family position. 带着磅礴杀意的咆哮声自天北城一角响彻,声音迅速席卷整个天北城,当下众人这时才从那洪家众强被屠杀的震撼中反应过来,目光顺着声音传来的方向望去,最后顿在了洪家的方位。
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