DDCTGFD :: Volume #14

#1387: Does Han Family have the person of high skill?

Shen cloud elder? It seems like your strength is also mediocre, even/including my family daughters deal with so strenuous, was the elder in wind and thunder pavilion now this goods?” Since is the enemy, Han Family and wind and thunder pavilion had no consideration for face, Han pond also on have no reason to continue to dread the wind and thunder pavilion like that. Now his Han Family also today we are no longer as we have been. “沈云长老?看来您的实力也不过如此嘛,连我家小女都应付的如此吃力,风雷阁的长老现在都是这种货色了吗?”既然已经为敌,韩家和风雷阁撕破脸了,那韩池也就没有理由继续那般畏惧风雷阁了。要知道,现在他韩家也今非昔比。 Ha.” “哈哈哈。” I work as this old fogy fiercely, finally unexpectedly such vegetable/dish.” “我当这老家伙有多厉害呢,结果竟然这么菜。” I smiled to pull out quickly, I suspected that this fellow was the estimate does teases us to be happy strangely.” “我都快笑抽了,我都怀疑这家伙是不是估计搞怪逗我们开心了。” Han Family people cannot help smiling, the heavy heart also gradually becomes relaxed many. No one wants facing one cannot see the hope to war, but currently they gradually have the hope. 韩家一众人都是忍俊不禁,原本沉重的心情也逐渐变得轻松不少。谁也不想面对一场看不到希望的对战,而现在他们逐渐又有了希望。 This thinks that this is an unprecedented frigid fight, has not thought that a Dou Ancestor powerhouse thinks of every means even the Han Yue clothes unable to bump into unexpectedly, this made their startled eyeballs fall simply quickly. 本以为这将会是一场史无前例的惨烈的战斗,没想到一位斗宗强者费尽心思竟然连韩月的衣服都碰不到,这简直让他们惊的眼球都快掉出来了。 Meanwhile, they are also startled in the change of Han Yue. Han Yue Cultivation(Level) fluctuates obviously also Dou King, although dou qi very fining, but is impossible to make it shake a Dou Ancestor powerhouse hardly. However at this time they did not have to think actually, they looked forward to Han Yue at this kind of time well, to be able by one's effort Shen cloud this old ordinary man extinguishing. Although Han Family also has the Dou Ancestor powerhouse too to be however big with Shen Yun's disparity, if unable to kill the result that Shen cloud Han Family is defeated finally unavoidably. 与此同时,他们也吃惊于韩月的变化。韩月修为波动明显还不到斗王,虽然斗气十分精炼,但绝不可能令其硬撼一位斗宗强者。不过这时候他们倒是没有在多想,在这种时候他们巴不得韩月更强一点,最好是能够以一己之力把沈云这老匹夫给灭了。韩家虽然也有斗宗强者但是和沈云的差距太大,如果无法杀死沈云最终韩家还是免不了落败的结果。 The expert who day north city, does not do a bit less the inquiry news observation situation sees this, not only wants to smile does not dare to smile. Regardless of the Han Family result how, Shen cloud want the face countenance to lose greatly, degenerates into the laughingstock. 天北城,不少来打探消息观察局势的高手见到这一幕,既想笑又不敢笑。无论韩家结局如何,沈云都要颜面大失,沦为笑柄。 Han Yue? Han pond? Okay good!” 韩月?韩池?好好好!” Your Han Family so bullies me, my Shen cloud pledged, must tear to shreds your Han Family everyone surely, such as disobeys this oath, my Shen Yundang was hit to be struck by lightning by the day, likes a sudden thunderclap dead!” Shen Yunqi painstaking care turns wells up, a blood swam against the stream to full floaded operation the mouth to be pressed by Shen cloud forcefully. “你们韩家如此欺我,我沈云发誓,必定要将你们韩家所有人碎尸万段,如违此誓,我沈云当被天打雷劈,五雷轰顶而死!”沈云气的心血翻涌,一口鲜血逆流而上灌满口腔又被沈云强行压了回去。 An elder as wind and thunder pavilion, he has not suffered such big for these years. 作为风雷阁的一位长老,这么多年来他还没有吃过这么大的亏。 Each elder in wind and thunder pavilion is existence of noble character and high prestige, does not know that many respected families want to flatter on them. Han Family is a little family, dares so to shame him? 风雷阁的每一位长老都是德高望重的存在,不知道多少大家族都希望巴结上他们。韩家不过是一个小家族而已,胆敢如此羞辱他? Shen Elder, our Hong Family stands this side you forever, we collaborate, how long Han Family could not support. I looked, on Han Family this girl strange can only protect her security probably, and does not have any striking power. We can first destroy completely others, “沈长老,我们洪家永远是站在您这一边的,我们联手,韩家撑不了多久了。我看了看,韩家这丫头身上的古怪大概只能保护她的安全,并没有什么攻击力。我们可以先将其他人灭掉, Then thinks of a way to handle this girl. ” 然后再想法子处置这丫头。” Han Family does not reveal the scared look facing our so many people unexpectedly, only feared that has the subsequent hand.” 韩家面对我们这么多人竟然不露惧色,只怕是有后手啊。” Hong Lizong felt nervous that own eyelid jumps, inexplicable depressions, looked like itself to stare to be the same by certain powerful hunters at heart. Not only he, Shen cloud also has the powerhouses of other Dou Emperor ranks also to have this feeling. These people temper from the life and death, has very keen sensation to the danger. 洪立总感觉自己的眼皮跳的慌,心里有一种莫名的压抑感,就像是自己被某些强大的猎手盯上了一样。不只是他,沈云还有其他的一些斗皇级别的强者也有着这种感觉。这些人从生死中磨炼出来,对危险有着十分敏锐的感知。 Han Family should also the powerhouse assume personal command, the strength only feared that is not under me.” Shen cloud also calmed down at this time. 韩家应该也有一位强者坐镇,实力只怕是不在我之下。”沈云这时候也冷静下来。 His sensation to the danger wants keen many compared with Hong stand these people. That such as the great antiquity beast of prey aura wants powerful many compared with Han Yue aura. But now he felt that oneself stared. 他对危险的感知比洪立这些人要敏锐的多。那一股如洪荒猛兽般的气息比韩月身上的气息要强悍的多。而现在他感觉自己被盯上了。 Who is playing tricks? Has the skill to come out with the old man head confrontation?” Shen Yunna vigorous dou qi stimulates to movement the sound that the mouth is making to diverge toward the distant place. “到底是谁在装神弄鬼?有本事出来和老夫正面交锋?”沈云那雄浑的斗气催动着嘴里发出的声音向着远处散去。 His complexion is very ugly. 他的脸色很难看。 Han Family dares certainly to take advantage rampantly. Han Family females are so strange certainly behind that with Han Family to exist related. 韩家敢如此嚣张一定是有依仗的。韩家一个女子都如此怪异一定与韩家背后的那位存在有关。 Plays tricks? Excuse me, you did not have the qualifications to make me this.” “装神弄鬼?不好意思,你还没有资格让我这样做。” Xu Ran had among Han Xue 32 then to arrive at Han pond and the others from the kilometer the sides. That Gui Mei form made those present is the pupil shrinks. Such speed, even if they are very difficult to achieve. 徐然带着韩雪三两步间便从千米之外走到了韩池等人的身边。那鬼魅般的身影令在场的人都是瞳孔一缩。这样的速度,就算是他们都是很难做到。 Young Master slow.” “徐公子。” The Han Family many elders had been confessed by the Han pond, very clear Xu Ran is not simple, therefore pours is not too surprised. They cannot bear the anticipation, the strength of this mysterious powerhouse strong, can help Han Family escape this tribulation? 韩家众多长老都是被韩池交代过,很清楚徐然并不简单,所以倒也不是太吃惊。他们忍不住期待,这位神秘的强者的实力到底有多强,能不能帮助韩家逃过这一劫? Saw with own eyes Xu Ran to come, Han Yue three and made two steps unable to attend to acting with constraint of daughter family/home, ran up to side Xu Ran's directly. 眼见徐然来了,韩月三步并做两步也顾不上女儿家的矜持,直接跑到了徐然的身边。 Xu Ran , helping me solve quickly these fellows, particularly that two old ordinary man, was too hateful.” Han Yue is somewhat indignant, the chest front mighty waves of air/Qi are turbulent. If not own strength not too enough, he wanted oneself to act Shen cloud and Hong stand these two old fogies kills. What a pity she knew that the Xu Ran's time was too late, cannot they compare with Xun'er completely. If oneself knew that Xu Ran, cultivates early industriously, in addition Xu Ran's these merit law dou technique, may not be defeated facing Dou Ancestor. 徐然,快帮我将这些家伙解决掉,尤其是那两个老匹夫,太可恨了。”韩月有些愤愤不平,气的胸前波涛汹涌。如果不是自己的实力不太够,他都想要自己出手将沈云和洪立这两个老家伙弄死了。可惜她认识徐然的时间太晚了,完全不能和薰儿她们比。要是自己认识徐然早一点的话,勤加修炼,再加上徐然的那些功法斗技,面对斗宗也不一定会落败。 That evening......” Xu Ran does not care completely surrounding that envies the vision that the envy hates, Han Yue building Bao in bosom. “那晚上……”徐然完全不在意周围那一圈羡慕嫉妒恨的眼光,一把将韩月楼抱在怀里。 According to you and that's the end.” On Han Yue face one red, returns hastily low voice said. “都依你就是了。”韩月脸上一红,连忙小声回道。 The Xu Ran's temper she was clear, she does not dare to bargain back and forth with Xu Ran. Even if she does not comply with Xu Ran still certainly to help, but she was worried Xu Ran secretly here occupies her to be cheap. 徐然的性子她再清楚不过了,她可不敢和徐然讨价还价。即使她不答应徐然也一定会帮忙的,可她担心徐然会偷偷的在这里就占她便宜。 So long as Xu Ran acts, even the entire wind and thunder pavilion came, cannot overturn the heavens. Their Han Family can definitely be able to destroy completely these enemies without firing a single bullet. 只要徐然出手,就算是整个风雷阁来了,也翻不了天。她们韩家完全可以不费一兵一卒就能将这些敌人灭掉。 „.” The Han pond sees Han Yue is so intimate to Xu Ran, in heart some acids. The female does not remain greatly, the daughter big must always get married, although in the heart clear this point may really to time of that day actually felt that somewhat is at heart deserted. “咳咳。”韩池见韩月徐然如此亲密,心中有些酸酸的。女大不中留,女儿大了总是要嫁人的,心中虽然清楚这一点可真到那一天的时候却还是感觉心里有些空落落的。 Father.” The light sighing that Han Yue hears following Han pond, works loose hastily from the Xu Ran's bosom, is spitting the tongue to Han pond, embarrassed little darling the side of running up to Han pond. “父亲。”韩月听到后面韩池的轻咳声,连忙从徐然的怀中挣脱开来,对着韩池吐了吐舌头,不好意思的乖乖的跑到韩池的身边。 Uncle, these people do not need you to act, I alone can process.” Xu Ran is not good because of the front of Han pond is excessively dissolute, the strength strong needs to respect to the elder again. “伯父,这些人无需你们出手,我一个人就可以处理掉。”徐然也不好在韩池的面前过分放肆,实力再强对长辈还是需要尊重的。 That was exhausted the young master.” The Han pond does not dare to pull rank, said hastily. In front of Xu Ran's, he does not dare to carry the rack. If doing to run two darling daughters' good marriage affinity, that may be the crime. “那就劳烦公子了。”韩池不敢托大,连忙说道。在徐然的面前,他可不敢端着架子。要是把两位宝贝女儿的好姻缘给作跑了,那可就是罪过了。 Hiss!” “嘶!” What background is this person? How to receive the Han Family head of household to attach great importance to?” “这人是什么来头?怎么这么受韩家家主重视?” „Does a person want to cope with Shen cloud elder also to have Hong Family so many experts? Big tone.” “一个人想要对付沈云长老还有洪家这么多高手?好大的口气。” Everyone is listening to Xu Ran and dialogue of Han pond, is dumbfounded, even somewhat suspected oneself misunderstood. 所有人听着徐然和韩池的对话,都是目瞪口呆,甚至有些怀疑自己是不是听错了。 Now is not Han Family in the crucial moment, Shen cloud elder and Hong Family many powerhouses to Han Family will soon launch the bloody murder the time? How to feel that the plot trend some aren't right? 现在不是韩家处于生死关头,沈云长老和洪家众多强者对韩家即将展开血腥屠杀的时候吗?怎么感觉剧情的走向有些不对劲?
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