DDCTGFD :: Volume #14

#1386: Han Xue initially kisses

Newest website: The Han pond knows that the Xu Ran's mystical also looked stupidly. 最新网址:韩池知道徐然的神异也看傻了。 It seems like, no one can threaten the Yue'er security. 看来以后没有人能够威胁到月儿的安全了。 He considers secretly, only feared that was Dou Saint comes unable to do to this to protect the body light cover. After all, creates its, but Dou Di! 他心里暗暗思量,只怕是斗圣来了都奈何不了这层护体光罩。毕竟,创造它的可是斗帝啊! Sees Shen cloud like the joke, the smile on Han pond face cannot stop. 见沈云像个笑话一样,韩池脸上的笑容停不下来。 But Han Tian and the others smile to make noise at the scene. 而韩田等人更是当场笑出了声。 Now they were feel relieved completely. A so expert cannot do to Han Yue, it seems like that this Han Yue really approached the expert, but their Han Family this time was to lie down to gain absolutely. 现在他们算是完全放心了。一位如此高手连韩月都奈何不了,看来这次韩月是真的傍上高手了,而他们韩家这次绝对是躺赚。 Haha. Is this so-called expert? How I felt a little funny?” “哈哈。这就是所谓的高手吗?我怎么感觉有点搞笑呢?” This Shen Elder should not be will tease the ratio. Looks very scary, is useless.” “这沈长老该不会是逗比吧。看着挺唬人的,就是不中用啊。” Strong, worthily is the young lady, is too fierce!” “壮哉,不愧是大小姐,太厉害啊!” One group of Han Family juniors Le Feng, now they have been continually a little war to the intense feeling did not have. No matter what who sees Shen cloud this breathless appearance, will be able help smiling. 一群韩家子弟早就乐疯了,现在他们更是连一点儿大战将至的紧张感都没有了。任谁看到沈云这气急败坏的样子,都会忍俊不禁。 This grade of person of high skill, is usually bossy, currently also has admitting defeat time? 这等高人,平时颐指气使的,现在也有吃瘪的时候? Day Beicheng's prominent families that these see a play also suppress by smiling. They do not dare to ridicule Shen to say like these Han Family people, can only suppress, faces suppress red. 那些来看戏的天北城的望族们也都强忍受着笑。他们可不敢像那些韩家人一样嘲笑沈云,只能憋着,一张张脸憋得通红。 They are also clear Shen cloud strength to be absolutely good, but met strangely some seemed such weak. But their which manages so many? The fact is, Shen cloud intended several hundreds to incur, finally the Han Yue wool has not fallen one, standing proudly looks at Shen who disdained there to say as before. 他们也清楚沈云的实力绝对不俗,只是遇到了一些古怪才显得这么弱。可他们哪管这么多?事实就是,沈云出手数百招了,结果韩月毛都没掉一根,依旧傲然的站在那里不屑的看着沈云。 Breathless Shen clouds, decides friendly, if idle Han Yue formed the sharp contrast. 气急败坏的沈云,和气定若闲的韩月形成了鲜明的对比。 Elder sister is quite fierce.” “姐姐好厉害。” Han Xue looked dumbfounded. 韩雪看傻眼了。 The elder in wind and thunder pavilion, cannot do to Han Yue unexpectedly completely. 风雷阁的长老,竟然完全奈何不了韩月 Han Yue is only Dou Spirit Cultivation(Level), almost selects the distance to Dou King. But is the person who Dou King has not even achieved, a Dou Ancestor powerhouse who makes unexpectedly is annoyed. 韩月只是斗灵修为啊,离斗王还差一点点距离。可就是一个连斗王都还没有达到的人,竟然弄的一位斗宗强者如此恼火。 Should be your reason, the elder sister is not fierce.” “应该是你的缘故吧,姐姐可没有那么厉害。” Han Xue spits the small tongue, looks at Xu Ran. 韩雪吐了吐小舌头,看着徐然 That was natural. This is I in protecting body dou qi that on Yue'er leaves behind, when will feel the danger automatic protection Yue'er their safety. Therefore on this day next within can injure to their people are not many.” Xu Ran nods. “那当然了。这是我在月儿身上留下的护体斗气,在感受到危险的时候就会自动保护月儿她们的安全。所以这天下间能够伤到她们的人不多。”徐然点了点头。 Although he keeps their dou qi is not many, but the common enemy cannot do to absolutely their. 虽然他留在她们身上的斗气不多,可一般的敌人是绝对奈何不了她们的。 So that's how it is.” “原来如此。” Han Xue stared in a big way the eye. 韩雪瞪大了眼睛。 Protects body dou qi? 护体斗气 Protects body dou qi to make Dou Ancestor so go wild? 护体斗气就能让斗宗如此抓狂? That Xu Ran should fierce? 徐然自己该有多厉害? Only feared that is Dou Venerate is impossible is so powerful? 只怕是斗尊也不可能这么强大吧? Han Xue shocked. 韩雪震撼了。 She knows that Xu Ran is very strong, when the Xu Ran second massacres Hong Chen these people she was clear that Xu Ran is a non- world rare talent. At that time she only guessed that Xu Ran is a Dou Ancestor powerhouse. 她知道徐然很强,在徐然秒杀掉洪辰那些人的时候她就清楚徐然是一個不世奇才。只是,那时候她只猜测徐然是一位斗宗强者。 The Dou Ancestor powerhouse, so the method strange point words, can kill the Dou Emperor second completely. 斗宗强者,如此手段诡异一点的话,完全是可以将斗皇秒杀的。 But present surpassed her cognition completely. 可眼下的一幕完全超过了她的认知了。 She also thinks own elder sister attained what serious darling from Xu Ran's hand, has not thought...... 她也以为自己姐姐从徐然的手上拿到了什么不得了的宝贝呢,没想到…… Xu Ran, you certainly are very fierce, the old fogy compared with wind and thunder pavilion is fierce?” The head of Han Yue is completely ignorant, she thinks some little time cannot analyze the Xu Ran's real strength. 徐然,那你一定很厉害吧,比风雷阁的这个老家伙厉害吧?”韩月的脑袋完全是懵的,她想了好一会儿都分析不出来徐然的真实实力。 Generally speaking, looked trace that these powerhouses make a move, has greatly possibly locks these powerhouse approximate strength sectors of very much. 一般来说,看那些强者出手的痕迹,也是有很大可能锁定这些强者大致的实力区间的。 For example the utilization degree of strength of space, can see the opposite party is Dou Ancestor or the Dou Venerate powerhouse. 比如说空间之力的运用程度,就能看出对方是斗宗还是斗尊的强者了。 Thing that but on Xu Ran and Han Yue present, simply does not have the means to study! 徐然韩月身上呈现出来的东西,根本没办法研究嘛! Protects body dou qi little, was withstood one Dou Ancestor powerhouse such to attack by own elder sister? Does this also speak the truth? These won't dou qi be consumed? 一点点护体斗气,让自己姐姐承受住了一位斗宗强者这么多道攻击?这还讲不讲道理了?难道这些斗气不会被消耗吗? Presents these people to add, I can a palm of the hand pat.” “在场这些人加起来,我能够一巴掌拍死。” The Xu Ran corners of the mouth twitch, oneself have not compelled the standard in Han Xue this small girl? 徐然嘴角抽搐,自己在韩雪这小丫头心里就这么没有逼格的吗? Unexpectedly compares with him and person of Shen cloud this rank? 竟然拿他和沈云这种级别的人比? Good, this small girl has treated in the northern territory, does not seem to contacted a stronger powerhouse. 好吧,这小丫头一直待在北域,似乎也没有接触过更强的强者了。 Thought I am boasting?” Xu Ran smiles. “是不是觉得我在吹牛?”徐然一笑。 Áng.” Han Xue roused the small mouth. However on the mouth was saying does not believe that she has actually believed about the same. She has completely lost the judgment now, so long as were Xu Ran said that even if were the absurd thing her metropolis/can letter/believes. In front of Xu Ran's, her experiences her own to think that was too superficial. “昂。”韩雪鼓了鼓小嘴。不过嘴上说着不信,她心里却是已经相信了七七八八。她现在已经完全失去了判断,只要是徐然说的,哪怕是再荒谬的东西她都会信一点。在徐然的面前,她那点见识她自己都觉得太浅薄了。 Since you are so fierce, you haven't helped the elder sister quickly they? Waits for the sword not to have the eye, what to do if in the family/home some people did have an accident?” Han Xue said hastily. “既然你这么厉害,那你还不快去帮姐姐她们?等下刀剑无眼,要是家里有人出事了怎么办?”韩雪连忙说道。 Now is not gossipping time. 现在可不是说闲话的时候。 Waits for the tangled warfare time, Han Family will definitely have the casualties. 等下混战的时候,韩家肯定会有伤亡的。 If Xu Ran can solve all of a sudden completely Hong Family these people, Han Family can the non- deceased person be best. 要是徐然能够一下子将洪家这些人全部解决掉了,韩家能不死人最好。 You kiss my me to help, I ensure how your families no one will be injured?” Xu Ran with a laugh looks to Han Xue that full chest. “那你亲我一口我就去帮忙,我保证你们家族没有一个人会受伤怎么样?”徐然笑呵呵的看向韩雪那饱满的胸脯。 Han Xue probably is 20 over, the stature was the complete growth is ripe, did not miss many compared with Han Yue this elder sister completely. 韩雪大概是二十出头,身材是完全发育熟了的,完全不比韩月这个姐姐差多少。 How you can like this!!!” “你这人怎么能这样呢!!!” Han Xue has not thought completely Xu Ran is actually also thinking to this time sexually harasses her. 韩雪完全没想到都到了这个时候了徐然竟然还想着调戏她。 Now but can at crucial moment of family life or death, how deliberately create trouble? 现在可是家族存亡的关键时候,怎么能胡闹呢? Moreover how she has not straightened out herself to be together with Xu Ran now completely, her own head is sticks the thick liquid to be the same. Before she could not have taken a liking to Xinlan, finally the present situation may they be awkwarder than Xinlan. 而且她现在都还没有完全理顺自己该怎么和徐然相处呢,她自己的脑袋都是糊浆一样。之前她还瞧不上欣蓝呢,结果自己现在的处境可比欣蓝她们为难多了。 Although they are work together as colleagues a husband to be possible not to have so many complex relations. 她们虽然是共事一夫可却没有那么多复杂的关系。 But oneself and elder sister, this is anything. 而自己和姐姐,这算是什么事儿嘛。 This Bastard, does not care probably, looked is the habitual criminal! 这个混蛋,像是一点儿都不在乎似的,一看就是惯犯了! Han Xue was angry, particularly looked that Xu Ran this taking advantage appearance shames and air/Qi. 韩雪又生气了,尤其是看徐然这一副趁火打劫的样子就又羞又气。 What, was such fierce character, finally mixed. 什么嘛,都是这么厉害的人物了,结果还是混。 I am in any case indifferent, when they hit me to go in similarly again the help.” Xu Ran was not anxious, had a yawn, is thinking at heart how to train at present this girl. “我反正无所谓,等他们打得差不多了我再进去帮忙吧。”徐然也不急,打了个哈欠,心里想着怎么调教眼前这个小妮子。 Although Han Xue the seemingly gentle person, at heart is also extremely a rebel. 韩雪虽然看上去文静可人,心里也是极其叛逆的。 If the average person, were good following the Han Xue intention, this beautiful woman cannot run away. But Xu Ran actually teases her to be angry intentionally, did not fear completely this girl played the small temperament not to see him. 要是一般人,顺着韩雪的心意就好了,这佳人是跑不掉的。可徐然却是故意逗她生气,完全不怕这小妮子耍小脾气不见他了。 „Your you!” “你你你!” Han Xue was speechless. 韩雪无语了。 However thinks, as if truly is they need help from the person. Han Family is so big, others can preserve the family member is very really kind. As for wanting others goes all out, truly must pay some advantage to be good. 不过想想,似乎确实是她们有求于人。韩家这么大,人家能够保住亲人就很够意思了。至于要人家更加卖力,确实是要付出一些好处才行。 However she knows, Xu Ran wants to eat her tofu while this opportunity. Even if takes the inadequate advantage, Xu Ran will also act probably. 不过她知道,徐然就是想要趁着这个机会吃她豆腐而已。纵使占不成便宜,徐然大概也是会出手的。 Snort, this is my kisses initially, was cheap you.” “哼,这可是我的初吻,便宜你了。” Newly Newest website: 最新网址:
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