DDCTGFD :: Volume #14

#1385: Uncomfortable Shen clouds

Yue'er is careful.” 月儿小心。” Han Family here person sees Shen cloud to act toward Han Yue this younger generation unexpectedly directly, is startled, at heart to Shen Yunhen clenching teeth. 韩家这边的人见沈云竟然直接朝着韩月这个晚辈出手,都大吃一惊,心里对沈云恨的咬牙。 Although in battlefield to successfully can resort to all means that but an elder of your Dou Ancestor rank, in the northern territory is also to of noble character and high prestige, suddenly to a girl big under killer, truly was somewhat excessive. 虽说战场上为了胜利可以不择手段,但是你一个斗宗级别的长辈,在北域也算是对德高望重,突然对一個小女子大下杀手,确实是有些过分了。 Han pond and the others plunder the Han Yue side hastily, wants to block Shen cloud. 韩池等人更是连忙掠到韩月的身边,想要将沈云挡住。 These Han Family powerhouses naturally cannot arrange Shen to say like these juniors. The Dou Ancestor powerhouse in northern territory are not many, Shen cloud well-known expert. Shen cloud acts to Han Yue suddenly . Moreover the method is so spicily ruthless, has the strangeness surely. 这些韩家强者自然不会像那些小辈一样编排沈云。北域的斗宗强者也不算多,沈云有名有姓的高手。沈云突然对韩月出手,而且手段如此狠辣,必定有古怪。 Difficult to be inadequate...... 难不成…… The thoughts graze, the people also put the heart. 心思飞掠间,众人也将心放了下来。 Also yes, what status is Han Yue now? Does she possibly have an accident? 也是,韩月现在是什么身份?她怎么可能出事? Bang!” “砰!” Sees only the Han Yue periphery to have the golden light twinkle, emerges inexplicable deterrent aura from top to bottom. 只见韩月的周边有着金光闪烁,浑身上下涌现出一股莫名的威慑气息。 Under the golden light twinkle, the Han Yue whole body appears more beautiful moving. Long skirt floating she, the outstandingly beautiful appearance is forever glorious, the whole person stands like the goddess there generally, captured the attention of countless person instantaneously. 金光闪烁下,韩月全身都显得更加明媚动人。长裙飘飘的她,绝色的容颜光芒万丈,整个人如同神女一般站在那里,瞬间吸引了无数人的目光。 Even if not the lascivious person, at this time was also attracted completely by Han Yue. 纵使是不好色的人,这时候也完全被韩月吸引住了。 That aura that in an instant blooms, making countless people be infatuated. 刹那间绽放出来的那股气息,让无数人陶醉。 Han Yue originally pretty, but that mysterious golden light was makes her whole body envelop in a veil of mystery. 韩月本就貌美,而那神秘的金光更是让她浑身笼上了一层神秘的面纱。 But Shen Yunna that palm whole-heartedly directly stops to Han Yue about one meter place. A light golden cover the Han Yue protection, but a Shen Yunna palm patted above of that defense cover. 而沈云那全力以赴的那一掌直接在离韩月一米开外的地方停下来。一层薄薄的金色的罩子将韩月保护在内,而沈云那一掌正是拍在了那防御罩的上面。 The powerhouse of Dou Ancestor powerhouse, that defense cover is entirely still full power unexpectedly. 斗宗强者的强者全力之下,那防御罩竟是纹丝不动。 What is that?” “那是什么?” „Does the body of Han Yue have what to protect darling of body?” “难道韩月的身上有什么护体的宝贝?” Oh, my God, that is the elder in wind and thunder pavilion, is what thing can anti- be occupied by that powerhouse strikes?” 天呐,那可是风雷阁的长老,到底是什么东西能够抗住那种强者的一击?” With, if we can have this darling, later can also walk sideways in the mainland, at least does not need too to be worried about own poor life.” “与要是我们能够拥有这种宝贝,以后岂不是也能在大陆上横着走,至少不用太担心自己的小命。” Everywhere powerhouses held breath cold air. 漫天的强者都倒吸了一口凉气。 Even if the brain is not easy-to-use also to look on the Han Yue strange place. 纵使是脑子再不好使也能够看得出来韩月身上的诡异之处。 No wonder Shen cloud elder assembly acts to Han Yue suddenly. A young girl actually has so powerful taking advantage. 难怪沈云长老会突然对韩月出手。一个小小的丫头竟然有着如此强大的依仗。 Every large or small families in original today north city think that Han Family this time ended, Hong Family is not affable, a wind and thunder pavilion, the common respected family cannot crawl again in addition absolutely. 原本天北城里的大大小小的家族都以为韩家这次完了,洪家不是好惹的,再加上一个风雷阁,一般的大家族绝对爬不起来了。 But they have not thought that Han Family is not so unexpectedly simple! 可他们没想到韩家竟然如此不简单! Really, can make big these family each in day north city simple. 果然,能够在天北城做大的这些家族每一个简单的。 Secret that Han Family hidden, is not smaller than Hong Family. 韩家隐藏的秘密,不比洪家小。 Han Yue is Han Family double tender one, but most people are also regarded as the vase it, never expected that a Han Family small later generation really also has darling of this protecting body. 韩月韩家双娇之一,但大多数人也只是将其当做是花瓶,没想到韩家一个小小的后辈竟然还有这种护体的宝贝 Han Family really has the secret, does not know that what this secret is? Difficult to be inadequate is really the most precious object?” Hong Family several powerhouses look at each several other, cannot bear swallow the saliva. 韩家果然有秘密,就是不知道这秘密到底是什么?难不成真的是至宝?”洪家几位强者相视几眼,忍不住吞了吞口水。 If they can know Han Family these secrets, even if there is wind and thunder pavilion to eat the big end when the time comes, they ate the capitellum still to eat the fertilizer. 如果他们能够知道韩家的这些秘密,就算到时候有风雷阁吃大头,他们吃小头也能吃肥了。 Han Family this side, all opened the mouth. 韩家这一方,也全都张大了嘴巴。 They cannot believe that oneself young lady is so unexpectedly flamboyant! 他们不敢相信自己的大小姐竟然如此牛逼! Han Yue? What is your thing? Should be some most precious object?” Shen cloud is searching in the head crazily, he has not encountered such situation. 韩月?你身上这东西是什么?应该是某种至宝吧?”沈云在脑袋里疯狂的搜索着,他还从来没有遇到过这样的情况。 „Do you manage me? Do you have the skill to move me one to try?” “你管我?你有本事动我一下试试?” Han Yue joyfully. She knows that oneself body has aura that Xu Ran leaves behind, can help her resist the attacks of Dou Di following all ranks. 韩月欣喜不已。她知道自己的身上有徐然留下的一道气息,可以帮助她抵挡斗帝以下所有级别的攻击。 Even Dou Saint came, wants Han Yue is not possible. 即使是斗圣来了,想要动韩月都是不可能的。 Before Han Yue, hear of Xu Ran mentioned, has not been serious. Sees Shen cloud to admit defeat, all of a sudden clear what's the matter. 韩月之前听徐然说起的时候,还没当回事。见沈云吃瘪,一下子就明白是怎么回事了。 Young doll, I teaches you anything to be called the Honorable Elder care for the young.” “小女娃,那我就教教你什么叫做尊老爱幼。” The appearance that Han Yue so despises, making Shen cloud complexion very ugly/difficult to look at. 韩月如此鄙夷的样子,让沈云脸色十分难看。 He does not know that actually on Han Yue is anything, as if will feel the attack to protect the body on own initiative, but the attack abated can vanish instantaneously. 他也不知道韩月身上究竟是什么东西,似乎感受到了攻击就会主动护体,而攻击消退又会瞬间消失。 Protects the body automatically? On Han Yue really has this type of going against heaven's will thing. 自动护体?韩月身上竟然有这种逆天之物。 Moreover can resist the attack of his rank, said that the sentence goes against heaven's will is not excessive. 而且还能抗住他这种级别的攻击,说句逆天不过分了。 In Shen cloud palm has the thunderous sound explosion sound faintly, the everywhere thunder Yaling powerhouses on the scene gave birth to the sense of awe. If the attack of this rank falls on their bodies, they cannot shoulder absolutely. 沈云的手掌之中隐隐有着雷鸣之声轰响,漫天的雷压令在场的强者都生出了敬畏之心。这种级别的攻击如果落在他们的身上,他们是绝对扛不住的。 The Dou Ancestor powerhouse in wind and thunder pavilion, what studied is merit law dou technique of wind and thunder pavilion, compares wants powerful many in other little families' Dou Ancestor strengths. 风雷阁的斗宗强者,修习的是风雷阁的功法斗技,相比于其他小家族的斗宗实力要强大的多。 Father, do not worry, I must have a look at this old ordinary man to be able but actually my what.” “父亲,不要担心,我倒要看看这老匹夫能奈我何。” Han Yue cold snort/hum, in phoenix is glittering the color of several points of power and influence. 韩月冷哼一声,凤目之中闪烁着几分威棱之色。 In was together long with Xu Ran these people, docility that very although she displays, has not oppressed others by the potential using the Xu Ran's prestige, her innermost feelings are also several proud. 徐然这些人在一起久了,虽然她表现的很温顺,也从来没有利用徐然的威名以势压人过,第她的内心也是几位骄傲的。 Comes in her, Hong Family, even if the wind and thunder pavilion cannot be regarded completely anything. 在她来,洪家,哪怕是风雷阁都完全算不得什么。 This time returns to the northern territory, she has not paid attention to the wind and thunder pavilion. 这次回北域,她也从来没有将风雷阁放在眼里。 Also does not blame her being arrogant, but followed Xu Ran and Xu Ran person was long, the vision naturally also developed. She fully realized, later at least can also be the expert of Dou Saint rank, how also to have a liking for only wind and thunder pavilion? 也不怪她傲,而是跟着徐然徐然身边的人久了,眼界自然也开拓。她深知,以后自己至少也能是斗圣级别的高手,又怎么看得上区区一个风雷阁呢? Therefore, saw an elder who wind and thunder pavilion north pavilion dares is so impolite unexpectedly, she naturally cannot bear the temperament. The girl of good tooth point mouth advantage. Looks at my palm wind and thunder palm. Does not know that your treasure can block my several palms? ” Shen cloud thinks that only needs to consume on Han Yue to protect the body most precious object the energy, naturally can catch Han Yue. 所以,看到风雷阁北阁的一位长老竟然敢如此无礼,她自然忍不住脾气。好一个牙尖嘴利的丫头。看我这一掌风雷掌。不知道你身上这宝物能挡得住我几掌?”沈云认为只需要消耗掉韩月身上护体至宝的能量,自然能够将韩月擒住了。 However where he knows, if he has this idea, by his just palm strength, only feared that to him for three days and three nights, was impossible to achieve. 不过他哪里知道,如果他打这个主意,以他刚刚的掌力,只怕是给他三天三夜的时间,都不可能做到了。 Han Yue is pursing the lips, she is not afraid actually. 韩月抿着嘴,她倒是一点儿都不害怕。 She knows that Xu Ran is paying attention to her, if oneself really have dangerous Xu Ran certainly to appear side her. 她知道徐然一点注意着她呢,要是自己真有危险徐然一定会出现在她身边的。 Moreover she does not believe Xu Ran is used to protect her thing is not forbid. 而且她可不相信徐然用来保护她的东西会这么不禁用。 Bang! 轰! Another palm pats! 又一掌拍下! During the thunder, Han Yue stands there as before looks at Shen to say smilingly. 电闪雷鸣间,韩月依旧站在那里笑盈盈的看着沈云。 Shen cloud complexion was blacker, was foul-mouthed at heart. 沈云脸色更黑了,心里更是骂骂咧咧。 Oneself are also man of the hour of northern territory, never expected that plants today unexpectedly here. If the matter of today passed on, later does not know that many people will laugh at him! 自己也是北域的风云人物,没想到今天竟然栽在了这里。今日之事要是传出去了,以后不知道多少人会嗤笑他! Must hurry to catch this girl is good, otherwise oneself this face really did not have to put. 得赶紧把这丫头擒住才行,不然自己这张老脸真没地搁了。 Bang! 轰! Bang! 轰! Bang! 轰! Putting forth that Shen cloud is relentless rumbles full power on the body of Han Yue. Han Yue that about meter that matter light golden color light/only covers is entirely still, the Han Yue protection. 沈云丝毫不留情的使出全力轰在韩月的身上。韩月那一米开外的那层淡薄的金色光罩就是纹丝不动,将韩月保护在内。 Han Yue is the bystander is completely same, saw that Shen Yunhong comes, does not bring to wink the eye. 韩月完全就是没事人一样,看到沈云轰过来,连眼睛都不带眨一下的。 At this time, everyone understood. 这时候,所有人都明白了。 Han Yue that thing, absolutely is not that simple. 韩月身上那东西,绝对不是那么简单的。 Newly
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