DDCTGFD :: Volume #14

#1384: The stand wrong team will pay the price

Sir Shen cloud? You should also stand in line. So long as you can help us solve Han Family, later my Hong Family then follows the lead for you.” Hong Lixian is the hatred looked at Han pond one eyes, then shouts toward oneself behind loudly. “沈云大人?您也该站队了吧。只要您能帮我们解决掉韩家,以后我洪家便为您马首是瞻。”洪立先是怨毒的看了韩池一眼,然后朝着自己后方大声喊道。 Did Shen say? 沈云? Is listening to this name, presenting everyone is the heart shakes. 听着这个名字,在场所有人都是心头一震。 Hong stand to destroy completely Han Family also did look for the helper unexpectedly? But can who Hong stand so stance treats, at least is also the Dou Ancestor powerhouse. 洪立为了灭掉韩家竟然还找了帮手?而能够让洪立这般姿态对待的人,至少也是斗宗强者。 Han Family, pours also really has the boldness......” 韩家,倒还真是有魄力……” When Hong stand, the light old sound suddenly resounds annoyingly together, the people look following the sound, then saw that grey clothes old man. 在洪立懊恼不已的时候,一道淡淡的苍老声音突然响起,众人顺着声音望去,便是见到了那名灰衣老者。 The vision swept sweeping on the grey clothes old man, when results in the line of sight to stay when the badge of opposite party chest place, Han pond and the others the complexion is also slightly one startled: „The person in wind and thunder pavilion. Wind and thunder pavilion north pavilion cloud elder?” 目光在灰衣老者身上扫了扫,待得视线停留在对方胸口处的徽章时,韩池等人脸色也是微微一惊:“风雷阁的人。风雷阁北阁云长老?” Han pond Gong cupped one hand in the other across the chest, was quite polite, even the wind and thunder north pavilion were only one of the wind and thunder pavilion four pavilions, but the strength strove to excel their Han Family as before on are too more, immediately naturally does not dare to neglect. 韩池拱了拱手,颇为客气,即便风雷北阁只是风雷阁四阁之一,但实力依旧比他们韩家要强上太多,当下自然是不敢怠慢。 Worthily is Han Family, to my wind and thunder north pavilion but actually also very understanding.” The grey clothes old man said with a smile pale. “不愧是韩家,对我风雷北阁倒还挺了解的嘛。”灰衣老者淡笑道。 Shen chatted, wind and cloud thunder and lightning four Great Elder in this Central Plains north territory, but reputation illustrious, younger generation where has the truth that does not know.” The Han pond smiles submissively, say/way that at once probes: clouds that elder this is must for Hong Family and my Han Family for the enemy?” “沈老说笑了,风云雷电四大长老在这中州北域可是声名赫赫,晚辈哪有不知晓的道理。”韩池拱手笑了笑,旋即试探的道:“云长老这是要为洪家与我韩家为敌?” Saw that the wind and thunder pavilion stands, even if there is taking advantage, Han pond does not want direct and wind and thunder pavilion is invincible. 看到风雷阁站出来,即使是有了依仗,韩池也不愿意直接与风雷阁无敌。 It is not does not believe the Xu Ran's strength, but was so many year of wind and thunder pavilions really cast a big shadow to him. 不是不相信徐然的实力,而是这么多年风雷阁实在是给他留下了不小的阴影。 Also so, saw the elder who wind and thunder pavilion appears, his brow startled jumped jumping. 也正是如此,看到风雷阁的长老出现,他的眉头才惊的跳了跳。 Without the Xu Ran's words, has such powerhouse to assist, Han Family was surely dangerous. 如果没有徐然的话,有如此强者相助,韩家必定危险了。 Hong Chen is the disciple in my wind and thunder pavilion, moreover was favored by us, in the future can become side powerful surely. The person inexplicable death of my wind and thunder pavilion settles on your hands, if I do not retrieve the justice for Hong Chen, later others will so regard the wind and thunder pavilion?” Shen Elder gloomy and cold looked at Han Family people one eyes, sending out that body that Dou Ancestor five-star powerful aura not minces. “洪辰是我风雷阁的弟子,而且也被我们看好,未来必定是可以成为一方强者的。我风雷阁看中的人不明不白的死在了你们的手里,我要是不为洪辰找回公道,以后别人会如此看待风雷阁?”沈长老阴冷的看了韩家众人一眼,身上那斗宗五星的强悍气息毫不掩饰的散发出来。 Here, he is most powerful. 在这里,他就是最强大的。 Dou Ancestor five-star, did not calculate in the northern territory weakly. 斗宗五星,在北域也不算弱了。 In his opinion, his strength enough suppressed Han Family. Has the Hong Family powerhouse to assist again, will not have any accident/surprise to happen. 在他看来,他的实力足够镇压韩家了。再有洪家强者相助,根本不会有任何意外发生。 „Is this meaning of wind and thunder pavilion?” Han Yue opens the mouth to ask. A purple skirt, valiant Han Yue just like becomes the optical center of people “这是风雷阁的意思?”韩月开口问道。一身紫裙,英姿飒爽的韩月俨然成为了众人的视觉中心 Copes with some small influences, I naturally can represent the wind and thunder pavilion.” “对付一些小势力,我自然能够代表风雷阁。” Young doll. Your talent is good, what a pity, perhaps if you entered the wind and thunder pavilion also to have the support of wind and thunder pavilion before now.” “小女娃。你的天赋不错,可惜,如果你之前进入了风雷阁的话说不定现在也能得到风雷阁的支持。” Very Shen Elder is startled looks to Han Yue, more looks is more surprised. 沈长老十分吃惊的看向韩月,越看越惊讶。 Present Han Yue had broken through Dou King, compared with the original works in must quickly. But Han Yue young, such young Dou King, the talent does not miss many compared with Hong Chen now very much. This is also the Shen Elder surprised reason. 现在的韩月已经突破了斗王,比原著中要快多了。而韩月现在很年轻,这么年轻斗王,天赋已经不比洪辰差多少了。这也是沈长老吃惊的原因。 If gives some Han Yue time again, only feared that Han Yue broke through Dou Emperor. At that time if Hong Family and Han Family eruption conflict, the wind and thunder pavilion were will not help Hong Family again absolutely, will also invite Han Yue to join the wind and thunder pavilion. 若是再给韩月一些时间,只怕韩月都突破斗皇了。那时候如果洪家再和韩家爆发冲突,风雷阁是绝对不会帮洪家了,甚至还会邀请韩月加入风雷阁。 Only pitifully, Shen Elder stood the team, the wind and thunder pavilion also stood mistakenly mistakenly the team. 只可惜,沈长老站错了队,风雷阁也站错了队。 Snort. What is this talent? Compares is not worth mentioning with Chen.” Hong stand envies. The Han Yue talent is higher, he is uncomfortable. He looks forward to Han Yue to turn into a waste now, then dies in his hands. “哼。这点天赋算什么?和辰儿比起来不值一提。”洪立嫉妒不已。韩月的天赋越高,他越是不爽。他巴不得韩月现在变成个废物,然后再死在他的手里。 Shen Elder you makes a move to block Han pond these people, I and others first solve other Han Family people, how?” “沈长老你出手将韩池这些人挡住,我和其他人先将韩家其他的人解决掉,如何?” Un.” Nod of Shen Elder commended. “嗯。”沈长老赞许的点了头。 You are really the big tones.” “哈你们真是好大的口气。” Everyone kills to me! However the Han Family female family members remain to me, when the time comes also makes the brothers crisp. Especially Han Yue and Han Xue this to the two beautiful sisters, they must offer sacrifices to Chen, Chen has this grade of beautiful woman to accompany on the road to Hades is also insufficient is too lonely.” Hong stand bellows, the trim world becomes in this moment is very chaotic. “所有人都给我杀!不过韩家的女眷都给我留下来,到时候也让兄弟们爽爽。尤其是韩月韩雪这对姐妹花,她们必须要给辰儿献祭,辰儿在黄泉路上有这等美人相伴也不至于太寂寞。”洪立一声大吼,整片天地都在这一刻变得十分混乱起来。 The innumerable powerhouses erupted powerful dou qi. 无数的强者爆发出了强大的斗气 Two send for between air pressure made the people in entire day north city feel that breathed gets up. 两派人的之间的气压令整個天北城的人都感到喘不过起来。 However under the wind and thunder pavilion elder's leadership, Han Family was obviously suppressed completely. 不过在风雷阁长老的带领下,韩家这边明显被完全压制住了。 What to do, Big brother?” “怎么办,大哥?” Do not be anxious, waits!” “不要急,等!” The Han pond sees Xu Ran not to come for a very long time, was somewhat anxious. If really hits, their Han Family may probably lose much. 韩池见徐然久久没有现身,也有些急了。如果真的打起来,他们韩家可要损失不少。 If Xu Ran makes a move to help, Hong Family these people do not have the strength to hit back from the start, their Han Family can also a person not die the Hong Family complete destruction. 如果徐然出手帮忙的话,洪家这些人压根没有还手之力,他们韩家也可以一个人不死就将洪家全部覆灭。 The Han pond will want to place the body of Han Yue at this time, 韩池这时候将希望放在韩月的身上、 Father do not worry, he has come.” Han Yue smart-alecky spitting tongue. She does not worry actually. She was too familiar with the Xu Ran's character. Xu Ran every catches up one time in acts finally, actually makes the person who surrounds look anxious. “父亲不要着急,他已经来了。”韩月俏皮的吐了吐舌头。她倒是一点都不着急。她对徐然的性格太熟悉了。徐然每一次都是赶在最后的时候出手,硬是让围观的人看的都着急死。 Like the previous time, Xu Ran must wait till the critical juncture to lend a hand to assist. 就像上次一样,徐然非要等到危急关头才出手相助。 In the Xu Ran's words, in makes a move to call to give opportune help finally, can grateful. 徐然的话说,在最后的时候出手才叫雪中送炭,才能让人感激。 Therefore, Han Yue did not fear that Xu Ran does not act. 所以,韩月才不怕徐然不出手。 Worries also uselessly. 着急也没用。 That is good.” The Han pond was not tense at this time, big relaxing. Daughters here, Xu Ran, even if not care about the life of their Han Family person, must protect own woman. Even these feelings worst and cruelest people, will not allow others to injure to oneself woman. Their person, how oneself handle good, but others move are not good. This is the issue of face. “那就好。”韩池这时候也不紧张了,大大的松了一口气。女儿都在这里呢,徐然就算不在乎他们韩家人的命,也得保护自己的女人吧。即使是那些心肠最歹毒的人,都不会允许其他人伤到自己女人。自己的人,自己怎么处置都行,可其他人动就是不行。这是脸面的问题。 Old man first acted.” “老夫先出手了。” In the eye reveals permits some killing intent, Shen cloud footsteps faces forward to tread slowly, the foot falls, the figure vanishes strangely. 眼中流露出许些杀意,沈云脚步缓缓朝前一踏,脚落,身形则是诡异消失。 Appears but Shen said that in the mouth spreads drinks together coldly, the sleeve robe wields, a boundless strength is to then sweep across, was pats unexpectedly directly toward Han Yue. 浮现而出的沈云,嘴中传出一道冷喝,袖袍一挥,一股磅礴劲道便是席卷而出,竟是直接朝着韩月拍去了。 This makes those present somewhat unable to feel the mind. 这让在场的人都是有些摸不着头脑。 Isn't Han Family most powerhouse Han pond? Shen Elder has the custom of killing the woman? 韩家最强者不是韩池吗?难道沈长老有杀女人的习惯? Han Yue is the day of north city famous big beautiful woman, with the growth of age, Han Yue is also more and more causing the downfall of the nation beautiful woman. Sees so a sweet and pretty female soon the fragrant disappearing jade to perish, Hong Family person some do not endure. 韩月是天北城有名的大美女,随着年龄的增长,韩月也是越来越倾国倾城。见如此一位娇美的女子即将香消玉殒,就连洪家的人都有些不忍了。 „The aura of good danger, this aura what's the matter?” “好危险的气息,这股气息是怎么回事?” Shen Elder only felt that the body of Han Yue has a fearful aura, even threatened his degree. Therefore under the killer, will want to extinguish this terrible thing suddenly massacres. 沈长老只感觉到韩月的身上有股可怕的气息,甚至威胁到了他的程度。所以才会突然下杀手,想要将这股可怕的东西灭杀掉。 As for that aura naturally is...... 至于那气息自然是…… Shen Elder, the standing wrong team, will pay the price Oh. Han Yue to be unhurriedly, on the beautiful elegant face blooms in an instant the smile of beautiful woman. “沈长老,站错队,是会付出代价的哦。韩月不慌不忙,绝美的俏脸上刹那间绽放出倾城的笑容。 Newly
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