DDCTGFD :: Volume #14

#1398: Wind and thunder pavilion, phoenix clear

The northern pavilion destruction, the entire wind and thunder pavilion became a hopeless mess randomly. 北阁覆灭,整个风雷阁都乱成了一锅粥。 Even if shortly after happened, wind and thunder pavilion established big influence has the means to inquire the news. 纵使才发生不久,风雷阁这种老牌大势力还是有办法打探到消息的。 Although Xu Ran extinguished the headquarters in northern territory wind and thunder pavilion, but these may still not have free time to act outside wind and thunder pavilion disciple Xu Ran one by one. 徐然虽然灭了北域风雷阁的总部,但那些还在外面的风雷阁弟子徐然可没闲工夫挨个出手。 The northern pavilion can in such short time destruction, at least also probably have the Dou Venerate strength to achieve. 北阁能在这么短时间覆灭,至少也要有斗尊的实力才可以做到。 At this time, thunder revering is restless, he does not know that who is must make a move to the wind and thunder pavilion. He is also three stars Dou Venerate strength, if runs into the strength excessively strong person, she simply does not have the means. 此时,雷尊者如坐针毡,他不知道到底是什么人要对风雷阁出手。他也不过是三星斗尊的实力,如果遇到实力过强的人,她根本没有办法。 clear, did you have the means to relate to want the people of day of monster phoenix clan? Now only then you can rescue our wind and thunder pavilion.” “清儿,你有办法联系要天妖凰族的人吗?现在只有你能够救我们风雷阁了。” Thunder revering has the premonition, this wind and thunder pavilion only feared that is more unfortunate than fortunate. 雷尊者有预感,这次风雷阁只怕是凶多吉少。 If there are powerhouses of day of monster phoenix clan to act, he can feel relieved. 如果有天妖凰族的强者出手,他才能放心。 His three stars Dou Venerate can base in the mainland, but also turns into the wind and thunder pavilion four pavilions most powerful, all relies upon the day of monster phoenix clan. 他三星斗尊能够在大陆立足,还将风雷阁变成四阁中最强大的一个,全都是仰仗天妖凰族。 The person of his disciple phoenix clear day monster phoenix clan, therefore he can be on good terms with the day monster phoenix clan. The day monster phoenix clan is the second largest demon beast family, is next to a universe ancient dragon clan, the prestige in the demon beast race is extremely high, has many demon beast families to attach. Although the day monster phoenix clan does not have the true ancient times day phoenix, but the position was still aloof. 他的弟子凤清儿正是天妖凰族的人,因此他才能和天妖凰族交好。天妖凰族是第二大魔兽家族,仅次于太虚古龙一族,在魔兽种族中威望极高,有着不少的魔兽家族依附。虽然天妖凰族已经没有了真正的远古天凰,可地位仍然超然。 That side family, as if had/left what accident/surprise.” “家族那边,似乎出了什么意外。” phoenix clear this time at heart was also vacant. 凤清儿此时心里也是一片茫然。 The wind and thunder pavilion suddenly has the accident/surprise, the family as if not want to manage. 风雷阁突然出现意外,家族似乎也根本不想管。 phoenix clear does not know, Gu Yuena Qiu'er this crowd of spirit beast had visited the major demon beast families for these days, many demon beast families have attached in Gu Yuena. Gu Yuena the rapidness of strength improvement, almost separates for more than ten days to break through a boundary, absolutely does not have the bottleneck. 凤清儿不知道,古月娜秋儿这群魂兽这几天已经将各大魔兽家族拜访了个遍,许多魔兽家族已经依附于古月娜了。古月娜的实力提升的快,几乎是隔十几天就能突破一个境界,完全是没有瓶颈的。 These demon beast families' powerhouses are also high rank Dou Saint, in addition the absolute suppression on bloodlines, at all possibly is not the Gu Yuena opponent. 那些魔兽家族的强者也不过是高阶斗圣,再加上血脉上的绝对压制,根本不可能是古月娜的对手。 How can like this?” “怎么会这样?” What person did these fellows in northern pavilion offend? If we had known should restrain them well, these made the big trouble to us.” Thunder revering is very annoying. “北阁的那些家伙到底得罪了什么人啊?早知道就应该好好的约束一下他们,这些给我们惹了大麻烦。”雷尊者无比懊恼。 Master you do not need too to worry, person strength might as well you who perhaps that extinguished the northern pavilion?” phoenix clear beautiful pupil twinkle. She really does not believe that some people can extinguish the entire wind and thunder pavilion directly! “师父你不必太担心,或许那个灭了北阁的人实力还不如你呢?”凤清儿美眸闪烁。她真的不相信有人能够直接灭了整个风雷阁! The northern pavilion is only the minute/share of pavilion in wind and thunder pavilion. 北阁只是风雷阁的分阁。 She thought that some not possible people to come to here to look for the wind and thunder pavilion troublesome. 她觉得不可能有人会来这里找风雷阁的麻烦的。 Perhaps was I thinks.” The wind and thunder pavilion also so comforts itself. His intuition told him this type not to exist by luck. “或许是我多想了吧。”风雷阁也如此安慰自己。只是他的直觉告诉他这种侥幸是不存在的。 Bang! 轰! After this, the entire wind and thunder pavilion seemed like the earthquake same unceasing is swaying. 就在这个之后,整个风雷阁像是地震了一样不断的摇晃着。 The ground presented the innumerable fissures, north many wind and thunder pavilions shakes spits blood to perish directly. 地面出现了无数的裂痕,不少风雷阁北震的直接吐血而亡。 He came!” “他来了!” On the wind and thunder pavilion face revealed thick dreading. 风雷阁脸上露出了浓浓的忌惮。 The attack of this rank he can also achieve, is only...... 这种级别的攻击他也能做到,只是…… The opposite party dare such frank and upright coming, to take advantage surely. 对方敢这么光明正大的过来,必定是有所依仗。 Teacher, making me go. Our day monster phoenix clan should be somewhat the face.” phoenix clear beautiful eye glittered to wipe the fine glow. She before with the family contacted, some elders tell the status of the person she wind and thunder pavilion offended to be very special, let her how, regardless of must be on good terms. “老师,让我去吧。我们天妖凰族应该还是有几分面子的。”凤清儿美目闪烁出一抹精芒。她之前跟家族联络的时候,有长老告诉她风雷阁得罪的这个人的身份十分特殊,让她无论如何也要交好。 Even, can be on good terms this person gives up the entire wind and thunder pavilion. 甚至,可以为了交好这个人儿放弃整个风雷阁。 She to wind and thunder pavilion not too deep sentiment, but treats as a cultivation place it. Initially also to win over the wind and thunder pavilion she can be the disciple of thunder revering. 她对风雷阁没有太深的感情,只是将其当做一个修炼场所罢了。当初也是为了拉拢风雷阁她才会来做雷尊者的弟子。 Those who let her be startled is family's attitude. Is who can make the family make such decision? 让她吃惊的是家族的态度。到底是谁能让家族做出这样的决策? Gives up the wind and thunder pavilion, loss not only will be wind and thunder pavilion side influence, the prestige of day monster phoenix clan is also affected. 放弃风雷阁,损失的不仅仅是风雷阁这一方势力,天妖凰族的声望也会受到影响。 Family for what? 家族到底是为了什么呢? This person, what special place has, needs to pay such big price to be on good terms? 这个人,到底有什么特殊的地方,需要付出这么大的代价去交好? The family as if has what hard thing to bring up not to tell her the truth, that then made her clarify. 家族似乎有什么难言之隐没有告诉她实情,那便让她去弄清楚好了。 Good. This was good, the day monster phoenix clan should be able to deter this rampant fellow. “好。这样就再好不过了,天妖凰族应该可以震慑住这个嚣张的家伙。 Thunder revering one happy. The remnant shadow flashes through together, during phoenix clear stepped on seven color great cranes to arrive is void. ”雷尊者一喜。一道残影闪过,凤清儿踩着七彩巨鹤来到虚空之中。 phoenix clear makings and beautiful appearance, were the top pick, the cheeks slightly are all thin, was the perfect oval face, has a pair of purple brown gem double pupil, was beautiful and holy. Wears seven color short skirt, looks distantly, passes honored makings that unobtainable is concealing. 凤清儿气质以及美貌,皆是上上之选,脸颊略显削瘦,是完美的瓜子脸,有着一双紫褐色的宝石双眸,美丽而圣洁。身着七彩短裙,遥遥望去,透着一股难以掩饰的尊贵气质。 She is the last student of wind and thunder pavilion pavilion Lord thunder revering, in the future will be very likely to inherit the wind and thunder pavilion! 她是风雷阁阁主雷尊者的关门弟子,未来极有可能继承风雷阁! So long as inherited the wind and thunder pavilion, family's strength can rise suddenly. 只要继承了风雷阁,家族的实力就能暴涨。 She cannot understand family's approach until now. 她直到现在都不能理解家族的做法。 I was phoenix clear of wind and thunder pavilion, was the person of day of monster phoenix clan. Can your excellency a day monster phoenix clan face do not feel embarrassed the wind and thunder pavilion to me?” phoenix clear curious looks at Xu Ran one group. Besides Xu Ran made her unable to completely understand, Han Xue Han Yue as well as Xinlan Cultivation(Level) was not high. “我是风雷阁的凤清儿,是天妖凰族的人。阁下能不能给我天妖凰族一个面子不要为难风雷阁?”凤清儿好奇的看着徐然一行人。除了徐然令她看不透之外,韩雪韩月以及欣蓝修为都不高。 This made phoenix clear also relax. 这让凤清儿也是松了一口气。 Perhaps was the family made a mistake, this group of people were not the people who the family needs to flatter. Day monster phoenix clan? ” 或许是家族弄错了,这群人也不是什么家族需要讨好的人。天妖凰族?” Xu Ran remembered this demon beast family. One of demon beast three big families, the bloodlines are very actually powerful. The ancient times day phoenix bloodlines of that pinnacle compared with it universe ancient dragon dragon sovereigns were not weak. 徐然想起了这个魔兽家族。魔兽三大家族之一,血脉倒是很强大。那极致的远古天凰血脉比之太虚古龙的龙皇都是不弱。 Day monster phoenix clan may be insufficient. Even if your ancient times day phoenix saw me, must lie prostrate in worship to me.” Ancient times the day phoenix was also only this piece of mainland highest level bloodlines, basic had no way to compare with Xu Ran. “天妖凰族可不够。就算你们的远古天凰来见了我,也得对我顶礼膜拜。”远古天凰也只是这片大陆最顶级的血脉而已,根本和徐然没法比。 You......” phoenix clear stared in a big way the beautiful pupil. She saw for the first time after some people know her family, can such calm person. Ancient times did the day phoenix see him to lie prostrate in worship? Can this also blow? “你……”凤清儿瞪大了美眸。她还是第一次见到有人知道她的家族之后还能这么淡定的人。远古天凰见了他都得顶礼膜拜?这也太能吹了吧? An ancient times day phoenix can reach the soul Saint peak with ease Cultivation(Level). 一只远古天凰能够轻松的达到魂圣巅峰的修为 So long as their day monster phoenix clan had ancient times the day phoenix bloodlines born, can be on par with a universe ancient dragon clan. 他们天妖凰族只要有远古天凰血脉出世,都是可以跟太虚古龙一族比肩了。 „Don't you believe?” Smiling of Xu Ran ponders. “你不信?”徐然玩味的笑了笑。 The talent of phoenix clear seemed good, behind also fused the skeleton of ancient times day phoenix in the original works. 凤清儿的天赋似乎很不错,在原著里后面还融合了远古天凰的骸骨。 Does not believe that is also not possible to believe.” phoenix clear ethnic group sense of belonging and sense of honor were extremely strong, was a day of monster phoenix clan member has been proud. Hears Xu Ran to look down upon the reason day phoenix of their clan, ten points are discontented. “不信,也不可能相信。”凤清儿族群归属感与荣誉感极强,一直以身为天妖凰族一份子而骄傲。听到徐然连她们族的缘故天凰都瞧不起,不由的十分不满。 Perhaps if in usually, phoenix clear must maintain family's honor with the strength. 若是在平时,凤清儿恐怕早就要用实力来维护家族的荣誉了。 „The words that does not believe that I make you believe.” In the Xu Ran's body, that ancient Ancestral Dragon bloodlines regain consciousness. “不信的话,那我就让你相信。”徐然的身体里,那古老的祖龙血脉苏醒。 Powerful Ancestral Dragon aura toward phoenix clear impact in the past, overbearing invincible Ancestral Dragon power and influence direct steamroll the arrogance of phoenix clear day monster phoenix. In various heaven, the strength of dragon clan and phoenix clan is actually equally matched, is extremely strong spirit beast race. But phoenix clear wanted to contend with Xu Ran, at least was the ancestor phoenix bloodlines enough! 强大的祖龙气息朝着凤清儿冲击过去,霸道无敌的祖龙威势直接碾压了凤清儿天妖凰的傲气。在诸天,龙族和凤族的实力其实不相上下,都是极强的魂兽种族。但凤清儿想要跟徐然抗衡,至少得是祖凰血脉才够! Under the Xu Ran's aura, phoenix clear only felt oneself seem like a small point in sea, weak pity. 徐然的气息下,凤清儿只觉得自己像是沧海中的一个小点,弱的可怜。
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