DDCTGFD :: Volume #14

#1381: Falling to the enemy

Newest website: 最新网址: " This poem writes for your. " Where Xu Ran cannot see the idea of Han Xue, originally he wants to plagiarize, never expected that Han Xue want. However he happen to can borrow the donkey the downhill. 「这首诗是写给你的。」徐然哪里看不出韩雪的想法,本来他只是想要剽窃一下,没想到韩雪自己想多了。不过他正好可以借驴下坡。 " Writes for ***? " Han Xue feigns angry stamping the feet , the delicate eyebrows wrinkles, pretends the unhappy appearance. However many surfaces conceal cannot cover the joy and charming that her eyeground that flashes to pass. 「写给***嘛?」韩雪佯装恼怒的跺了跺脚,秀眉皱起,装作不开心的样子。不过再多的表面掩饰也盖不住她眼底那一闪而逝的欣喜和娇羞。 " I thought that you are a different girl. " Xu Ran said that while grasps the hand of Han Xue. 「我觉得你是一个不一样的女孩。」徐然一边说,一边去抓韩雪的手。 " . These words you should say more than once. " Han Xue casts off Xu Ran's hand, annoying say/way. She also responded at this time, ruthlessly white Xu Ran. 「呵。这句话你应该说过不止一次吧。」韩雪徐然的手甩开,懊恼道。她这时候也反应了过来,狠狠的白了徐然一眼。 Oneself have slightly does not pay attention, will be misled by Xu Ran this Bastard. 自己稍有不注意,就会被徐然这个混蛋蛊惑。 ! 呵! Where do oneself have with others different places? 自己哪里有和别人不一样的地方? The men said suddenly this likable words, cheats surely. 男人突然说这种讨人喜欢的话,必定有诈。 However Xu Ran's poem truly flexure she itchy. Then there is a flavor, singlish also has the connotation to let the poem that the person provides much food for thought very much without doubt is the masterpiece. Even if the Xu Ran's heart is dishonest, such a poem is also extremely precious. 不过徐然的诗确实挠的她心里痒痒。那么有韵味,朗朗上口却又很有内涵让人回味无穷的诗无疑是杰作。哪怕徐然的心不诚,这样一首诗也是极为珍贵的。 But such an emergence of poem with oneself related, in the future will perhaps also present certain literary references. 而这样一首诗的出现与自己有关,未来说不定还会出现某些典故呢。 " Your review, does my poem also fill your intent? " Xu Ran also smiles. How he wants to have a look at this girl to depend actually when the time comes. Acts shamelessly must find the appropriate reason, but Xu Ran will not make Han Xue hold the vulnerable point. 「那你点评一下,我这首诗还满你的意吗?」徐然也是一笑。他倒是想要看看这妮子到时候怎么赖过去。耍赖也得找好合适的理由,不过徐然是不会让韩雪抓住小辫子的。 When Han Xue was speechless, Han Xue can, whatever he acts. 韩雪无话可说了,韩雪可是能任由他施为。 " My review, calculates that you crossed. " 「我点评不了,算你过了吧。」 Han Xue suppresses to blush. 韩雪憋红了脸。 Her that level, where review this type of erupts? 她那点水平,哪里点评的了这种大作? She does not study the poetry specially, but sometimes appreciates. 她又不是专门研究诗词的,只是有时候来欣赏一下罢了。 " Chess say/way, the calligraphy, the poetry, perfectly why Xu Ran's displays impeccable? It looks like soaks the Yin this field of endeavor innumerable year of experts to be the same simply. Simply. " Han Xue only thought that Heaven some are unfair, will be the person disparity so will be why big? 「棋道,书法,诗词,徐然的表现为什么都完美的让人无可挑剔呢?简直就像是浸Yin此道无数年的高手一样。简直了。」韩雪只觉得上天有些不公平,为什么同样是人差距会这么大? As if the God gave a Xu Ran person all talents. 似乎老天爷将所有的天赋都送给了徐然一个人。 What is most essential, these talents that Xu Ran displays are not on Xu Ran are fiercest. The Xu Ran's strength is! 最关键的是,徐然表现出来的这些才华还不是徐然身上最厉害的。徐然的实力才是! " Were you prepare to admit defeat? " 「你这是准备认输了?」 The Xu Ran appetite moves greatly, looks that the Han Xue stature is somewhat ready to make trouble. 徐然食欲大动,看着韩雪的身材有些蠢蠢欲动。 The unknown thing, would giving the person to bring the full exploration desire. 未知的东西,总会给人带来十足的探索欲。 The light cyan skirt that Han Xue wears is very loose, is actually elegantly simple, has the wealthy family young lady's stance very much, pours also conforms to the Han Xue status. 韩雪穿着的淡青色裙子很是宽松,倒是淡雅,很有富家小姐的姿态,倒也符合韩雪的身份。 Black silk, tight-fitting pants, shark trousers, high-heeled shoes, Bicchi...... 黑丝,紧身裤,鲨鱼裤,高跟鞋,比基…… Why Xu Ran discovered previous generation these Barbie best-selling secrets very much long time ago. His grown man, likes this pleasant sensation of very much matching the clothes. 徐然很早就发现前世那些芭比娃娃为什么畅销的秘密了。就连他一个大男人,都很喜欢这种搭配衣服的快感。 Xu Ran hurried the present to turn into a designer quickly. Because of the reason of strength, his brain is too easy-to-use, the clothing that designs can also express the aesthetic sense and makings of person enormously, every so often absolutely will devastate these big designers of previous generation does not want. 徐然赶紧自己现在都快变成一个设计师了。因为实力的缘故,他的脑子太好使,设计出来的衣裤也都能极大的表达出人的美感和气质,很多时候绝对会把前世的那些大设计师蹂躏的不要不要的。 " I will not admit defeat, you gave up any idea of! " 「我才不会认输,你休想!」 Han Xue also understands if oneself lost, oneself may be finished. 韩雪也明白自己要是输了,自己可就完蛋了。 She regrets now oneself and Xu Ran's bet to make. 她现在都后悔自己和徐然的赌约了。 She thinks at that time Xu Ran really can have such fearful achievements in so many domains unexpectedly? 她当时怎么会想到徐然竟然真的能在这么多领域都有这么可怕的建树? Now even regrets still late. 现在就算是后悔也晚了。 " Will you play a stringed musical instrument? " Han Xue looks to Xu Ran. 「你会弹琴吗?」韩雪看向徐然 " It is not good, I do not want you to play a stringed musical instrument, you play a flute. This you should the meeting. " Han Xue sees Xu Ran to nod, prevents hastily. 「不行,我不要你弹琴,你吹箫吧。这个你应该会吧。」韩雪徐然又要点头,连忙阻止。 Xu Ran four arts every kind are skilled, she really letter/believes now. 徐然琴棋书画样样精通,她现在是真信了。 Therefore, after feeling Xu Ran meets, changed a musical instrument hastily. 所以,在感觉到徐然会之后,连忙换了一个乐器。 " Do you determine? What musical instrument can you also think of? So long as you are you can think that I can. " 「你确定吗?你还能想到什么乐器?你只要是你能想到的,我都会。」 " This, I look at you to be able this! " Han Xue clenches teeth to say. 「就这个,我就看你会不会这个!」韩雪咬了咬牙说道。 " Good, here happen to have a desolate. " Xu Ran waves 「那好,我这里正好有一只萧。」徐然挥了挥手中 The vertical bamboo flute, the small face of Han Xue broke down instantaneously. 的洞箫,韩雪的小脸瞬间垮了下来。 Xu Ran how anything can. 徐然怎么什么都会啊。 Xu Ran places the lower lip the vertical bamboo flute, melodious elegantly simple desolate sound plays. 徐然将洞箫放在下唇,悠扬淡雅的萧声奏响。 That is very desolate bent/tune of ancient customs, complements each other with this side botanical garden pavilion, has the feeling that the type unites naturally. 那是十分古风的萧曲,和这方园林亭台相得益彰,有种天然合一的感觉。 Xu Ran as if that walks from the picture, because the surrounding all sceneries also this musical note becomes a picture. 徐然仿佛从画里走出来的一样,周围的一切风景也因为这乐音成为了一幅画。 The heart of Han Xue was quickly tranquil. 韩雪的心很快便宁静下来了。 She is listening, the distracting thoughts in heart also dissipated. 她听着,心中的杂念也消散了。 Such elusive sound, only makes one resound the expert between these living in seclusion mountains and plains. But does the Xu Ran merry talented person have the mountain forest that such a side nobody will ask like this? 这样空灵的声音,只让人响起那些隐居山野之间的高人。而徐然这样的风流才子心里也有着这样一方无人问津的山林吗? Han Xue looks at Xu Ran to play Xiao's profile, she was all of a sudden confused. 韩雪看着徐然奏萧的侧脸,她一下子迷茫了。 She seems to have never understood Xu Ran. 她似乎从来不曾了解过徐然 She has thought subjectively Xu Ran and Hong Chen such person is not different. Naturally, the manners in other Xu Ran's aspects definitely did not know many times compared with Hong Chenhao. But Xu Ran's is loose, is Hong Chen such obscene villain must pay homage to absolutely. 她一直主观的以为徐然和洪辰这样的人没什么两样。当然,徐然的其他方面的为人肯定比洪辰好了不知道多少倍。可徐然的风流,绝对是洪辰这样的下流小人都要膜拜的。 But now...... 但现在…… Xu Ran's each same talent that bright ancient Juejin. 徐然的每一样才华都是那么的烁古绝今。 Xu Ran should not appear in this world simply. His each same talent places sufficiently the Grandmaster who the different people accomplish dozens diverse sectors to come out. 徐然简直不应该出现在这个世界上。他的每一样才华放在不同的人身上足以造就出几十位不同领域的大师出来。 How can a talent of person high to this situation? 一个人的才华怎么能高到这种地步? Will time of person support a person so to be fierce in so many domains? Is Xu Ran the peerless talent of that by knowing one method you will know all? 一个人的时间怎么会支持一个人在这么多领域都这么厉害?徐然是那种一通百通的绝世天才吗? Han Xue has mixed feelings without doubt. 韩雪的心情无疑是复杂的。 Before she always thinks that Han Yue spoke for the boyfriend, she did not approve to the Xu Ran's talent, only thought that elder sister's love brain was too fearful. But the Xu Ran's talent really exposes , in front of her, she is clear. 之前她总以为韩月是为情郎说话,她对徐然的才华是不认可的,只觉得姐姐的恋爱脑太可怕了。可徐然的才华真的暴露在她面前的时候,她才明白。 Even she thought that the elder sister could not be joined to Xu Ran. 连她都觉得姐姐配不上徐然了。 Even said, she is unable to imagine, which female this world has to be able with him in the same altitude, can the equality with him stands. 甚至说,她无法想象,这世间有哪个女子能够和他处于同一高度,能够平等的和他站在一起。 Perhaps, falling to the enemy of elder sister is reasonable. 或许,姐姐的沦陷是合理的。 Because of her, soon fell to the enemy. 因为她,都快要沦陷了。 The charm of this man, really made people unable to extricate oneself. 这个男人的魅力,真的太让人无法自拔了。 " Flying snow jade flower " blows, Xu Ran thought that oneself heart calmed down much. This song suits in raining stands in the plain small lane, listens in the pavilion of Jiangnan, that succeeding by a quiet attitude ideal condition can actually to wallow. 一首「飞雪玉花」吹完,徐然自己都觉得自己的心静下来了不少。这首曲子适合在下雨的时候站在古朴的小巷子,在江南的亭台里听,那种宁静致远的意境却是能够让人沉迷。 But Han Xue is looks that Xu Ran looked to stay, even the song stopped not to respond. 韩雪更是看着徐然看呆了,连曲子停下来了都没有反应过来。 A juicy big eye, stares looks at Xu Ran. 一双水灵灵的大眼睛,就那么直勾勾的看着徐然 " You won. " 「你赢了。」 Han Xue sipped the red lip, finally opens the mouth slowly. 韩雪抿了抿红唇,最后才缓缓开口。 She really does not know how should the review, the Xu Ran's talent is not she can slander. She is to repudiate a debt, but she does not want to crack a joke with oneself appreciation level. When is listening to that song, her concern is joyful, is relaxes, this cannot hide the truth from anybody.. 她实在是不知道该如何点评,徐然的才华已经不是她能够污蔑的了。她是想要赖账,可她不想拿自己的欣赏水平开玩笑。在听着那首曲子的时候,她的心事快乐的,是放松的,这瞒不过任何人。。 https:// https:// Please remember this book first round domain name:. 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